Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance)
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Second Chance Bodyguard
Chapter One


“But Daddy, I don’t
a bodyguard!” Gemma flipped her mahogany curls behind her and rolled her eyes. Her father, Kurt Rochester, was on her case again about security, about her party habits and worst of all about taking the reins of Rochester Holdings.

“Dammit Gemma I won’t have you hurt like Liana!” He banged his fists on his oversized oak desk as her roared at her. “Either you will take a bodyguard or you will stay here.”

She sighed heavily, tired of this conversation she’d had for what felt like the hundredth time. Six months ago Gemma’s cousin Liana had been kidnapped and held for one week in a shack in the desert about two hundred miles outside of Las Vegas. When the $10 million ransom was paid Gemma’s father and his twin brother Ken took a helicopter to retrieve Liana. She was battered and beaten—literally—with a fractured leg and broken arm, broken ribs and a concussion. Since then poor Liana hadn’t left the family compound in Henderson, and
Gemma had to deal with an overprotective father and uncle determined to wrap her in cotton. “Well
I am a grown woman and you can’t tell me where I can and can’t go. I worked hard to win this trip and I’m going, so I suggest you figure out a way to be okay with it.”

Kurt sat back and eyed his daughter critically. She was beautiful without a doubt, dark wavy hair that bounced when she walked, blue eyes flecked with green and a long dancer’s frame that she inherited from her mother. But Kurt knew Gemma was also stubborn and determined to get her own way, which she could attribute to his DNA. She was a party girl but, he had to concede, she was also a hard worker. He just wished she wanted to take over the family company
Rochester Holdings
rather than become a writer. He shook his head in distaste,
a writer
. Goodness he’d rather her do anything but that. “Don’t do anything until you hear from me Gemma.” Before she could respond he held up a hand to stop her. “Two days Gem. Give me two days and we’ll talk again. Okay?”

Gemma stood and leaned over the desk for a kiss. “Sure thing, Daddy. I’ve got a few things to pick up for my trip anyway. Call me when you’re ready to discuss my trip.” She smiled and bounced out the door before he could say anything else. It was her favorite trick to use on her father and her ex, Tad. She would rephrase their ‘orders’ in a way that suited her then rush off before they could contradict her. She smiled to herself that it had worked so beautifully this time, but she didn’t fool herself. This conversation about her safety wasn’t over by a long shot. In fact she wouldn’t be surprised if her father had already hired a bodyguard. She shrugged the thought off and slid her Chanel sunglasses on her face and let the Las Vegas sun wash over her.
Grand Canal Shoppes here I come!

Five hours later Gemma was weighed down with more than a dozen bags and she was ready for her week on Indigo Dreams Island Resort. Whatever her daddy said, she would be on that plane in five days armed with a half dozen bikinis, her laptop, backup USB and tons of ideas for her first full length novel. She was officially a ‘Young Writer of Tomorrow’ even if she wasn’t all that young and barely a writer. But she’d won and this was just what she needed to prove to her father that she had her own career aspirations. She slid into her red Audi TT and turned onto the Strip.

She pulled up to the security gate of Rochester House and slowed when she caught sight of Tad’s black Mercedes.
Jeez the man couldn’t take no for an answer.
“What do you want Tad?” She rolled her eyes and tried to control the annoyance in her voice.

Tad flashed his flirty smile at her, the one that used to drive her wild. “Can’t a man just stop by to see his girlfriend?”

-girlfriend. And no he can’t. So I ask again, what do you want?” She stepped out of the car to make sure he didn’t try to stick his tongue down her throat again.

Tad sighed and came closer until she held up a hand to stop him. “Look Gemma this is ridiculous. We belong together, we’re perfect for each other. Why are you being so insistent about this?”

Belong together? Yeah right, Gemma knew Tad was interested in Rochester Holdings and the billions it made each year.
“Because I don’t want to be with you Tad. I don’t love you, and with this behavior I barely like you right now.” She saw his eyes narrow in anger momentarily before reverting back to playful and flirtatious.

“Come on babe,” he held his hands out wide to show off his muscles under his blue dress shirt. “It’s me, Tad. I just want to love you and keep you safe.”

Gemma scoffed. “You don’t love me Tad and we both know it. And I don’t need your help to stay safe so thanks, but no thanks.”

He turned back to his car, hand gripped on the door handle. “We will be together Gemma, trust me.”

