Unforgettable (39 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Foster

Tags: #Romance, #drama, #comedy, #Contemporary Romance, #Fiction

BOOK: Unforgettable
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“Ye’ll no be discussin’ tha price o’ anythin’ wi’ tha lass, from now on,” Liam finally informed the wedding planner in no uncertain terms.

Breezy rolled her eyes and started to fuss until Liam glared her down, daring her to say another word about it. Maybe it was best if she didn’t know what everything cost. Otherwise, at this rate, they’d never get married.

Patrick, in the meantime, was doubled over with his hand over his mouth, trying hard not to laugh at her defeat. He planned on practicing that glare in private as he had a feeling he was going to need it if he was ever going to get to spoil her as much as he wished.

Another well-guarded secret Patrick was keeping from her was the honeymoon location and no amount of wheedling would shift him. In the end, Breezy decided that, as long as they were together, she didn’t care if they camped out in Central Park.


“It’s time, Breezy!” Susan announced cheerfully, entering the church’s changing room. “Well, almost.”

She immediately started checking to make sure all the pins and “crystal” hair combs necessary to hold Breezy’s veil in place were on hand. Little did Breezy know that the lovely stones in the hair combs were not the clear and sapphire blue Austrian crystals she thought they were, but real diamonds. Patrick had sworn Susan to secrecy and she promised not to tell on him. She grinned to herself, knowing Breezy would have heart failure if she knew the truth. The decorations for the reception alone cost more than the both of them earned in a year at The Breezeway.

Breezy was still behind the changing screen and Susan hadn’t seen her in the dress yet. Although she had been around for most of the choices and had seen part of the dress during fittings, she hadn’t been with Breezy for the final fitting.

“Is everything okay?” Breezy asked calmly.

“It couldn’t be more perfect. How on Earth are you staying so calm? I’m a nervous wreck and I’m already married,” she said.

“I’m not sure. Maybe because all this feels like a dream and I’m still waiting to wake up.”

“Oh, sweetheart…this is no dream. The alarm clock went off hours ago and you’re about to be married to a wonderful man,” she assured her.

“Maybe that’s just it, Susan. Maybe I’m so calm because, for the first time in my life, I know I’m doing the right thing. Patrick and I were meant to be and, as long as we’re together, there’s nothing we can’t get through.”

“Well, wait until you see how many people turned out for this thing! All of them came to see you and Patrick start your new life together,” Susan laughed.

“Gee thanks, Susan!
I’m nervous!” Breezy groaned.

“You’re welcome, sweetie!” Susan said with a playful giggle.

Breezy rolled her eyes.

“I’m glad I’m not showing much, yet. This dress is much too pretty for a fat Maid of Honor to wear,” Susan said, admiring herself in the mirror one more time. The front of her gown was very simple while the deep V-back fell in sheer, whisper-thin layers to the floor.

“Oh, hush! That powder blue color looks gorgeous on you and you know it! I didn’t think the wedding planner and I would ever see eye to eye on a dress…all those samples and swatches and fittings! Gah! It seemed to take forever to find the right dress and have it made in time. How did we do?” Breezy asked, emerging from behind the partition.

“Oh! Breezy! You’re beautiful!” Susan whispered in awe. The sight of her best friend standing before her in the long white gown brought tears to her eyes.

“It is a pretty dress, isn’t it?” Breezy mused, turning around to show Susan the intricate lace paneling running up the back.

“Not just the dress, honey…
You’re breathtaking. Angel or not, you look absolutely heavenly!”

“Thank you, Susan, for everything,” Breezy said, hugging her dearest friend in the world.

“You’re welcome, sweetie. Now, sit here at the vanity table and let’s get this veil put on. You’ve only got a few more minutes.”

While Susan set about putting the veil and combs into her hair, Breezy went over the play list in her mind. The sequence of the songs would determine the schedule of events. She’d know when Tom was coming to get her by the song. Right now, Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” could be heard over the church speakers. Bach’s “Ariso” would follow after that.

