Unexpected Consequences (17 page)

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Authors: Mia Catherine

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Unexpected Consequences
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A wave of panic hit when she saw the small room. It was nothing more than four concrete walls surrounding a table with two chairs and the small cot where she now lay. There was no window, the only light being provided by the single bulb on the ceiling. The door appeared to be made of solid steel, save the small rectangular slot in the centre. She’d never been in prison, but she’d seen the holding cells at the police station when visiting her brothers. This room was worse. This was a dungeon.

With great effort, she managed to lift her head to further examine her condition. She expected to find bindings on her arms and legs, but when she saw none, she became more concerned that her body wasn’t cooperating. A quiver of fear ran through her when her mind flashed back to her last memories in the emergency clinic.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to call last night. I got tied up. I’m sure I would have slept better after hearing your sexy voice.”

“My voice is sexy?”

“Gets my blood pumping. Listen, I just wanted to make sure you’re still on schedule. You get off at five, right?”

“I was assuming I’d be getting off a bit later.”

“I think I’m corrupting you, Kelsey.”

“Well, if that’s what you want to call it. I have a different description.”

“Oh, yeah? Well, how about I meet you at your place later and you can tell me about it?

“I can’t wait. See you at seven?”

“See you at seven, baby.

She couldn’t wipe the smile from her face as she pressed the end call button on her phone and tucked it into her pocket. She’d been looking forward to their date for days, but after their unexpected rendezvous during the week, she’d thought perhaps that excitement would have waned. With only hours to go, she found herself more anxious than ever.

She sat down to her small stack of non-essential files. Any other day she would have already left the clinic, but with one more delivery on the docket, she had to wait. Just her luck, they seemed to be running late.

Three files later, she finally heard tapping on the front door. “About time.”

“Miss Kelsey Braden?” a man wearing grey coveralls asked when she opened the door.


“We have your exam tables. Where would you like them?”

“Right this way. I’ll show you where they go.”

Kelsey finished her files as the men worked. As promised, they were done in less than an hour, and asked her to check on the delivery. She was pleasantly surprised to find the exam rooms clean and tidy, all debris and packing material carried away after the tables were set. “Wow, they look great.”

“All set, ma’am,” the supervisor said. “Sign here and we’ll be out of your way.”

“I appreciate it. Thanks so much.” She scribbled her name on the bottom of the paper. He gave her a copy and a friendly smile before the three climbed into their truck and left.

She was in the first exam room looking over her new table when she spotted one of the delivery men’s straps lying next to her. She picked it up and ran out of the door, hoping to catch them before they were gone, but the truck turned the corner and drove away. Shrugging, she rolled the strap in her hand and decided to call the company Monday morning to let them know they’d left it behind.

She’d just re-entered the clinic when she was pushed forward and knocked down. “Don’t move!” she heard someone with a muffled voice call out as she caught herself with her hands, the strap falling before her on the ground.

She turned her head to see two large men, dressed all in black, with ski masks covering their faces. Fear paralysed her momentarily as she tried to process exactly what was happening. A moment later, her instincts kicked in and words of her brothers raced through her mind. She rose up, wildly screaming and trying to make it to the door.

“Oh, I don’t think so,” one man said as he grabbed her by the waist and covered her mouth.

Kelsey tried to bite his hand, but the thickness of his glove shielded him from harm. She thrashed and kicked in an effort to break free.

“Wow. Look at the fight in this one, man,” the smaller of the two laughed. “Keep going, honey. I like ‘em feisty.”

“Just get the strap. We’ll tie her up. We’ve got orders to bring her in unharmed,” the larger man bellowed.

She couldn’t let them take her. Her instincts told her to fight. Whatever they were going to do, she had a better chance of survival if they did it here than if they took her somewhere else. With all the power she had in her petite body, she kicked and twisted, her elbow finally making contact with the man’s ribs, causing him to drop her.

