Uneven Ground (56 page)

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Authors: Ronald D. Eller

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job discrimination in

Kennedy winter relief program for

outreach programs

PARC proposals for

poor quality of


Program 60 and

Reagan budget cuts and

relocation of, to larger towns

school consolidation

Edwards, James

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

election fraud

electricity, coal-generated

Ellington, Buford

Emory and Henry College


Employment Act (1946)

energy crisis (1970s)

energy dependence

energy policy


escalating demand and

TVA cheap-power policy

entitlement programs, federal spending on


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

environmental quality

grassroots activism for

mountaintop removal and

persisting degradation of

strip mining and

tourism and

TVA cheap-power policy and
See also
floods; mountaintop removal mining; strip mining

environmental regulations, lax enforcement of


Ernst, Harry

Esser, George

EZ (rural empowerment zone) program

fair elections campaign

faith-based activist organizations

faith-based antipoverty programs

Farmington (W.Va.)


average size of

flood control dams as threat to

industrial collapse and return to (1920s)

preindustrial, family and
See also

fast-food restaurants

Fayette County (W.Va.)

Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act (1969)

Federal Development Planning Committee for Appalachia

federalism, new

flood control








absentee land ownership and

causes of

Pikeville cut-through project and

Floyd County (Ky.)

food relief

food stamps

Ford, Gerald

Ford, Thomas

Ford Foundation

Gray Areas Program

Rural Community College Initiative

Forest Industries Council

Franklin, Ben

Freeman, Orville

Fund for Investigative Journalism

furniture manufacturing

Gadsden (Ala.)

Galbraith, John Kenneth

Garrard County (Ky.)

gated communities

Gatlinburg (Tenn.)

Gaventa, John

gender discrimination


GI Bill

Gibson, Dan

Gibson, Larry

Glenmary Sisters


global warming

God Can Move Mountains

golf courses

Gordon, Kermit

Gorman, William D.

government intervention

Johnson's belief in

as poverty solution

WWII economy and

grassroots organizations
See also
activism, grassroots Appalachian;
specific organization

Gray Areas Program

Great Society
See also
Appalachian Regional Commission; Economic Opportunity Act (1964); Volunteers in Service to America; War on Poverty; War on Poverty, in Appalachia;
specific program

Green, Edith

Green amendment

Greenville (S.C.)

Grossman, David



development vs.

mixed legacy of

as modern value

scientific management of

growth-based development


collapse of (1920s)

consequences of

Reagan and

societal rejection of
See also
Appalachian Regional Commission

“growth center” strategy

growth theory economics

Hackett, David

Hager, Granny

Hall, Eula

Hambley, William

Hamilton (Ohio)

Hamilton, James

Hammonds, Charlie

handcraft production

Handmade in America

“Happy Pappy” program

Harlan County (Ky.)

farm population decline in

grassroots activism in

growth center in

labor unrest in

manufacturing recruitment in

mining employment decline in

political corruption in

strip mining in

student service-learning projects in

transportation corridors and

Harlan County (Ky.) Concerned Citizens against Toxic Waste


Harriman, Averill

Harrington, Michael

Harrison, Albertis

Hart, John Frazer

Hartford (Tenn.)

(community newsletter)

Haywood County (N.C.)

Hazard (Ky.)

ARC development efforts in

Clinton visit to

floods in

grassroots activism in

as growth center

mining site development at

Head Start

health care

ARC and

CAAs and

college programs for

grassroots activism for

“growth center” strategy and

improvements in, unequal distribution of

PARC proposals for

post-WWII improvements in

Program 60 and

Reagan budget cuts and

relocation of, to larger towns

War on Poverty and

health insurance, inadequate

health professionals, recruitment of

heart disease

Hechler, Ken

Heller, Walter

as Council of Economic Advisors chair

meetings with Johnson

heritage tourism

Highlander Research and Education Center

high-tech economy


Highway 979 Community Action Council


ARC appropriations for


beautification of

coal industry and

as Eastern Kentucky Regional Planning Commission priority

“growth center” strategy and

interstate highway system

local access

PARC proposals for

WPA improvements in
See also
Appalachian Development Highway System


Hindman (Ky.)

hippie culture


Hodges, Luther

Hoffman, Richard

Hollings, Ernest


Hot Springs Health Program


absentee land ownership and

federal programs underutilized

grassroots activism for

improvements in

Kennedy winter relief program for

modern developments

poor quality of

Program 60 and

student service-learning projects

War on Poverty and

Howell, Jeff Davis

Howell, Treva Turner

human capital theory

Human/Economic Appalachian Development Corporation

human rights

Humphrey, Hubert

Huntington (W.Va.)

Huntsville (Ala.)

