Unexpected (The Unexpected Series) (29 page)

BOOK: Unexpected (The Unexpected Series)
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Shyanne starts giggling once again and I turn to see he’s gone. I catch a glimpse of him getting into a sexy black sports car, a pretty blonde in the passenger seat scowling at him. She must be his girlfriend.

What an ass! Why would he give me his number if he has a girlfriend? Well player, your number is going in the trash, but that picture...that picture will stay safe on my phone.


k, so that wasn’t the most embarrassing moment in my 28 years of existence. There was this time when I was bowling with my ex-boyfriend and walked up behind him after arriving late. I slid my hands around his body and started to grope him only to find out it was another guy. His wife looked like she wanted to murder me but I was happy. The man had an 8 pack and I reached down far enough that I almost found the end of the V. That should have been my first clue. My boyfriend had a keg. I mean full on beer belly. You would think that being on the college’s football team would’ve kept him in better shape. Apparently beer trumped working out. But I digress.

Deciding to get my red face and coffee out of there I step out into the Midwest sun.

Just as I get to my car my cell starts singing Sexyback by JT, my future baby daddy.

“I hate you!” I answer.

“That’s not nice. You know you love me.” Erin counters.

I adore Erin. She is the best friend any girl could ask for, but was handed a shitty deal last year when her ex cheated on her. Then she met Walker, one of the sexiest and sweetest men on the planet, and they just recently had a baby girl, Savannah. I get to be the maid of honor in their wedding this October and I’m truly happy that she has found someone who treats her like a queen.

“I do but that was so embarrassing! I can’t believe you called me chicken. You know how I get.” Turning on the car I blast the A/C.

“I know,” she laughs. “What’s funny is that I knew what was going to happen. Either that or the shutter would click. As organized as you are, you can be a total mess.”

“Is there something you needed? I’m busy looking for a new best friend.”

I would never replace Erin. She and I have been friends since freshman year in college when we were paired up as roommates. We continued to live together throughout college and bought a house together in the suburbs of Chicago after we graduated. We just couldn’t stay away from each other. This past December she moved into a dream home with her dream guy, and now the house is all mine. It’s nice not to have someone else there messing it up, but every so often I miss her being there.

“Yes, actually. First things first; did you give him your number?” She asks.

“Nope. He gave me his though...groped my ass while he was at it. I know it’s a fine ass, but at least ask for permission first. I tossed it though. It seems the hottie has a girlfriend. Her name is Bitch, and she’s blonde. I shall call her Blonde Bitch,” I state firmly.

“You’re a blonde!” She laughs. “Well the girlfriend thing sucks. Anyway, besides that, the second reason I called is to ask if you wanna go to a party at Trent’s tonight. Jason is visiting Alex’s parents for the night and mom is watching Savannah so Walker and I can get a night out.”

Trent is Erin’s brother. Saying he is hot is like saying the sun is just a flame. The man is a walking lady hard on. His short brown hair and brown eyes set my body on fire anytime he is in a room but he is just so temperamental whenever I am around. We’ve barely spoken since Thanksgiving. Jason is his two year old son whose mom, Alex, took off just after he was born. It’s heartbreaking because Jason is the cutest little boy ever. She is missing out.

“Uhm, Erin. Last time I went to one of Trent’s parties I ended up in his roommate’s bed.” I roll my eyes remembering that horrid night as I turn out of the parking lot.

“Come on Noe! Mike moved out months ago and it’s not like you had sex. He just wishes you did.” She laughs. “And Trent wasn’t there. I know for a fact if he was that wouldn’t have happened. Come on! I need this night out.”

“Ok. But you’re DD. If your brother is going to act like a total douche to me again then I’m going to need lots of alcohol.”

“Deal! We’ll pick you up at seven.”


’m so excited you agreed to come tonight but why are you dressed like a hooker? My brother is going to go crazy!” Erin says, taking in my outfit. I’m dressed in a skimpy black halter top with a jean skirt and fuck me boots.

“I do NOT look like a hooker. I look like I need a man. Which I do! And anyways, I’d rather look like a hooker than a nun. Where do you get your clothes again? Amish Country?” I snap back. Walker chuckles from the driver’s seat.