With him blocking the front door, she ran to the back, screaming as loud as she could while praying someone would hear her before it was too late. The smaller man, still twice her size, grabbed her arm and swung her sideways. She knocked over a large stack of medical supplies, scattering them across the waiting area. He was distracted just long enough for her to break free, and she shoved the chairs behind her, trying to give herself those few precious seconds needed to get out.

When the larger man blocked her path, she darted into her office, frantically picking up the phone to call for help. She realised her mistake when both men cornered her, one slamming the phone into pieces and the other slowly approaching as she cowered in her desk chair.

“Don’t hurt me, please,” she whimpered, holding her arms and legs out in front of her defensively.

“You’ve given us no choice, sweetheart.” She watched in terror as he pulled a cloth from his pocket and covered it with liquid from a small brown bottle.

“No, please,” she gasped one more time before he lunged at her, pressing his hand roughly against her mouth and forcing her to inhale the cloth’s fumes.

She grabbed at his hand with both of hers while kicking against the chair. The arm broke off, and as it toppled over she could feel herself drifting…drifting…until everything went black.

“Oh, no…” she whispered as the memories flooded her mind. She hadn’t had time to think during the attack, but she’d assumed the men had been there to rob the place, or for drugs, or, God forbid, to rape her, but instead she’d been drugged, kidnapped and brought to this darkened cell.

Fear radiated from every muscle when she was finally able to sit up and swing her legs over the side of the cot. She hugged herself tightly in an attempt to stop her shivering and said a silent prayer that someone would be able to find her.

Adrenaline surged when she heard a loud clanking, allowing her the strength to stand and run to the corner. It was as far away as she could get. She had no idea what to expect, and was utterly terrified.

Her heart nearly pounding out of her chest, she watched as the door opened and a masked man walked in. He set a bucket down in the corner before turning to face her. “Miss Braden, I presume.” She recognised the voice right away. He was the taller of the two men who’d kidnapped her. Despite his calm demeanour, her fear continued to rise.

“The sedation affects everyone differently.” He pointed to the bucket he’d brought. “In the event you need it.”

Kelsey struggled to remember every piece of police work her brothers had taught her. She began to observe detail, mostly so she could concentrate on something other than the paralysing fear, as the man took a seat in one of the chairs in front of her.

“Sit, please,” he said cordially and motioned to the opposite chair.

She contemplated sitting on the cot, its location farther away from the man, but she didn’t want him to see her on anything that resembled a bed. She took three tentative steps, pulled the chair away from the table, and finally sat down.

“You’re probably wondering why you are here and what will happen to you.”

She nodded quickly, only making brief eye contact.

“Well, as long as you behave yourself, and we get what we want, no harm will come to you.”

“What… What do you want?”

“Nothing from you, I can assure you. Although you are a beautiful woman, the men have been instructed not to lay a finger on you… Unless absolutely necessary.”

“Why should I believe you?”

“I give you my word.”

She scoffed before she had a chance to stop herself. “And I’m supposed to accept that?”

“You are a feisty one, aren’t you?

She stared at him, but remained silent, fearing what may happen if she misbehaved. If looks could kill, however, he’d be six feet under.

“I can certainly see what Jensen sees in you, Miss Braden, or may I call you Kelsey?”

A chill ruffled down Kelsey’s spine at the mention of Nick.
Have they been following me? How do they know about him?

“I’ll instruct the men to give you a sweater or some blankets. You seem to have a bit of a chill,” the man said as he stood to leave.

“What do you want with me?”

“I don’t want anything with you, Kelsey.” He stepped closer. “You’ve become a distraction. I’m afraid since you turned your boyfriend’s head he just hasn’t been as good an employee as he was before. Of course, I commend him on his taste in women.”

The expression in his eyes as he looked her up and down made her recoil in disgust, temporarily causing her to forget what he’d said about Nick. She wanted him out of the room. Now.

“So we just needed to give him a little motivation. We’re killing two birds with one stone, so to speak.”

She turned her body to sit on the chair sideways, trying to shield herself from his gaze. “Are you going to let me go?”

“That remains to be seen. You be a good girl, though, and I’ll give it serious consideration.” He ran his finger down her cheek.

