Read Uneven Exchange Online

Authors: S.K. Derban

Uneven Exchange (25 page)

BOOK: Uneven Exchange
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Rico rose to his feet as the bus turned into the parking lot. “Finally, we’re here,” he said, peering through the window. “Look, Alex! There’s Kevin.”

Alexandra directed her gaze through the window and caught a fleeting glimpse of a man who looked like Jake. Not believing her eyes, she stretched to look through the opposite window and instantly saw him standing next to Kevin.

“He’s with Jake,” she announced, puzzled.

“Are you talking about your Jake?” Rico asked.

Alexandra’s head bobbed. “I wonder what he’s doing here.”

“I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.”

Alexandra tapped her feet anxiously as she waited in line to get off, but her anxiety mounted as the other passengers suddenly seemed to move in slow motion. She kept turning to look out the side window, hoping for another glance at Jake. Unfortunately, he was hidden from view.

Finally, she neared the front and instantly peered out from the top step.

“Looking for me?” Jake stepped up to meet her.

“Jake!” She held on to him tightly as he lifted her down. In a fog of overwhelming joy, Alexandra heard Rico and Kevin exchange greetings. Then slowly, she released Jake and looked at Kevin. She extended her palm to him. “Thank you,” she mouthed, the tears choking her voice. Finally, the floodgates opened. As she wiped her face, Alexandra’s fingertips felt the tears mixed with dust.

“It’s not over yet,” Kevin spoke with authority as he quickly directed them to the car. He locked Jake and Alexandra into the backseat, then jumped into the front to drive.

Rico, in the passenger side, turned to face the rear. He reached his hand over the seat and said to Jake, “Hi, I’m agent Enrique Hernandez, and just Rico to my friends.”

“Daniel Taylor. Jake to you,” he responded, gripping it tightly. “How can I ever thank you?”

“No need, my friend. I’m the one who’s grateful. Thanks to Alexandra, I finally get to go home.”






Jake studied Alexandra’s profile, trying to comprehend how she must feel. He then carefully removed her sunglasses, hoping to dry some of her tears. But when he saw the condition of her face, he struggled not to look shocked. Alexandra’s jaw was swollen, and the area around her left eye had a deep purple bruise. When he also noticed a white bandage slipping below the rim of her cap, he gently raised the brim to look. “You okay?” he whispered.

Jake watched her struggle to stop crying and promptly realized his comforting presence was only making her vulnerable. He yearned to hold and soothe her but remembered Kevin’s warning. Instead, he simply replaced her sunglasses and carefully repositioned her cap. “Stay strong,” he told her. “We’ll talk later.”

Their car slowed to a crawl as many lanes merged into a few while they were still several hundred yards from the border crossing. Typical of a Sunday afternoon, especially after a holiday, the returning crowds were thick.

“I hate this feeling of being boxed in,” Kevin said. He quickly merged to his extreme right and stopped their car along the vendor walkway.

“Why are we stopping?” Rico asked.

“Because I don’t like this one bit.” Kevin reached into his jacket pocket, withdrew two passports, and handed them to Rico. “Here, take these. There is one for you and one for Alexandra. You two are going to have to cross on foot. Jake, you come up front with me.” Kevin’s tone denied questions.

Kevin waited for Rico to reach Alexandra’s side before pressing the master switch to unlock the rear doors. Jake slid out behind Alexandra and then helplessly watched as she and Rico headed toward customs.

“Hey, Jake!” a familiar voice said from outside the window. Jake turned in his seat to search the crowd for the source.

Apparently hearing it too, Alexandra started to turn.

“Alex, don’t look back” Rico commanded. “Whoever it is obviously didn’t see you. They called only for Jake.”

“Do you know who is it?” Alexandra asked, panicking.

“No, I don’t, but don’t worry. Like I said, they called Jake and not you. It’s probably just a friend, so please let’s go.”

Alexandra obeyed Rico by clinging to his arm and increasing her pace.

Jake noticed Isaiah and a group of guys, all with surfboards, in the back of a beater pickup. Faking a smile, he waved cheerfully.

“What are you doing?” Isaiah shouted over the noise of the traffic.

“Just played eighteen holes at Bajamar,” Jake lied, referring to a resort golf course in Mexico.

“What did you shoot?”


