Undone Dom (5 page)

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Authors: Lila Dubois

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Undone Dom
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It was a slave, but not one sent by her Master. It was one returning to him.


She was naked, one arm across her breasts, the other hugging her belly. Her flaming red hair hung in loose waves around her shoulders. He was surprised at how long it was. He’d never seen it down before. Instead of a styled Barbie she now looked like a Waterhouse painting with her worried blue eyes and waves of soft red hair.

He set his glass down with a snap.

“You came back.”

He winced inwardly after he said it. What was
with him?
Grow a damned pair, Alton
, he lectured himself. He’d hoped she’d be here again, but never dreamed it would be so soon, or that she’d come back on her own.

“I don’t think I can be exactly what you want, but I want, maybe need, this.” The words were strong, clearly rehearsed. She met his gaze. “I need you.”

And I need you, more than I’ll ever tell you.

Alton went to her. He wanted to hug her, carry her into the room, but he resisted. Guiding her with two fingers on her arm, he drew her into the center of the main space. As he passed the office door he locked it, which would force Warren to take Maria out the other door. He didn’t want to be disturbed.

“I do not want you to be anything or anyone other than you. The rules protect both people. When there are no rules, or too few rules, sporadically followed, people are hurt.”
People got hurt when there were too many rules too.
“This is a dangerous game. It should be played well or not at all.”

“That makes sense.” She nodded and looked away. He watched as she examined the implements on the walls. She shivered and it was not in arousal, she was too full of doubts, and seeing them, cold and frightening, was making her regret returning.

He cupped her elbows, forced her to look at him.

“Why did you come back?”

“I want to feel that again.”

“The orgasm.”

“Not just that, the arousal. It was so powerful. It was like it was a living thing inside me. I would have done anything you asked when I was that aroused, would have let you do anything to me.” She brought the hand over her belly up so both were crossed over her breasts. “That’s why I ran. And that’s why I came back. Which is very messed up.”

“No, it’s brave.” He took her wrists and pulled her arms away from her chest. She shivered, her nipples beading as the air touched them. “I will push you, I will challenge you and demand things of you. But I will teach you the rules that will protect us, both of us, as we do.”

She took a breath, then met his gaze. “I’m ready, Master.”

Chapter Five


She was crazy. She should have stayed at home, warm and safe in her bathrobe with a cup of tea.

Instead, she’d paced her tiny apartment, panicked that she’d ruined something life-changing when she bolted. Riding that wave of emotion, she’d thrown on clothes—a pink halter top with daisy dukes and white cork wedges, even in a panic she had standards—and headed out the door. She’d never turned away from a challenge, she prided herself on taking on anything life threw at her with a smile and feminine grace.

She wasn’t going to run from these feelings.

From him.

Alton forced her arms to her sides and Lulu shivered as her nipples hardened from the contact with cold air.

Alton stepped back, crossed his arms, and examined her.

Lulu pressed her fingers into her legs, stomach knotted. Should she be offended that he was examining her in this way? His regard didn’t feel offensive—Lulu didn’t have a way to describe it, but she wasn’t angry or embarrassed to have him looking at her naked body. The feeling at the forefront was a desire to have him touch her, to move forward.

“Turn around.”

She turned her back to him, nervously pressing sweaty palms against her thighs.


She faced him, watching him through her lashes. He was so big, so imposing, with his stern face and massive upper body. Yet his touch, for all its power and strength, was tender too.

“Raise your arms, place your hands behind your neck.”

Lulu did as he said, sliding her fingers up her chest and behind her neck. She tilted her face toward one elbow, mimicking the stance of pinup girls when they raised their hair with their hands. She tipped her hips to the side, bending one knee.

Alton raised a brow as he examined her pose. “Tell me what you’re doing.”

Unsure, Lulu started to drop her heel to the floor but he held up his hand, stopping her. “Don’t assume anything in my words; answer my questions when I ask them.”

“Yes, M-Master.” The word rolled uneasily off her tongue. “I was posing, like a pinup. When you told me to put my hands like this that’s, that’s what I thought of.”

He nodded, brows drawn together. He was silent for a moment before nodding again, more to himself than to her.

“I asked you to lift your arms because when you do it displays your breasts.” He settled his hand on her rib cage. Lulu shuddered, her heel thudding to the floor for balance. “Your breast is lifted away from your ribs, exposing the soft underside.” He slid his hand up until he was cradling her left breast, thumb stroking the lower swell.

