Unfinished Hero 03 Raid

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Authors: Kristen Ashley

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: Unfinished Hero 03 Raid
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Kristen Ashley

Published by Kristen Ashley


Copyright 2013 Kristen Ashley


Rock Chick Series:

Rock Chick

Rock Chick Rescue

Rock Chick Redemption

Rock Chick Renegade

Rock Chick Revenge

Rock Chick Reckoning

Rock Chick Regret


The ‘Burg Series:

For You

At Peace

Golden Trail

Games of the Heart


The Colorado Mountain Series:

The Gamble

Sweet Dreams

Lady Luck



Dream Man Series:

Mystery Man

Wild Man

Law Man

Motorcycle Man


The Fantasyland Series:

Wildest Dreams

The Golden Dynasty



The Three Series:

Until the Sun Falls from the Sky

With Everything I Am


The Unfinished Hero Series:




Other Titles by Kristen Ashley:

Fairytale Come Alive

Heaven and Hell

Lacybourne Manor

Lucky Stars

Mathilda, SuperWitch

Penmort Castle

Play It Safe

Sommersgate House

Three Wishes


This book is available in print from online booksellers.




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This book is dedicated to the memory of my Gramma, Mildred Moutaw.

She lived far away from me so I didn’t know her all that well.

But what I knew, I loved.


Gramma, yo
ur afghan is still on my couch.

It’s been to two countries, three cities.

It will always be with me.

And it’s e
xactly what you intended it to b

Home. Warmth. Comfort. Nurture.






Chapter One



I sat in Rachelle’s Café. Today’s seat was facing the door.

I tried to switch it up so he wouldn’t know.

If my back was to the door, maybe one day, if he noticed me, he wouldn’t think I was
looking for him, waiting, hoping for a glimpse.

Even though I was.


Raiden Ulysses Miller.

An amazing name for an amazing man.

The bell over the door rang
and having months of practice in not letting my hope and eagerness show, I slowly
lifted my eyes to look, my heart skipping a beat.

It wasn’t him.

I brought my coffee cup to my lips and took a sip, hiding my disappointment.

I’d started crushing on Raiden Miller when I was six and he came to Grams’s annual

He was nine.

He was also beautiful.

Over time, he got more beautiful. He was just one of those boys who started out gorgeous
and just got better.

So by the time I got to high school, a freshman to his senior, I was gone for him.
He was the most popular boy in school. Tall. So tall. Six foot four. Broad. Muscular.
His hair a rich, dark brown
and even back then there were burnished highlights in his hair like he went to Betsy’s

He didn’t. It was natural and still the same. His sister Rachelle had the same hair.
Everyone was jealous.

Even me.

Only of Rachelle.

As for Raiden, I just wanted to touch his hair, see if it was as thick and silky as
it looked.

Just one touch and I’d be happy.

After high school, everyone thought it was so cool he went into the Marines. The perfect
fit for him. Even as a boy, he was a man’s man. His Dad had taken off and after that
everyone knew he’d taken care of his Mom and sister. He kept their yard looking nice,
fixed stuff at their house
and even though he played football in the fall and baseball in the spring he got
jobs to help make ends meet.

He was a good kid
grew up fast because his Dad was gone
and he easily took on that responsibility which made everyone like him. So the Marines
were a natural choice, Raiden deciding to serve our country and doing it by joining
the baddest of the badasses
as everyone knew the Marines were. Or maybe this was just me thinking Raiden was
the baddest of the baddasses because he stepped up at a young age and looked after
his family. But I think most everyone agreed.

What surprised folks was when he got out.

I’d heard people talking.

“Off the grid.” I’d heard Paul Moyer, who owned the feed store, say. He’d gone on,
“Suppose it’s not a surprise, what with what went down over there, ole Raid losin’
his buddies like he did. Gettin’ that medal. What he had to do to get it. But still,
sad to see a man like him… lost.”

I knew what went down. His squad had been nearly annihilated. They’d lost almost everyone.
Word was Raiden had almost singlehandedly saved the few who survived
and not only that, he’d made certain the bodies of his comrades went with them so
the enemy couldn’t get them.

I knew this because everybody talked
but also because it was such a big deal. It was all over the papers.

But the minute he could get out after that, he did.

Everyone thought he’d make a career of the Marines.

He didn’t.

