Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance) (15 page)

BOOK: Undone: A New Adult College Bad Boy Romance (Mature Young Adult Fun Contemporary Romance)
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“I’m surprised you even noticed I left. Tell me Jake, how long was it before you noticed I was gone?” He was about to speak but she wouldn’t let him. “Because I’ve been home for close to an hour.”

Shit, had it been that long?
Jake felt like a dick. He’d asked Auggie to come with him and he planned to use the magic of the evening to tell her how he felt, but he screwed it all up. “So you left without saying goodbye?”

“I didn’t think it was necessary since you were having so much fun on the dance floor.” She got up and went to the kitchen to refill her glass of wine. “Besides you only invited me to keep the women at bay and you changed your mind. I didn’t want to be there anyway so don’t worry about it.”

She didn’t want to be there?
Had he been planning for romance while she was planning her escape strategy? He couldn’t believe it, not after the way she kissed him and her pupils were dilated and her breathing heavy. “Shit Auggie. Kitty is just a friend who likes to pretend we’re more than what we are. She has it in her head that we’re going to get married. We’re not but she is a family friend so I can’t be rude.”


“Okay? That’s it?”

She nodded. “If you say that’s what it is, then that’s what it is.” It didn’t really matter to her, not anymore. The brief thoughts of something more were just a fantasy, nothing more. No matter how hot he looked standing there with anger sparking off him in that rumpled tux, open at the collar.

“If that’s what I
Have I ever lied to you Auggie?” She shook her head meekly and he lowered his voice. “So why are you being like this, so cold towards me?”

She shrugged. “I feel stupid, okay? You asked me to come to that stupid gala and even though I didn’t want to I got excited about getting dolled up and dancing with you. Obviously you weren’t and that’s all, so just drop it, okay?”

“Dammit Auggie!” He came and sat on the sofa next to her and closed his eyes. “You have no idea how much I was looking forward to this night. I didn’t need a date but I was being a pussy.” He turned to face her, a bitter smile on his face. “Like I told you in the garden, I’ve been thinking about you as more than a friend for months now. I don’t want to ruin our friendship Auggie so I thought I could romance you a little tonight and we could take it from there.”

“You thought kissing me and then wrapping yourself around a blond bimbo was the way to romance me?”

He hung his head and placed his hand on her thigh. “I handled this all poorly. I’m sorry.”

“You really like me?” Her voice was shaky as she uttered the words but it was all she could manage with his heat from his hand searing her skin. He turned those tormented eyes on her and she cupped his jaws in her hands. “Jake.”

He heard the breathy whisper of his name and he couldn’t do anything but ravage her mouth. His mouth claimed hers while his hands roamed her body, exploring the dips and valleys of her luscious body. He pulled back reluctantly when she pushed on his chest. “Yes Auggie, I really do. I want you. On my arm and in my bed.”

She nodded, still breathless and looked at his freshly kissed mouth. God that mouth was a work of art, a wonder of the world. “I want you too.” She screamed when he scooped her up and practically ran to her bedroom. “Put me down Jake!” And he did. He dropped right on the bed and slid on top of her before she could bounce again.

“Now I’ve got you right where I want you.” He smiled into her eyes and took her mouth again, this time the kiss was slower, but just as intense as the earlier one. “You taste so good.” His voice was thick with desire even to his own hears but he couldn’t think of that, could only think of Auggie grinding against him as he removed her shirt and placed soft open mouth kissed along her neck, chest, breasts and stomach.

“Oh, Jake.” She moaned and continued to move under him while his mouth did delicious things to her body. Her fingers tangled in his hair and pulled when his tongue captured a nipple. “Jake.”

Those breathy moans were driving him crazy. He moved to the other nipple and licked and sucked until she screamed his name. “You want more babe?”

She nodded. “I need more of you.”

He growled at her words and yanked her yoga pants down and tossed them in the air. “No panties?” He smiled as her pink—bare—wet pussy smiled up at him. “God what a pretty pussy you have Auggie.”

She laughed. “Thanks. Come closer she wants to give you a kiss.” He laughed loudly as he dipped his head between her legs. The vibrations pushed her close to the edge. “Ooh, oh, Jake.”

He knew she was close, he could feel her squeezing his fingers like a vice grip. “God Auggie you’re so wet. I need you to come. Now. Right on my tongue.” He sucked her clit between his lips and her thighs squeezed his head until he was dizzy.

“Jake! Jake! Oh my, Jake!” She trembled and shook as the orgasm washed over her. Her body continued to convulse as he placed kissed on her clit and slowly pumped his fingers in and out of her.  “Holy. Hell!” She grabbed his hair a little too hard and pulled him until they were face to face. “You have two choices. Let me taste you or fuck you.”

“You can suck me off later. Now I need to be deep inside you.” And in moments he was naked and on top of her holding her thighs open. His kisses started at her opening and went up her mound to her stomach, one on each breast and up her neck until he landed on her succulent lips. “I’m dying to get inside you babe.”

Auggie reached between them and grabbed him in her hands. “Shit you’re big Jake.” He laughed but it was cut off with a groan when she rubbed him against her wet lips. He hissed loudly when she guided him in ever so slowly and swore aloud when she used her feet to push him to the hilt.

“Fuck, Auggie you feel better than anything. Anything.” Those were the last words spoken for a good long while other than moans and grunts and deep, heavy panting. His strokes were long and sure, pressing into her deep until she cried out.