“Ha, you broke a hundred? I don’t believe it for a second. Bring in the scorecard tomorrow. I need to see this for myself.”

Jake pretended to enjoy the friendly ribbing as he climbed into the car and secured the door. But without voicing his thoughts to Kevin, Jake was confident of one thing. He would not be seeing Isaiah at work the following day.






At the customs office, a line of at least one hundred deep stood waiting to cross, and reluctantly, Alexandra and Rico took their place at the end.

“Well, at least we’re inside,” Rico offered.

Alexandra smiled wearily. “Can’t give up now,” she added. “God will get us through.”

“I believe so too,” Rico responded.

A man in uniform approached and directed them to a closed booth where he had them wait by the painted line while he entered the booth from a half-sized, swinging door.

“What is your citizenship?” the officer asked Rico.

“US,” Rico answered as he handed over his passport.

He looked directly at Alexandra. “What is your citizenship?”

Alexandra presented her passport as she responded, “United States,” while feeling a desire to salute the flag.

The officer reviewed both passports and stamped each while asking, “Are you bringing anything from Mexico?”

“No,” they responded in unison, accepting their passports. Then, as customary, Alexandra surmised that his next question would be to ask their business in Mexico. She hesitated, not knowing how she should respond.

Instead, the officer simply stated, “Thank you, you may pass.”

Alexandra felt Rico squeeze her hand as she suppressed the urge to run outside and kiss the ground. But after only a few steps, she froze as the border patrol officer called her back.

“Miss Callet,” he repeated.

Wondering what had gone wrong, she hesitantly turned to answer. “Yes?” she squeaked.

“Welcome home,” he said.

A look of bewilderment briefly masked Alexandra’s face, followed by a broad smile of understanding. Once again, she was the recipient of the long-reaching arm of the Administration.

The officer returned her smile with one so full that his face beamed with joy. Alexandra looked upon his radiance as a confirmation of a brighter future.















San Diego, California




With knees bent and elbows resting, the happy but weary twosome sat on the painted red curb and kept watch for Kevin and Jake. They waited almost an hour for their ride to finally appear.

“Hello! We finally made it. Hop in,” Kevin shouted as he pulled over to the side. Rico and Alexandra quickly got into the backseat.

“It’s nice to see you, SAC. For a moment there, I thought you forgot about us,” Rico teased.

“Not a chance,” Kevin responded. “You can’t get rid of me that easy. Besides, I hate to say it, but we need you both in debriefing. Alexandra, honey, how’s your head?”

“It’s okay,” she answered quietly, not able to take her eyes off Jake.

“We better get it checked,” Rico said. “The wound was cleaned, and the bleeding has stopped, but she has one powerful headache.”

“You’re right,” Kevin agreed. “I don’t want to take any chances. After we get to the Administration, I’ll make a few calls to get you checked out.”

“Do you want to drop us off at the hospital?” Jake asked.

“No, but thanks anyway. You’ll get stuck waiting there too long. Besides,” Kevin said, looking into the rearview mirror to catch Alexandra’s expression. “Two very anxious guys are waiting just to hear your voice, Agent Callet.”

“Where are they?” she asked excitedly.

“Still in Cancun,” Kevin answered, “and they are still in their condo. When I told Armando and Conner not to release Daniela until you were safe, they informed me that my word would not be good enough. Can you imagine that?” Kevin teased. “My own agents don’t trust me! They want to hear from you personally.”

“Has Daniela really been out on a boat all this time?” Alexandra asked.

“I’m afraid so.”

Alexandra looked at Rico. “Was she drugged this entire time?”

“No, of course she wasn’t. That’s why Daniela is out on the boat. It’s out too far for her to escape by swimming to shore.”

“Well, if Armando and Conner are at Mando’s place, then who is guarding Daniela?”

“Another one of our agents. He is ex-military.” Kevin laughed. “With her temper, we needed a bruiser.”

“What will happen when I call?” Alexandra asked.

“The guys will radio the boat to come in.”

“That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“But what will she think? I mean, won’t Daniela wonder why she was held captive for so long?”

“I’m sure she will,” Kevin explained. “In fact, if the reports are accurate, she’s already a little more than fired up. But once Daniela hears about Santiago’s arrest, I’m sure she’ll figure most of it out.”

Alexandra leaned toward Rico and whispered, “Unless you tell her first.”