Kelsey glared at the man. She may have been in danger, but she wasn’t going to be toyed with. “Fuck you.”

He laughed. “I admire your spirit, Kelsey. We’ll save that suggestion for later, though. How does that sound?”

Her courage bolstered, she refused to back down. She stood with her hands fisted at her sides, and surprised even herself when she spat in his face, just like her brothers had shown her when they’d been kids.

His pleasantry seemed to fade as he patted his hand against the small patch of skin the mask didn’t cover. “There are limits to everything, Miss Braden. If I were you, I wouldn’t push my luck.”

He grabbed her wrist and pulled it up roughly, forcing her body directly against his. “I’d hate for anything to mess up that beautiful face.” He paused briefly, giving her wrist another squeeze before releasing her abruptly and storming out of the door.

Kelsey’s entire body shook as she rubbed her wrist and crumpled against the cot.
He’s about six foot three, two hundred and fifty pounds. Remember his eyes…one brown and one blue.

Chapter Twenty

Nick turned on his heel to make another pass as he dialled his phone. With their plan in place, he paced nervously while waiting for the man on the other end of the phone to answer.

Bart had turned his back to Nick as he waited to find out if they would take the bait. His sister’s life most likely depended on it.

“Yeah?” a gravelly voice answered.

“Put Vinny on,” Nick barked sharply at the unknown goon.

“May I say who’s calling?”

“Cut the crap. Just put him on!”

“Well, hello, Nick. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you until tomorrow.” The smooth voice sent chills down his spine. Nick closed his eyes and took a cleansing breath, not wanting his anger to get the better of him. He could hear the bastard’s smile, even through the phone. “Where is she?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t believe I understand. Where’s who?”

Another pause, another breath. “You know who I’m talking about, Vincent. Where’s Kelsey Braden?”

“Kelsey Braden? Hmmm… No, I’m afraid I haven’t had the pleasure.”

Nick got a sick feeling in his gut from the tone of voice the mobster was using. “If you’ve laid one finger on her…”

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Nick.”

“I’ll ask you again,” he said through gritted teeth, his patience running thin. “Where is she?”

“You’ve become tiresome, Mr Jensen. You’ve given me no choice but to…”

“Kapman’s in!” Nick called out before Vincent had a chance to finish his sentence.

“Pardon me?”

“He’s in. He’s agreed to play ball.”

There was deathly silence. “And I’m just supposed to believe this.”

“You want to talk to him? He’s right here.” Nick nodded and handed the phone to Bart after engaging the speaker phone.

“Yeah, this is Kapman.”

“Well, well, if it isn’t the esteemed Detective Bart Kapman. I’ve been following your career quite closely, Detective.”

“Have you now,” Bart said, keeping his eye on Nick.

“I have. You’ve developed quite the reputation. I understand you are responsible for taking down Ernesto Romano.”


“Congratulations. You boys in blue had been after him for quite some time.”

“What the chief really wants is Romano’s boss.” Nick could hear the accusation in Bart’s voice.

“Oh, yes. I can see that being the ultimate goal.”

“Look, Jensen gave me the rundown. What do you want from me?”

“Perhaps it would be better if we spoke in person, Detective Kapman.”

“You let my sister go first.”

“Your sister? So the Kelsey Braden that Nick just mentioned is your sister? And she’s missing?”

Bart rolled his eyes. “Let her go and we’ll talk.”

“I’d love to help your sister, Detective. If I knew where she was, that is.”

Bart sighed and gritted his teeth as Nick motioned for him to settle down. “Fine. You want to meet? Let’s meet.”

“Excellent. My office in an hour. I trust Jensen can show you the way.”

“We’ll be there.”

“Vinny!” Nick called out.

“Yes, Nick?”

“You don’t lay a finger on her, you hear me?”

“One hour,” Vincent demanded before hanging up.

“Are you sure about this?” Bart asked.

“What other choice do we have? Look, man, you’ve been his target for a while. He won’t hurt Kelsey if he thinks he can get to you.”

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