She looked at him closely and she could see the anger simmering just below the surface but she couldn’t understand it. She knew he was probably sore from missing out on the Rochester fortune but there was no reason to be
upset. She vowed to keep her distance from now on. Gemma looked back at him before she slid into her car, fingers hovering over the security pad. He was smiling but his eyes still looked angry and his smile was menacing.

“I’ll talk to you again soon Gemma. Real soon.”

Message received. Jerk off.




Brody Keller stood tall behind his desk, arms crossed and biceps looking intimidating inside his standard grey t-shirt. Kurt Rochester sat on the other side of the desk in his expensive suit and stern face, waiting for his answer. He needed a bodyguard for his “wild child daughter” and he didn’t want just
bodyguard. No, he had to have the owner of the company rearrange his schedule to travel to a tropical island to keep his spoiled princess safe.
Things could be worse.
“I’ll have to check my schedule Mr. Rochester and I’ll get back to you in twenty four hours.”

Rochester stood and adjusted his tie. “I’m willing to double your rate if you personally handle this, Mr. Keller.”

Brody clenched his teeth and mentally cited programming code to keep his fists from curling into balls and hurling toward the man’s face. Rich guys like this always thought they could throw money at a problem and solve it. “I’m aware of that Rochester but as the CEO of this company I have to make sure other matters will be taken care of before I can jet off to some island with your daughter.”

His eyes widened in surprise then settled into respect for the young man before him. “Very well then Mr. Keller. I hope to hear from you soon, then.”

Brody nodded and escorted the man out of his office and through the lobby to the elevator. “I’ll get back to you before the close of business tomorrow.”

Kurt Rochester nodded, “Please Mr. Keller. You may not take this seriously but I am terrified for my daughter’s safety but she insists on this trip and I’ve heard you’re the best.”

The man had to go and make himself seem human, didn’t he? Brody knew he would take the job and he already wanted to kick his own ass for it. He could see the true distress in the man’s face and knew he would keep his daughter safe.
Even if it killed him.

He stalked back to his office and picked up the phone and called his partner and best friend. “Max I’ve got a job for the next ten days so you’re in charge.”


Chapter Two


“I hope you know I haven’t changed my mind, Daddy.” Gemma felt an odd sense of déjà vu as she sat in the same plush leather club chair opposite her father in his office inside the building that housed Rochester Holdings. She was dressed casually in dark blue denim and a loose cotton t-shirt, a look her father loathed and she knew it. But today wasn’t just about a bodyguard, it was also about showing him who she was. And wasn’t. She was a writer now, which meant she was comfortable all day. She would no longer wear stuffy tea dresses or bland suits just to blend in with the rest of their social circle. She was her own person and Daddy would just have to accept it.

Kurt Rochester smiled a patient smile at his only daughter. “Well Gemma I haven’t changed my mind either. You can go to Indigo Dreams for your
little workshop
and redeem your trip, but you will take protection with you.”

She wrinkled her brows and nose, “You mean like a gun? Daddy I really don’t think there’s a need for a gun on a tropical island.”

“Not a gun, dammit Gemma. A bodyguard. I’ve already hired one so there’s no need throw a fit about it.” He sat back and waited for his daughter to throw the tantrum he knew was coming.

“No, absolutely not! Having someone else around defeats the purpose of winning a week of virtual solitude. How the hell am I supposed to write with some no neck muscle man hovering?”

“You’ll find a way Gemma or you’ll find Indigo Dreams shut down before your plane touches down.”

Gemma sighed. She knew her father wasn’t bluffing, he wasn’t capable of bluffing. He made a promise and he followed through. Period. End of story. “Fine.”

Kurt sat up quickly, suspicious of Gemma’s quick turnaround. “Fine? You’re not going to argue or act like a child?”

Gemma smarted at his description of her behavior but she refused to take the bait. “I said fine Daddy, what more do you want me to say?” She huffed impatiently and stood, slinging her soft leather hobo bag over her shoulder and walking to the door. “Just give the goon you hired my address and tell him to be there Tuesday morning.”

“Uh, sweetheart he’s,”

She threw up her hand. “I don’t care Daddy, just have him show up!”

“The goon is here.”

The fine hairs on the back of Gemma’s neck stood up at the deep rumble behind her. She could never forget the scent of sandalwood and lemongrass. It was a unique combination that she had only smelled once, for three wonderful days, and she knew the scent belonged to only one man. She turned and looked up, and up, and up at the one man she thought she’d never see again. “Brody,” she whispered in awe. Shock.

Brody paused for the briefest second and she saw the moment the mask fell into place. He extended his hand to her. “Ms. Rochester, good to see you.”