“This is Old Navy thank you very much!” She looks at her pink ruffle tank top and jeans. I notice how awesome her new cowboy boots look but don’t comment just to irritate her.

“And I ordered these boots from Country Outfitter,” she continues. “So shut your damn mouth. I look hot.”

“Ok, Erin. Sure,” I say as Walker speeds down Lake Street.

“You always look hot baby.” Walker reaches over and grabs her hand kissing each knuckle.

We pull up to Trent’s house which is 10 minutes from where I live. He owns his own construction company at age 26, so he clearly makes enough to live alone, but ever since he moved here he’s always had a roommate. That was until Mike, his friend from DePaul, stopped paying his portion of the mortgage and “accidentally” lost the money to pay the electric bill. He really was a winner. I think maybe Trent learned his lesson with the roommate situation and now just tries to focus on raising Jason.

His place is definitely a bachelor pad. A ranch brick house, 2 car garage, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths with an entire wall made up of windows that lead to a deck with a hot tub, overlooking his enormous yard. With his building expertise he also added an extra living space that has been turned into a game room. It has a pool table, a huge TV, every game system you can think of, and surround sound which is currently blasting Bruno Mars, my other baby daddy.

Erin and Walker take off towards the kitchen and I spot Trent talking to a few of his friends.

Trent is a handsome man. Ok, scratch that. The man is a walking billboard for hotness and has starred in quite a few of my fantasies during my sessions with B.O.B. (Battery Operated Boyfriend, in case you were wondering.) He and Erin are 2 years apart and look almost identical with the exception of her huge boobs and his 11-12 inches over her 5 foot 3 frame. His brown hair just long enough to grab onto, brown eyes the color of chocolate, and every inch of him cased in muscle. He screams male. From what I can tell, his dating life, or should I say sex life, is far from lacking. Construction does a body very good.

“Noe, where have you been? It’s been months since I last saw you. I was having withdrawals,” Trent yells from across the room, apparently already drinking as he staggers towards us and throws his arm around my shoulders. He smells like cologne and looks sexy as hell in a red polo shirt and khaki shorts. I can’t help the rush of heat that spreads throughout my body when he touches me. He is seriously sizzling.

“Oh, you know, working corners, slappin’ hoes and binge drinking. The usual.” He rolls his eyes, used to the crazy shit that comes out of my mouth.

“Speaking of prostitutes, what the hell are you wearing?” His eyes take in my very inappropriate attire, clearly unhappy.

“Shut the hell up, Trent. I’m a grown ass woman and I make this outfit look good,” I angrily state. “Even a man like you can appreciate it.”

His eyes, looking hungry, run up and down my body. I feel exposed and turned on.

“Noe. I’m serious, I really have missed you.” He places a hand on each shoulder and leans in so we are breathing the same air. Brushing my collarbone with his thumb he whispers in my right ear. “You look fucking amazing.”

Uh, what?
He is definitely drunk. In all the years I have known Trent he has never said anything like this because if he had I sure as hell would remember.

“Thanks. I think.”

“You’re welcome,” he says quietly, and pulls back, looking at me for a dangerously long time.

“SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!” Erin announces as she brings 3 shot glasses from the kitchen, all with what I can only assume is tequila. She loves tequila. Tequila, however, does not love me. Tequila makes my clothes fall off. Tequila makes me fall into Trent’s roommates’ beds.

“I don’t think so Erin. If you are taking shots I need to be able to drive home,” I say pushing away the glass she has shoved in my face.

“Live a little Noelle! One shot won’t kill you. Plus Walker offered to drive,” she says, shoving it back towards me.

“I don’t mind Noe,” Walker says appearing next to Erin, kissing her jaw line. “I love getting Erin drunk.”

“Ok, one shot. But then I’m done.”
What can I say? I’m easy

With a roll of her eyes she hands me and Trent a shot each. “To hot guys from Starbucks that grab Noelle’s ass!” She says a bit too loudly, glancing over at Trent.

What was that about?

A weird look flashes quickly across his face while I give her a death glare. Damn Erin. I had almost forgotten about him. Almost.

