Unfettered (5 page)

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Authors: Sasha White

BOOK: Unfettered
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He laughed. “Well, you’re actually not that far off. When you come to the club when it's open, you’ll see it is a lot like a regular nightclub — except, yes, some people are wearing fetish wear and others are wearing nothing at all. Not everyone will have a perfect body, but everyone’s pretty damn comfortable in their skin, if you get what I mean. You might even see a Dom in leather pants, although I'm not too sure about the sleeveless vests. Many of us do take off our shirts, though, especially when we scene.” He met her gaze head-on. “It can get pretty hot in there.”

She fanned herself with her hand at the thought of him with no shirt, paddle in hand, and her awaiting his pleasure. “Shit, it’s getting pretty hot in here.”

He laughed, and pleasure burst through her. It was nice just sitting with him.

“So, is that what you found on the Internet? Men who wore leather pants and demanded you kneel at all times?”

She sighed. “Yeah. It was real letdown. A lot of puffed-up idiots who thought calling themselves dominant made them dominant. That it somehow that gave them the right to make it all about them. It was all about blow jobs and booty calls, but not about dominance or submission. Except for the ones who seemed to think that being the dominant gave them the right to smack you around.”

Something deadly flared in his eyes. “Did somebody smack you around?”

She arched an eyebrow. “Do you really think I would let somebody smack me around?”

“Damn it. It’s a dangerous fucking world out there, Ronnie. What made you put that ad on the Internet?

“Look at me,” she said. “I'm a thirty-four-year-old tomboy who would rather clean an engine than get my hair done, and it shows. Sure, I've had sex, even good sex, but I've never had a relationship. I've never been in love, and I thought if Internet dating could work for other people, why not me?”

He visibly calmed himself, taking a deep breath before nodding at her. “I get it. It can be tough to find someone. What made you realize you were submissive?”

She blushed, but remembering how they met up again, she pushed past any nerves at speaking so freely. “I thought about the men I had been with, and which experiences I thought were good sex, and which were just … exercise, and realized that the good sex had always been with a guy who took charge. Those guys who took charge were also the ones I’d wanted to spend more time with if given the chance. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head, and once I realized that was what did it for me, I didn’t look back.”

When he nodded, she kept talking. The words just tumbled from her lips without thought. “I did Internet searches, read some blogs and some books. The more I read, the more I wanted to do and explore. Then I found the adult dating site and thought it was perfect. Put up a profile and—bam!—I had men emailing me and asking to meet.” She stopped suddenly. Not sure she wanted to share the rest.

Blue eyes soft with concern, Ian reached across the table, putting both his hands over both of hers. “It’s okay, Ronnie. Nothing you can say will change the way I see you.”

Relief flowed through her. How had he known exactly what she needed to hear?

“At first, I was like a kid in a candy store,” she admitted. “I met with too many men and tried too many things. I look back now and think I’m lucky I didn’t get killed. I mean, I’m not an idiot, and I have good instincts. I never let any of them tie me up or restrain me in any way, no matter how much I craved it. But I did let them do things like spank me or fuck my face.” She shook her head and laughed softly. “I have to admit to having a bit of an oral fixation.”

He sat back in his chair and folded his arms across his broad chest. “Oral fixation, huh?”

“Oh, yeah.” She flashed him a naughty smile and leaned forward staring deep into his eyes. “I came to the realization that I really love sucking cock. There’s just something about being on my knees in front of a man, serving him that way. The smell, the taste, the feel. Oh, God, the feel of a hard cock stroking against my tongue as he grips my hair and thrusts deep enough to hit the back of my throat so hard my eyes start to water and I fight to breathe. I just love it.”

By the time she was done talking, Ian’s eyes blazed with a heat that damn near melted her panties off.

“You,” he said in a voice that sent shivers down her spine, “deserve to be punished for that.”

Her nipples hardened to the brink of pain, and she wiggled in her seat, but she raised her eyebrows and tried to look innocent. “For what?”

He smirked.

She grinned.

He leaned forward. “For making my cock so hard all I want to do is bend you over and sink in so deep that I feel your soul surrounding me.”

Her eyes widened, and Ian’s heart pounded as they sat there, just looking at each other and breathing the same air.

She was beautiful. Beautiful in her honesty, in her desire, and in her eagerness. Ian had to remind himself they were in a public coffee shop and it would be wrong to reach over the table and drag her into his arms.

Sucking in a deep breath, he shifted back in his chair again to try and ease the erotic tension that had flared between them so quickly. Before he could say anything and change the topic, she straightened up and spoke again.

“That’s exactly what I came to Overwatch looking for,” she said.

She wasn’t making sense. “What?”

“You,” she replied, looking right at him. “You’re not acting, or pretending. You and Simon and Adam and Conner, you’re all for real. Dominance isn’t something that can be faked, and I was tired of meeting men who considered it a game. Men who played at it because they saw it as a way to have sex any way they wanted without really caring about what their partner needed. I want a real man, one who knows that true dominance is mental before it ever comes close to being physical. That my submission cannot be demanded—it has to be earned—and when I give it, I give everything.”

Fuck. She made total sense.

A loud burst of laughter from the table next to them made her start. Red crept up her chest and neck, and Ian gave himself a mental kick in the ass. “Thank you,” he said. “For sharing so much with me.”

“You’re welcome.” Ronnie smiled. “Now, I should go. It’s almost twelve.”

“Why, do you turn into a pumpkin at midnight?”

She laughed, taking the hand he extended and letting him pull her to her feet.

“No, but it’s past my bedtime, and if I don't get at least six hours of sleep, I turn into a raging bitch the next day. The guys at the shop will not thank you.”