Then, six months ago, he came back to

The first time I saw him, having popped by Rachelle’s to grab a coffee, I’d stopped

He was no less gorgeous, not after all these years, nearly fifteen of them. He was
just as tall
but even more muscular. His shoulders so broad you could plant a tabletop on them
and it would hold steady. Thick thighs. Sinewy, veined forearms. Big, rough hands.


And those eyes.

I’d studied them in the yearbook. So unusual, the way the green transformed from pupil
to the edge of his iris.

They were better with him older, tan
his strong jaw always thickly stubbled, like he shaved once every week because he
didn’t have the time or inclination to bother with it
and further, he didn’t care what people thought. Those lines radiating out the sides
of his eyes which just made them more interesting.

His entire
unbelievably handsome face and his thick, overlong hair seemed to exist in order to
be a frame for those magnificent eyes.

It did a good job.


I could say this because I was an authority on this subject, as was nearly every available
and not so available female in
, our hometown.

But maybe I was the only one who crazily, creepily (it had to be said) semi-stalked
him by hanging at out Rachelle’s Café simply to catch a glimpse of him.

Okay, so maybe it was more than just to catch a glimpse of him.

It was silly
but I couldn’t let go of the hope that one day he’d walk in, look at me, smile and
maybe pop by my table to have a chat where I would boggle his mind with my brilliance.
I’d charm him with my manner. Then he’d ask me out on a date. At the end of which,
maybe, hopefully, I’d finally be able to touch his hair (amongst other things).

This never happened.

A couple of times, those beautiful eyes of his looked through me. Once, embarrassingly,
I didn’t move my gaze fast enough when he glanced through the café and he caught me
studying him.

But he just gave me a chin lift and looked away.

That was it.

He did seem to have a lot on his mind. He never came to the café to hang out, eat
lunch, anything like that. He usually moved through, always grinning at his sister
if she was around, heading straight to the back room and disappearing.

This was, of course, intriguing
why he’d come to the café and disappear.

Then again, everything about Raiden Miller was intriguing.

It also meant that he didn’t hang out to eat
and perchance, gaze about the room and fall madly in love with me.

And at that moment, I was realizing this was also not going to happen that day. I’d
been there a while. It was getting late and I rarely saw him there late.

So I grabbed my purse and tossed down enough money to cover the check lying on the
table, including a generous tip
Should a miracle occur and Raiden finally notice me, buttering up his
sister with big tips wasn’t a bad thing
. She
was a year ahead of me in high school
e’d known each other since forever and she already liked me, as I did her.

It also was earned. Her food and service were both stellar.

I grabbed my coat off the back of the chair, shrugged it on and looped my purse on
my shoulder.

“Later Hanna!” Rachelle called as I moved toward the front door.

“Later!” I called back, throwing a smile her way and putting my hand to the door.

I pushed it open, went out onto the sidewalk, did a routine scan of the street and
stopped dead.

Raiden was across the street standing beside his Jeep
making out with a very pretty, skinny-minnie, petite, big-haired, large-chested blonde.

My breath caught in my throat and my stomach churned.

She had high-heeled boots on
but still, she was so petite he was deeply bent into her. They were in a serious
clinch. The only way I could see she had big breasts was because her clothes were
skintight, her jacket was open and I could see one pushed out the side where it was
pressed in his chest.

Oh God.


She was skanky and I could tell this
too, what with the high-heeled boots (which weren’t normal-person fashionable, they
were skank fashionable), skintight clothes and big hair
but also, even in profile and across the street I could see she had on a lot of blusher
and thick foundation.

But she was one of those skanky skanks who looked cool. Who worked her
Who made skankdom something you’d consider aspiring to.

Not to mention, her
got her in a clinch with Raiden Ulysses Miller.

And he looked no less fabulous than he always looked. Tight-fitting long-sleeved thermal
over cargo pants and boots, his shades pushed up into his amazing hair. No jacket,
as if his level of testosterone was so high he didn’t feel the cold.



I tore my eyes away
and blind, my stomach feeling hollow, I moved by rote to my SUV, swung in and luckily
made it home without incident.

Though I didn’t know how.

Because that hurt.


Oh God, why did it hurt so much?

Still battling what I knew was a self-inflicted wound, I got into my house and went
directly to my girlie, frou-frou, countrified splendor living room. I sat cross-legged
on my couch, stared at nothing and felt the pain.

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