Okay so that’s how we’re going to play it?
She raised a questioning eyebrow at Brody but he remained stoic, emotionless. She slapped her small hand into his—he was much larger than she remembered—and returned an equally cool greeting. “Mr. Keller.”

“Mr. Keller is the best in the field of surveillance and security. His firm has gained quite a lot of buzz from important people in the past few years so I trust him to keep you safe and you should too.” Kurt’s face lifted into what could be called a smile, if it didn’t look so strained and out of place on him.

Gemma cut a surprised gaze up at Brody who was looking at her father. She was shocked to hear her father so effusive about anyone, but especially a blue collar guy like Brody.
Not so blue collar anymore
, her conscious taunted. Apparently Brody Keller had done well for himself. Of course he did because he was also even sexier than he was five years ago. He was bigger, taller, more muscular, his face more defined. He was a big bag of yum and he was her bodyguard. His deep voice cut through her musings.

“I have your address Ms. Keller and I will arrive at your compound at 0500. That will give us plenty of time to get to the airstrip, do a sweep and board the plane.” He handed her a business card clenched lightly between his fingers. “Call if you find yourself in trouble.” He nodded to her father and walked away without sparing her a second look.





Brody waited patiently, well as patiently as one could be when being smacked in the face with the most foolish mistake he had ever made, as the elevator descended ten floors and the moment the doors slid open he charged out into the dry desert heat. He looked left, then right, unsure exactly where he was going but knowing that he needed to go somewhere else,
else that would get him as far from Gemma Rochester as he could be. He couldn’t believe it, just could
fucking believe that this job he’d been guilted into taking was protecting Gemma Rochester. Wild child, socialite, rich bitch, who was apparently in some sort of danger.
Go figure

He turned left and walked and walked until sweat began to seep through his grey t-shirt. He stopped on a random bench and purchased the overpriced bottle of water being sold by a street person. “Thanks,” he mumbled as he gulped down half the bottle.

Gemma Fucking Rochester.
That girl, now woman, was the biggest mistake he’d ever made.
Five years ago he was at home on leave, trying to figure out what he was going to do with his life. He could re-up for another four years as a Ranger or he could leave the service and start his life as a civilian. He wasn’t ready to leave the service but he wasn’t sure he wanted to do another tour either, so he did what any 24 year old on leave in Las Vegas would do. He partied his ass off. He went with a few other Rangers and they hit up all the clubs, getting sweaty with hotties of all stripes.

Then he’d seen her.

First he spotted tanned legs that went on forever before noticing a sweet round ass hidden behind a small piece of cotton that he guessed was supposed to be a skirt. Her back was bare except for a few strings and her midsection proudly displayed a tight and toned belly. She was a fucking knockout and before Brody realized what was happening, his nose was buried deep in thick chocolate waves, hands softly gripping her small waist. “You are by far, the hottest fucking thing in here,” he practically yelled in her ear over the bass.

She turned in his arms and he was hit with the force of how beautiful she truly was. Her smile was bright and without artifice, her blue and gold eyes as mesmerizing as her legs, high cheekbones gave her an exotic look and she smelled like a woman. A soft woman he could bury his cock deep into. She leaned in and he could see her dilated pupils and quick breaths. “You’re pretty easy on the eyes yourself.”

Brody smiled and pulled her in closer so their bodies were flush against one another. He felt her hard nipples through his shirt. “I’m Brody,” he leaned in to introduce himself, punctuating it with a nip to her earlobe. She giggled, which he thought he hated until her heard the sweet melody of her giggle.

“I’m Gemma.”

The smile she sent him clutched and twisted in his chest and he couldn’t have left that dance floor without her under threat of death. They danced for two hours, glued to one another as if they were the only two people on the dance floor. They swayed and grinded and got freaky in the middle of the nightclub until finally Gemma leaned in and whispered, “Let’s get out of here Brody.”

He grabbed her hand and practically dragged her off the dance floor and out of the club. Ten minutes later they were at his hotel where they stayed for three days.

Brody snapped out of his trip down memory lane when he realized he’d squeezed the water bottle until it was a mangled mess of plastic. Dammit the last thing he needed was to remember how the woman he now had to protect with his life had completely humiliated him and shredded his heart.

It was his last day in Vegas before heading back to base. His bag was packed and sitting by the door as he prepared to say goodbye to Gemma. He’d wrapped his big arms tightly around her small frame and kissed the side of her head. “What would you say if I told you I was thinking about staying?” He looked at her with so much hope in his eyes and he felt her stiffen.