It was a long list so, when Etta James sang “At Last,” Breezy knew it would be getting close. Then, when Adele’s “To Make You Feel My Love” began, Tom would show up to get her. Only one song followed Tom’s cue…Schubert’s “Ave Maria,” sung by Maria Callas, which would play while everyone gathered in the hall. When Sarah, her flower girl, Janet and Pearl, Breezy’s bridesmaids, and Susan, her Maid of Honor, were making their way down the aisle, “What a Wonderful World” by Louis Armstrong would be playing. Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March” would begin as Tom escorted Breezy down the aisle to stand at Patrick’s side.

Breezy smiled to herself, remembering the sour look the wedding planner had given her when she insisted she wanted “Kiss the Girl” by Ashley Tisdale to play just as the preacher said, “You may now kiss the bride.” She didn’t care what the prissy woman thought, Patrick and her friends would get a kick out of it. Finally, “Bless the Broken Road” by Rascal Flatts would accompany her and Patrick back up the aisle as man and wife. Strange choices, perhaps, but it all just seemed so fitting.

Now that the play list was straight in her head, Breezy regarded her wedding bouquet. White roses made up the main flowers while pale blue periwinkles, violets, and forget-me-nots complimented the roses beautifully. The bouquet was laced with pearls and greenery, all bound together in a white lace band. She’d chosen a lovely shade of blue to be her “other” wedding color since blue was Patrick’s favorite color.

Breezy and Susan were startled when Tom knocked on the door and entered the room. They hadn’t even heard the Adele song.

“Wow, Breezy! You’re stunning,” he said.

“Thank you, Tom,” she blushed.

“It’s time for us to go, now,” he smiled proudly.

Susan quickly grabbed their bouquets, handing Breezy hers with a kiss and squeeze around the waist. As she darted out the door, she looked back at Breezy and smiled, her eyes spilling over with tears.

“Awww, why’d she have to go and start crying?” Breezy said, looking up at Tom as her own tears welled up in her eyes.

“Because…” Tom said, reaching for a tissue and dabbing gently at her eyes. “…my wife is a lot like you. She has a huge heart and a loving soul and she’s always wanted you to be as happy and as loved as she is. And now you are.”

Breezy sniffled and, gathering a sense of calm from Tom, took a deep, shaky breath.

“Ready, now?” Tom asked, holding out his arm for her to take.

“I’ve been ready for this my whole life, Tom. I just had to wait for Patrick to find me,” she said, taking his arm.

The first notes of “What a Wonderful World” began to play as Tom opened the door and they stepped out into the hall.

The next hour must have gone smoothly. Breezy must have made it down the aisles without stumbling. She must have said her vows without forgetting the words because, from the time Tom started walking her down the aisle, to the incredible feeling of Patrick’s warm lips pressed firmly against hers, all she saw was him. She’d have to rely on the hundreds of photos taken by the photographer Liam had hired to remember all the details she must have taken in peripherally.

Breezy and Patrick ran through the crowd of guests to the limo. Once situated inside and on their way, Patrick pulled her across his lap and cupped her chin in one large hand. The look in his sparkling green eyes held her spellbound as his lips descended to capture hers in a deeply passionate kiss that left them both panting breathlessly.

“Oh, God, Patrick! If that kiss was a promise for later, I expect you to follow through on it,” she moaned, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders and nuzzling her flushed face into the crook of his neck.

“Ah, Mrs. Day…you may depend upon it!” he promised fervently, tightening his arms around her waist.

“We’ll have to drive around for a while to give all the guests time to get to the reception,” Patrick murmured against his favorite spot behind her ear.

“You know where we’re going, too?” she cried, jerking back to look him in the eyes.

“Of course. It was my idea,” he smirked.

“Why, of all the sneaky, rotten, lowdown… am I the only person in town who doesn’t know where my own reception is being held?” Breezy fumed, flouncing off of Patrick’s lap and crossing her arms across her chest.

“Pretty much, yeah,” Patrick replied, dodging the playful slap she directed at him.

Patrick had obviously picked up some of Paul’s bad habits.

“Would it make you feel better if I told you where we’re going on our honeymoon?” Patrick asked.

“Yes, it would be nice to know,” she said, pretending to be indignant.

Patrick removed an envelope from inside his tuxedo jacket pocket and handed it to her. Breezy opened the envelope and studied its contents.

“We’re going to Shannon, Ireland?” she gasped incredulously.