Lulu rocked forward, swaying toward him,
his touch.

“We exchanged medical papers, so we are aware that we both test clean. You are using birth control. Correct?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Would you prefer I use a condom?”

“I hadn’t thought about it.” Lulu couldn’t think about anything as his thumb moved up to her nipple.

“Then it will be at my discretion. Repeat the safewords I told you in the email.”

“Banana for slow down. Strawberry for stop.”



“Tell me.” He gaze caught hers. He was fierce and powerful, his power radiating from him, surrounding her, demanding her submission.

“Please, touch me, Master.”

“I am touching you.”

“More. I want more.”

With a growl he spun her around, pulling her back against his body. She felt the cool leather of his vest, the warmth of his chest and the heat of his erection. He grabbed her, one hand on her breast, the other covering her bare sex. He lifted her onto her toes, fingers digging into her pussy.

His middle finger pressed into the cleft of her sex, his other fingers holding the lips closed around his finger.

“Is this enough?”

“No, Master.” Lulu ground her hips against his hand, but balanced on her toes she didn’t have the leverage she needed, she couldn’t rub herself against him the way she wanted to.

The arousal she’d felt since she stood in the foyer stripping off her clothes was fully awake, roaring inside her. Fear, trepidation and self-doubt were no match against the beast of her need.

She tipped her head back against his shoulder then turned her face into his neck, breathing in his scent. She laced her fingers through his hair. This time Alton trembled.

“I’ll give you what you need.” His hands slipped from her, leaving her cold and alone. “Lift your hands, display yourself for me as you did before.”

Lulu turned to watch him as she lifted her hair away from her neck with her hands, posing, waiting.

He went to a kitchen drawer and pulled something out, tucking it into the pocket of his jeans before returning to her.

“Hold out your right arm.”

Lulu slowly extended her arm, watching her hand part the air between them. He took a strip of brown leather from his pocket and wrapped it around her wrist. It was nearly two inches thick and buckled in place. A heavy silver ring dangled from it, held in place by a second strip of leather sewn over the top of the first. It was thick and heavy. When Alton tugged it she felt the weight, the control he’d taken.

“Your left arm.”

Lulu’s weighted right arm dropped as she held out her left arm.

He cupped her hand in his larger one, rubbing her wrist with his thumb. He pressed down on the inside of her wrist, feeling her pulse before cuffing it.

Alton looped his finger through the ring in her cuff. “Follow.”

He led her to a blank spot on the wall and positioned her with her back against it. “Lift your arms above your head. I’m going to restrain you.”

A shiver of fear racked her. Was she ready to let him do this? To be totally at his mercy?

He looked down at her, stern face unreadable. “Tell me why you’re hesitating to obey.”

Lulu licked her lips but the emotional knot in her belly—arousal, fear and anticipation—was so tangled she couldn’t come up with anything to say.

Alton grabbed her chin, forced her face up. “There are three possible reasons you’re refusing. I will list them and you will tell me which is correct. A. You do not want to follow verbal orders, you want to be physically forced to obey every command.”

Lulu’s eyes widened and she tried to shake her head. He pinched her chin until she went still.

“B. You’re regretting coming back here and would like to leave, but are unsure how to do so.”

Lulu held still, hoping he read the denial in her eyes.

“C. You’re scared of being restrained, or of acting on things that until now you’ve only fantasized about.”

He released her chin.

Lulu licked her lips. “C, Master. I’m scared, but I don’t want to leave.”

He nodded. “Fear is as much a part of this life as arousal. Thank you for being honest with me.” He traced her jaw with one finger. “Now lift your hands.”

Lulu jumped. His voice was laced with steel, brooking no argument. She

When her arms were over her head, he left her standing there and watched her. After a minute Lulu’s fear receded and she started to enjoy the new vulnerability.

Almost as if he knew, and maybe he could tell, Alton stepped forward when she was calm. Catching her wrists, he fastened her cuffs to short chains that dangled from the ceiling. When he was done her arms were above her head, elbows bent enough that she wasn’t uncomfortable.

Alton made a sound, something between a grunt and a growl. “I like you chained and on display. You’re beautiful.”

Lulu tipped her head into her arm, hiding the flush of arousal that mounted her cheeks.

