Unexpected Love (Unexpected Series) (8 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Unexpected Series)
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Watching her cry herself to sleep over this loser is killing me. I want nothing more than to go to her and kiss away her tears. God, why does it have to be this way?

      I went to bed that night and cried for a while. I slept harder than I have slept in a long time. I don’t remember having any dreams and I didn’t wake up until my phone went off. I grab it off my nightstand and see that it is one in the morning. Looking at the caller ID, I see its Damon.

     I pick up thinking he is going to apologize, but I get, “You are a fucking whore. I can’t believe you wanted to sleep with that fuck-tard.”

     Pissed as hell, I yell into the phone, “You better believe I want him over you, you are a low life piece of shit and you don’t know how to treat a girl. It’s over Damon, don’t call me ever again and stay the fuck away from me.” I hang up the phone and turn it off.  Hoping my parents didn’t hear me. I waited, but they never came in so I guess they didn’t. 

     I start to cry again and I cried myself to sleep. I woke up later on and realized that it was late afternoon. I turned my phone off and it’s my alarm too. Crap!

I go down stairs. Mom is in the kitchen. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

     “I figured you were sick, you are always up for school on time.”

    “Nope, not sick I was just dating a jerk.” Mom looks at me all concerned and asks, “What happened honey?”

I explain everything that happened last night and when he called back in the middle of the night. “I broke up with him Mom; I am just so over it and I can’t take being hurt anymore.”

     Mom responds, “Well honey, I think that it might be for the best then.”

     Putting my head down on the table, “You are probably right.”

I left my phone off for a few days; I did not want to hear from him ever again. I was letting him know I was really done. When curiosity got the best of me, I turned it on and began to listen to the voice mails he left. After the first three nasty messages, I just started to delete them. I could not believe some of the things he was saying to me.

After all, I did not do anything. About twenty messages in, his voice got very low and he stated to apologize for what happened. I don’t care what he says, I am done. Those other messages were nasty and he really hurt me deeply. If he was going to be a jealous fool, then he wasn’t going to do it with me.

I took my ring off and I drove to his house. He wasn’t home, but his mom was and I told her to please give this to Damon. She asked why and I told her that I was done with him. I told her I couldn’t take his drinking and jealousy anymore. She said that she was sorry and that she would give it to him.

   A few hours later, I got a phone call from Damon and I decided that I wasn’t going to answer him. I had said all that I needed to say last night, so I turned my phone off again. When I turned my phone back on, I had a ton of messages again. I told my mom that I wanted to change my number and she agreed that it would probably be best. So later, on that afternoon, I had a new number and I had peace and quiet again.

  I was beginning to feel free. Damon has not been to school in a few weeks, but since we changed my number and he could no longer call, he began showing up in the school parking lot. It was always a drama fest. He would yell and scream at me causing me tell him that he needs to leave me the hell alone and I would walk away.

I was so glad that school would be out in a few weeks. I started to get my acceptance letters in the mail. I got into Harvard and Yale, but I am holding out for Princeton. I have not received that letter yet. I pray that I get in. I mean I can always go to Yale like my parents, but I want to make my own path.

After a few more days of Damon’s harassment I told my dad that something has to give, I couldn’t take it anymore. So he called the school, they agreed that if he wasn’t going to attend school then he needed to leave. Hence, every day they now have a security guard in the student lot.  I would get to school and Damon would pull in behind me and the guard would go to Damon’s window and tell him to leave. I would walk off laughing.

     I thought it would be hard to get over him, but honestly, I had no trouble. I spent more time with Elena. I realized I really missed her; Damon took up a lot of my time. I’m going shopping with Elena and my mom to pick out our graduation dresses. I was so excited. High school is nearing its end, and a new life is just around the corner. I can finally start over away from all the Damon drama.

Chapter 6



      You know that scene from ‘Pretty Woman,’ where Julia Roberts goes into the store and has her own runway
show. Well, Elena and I are doing just that. We are trying to pick out our prom dresses, my mom came with us to try to help. We have tried on half a dozen different dresses and when we come out, we model them for my mom posing and giggling the whole time.

      We are having so much fun; I am in the dressing room trying on this little black number. Elena is in the dressing room next to me, she asks, “Are you almost ready?”

      “Yes, just trying to get this zipper up, do you think you can help, this zipper is a bitch?”

      She starts to laugh and answers, “Well, I was just going to ask you to do the same thing.”

       We step out of the dressing room into the hall area. I tell her I really like the shiny purple dress.

      “Well I’m not sure until it’s zipped.”  She turns her back to me so I can zip it. I like the way it fits her slender body, but I think the top is a little big for her small breast. I
just turn for her to zip me up and then we walk out to show my mom.

      “I don’t think these dresses are the right ones girls,” mom says, while shaking her head no. I politely tell Elena I don’t think your top looks right.