“Yes, we are, and we’re going to be staying at Dromoland Castle, which is a real castle that’s been turned into a five star resort,”

“We’re really going to Ireland and we’ll be staying in a castle?” she asked again.

“Yes, but I can change it if you’d rather go somewhere else,” Patrick teased as he reached for the tickets.

“Don’t you dare change these tickets!” she replied, pulling them far out of his reach.

“Happy?” he asked.

“You’ve made all of my dreams come true and I couldn’t possibly be happier than I am right now. How do I ever thank you or show you how much I love you?” Breezy sighed happily.

Patrick smiled, entranced by the sight of her lovely breasts rising and falling above the straight edge of the sleeveless dress. He couldn’t resist tracing his fingertip along the top edge, causing her breath to hitch and her skin to pebble lightly.

“Kiss me and we’ll call it even,” he chuckled and pulled her back onto his lap.

So she did.

“I can’t believe we’re actually married…that I am Mrs. Patrick Day,” Breezy gasped when he finally broke the kiss.

She laid her head on his shoulder and gazed lovingly at her wedding ring.

The bottom ring of the two-piece set was a band with a diamond heart in the center. A tiny crown sat atop the heart held delicately between two hands. The “arms” on the hands were actually a Celtic knot representing eternity. The top ring was a larger Celtic knot and in the center was a large diamond. After hearing some of the prices just for the material to make her wedding dress, Breezy was terrified to know what the ring had cost.

She smiled, though, when she thought of the meaning behind the Claddagh wedding band, “May love and friendship reign forever.” Breezy had always believed those were the two most important things in life and that, as long as you had them both, nothing was too great a burden to overcome. She had them both now and nothing could ever take them away.

“We’re almost there, sir,” the chauffer announced.

“Breezy, I know this is going to sound strange but a lot of work went into the reception and your wedding gifts…you have no idea how much. It’s all a big surprise for you and I promised to keep it a secret until you get out of the car. So, will you understand if I ask you to close your eyes and keep them closed until we stop and I help you out of the car?” Patrick asked, hoping she would agree without too many questions.

Breezy looked at him curiously for a long time. She had no idea what the big surprise was, or why everyone was making such a big fuss, but she was already completely and utterly happy. Nothing could add or take away from this day. Patrick had said they put a lot of work into the reception, so if they wanted to keep it a surprise for as long as possible, then far be it from her to ruin it for them.

“Okay,” she agreed, closing her eyes.

As they pulled to a stop a few minutes later, Patrick helped her out of the limo, making sure she kept her eyes closed.

“Where are we, Patrick?” she asked, feeling a bit disoriented from moving around with her eyes closed.

“Hold on just a second,” he said, standing her in just the right spot.

He arranged her gown so that she wouldn’t trip over it. “Okay,” he said, finally. “You can open your eyes now.”

Breezy opened her eyes and blinked several times. Her hands covered her cheeks in astonishment as her eyes flew wide open. For the second time that day, she felt as though she were in a marvelous dream. If she was, she hoped never to wake up.

“Patrick…I…how…?” she stammered, unable to find the words to express the overwhelming feelings in her heart.

All her friends lined either side of a long walk. They were smiling at her and some were crying. At the end of the walk, in living color and astounding reality, was the Victorian home she’d drawn for years and had once shown Patrick. Not one tiny detail was missing.

“It’s yours, angel. Every detail is perfectly in place, just as you drew it, and every inch was built with love for you,” he told her.

“How did you get it done so fast? How did you remember every detail?” Breezy wondered in awe.

“I didn’t remember it, angel. I’d already planned to ask you to marry me and I thought having your dream home would be a wonderful present from me to you. I hope you’ll forgive me, but I stole your drawings the night before the Christmas ball. I had them copied and asked Susan to return them for me. Then, when your house burned down, I felt terrible because you lost so much.

“I knew you’d have to start over anyway, so I had construction crews hired to build around the clock and, as soon as it was done, I was going to bring you here and ask you to marry me. After the fire, everyone in town kept calling, wanting to know what they could do to help. That very night, Tom, Susan and I set them all to work building this house. They built it, painted it and landscaped it all. I knew it would mean the world to you knowing it was built by the friends you hold so dear and this home was truly built with love…love for you, Breezy…from everyone.

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