Hyden (Ky.)

hydroelectric dams



Appalachian problems as result of

consequences of

impact of WWII mobilization on

political corruption and
See also

industrial parks

Inez (Ky.)

infant mortality rates



Appalachian need for

ARC and

as Eastern Kentucky Regional Planning Commission priority

EZ investments in

“growth center” strategy and

PARC proposals for

WWII improvements in
See also

inner-city riots

Interstate 64

Interstate 75

Interstate 77

interstate highway system

Jackson County (Ky.)

Jackson County High School (Tyner, Ky.)


Job Corps

job training

ARA programs

ARC and

EZ investments in

gender discrimination in

improvements in

Lexington resolution and

missionary programs for

PARC proposals for

Program 60 and

Reagan budget cuts and

for unemployed miners

War on Poverty and

women in

Johnson, Lyndon B.

Appalachian visit of

ARDA signed into law by (1965)

assumes presidency (1963)

community action as viewed by

electoral campaign (1964)

Great Society agenda of (
see also
War on Poverty)

Kennedy antipoverty plans and

Kennedy Appalachian plans and

“poverty trips” of

Johnson City (Tenn.)

juvenile delinquency

Kanawha Valley (W.Va.)

Kayford Mountain (W.Va.)

Kefauver, Estes

Kelley, Richard

Kennedy, John F.

academic influences on

antipoverty plans of

Appalachian plans of

Appalachian winter relief program of

assassination of (1963)

domestic agenda of

economic conditions under

economic growth efforts of

elected president (1960)

as fiscal conservative

PARC established by (
see also
President's Appalachian Regional Commission)

presidential primary campaign of

President's Committee on Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime established by (1961)

Task Force on Area Redevelopment

Kennedy, Robert F.

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth (KFTC)


bureaucratic/funding barriers in

CSM petition for interstate commission

“Happy Pappy” program in

manufacturing growth in

tax structure inequities in
See also
Kentucky, eastern

Kentucky, eastern

annual per capita income in (1960)

ARC impact on

AV program in

CAAs in

civic leadership in

Clinton visit to

distressed counties in

education in

farm population decline in

floods in

grassroots activism in

grassroots organizations in

growth centers in

health disparities in

housing quality in

impact of coal industry on

Johnson visit to

Kennedy winter relief program for

labor unrest in

manufacturing growth in

manufacturing recruitment in

mine closings in

mineral rights in

mining disasters in

mining employment decline in

missionary antipoverty programs in

out-migration from

political corruption in

population decline in

poverty in

prescription drug abuse in

private development efforts in

Program 60 in

/files/20/78/92/f207892/public/private development efforts in

red-baiting in

state-initiated development efforts in

strip mining in

tax structure inequities in

transportation corridors in

truck mines in

UMWA hospitals in

unemployment in

university outreach programs in

Kentucky Agricultural and Industrial Development Board

Kentucky Appalachian Council

Kentucky Black Lung Association

Kentucky Conservation Council

Kentucky Department of Economic Development

Action Plan for Eastern Kentucky

Kentucky Department of Highways

Kentucky Fair Tax Coalition (KFTC)

Kentucky General Assembly

Kentucky Geological Survey

Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation (KHIC)

EZ Venture Fund

Kentucky Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees)

Kentucky Un-American Activities Committee (KUAC)

Keynesian economics

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth; Kentucky Fair Tax Coalition

Kinderman, Gibbs

kinship ties

loss of

mountain farms and

out-migration patterns and

Knott County (Ky.)

ALCOR program in

anti–strip mining sabotage efforts in

corruption scandals in

grassroots activism in

student service-learning projects in

Knox County (Ky.)

Knox County (Ky.) Economic Opportunity Council

Knoxville (Tenn.)

Knoxville News-Sentinel

Kravitz, Sanford

Kreps, Juanita

labor movement

labor unions
See also
United Mine Workers of America

labor unrest.

Lampman, Robert

land, Appalachian relationship with

land abuse

land conservation

land development, political corruption and

Land Economics


landowner rights

land ownership

conflicts over

strip mining and

taxes and

land ownership, absentee

agricultural impact of

ARC study of

“broad form” deeds and

as cause of poverty

consequences of

economic leakage from

grassroots activism against

persistence of

Reagan administration and

scholarship on

land reclamation, following strip mining

land use

Laslett, Peter


lawyers, local, and political corruption

Lees College

legal aid services

Leibig, Anne

Leslie County (Ky.)

Letcher County (Ky.)

Levin, Melvin

Lewis, John L.
See also
United Mine Workers of America

Lewis, Oscar

Lexington (Ky.)

Lexington (Ky.) Garden Club

Lexington Herald-Leader

liberation theology

life expectancy

Lincoln, Evelyn

Lippmann, Walter



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