After arriving at Administration headquarters, Kevin first coordinated with Alexandra to make the signal call to Cancun, then left to arrange for her medical treatment.

“I’m going to find Natalie,” Rico told Alexandra. “I haven’t seen her for a long time, and I’m positive she’s dying to see you.”

When Rico left, for the first time Jake was alone with Alexandra. “Let’s go sit over there,” he said while moving her toward a pair of thickly cushioned chairs. “You might as well be comfortable while we wait.”

“Thank you,” she responded gratefully before flopping into the soft foam.

Jake knelt in front and covered her hands with his. “I am so proud of you I could burst,” he said. “Plus, there is something I’ve got to say—”

Natalie burst into the room. “Alexandra!”

Alexandra smiled warmly and then stood to embrace her friend. “It is so good to see you,” she said.

“It’s good to see
,” Natalie exclaimed. “Wow! You did such a great job, Alex. Welcome home!”

“It’s nice to be home,” Alexandra said. She turned her attention toward Jake. “Have you two met?”

“No, I haven’t had the pleasure.” Natalie extended her right hand. “Agent Burke,” she said. “Natalie. You must be Jake?”

Jake’s palm met Natalie’s. “I am.” He smiled warmly. “It’s so nice to meet you, Natalie. Kevin calls you Sparky, right?”

“That he does,” she said, laughing vigorously.

“Well, he also sings your praises. Thank you for taking so much time with Alexandra.”

Natalie winked at her trainee. “She’s a good student and of course a good friend. The pleasure was mine.”

“Doc’s here,” Rico announced through the open door. He walked toward the trio and said, “Kevin sent me for Alexandra.”

“I’m all yours,” she said. “Hopefully, the doctor can do something for this headache. It’s still pounding.”

Natalie placed a tender hand on Alexandra’s shoulder. “I’m sure he’ll be able to help.”

“Hey, Nat,” Rico said. “Can you take Alexandra to see the doc? I need to head out.”

“Head out?” Alexandra asked. “You just got here.”

Rico attempted to conceal a smile. “I know, but I have a plane to catch.”

“A plane?” Alexandra narrowed her eyes. “Would that be to Cancun?”

“Give that lady a gold star.”

“Rico, I know you’re making the right decision,” Alexandra said.

He shrugged. “I hope so. Only time will tell.”

“What time does your plane leave? Aren’t you exhausted?”

“Yes, I am. That’s why I want to head out now. My plane leaves in a little over four hours, so that gives me a couple of hours to shower and wind down.”

“But when will you sleep?” Alexandra asked.

Rico’s grin was mischievous. “I’ll sleep on the plane, of course. After our last adventure, I splurged for first class.”

“Good for you.” Alexandra then grew serious. “Will I ever see you again?”

“Of course you’ll see me again.”

“Don’t worry, Alex,” Natalie said as tears built in Alexandra’s eyes. “He just got back, so Rico will be sticking around for some time.”

“How can I ever thank you?”

Rico placed his hands tenderly upon Alexandra’s shoulders. “You’ve already thanked me more than enough, and like I told you before, I’m the one who’s grateful. Thank
, Alexandra. Thank you.”

Alexandra took turns looking from Rico to Natalie. “Once I’m more myself, do you think everyone would like to come over for a barbecue? It would really be my honor.”

Rico rubbed his stomach. “I’m there! Just say when.”

“That would be wonderful,” Natalie said. “But please make sure and give yourself time to heal properly.”

Alexandra nodded. “I promise I will.”

“Alex is a great cook,” Jake added. “You’re all in for a real treat.”

“You’re invited too,” Alexandra said while looking at him.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” he said.

“You better get,” Rico reminded them. “Kevin and the doctor are waiting.”

“You’re right,” Natalie said as she led Alexandra toward the door. “Jake, come on. It’s okay. You can come with us.”

“Natalie, I’ll check in with you tomorrow,” Rico said.

“Okay, be safe.”

“Jake.” The two men shook hands. “Take care of our girl.”

“I will, and thank you. I’m sure we’ll see each other again.”

“Definitely,” Rico assured him.

Alexandra leaned in to kiss Rico on each cheek.

“Good-bye, Alex,” he said.

“Good-bye,” she responded, “and good luck.”

BOOK: Uneven Exchange
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