“I haven’t taken the time to properly inspect you.” He slid one hand between her back and the wall, drawing her away a few inches. “You’re mine. Every inch of you.”

“Yes.” Lulu arched her back, thrusting out her aching breasts. She wanted to feel him against her. She took a step forward—only to be pulled up short by the chains.

He started with her arms, just below the cuffs. He wrapped his big hands around her forearms. In a firm grip he stroked her arm down to her elbow, his touch almost like a massage. Over her elbow and along her upper arms he touched her. When he reached her armpits he pressed his thumbs firmly into the hollows, then caressed her sides down to her hips.

From her hips his hands moved to her ass, cupping and kneading the cheeks. He pulled them apart, cold air caressing her anus, and Lulu whimpered in the certainty that he was going to touch her there, maybe even fuck her anally.

From her ass he explored her belly, working his way up to her breasts. She was panting by the time he took a heavy globe in each hand. She had a moment to be self-conscious. Her breasts were large and hung low on her chest, a product of nature but something never seen on TV or in magazines.

His thumbs flicked her nipples until they were hard pink beads. He released her breasts to pinch a nipple in each hand. She gasped out shallow little breaths, lifting on to her toes as he rolled and pulled the sensitive tips, drawing them away from her breasts.

She felt each tug and twist in her sex, her arousal so acute there was a beautiful moment when Lulu thought she’d come just from his fingers on her breasts. He released her nipples, her breasts jiggling against her chest.

“No,” Lulu gasped, her eyes snapping open. She’d been so close. “Master, please.”

He cupped her cheek and tipped her face up. His eyes searched her with an intensity that was almost frightening. “You’re mine.”

Alton drew over a chair—the simple one with arms. He placed it directly in front of her, so close his knees brushed her legs when he sat.

“Place your left foot on the arm of the chair.”

Bracing her shoulders against the wall, Lulu gingerly raised her foot and braced it against the padded arm. Alton took a small coil of thin white rope from his pocket and looped it around her ankle three times. He tied it, then tied the dangling ends around the arm of the chair.

“What if I fall?” Lulu whispered. She felt as if the world were spinning out of control already, and if he touched her for much longer she’d lose her balance.

“I won’t let you. And you’re to address me as Master.”

“S-sorry, Master.”

Starting at her ankle, Alton stroked and petted her left leg, working his way up to her sex.

But he didn’t touch her there, instead he worked his way down her weight-bearing right leg to mid-calf.

“Oh please, Master, please.” The words came out between gritted teeth. Lulu felt half mad with the need to be touched, really touched.

“Please what?”

“Touch me.”


“My, my…” Lulu sputtered on the word, not sure what to say, embarrassed to use crass language.

“Your pussy.” He stroked her mound, then trailed a finger down each side, around the lips of her sex, still not really touching her. “This is your pussy. Say it.”

“Pussy. My pussy.”

“Push your hips forward, I want to see your pussy better.”

Lulu thrust her hips forward eagerly, nearly throwing herself off balance, but he had a hand on each thigh, holding her steady.

“You have a beautiful pussy, very pink. You’re incredibly wet.” One finger stroked the center length of her pussy and it felt as if she’d been shocked with electricity. He rubbed his finger on the inside of her left thigh. It left a warm, wet smear.

He dipped his finger in again. His other hand reached back and separated the cheeks of her ass. His wet fingers rubbed the cleft of her ass before settling against her anus. Lulu yelped.

“When was the last time you were used anally?”

Lulu looked down at him. His dark head was bent, his attention focused on her pussy, which was only a foot from his face.

When she didn’t answer he looked up, brows drawn together. “Luanne, answer me.”

She bit her lip. His finger pushed into her ass, just a fraction. She cried out, coming up on her toes as she thrashed her head side to side. No, she wasn’t ready.

His frown deepened but there was a line of puzzlement between his brows. The pressure against her anus eased. “Luanne, when was the last time you were used anally?”

She met his gaze. “Never.”

Alton took his hands from her ass as his face smoothed out in shock. “You’ve never had anal sex.”




“A finger?”

Lulu was starting to feel like a freak. “N-no. Most people don’t do that!”

Alton crossed his arms. “Most
don’t have anal sex.”

It was almost a question, but Lulu wasn’t sure if she should answer. She looked down.

“I will use you anally.”

His words sent a fresh wave of combined fear and arousal through her. She nodded, didn’t look up.

“But I will take time to properly break in your ass.”

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