“To hot guys from Starbucks,” I toast anyways, lifting my glass. Trent rolls his eyes and takes the shot with Erin and me.

“To sexy girls that try taking sneaky pictures of hot guys at Starbucks.” My knees buckle when I feel his hot breath on the back of my neck, mid-shot.

Oh, crap!

I turn and am met with the fierce green eyes that belong to Jace, the Starbucks god.

The tequila burns as I spit it out all over his face.

Trent looks between the two of us and says hesitantly, “Noelle, this is my new neighbor, Jace.”

You’ve got to be kidding me.


Joshua and my beautiful children...Thank you for having patience and understanding through this whole process. No matter what my dream is you have always been behind me. My time was taken away writing this book and you stood by and supported this one hundred percent. I don’t know where my life would be without you all but I do know it would be empty. I love you with all my heart and I hope I make you proud.

Valerie Callow...There are no words to express my gratitude for a friend like you. Who knew moving across the street from you I would find a best friend, confidant, shoulder to lean on, person to vent to and cry to as well as share books with and travel with. Ensuring my happiness is not your job but you chose to make it so. I truly mean it when I say you are the greatest friend a person could have. I wouldn’t have started this book without your encouragement. This is our baby. MFE!!!

Elizabeth Froelich...Thank you for putting up with all my craziness and making sure I looked like I knew what I was talking about when it came to your edits. No one will ever know that I suck at punctuation and grammar. You are the best and I wish you lots of luck in your own writing journey! Love you.

Sydney Lane...One of my fellow author mentors. You didn’t have to go out of your way for me but you did and for that I am grateful. My endless questions were met with “happy to help” and “no problem”. You are seriously one of the nicest people I have never met and I cannot wait until I can hug you and give thanks in person. I look forward to sharing more projects with you.

Krista Elder. My fellow ZIN. That nerve wracking day in October 2012 was met with one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen. Since then you have continued to be on my side through my ups and downs. I’m so joyful to call you a Z-sis, beta reader, and great friend. You were the first one to claim Walker as your book boyfriend. I hope he continues to be throughout your reading journey. I love you!

Amber Boyd...When I needed help you stopped what you were doing and offered to jump in. That meant the world and since then I’ve continued to rely on you for your honesty and advice. Thank you for all that you have done. Who knew Vegas was the place to meet some of the greatest people! Love you!

Amanda Maxlyn...I am so proud to call you a mentor. Who knew that a lunch with another author I would come out friends with a sweet and amazing person? I am so ecstatic that I get to be in your life and your writing journey. I am so proud of what you have accomplished and cannot wait to read more of what you have in store.

Kelsi Foltyn...One of my favorite cousins. Thank you for putting up with me constantly changing my mind and then going back to what I originally wanted and then changing my mind again. Thank you for your thoughtfulness and understanding. I wish you lots of luck in your upcoming nuptials and a lifetime filled with happiness. I love you!

April Gordon...You are one of the funniest women I have ever met. I am so glad we bonded over Gavin Blake. My author picture is stunning and I wish lots of happiness to you in your new adventure in Florida. Miss you!

Adrienne Scales...For showing me that my first book I started sucked and giving me a harsh realization that I needed to SHOW and not TELL. If it weren’t for you I would have never started over with a second book. Thanks for always being patient and answering my million and one questions.

TBY Family...There are so many to name that it just seems unfair to list them all. You all rooted for me from the beginning. My life will never be the same since I walked in the doors of that gym and that Zumba class and was graced with all of your friendship. Thank you for believing in me. I love you all. You truly are my VA family.

Heather Davenport...For putting my Cover Reveal and Blog Tour together. For getting answers to questions even if you had to ask around. I appreciate your tolerance and advice. I’m so lucky to know someone like you and thrilled to spend our weekend in Philly with you!

Jenn Mooney....Thank you for jumping in as a beta and falling in love with Erin and Walker. Your ego boosting messages catapulted me into finishing the book. Thank you for doing this for me even though we have never met.

Grandma Beeman....Because I according to Aunt Randa you would be proud of me for doing this. I hope that is true even if Grandpa is standing next to you in Heaven telling you it’s smut.

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