      She sneers at me, “My top doesn’t fit in any of them because I don’t have a top.” We all burst into laughter, causing one of the sales girls to come over to us. 

      She introduces herself as Kim and then asks; “Can I help you ladies with anything in particular today?”

      Elena answers first, “I can’t seem to find a dress that fits a small chested person.”  

      Snickering again, “We are trying to find dresses for our senior prom.”

      Kim expresses her concern, “Well, I know we got a new shipment of dresses that I was just about to bring out. Let me see you both. You look like a size three.”

Amused I answer; “I am a size five,” thanks to my big hips and breast. Kim grins and beings to walk off, a few minutes later she comes back with a handful of dresses. Then she puts them in our dressing rooms and we excitedly go in to survey the new prospects. Right away this silvery aqua blue one catches my eye, it is a low cut dress with a rhinestone top. It shows off my small waistline and the silky material hangs off my hips, accentuating my curves. The back is almost all open except a thin line of beading, there is a slit to the top of my thigh. From the moment I slide it over my head I fell in love with it. I prance out of the dressing room and no sooner do I step out does my mom’s face light up.

She screeches, “Oh baby. That is the one. It shows off your small waist and hugs your hips. The small beading on the top is so pretty.”

I start to spin and look into the mirror when I see Elena come out in a soft pink dress. It is cute, but I think the pink makes her pale skin look washed out. I notice her mouth is wide open, and then she yells, “You look hot in that dress.”

Glancing in the mirror, “I think so too, why don’t we go look at those dresses and see if we can find one that looks amazing on you too.”

     I follow her to her dressing room, there are thre
e dresses left to choose from. I am quick to get rid of the yellow one, as it’s too pale for her light skin. Next, I see a green one its strapless and with her top issues, I don’t think it will fit right. Pushing it to the side, and there it is, this blood red dress. It’s an off the shoulder dress, the single strap has a thin line of beading and the middle of the dress is accented in a thin line of beads. It kind of scrunches at the top, but it’s a straight neck line. It looks like it will fit her perfect.

     I hand it to her, “You have to try this one!” 

    Expressing her concern, “But it’s so dark.”

“Just trust me.” I step out by my mom and wait for Elena to come out. When she steps out, I know I was right. She looks absolutely stunning in this dress. Her pale skin looks porcelain against the dark red material with her dark hair and blue eyes she looks like a doll. 

Mom is first to respond, “Elena, honey you look spectacular.”

     Grinning big she looks to me and I walk up to her and lick my finger and put it on her shoulder and say, “SSSSS…girl you are sizzling.” We all burst into laughter. Happy with our purchases we decided to go to lunch. Since my tummy made a loud outburst as we walked out of the dress shop. 

     We all decide on Olive Garden soup and salad since we are trying to watch our figures. We want to look extraordinary in our dresses. “Girls we should go to Stella’s, to pick out your shoes. She has a ton of great pumps.” 

“That sounds great Mom,” I say excitedly. Elena nods her head in agreement, since she just stuffed her mouth full of salad.

“Thanks Mom for lunch and shopping with us, in case I forget to tell you later, this was so much fun.”

     Mom beams, “It was my pleasure, dear.” 

     “Yes thank you so much. I’m sorry my mom had to work and couldn’t come today. I think she will have a heart attack when she sees my dress.” Elena replies.

     “She might. But when she realizes how spectacular you look
, she will get over how risky it looks.” Mom answers.

     “I don’t think it looks too risky, I mean sure it has a very low back, but other than that it’s fairly modest.”

    Elena replies, “The back is the problem, I can hear her now, ‘your ass is going to fall out’.”

I spit my water out! One because she just said ass in front of my mom and two that was so funny! “Arissa, what the heck, you just spat water all over me,” yelps Elena.

I sneer at her; “I can totally hear your mom saying that.” We finish lunch gossiping about our gowns and how we should wear our hair.

Stuffed from lunch, we get to Stella’s. Stella greets us, “Hello girls, what can I do for you today?”

Smiling, “We are here for some prom shoes.”

“What kind of color dresses do you have?”

“I will do you one better, Mrs. Perry. Can I have the keys to get our dresses out of the car?”

Mom digs the keys out of her purse and hands them to her. I start to scan the store, these are stunning shoes, every shape and color imaginable. Elena comes in and shows Stella our dresses.

“Oh girls those are fantastic. You should go put them on and I will get a selection ready for you when you come back. What size do you wear?” Stella says.

say, “We both wear size 7.” We rush off to the restroom and lock the door as we change.

When we walk out, we see a pile of shoes. I try on a matching blue pair of heels that have rhinestones on the tips. They are cute, but I don’t like them with the dress.

     Elena tries on a black pair and they are
somewhat strappy with sparkles on the straps. “Those are cute.”

      “Yea, I will put them in the maybe pile.” She answers.

      Smiling I point to a silver pair next to her and I ask, “Can I see those?”