“Brody I had a great time but this was nothing more than a fling,” she was uncomfortable he could tell as she tried to slither out of his arms.

“A fling? So are you saying you felt nothing this weekend? Nothing but my cock sliding in and out of your pussy until you squeezed me dry?” He took a few steps back and crossed his arms. “That’s all?”

Gemma wrapped her arms around her in a protective measure. Her sigh was heavy and full of indecision. “Look Brody I like you, I really do. But you and I are too different.”

“What the hell does that mean? You don’t date soldiers or is it because you’re obviously loaded and I’m not.” Her guilty look away told the truth and he nodded. “So what was this, your weekend to slum it?”

She shook her head vehemently. “It wasn’t that at all Brody, I told you I really like you. But if I’m being honest there is no future for us. You have no money and I do. It will come between us always from choosing a restaurant to where we’ll live and how we’ll live.” She grabbed onto his biceps, pleading with him. “You know it’s true Brody.”

He nodded but he had been so angry he couldn’t look at her so he looked at the view just beyond her shoulder. “I see.” He turned and walked to the door, picking up his bag before he turned to face her, eyes bleak. “Thanks for the fuck Gemma. Have a great life.” He walked away and while he had thought about her, he hadn’t laid eyes on her again. Until today.

No matter. He would get through the next ten days, somehow, and he would never have to set eyes on Gemma Rochester again.




Gemma was scrambling around her bungalow in search of the charger for her laptop. The past three days had not gone according to plan, at all. Instead of writing and packing her bags and spending time with Liana, she had spent most of the weekend thinking about the strange look in Tad’s eyes and Brody. If she was honest, her thoughts were mostly about Brody Keller. Looking good as hell and torturing her senses and wreaking havoc on her ability to sleep.

Not that she
sleep, she had, but her sleep was filled with memories of Brody and his scent and the way his body felt buried deep in hers.
She wished Daddy had chosen anyone but Brody to be her bodyguard. His reaction to her made it clear that he still hated her and she couldn’t really blame him. It could be easily solved and it would. Gemma would apologize and they could at least be friendly to one another while they were on the island. She heard a knock at the door and checked her cell phone for the time. “Shit. Coming,” she yelled as she spotted the charger and tossed it in her bag.

She swung the door open and was met with a glorious early morning sight. Brody looking like sex on a stick in a thin white t-shirt that hugged the delicious muscles in his arms and chest and faded jeans that hugged his powerful thighs so temptingly. “Brody.” His name came out on a breathy sigh that made her wince but she couldn’t control it. She couldn’t see his eyes behind the mirrored sunglasses he wore, which she figured he’d done on purpose. “I’m almost ready,” she rambled on and left him at the door as she threw a few last minute things in her bag. “If you get those bags by the door, I’ll finish up here.” When he said nothing she looked over her shoulder.

“Ms. Rochester I am your bodyguard, not your butler and not your valet. Get your own bags. I’ll be in the car.” He turned and seconds later she heard a car door slam shut.

“Well that went well,” she mumbled to herself as she zipped the last bag and slung a beach bag over her shoulder. She locked her door and tossed her bags in the open trunk. “Okay I’m ready,” she smiled at him when she slid in next to him.

“Put your seatbelt on,” he grunted before putting the car in drive and exiting the compound.

Gemma sighed in frustration, dammit. This trip was supposed to be a reward, the kickoff to her professional writing career. It was not supposed to begin with tension and it did not feature a handsome man who seemed to hate her guts. “Is it going to be like this for the next ten days?”

“Like what Ms. Rochester?”

She wanted to scream at him! “Like this. You being rude and hardly saying two words to me?”

“I’m here to protect you Ms. Rochester, not to entertain you.”

Well that was more than two words
. “And stop with the fucking
Ms. Rochester

He sighed, biting back a laugh. “Fine Gemma. Better?”

“It’s a start, I guess.” She crossed her arms and stared out the passenger window for a long quiet moment. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry I was such a bitch to you back then and I said such awful things. It’s just th--,”

“There’s no need for all that Gemma. I’ll still keep you safe.”

She glared at him, wanting to smack some sense in his stupid sexy face. “I’m not apologizing so you’ll protect me, I’m apologizing because I’m sorry you jackass.”

Brody put the car in park and sighed heavily as he got out of the car and walked around. “Apology not necessary, but accepted.” He took her hand out of the car and led her to the private plane belonging to Rochester Holdings.

BOOK: Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance)
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