They walked back to the club, and he wasn’t surprised to see she drove a pumped-up muscle car painted in very-pretty purple. It was just like her. Strong, but feminine, and very, very sexy.


It was Friday night, and Ian wanted to play.

His normal focus had gone to shit. Between his negotiation with Ronnie, Thursday night’s class on bondage, their conversation, and then not being able to really connect with her during the final classroom session the night before, he was a mess. Damn good thing he was his own boss, because anyone else would’ve fired him for sitting at his desk and staring blankly at the computer screen all day.

Only, he hadn’t seen the computer screen. Instead, he’d been seeing Ronnie lick her lips hungrily when he touched her cheek, or the way her fair skin flushed bright with arousal as she watched him demonstrate the various ways to use a pair of cuffs on a willing sub. Shit, he’d thought she was about to come in her pants when their eyes met. It had been a struggle not to go to her right then, but he’d managed to wait until the end of the class. Then he went and fucked up everything by taking her for a coffee.

He’d meant to just be a friend, checking in on how she was doing, but the conversation had gotten away from him. No, that’s not true. He’d let the conversation go because he’d been intrigued by her. The way she lit up when she’d talked about discovering what turned her on made it impossible not to encourage her. It was the Dom in him. He wanted to dig deeper, push just a bit harder to see what made her tick, and she’d responded to every signal he put out … and brought him to his knees.

The only thing that had saved him from doing something very stupid was that they were in public. He’d gone home, jerked off twice then told himself she was just another trainee, and he couldn’t forget it. Sure, she was a friend, too, but that was it. He hadn’t been looking for a relationship when she applied to the club, and nothing had changed.

He’d gone back on Thursday night and opted to take the Tops for their final session. Despite the way she’d kept glancing at him throughout the night, he’d kept his distance. That’s not to say he didn’t have to jack off, again, in order to fall asleep that night, but he knew it was for the best. The classes were over, and he’d focus on helping a couple of the other newbies in the club for the next month or so. Simon and Eden had both wanted Ronnie right from the start, so it wasn’t like she wouldn’t be in good hands.

He walked up to the bar in Overwatch just after 9:00 p.m. and set his bag of toys on the floor next to Simon’s.

“Hey, man,” he said. “How you doing tonight?”

“Good, you?”

“Any of the newbies show up, yet?”

Simon shook his head, and the two of them made small talk as Kalina got him a beer. After a long pull from the cold bottle, he turned and leaned his back against the bar so he could survey the room. Closing his eyes, he soaked up the atmosphere. The deep bass of the music could be felt through the floor, even though it wasn’t so loud you couldn’t hear the sounds of leather against flesh or the occasional cry of pleasure or pain echoing through the room.

“You okay?” Simon asked.

Ian opened his eyes and grinned. “Yeah. I just needed to be here, you know?”

The other man nodded. “Training can be fun, but it’s not the same as being here and being part of the circus.”

There was no insult meant by circus; it was said with affection. Overwatch was more than a club, it was a community. Just then he caught sight of a scene playing out in the corner. The Dom had his sub on her stomach on the wide table with arms and legs bound behind her, froggy style. A dental ratchet gag kept her mouth open, so she was spread wide from a couple of angles. There was another couple on the sofa five feet away from them, fondling each other as they watched the Dom open his pants and stroke his cock only inches from the squirming sub’s open mouth.

Some might say Overwatch was a community full of perverts and deviants, but he loved it. He loved the scent, the noises, the atmosphere, and most of all, the community of it.

He turned away from the corner and began looking for someone to play his own scene out with. There were several subs he’d played with in the past still wandering around or dancing in the small space in front of the stage. He watched Erin, one of the subs he’d help train almost a year ago, dance on stage. She was nearly nude, and her curvy body moved to the music with a grace few people could claim. When she’d first joined Overwatch she’d been shy, and self-conscious of the few extra pounds she carried. She was confident now and didn’t deny her exhibitionist streak. He knew he and the other Doms in the club had helped her realize she was beautiful, and it filled him with a sense of pride.

Someone came to stand beside him, and he glanced down at the pretty redhead. “May I be of service to you tonight, Ian?” she asked.

“I’m not ready to play just yet, Leanne.” He smiled at her. “Thank you for the offer, though.”

Why the hell did I turn her down?
he asked himself, as he watched her walk away. She was exactly what he needed.

“Doesn’t she look delicious tonight,” Simon said from beside him.

Ian lifted his head from contemplating the tops of his shoes and saw Ronnie Mack walk into the club ...
with Conner Bennett

The ban on her class of trainees entering the club while it was open had been lifted.

She’d been debating whether or not she wanted to check it out or wait a couple of days, when Conner asked her if she was going to go.

Other than coffee with Ian a few nights earlier, Ronnie couldn’t remember the last time a guy had asked her out. And Conner was pretty sexy. Every time she saw him, he seemed more confident and more attractive. So, she figured, why not?

They’d made a plan to meet at the club, and she’d arrived just as he pulled up on a Harley Softail. She’d climbed out of Delilah and walked over. “Never figured you for a Fat Boy,” she’d said.

He grinned, looking her over with a gleam in his unusual grey eyes. “Somehow, I’m not surprised by you in a ’cuda.”

The ice had been broken, and she was glad to be with someone her first night in the open club. The classes had been an education, for sure, but nothing had really prepared her for what she saw when they walked in.

For some reason, she’d thought
private club
meant small membership. Nope. It wasn’t even ten o’clock and the place was almost full. Full of people of all shapes, sizes, and ages, not to mention levels of dress.

“Do you want a drink?”

She shook her head. “No, thanks.”

“You’ve never been to a BDSM club before, have you?”

“Is it that obvious?”

He laughed. “Your eyes are a little wide. C’mon. Let’s check out the scenes.”

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