  “Sure,” while handing them over. I try them on and I have to say I like the silver, but I also like the strappy pair of black ones Elena tried on.

      I ask Stella, “Do you have any silver strappy ones?”

      “Let me see.” She comes back and when I see this pair of shoes, I know they are the right ones. They are silver with open toes; the straps have little rhinestones on them. I hurry to put them on and show everyone. I stand up and show them off, with the slit in my dress one of them peeks out and I have to say it looks sexy.

      “Those shoes are perfect.”

     I smile and say, “I think I have to agree with you.”

      Mom pipes in and says, “Baby, I can’t wait to see you with yo
ur hair all done up and makeup. You are going to look so beautiful.”

      Reaching ou
t to hug her I say, “Thank you Mom, I love you.”

       I turn to show Elena my shoes and I notice she has on a pair of red fuck me pumps. I walk over to her and whisper, “You know those are fuck me pumps right?”

      Giggling she says, “I know, but I look hot in them, if my mom is going to kill me for the dress I might as well go all in.”

only the toe area that peeks out from under her dress so maybe her mom won’t notice.  Mom calls to us, “Girls stand together so I can get a picture.” Posing for the camera, we do one serious photo and then we do one sexy photo. Holding up our fingers like guns and blowing on the tip. I let my slit open and scoot my foot forward, while Elena hikes up her dress to show off her FM pumps. We lean our backs against each other and wait for mom to take the picture.

We had a blast today it was so much fun. We drop Elena off and head home. I take my things upstairs and then go out to check the mail. I have been checking it every day awaiting my acceptance letters.

     So far, I have been accepted to Duke and Yale. I am awaiting Princeton it’s my dream school. I received two letters today one from Brown and the other is from Princeton. Starting to freak out a
little, I open the one from Brown right away. I scan the first few lines and it reads, ‘we are sorry to inform you’…and I am so disappointed. I walk back into the house and hand my mom the letters. She pulls me to her and says, “It’s ok baby, it’s just one of them. You already got into two others.”

Nodding my head, “I guess you’re right.” She looks at it again and then puts it back into the envelope and then she notices the one from Princeton.

  Knowing this is my dream school, “Do you want to open it now?”

“Not really, can you do it for me Mom?” She tears into the envelope and she reads the first few words and then closes the envelope and walks off uttering, “Well if they think my baby isn’t good enough they are very wrong.”

I stand there frozen, my eyes begging, and mom looks at me, “Baby I am so sorry you got in.” She holds me tight and the tears just fall.

  I sputter, “Why don’t they want me?”

My mom pulls me back to look into my eyes and she says, “Baby did you hear what I said?”

     I answer hysterically, “Yes, you said I didn’t get in.”

     She just grins and says, “No, I said you did get in.”

Looking at her as if she is crazy I yell, “Are you kidding me?”

  “No look!” I take the papers from her and look them over and sure enough, it says, ‘We are happy to inform you’. I don’t bother to read the rest. I start to jump up and down in excitement and then it hits me, my mom tricked me.

     I scowl at her, “That was so not nice.”

    She just laughs, “I know, I’m sorry; let me make it up to you. I will go call Jake and let him know the good news; our baby is going to Princeton. He has to come home early and we will go out to dinner to celebrate, your choice.”

     I answer, “That sounds great mom. I want Roadhouse, and I’m going to go call Elena.”

    I run up to my room and grab my cell from the desk. Holding down speed dial one, I wait impatiently for her to answer. I don’t let her say anything as I hear it connect and I yell into the phone, “I got into Princeton!”

I hear her squeal on the other end of the line and I can tell she is jumping for joy just as I am. She screeches, “I am so happy for you, we have to celebrate.”

     I tell her to hold on a minute and yell down to mom, “Can Elena come with us to dinner to celebrate?”

    She calls out, “Yes, tell her to be ready by six.”

     “Mom says you can come to dinner with us tonight to celebrate, just be ready by six.”

    Excitedly she responds, “Ok I will be ready, see you then.” We hang up the phone and I just sit on the edge of my bed unbelieving that I really got in. I am going away to school, away from Damon to have a fresh start. I am so ready for this.

We pick up Elena and then meet dad at the steak house. As soon as I see dad walking up to the door I jump out and yell, “I got in Daddy. Can you believe it? I got in!”

He squeezes me tight to his chest and whispers, “Yes baby, I am so proud of you.”

I beam up at him and say, “Thank you Daddy.”

Seated at the table I can’t help but be a little sad, that I am leaving this behind very soon. Graduation is a little over a month away. I am going to miss my parents and my best friend. I try to put positive thoughts in my head and enjoy my time with them. I have had all this time to prepare for this and it’s what I wanted. It is just a little hard now that I know it is going to happen. Dinner is great as always. I had the Sirloin steak with a baked potato and a side salad and more rolls than my stomach can handle. We had a great time and I am so thrilled that I got to celebrate with the most important people in my life.

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