She lifted her hips so he could go deeper and his grunts were the sexiest thing she’d ever heard. She was close and he knew it too because Jake pulled all the way out and then pounded into her until her vision blurred and mind was filled with nothing but Jake and those blue eyes and his sexy body. She moved closer and closer to the edge, the sound of their slick bodies mingled with his grunts and her moans as they both found that cliff and jumped off together. She took a moment to catch her breath, which wasn’t easy to do with almost two hundred pounds of blue eyed hunk crushing her. She tapped his shoulder and he turned to his side but held her close so they were still connected. “Oh. My. Damn. Jake that was so, so good.”

He smiled up at her. “Yeah?” She nodded with a smile so sweet it brightened his own. “Because that was the best, most intense loving I’ve ever had.”


Chapter Three


2 months later


Life was good, at least according to Auggie. The past two months have been some of the best, most romantic days and nights she ever had. Who knew a video gamer could be so sexy?

Jake had gone from her best friend to the man who could make her body sing with just a touch, just a kiss below her ear. He listened to her, taste tested her confections, loved her body and sent her fun little gifts just because. Just last week a delivery man showed up with a box filled with a variety of molds for her chocolate creations. They featured everything from chocolate penises to starfish, zoo animals and chicken drumsticks. She wasn’t sure what she’d do with all of them, but there was definitely a market for that kind of thing.

She hated visiting the doctor, mostly because the offices were filled with germs and working around food all day made her extremely cautious. She sat patiently and waited for the nurse to call her name, which was ridiculous really, because all she needed was an antibiotic of some sort to kill this infection and she could spend the rest of the day in bed and go back to work tomorrow.

Jake was out of town meeting with an animator he wanted to hire so she could pick up some soup from the deli on her way home, climb into bed and sleep until the butt crack of dawn tomorrow.

“Augusta Walker.”

She stood. “That’s me.” Thank goodness. She was moments away from being back on the road with a prescription in her hand. Yes!

Auggie was led to a small bathroom where she gave up a urine sample before being weighed and having her vitals taken. A few minutes later another nurse came in to draw some blood. “Is this really necessary for a simple infection?” The nurse looked at her with a strange placating look on her face.

“The doctor will be with you soon.”

She nodded and waited in the cold bright exam room and looked around. There were tons of pamphlets on everything from HIV and SIDS to pregnancy and cancer. “Thank goodness I don’t need any of that.” She walked to the display and grabbed the cancer pamphlet.
Couldn’t hurt to gain some information I’ll never use.

“Ah Augusta, good to see you.” Dr. Wallis came in with a big smile on his red face. “I see you’re getting a jump on your reading?” He nodded towards the pamphlet in her hand.

She gasped and let it fall to the floor. “I have cancer?”

Dr. Wallis chuckled but one look at her stricken face sobered him. “Have a seat on the table Augusta.”

“Doc you have to tell me, what type is it? Is it early enough to do any good?”

“Augusta calm down. You do not have cancer.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “Dear you’re pregnant.”

Her eyes widened. “No way! What? Run those tests again Doc.”

This time he didn’t stifle his chuckle. “That’s why we needed the blood. We’re sure it’s pregnancy. About six weeks along I’d say.”

No. I can’t be pregnant. I’m not ready. What if Jake’s not ready? Shit I just got Jake and now I’m gonna lose him.
“Wow.” What else was there to say? She was knocked up by her best friend turned boyfriend. “So I’m really pregnant?” At her hopeful stare Dr. Wallis nodded. “Alright Doc tell me what to do.”

“Let’s start with prenatal vitamins and a few recommendations for an ob-gyn.”

She nodded and listened intently while he spewed a bunch of information she knew she wouldn’t remember. Still numb, she gathered her things and somehow made it home with a bag full of soup, dill potato chips, organic apple juice and a peanut butter caramel cheesecake. “Home sweet home.”




Something was up with Auggie, Jake just knew it. She hadn’t been herself lately, she was moody and sullen and he had the distinct feeling she was pulling back.  From him.
. At first he thought it was that infection she was fighting but when he returned from Chicago she was all better. Except she was aloof and avoiding him. Then he thought maybe something had happened with her plans to open another
Chocolate Winks
but she would have talked to him about it. Hell he would finance the new location if she wanted him to.

He would do anything to end this weirdness between them. In the years since they had reconnected there was never an awkward moment, but now it was all the seemed to have. Today he was determined to clear it all up whether she was ready or not. Auggie had blown off their Sunday run because she “wasn’t in the mood” but she requested they meet for brunch so he sat at their booth. Waiting.

When she walked in, it took all the strength he possessed not to run to her and wrap her in his arms. She was pale and thin.
Was she sick?
She walked to the table and slid in the booth, a strained smile on her face.

“Hi Jake.”

“Auggie how are you?” His smile was big but he was worried about her.

She sighed heavily. “I’ve been better Jake. How are you?”

He shook his head, unwilling to talk about himself when she obviously needed him. “I’m worried about you, babe. Tell me what’s going on.”

“I’m pregnant.”

Jake looked into the scared green eyes and the dark purple marks under her eyes and suddenly everything became clear. She was pregnant. “Is it mine?” If it was possible for her skin to get any paler, Jake watched as her face drained of all color. She didn’t speak. She just stared at him, hurt and disappointed, tears welling up but refusing to fall. She was so damn strong.

She shook her head imperceptibly as she stood and walked away. Without a word.

“Dammit!” He pounded the table in frustration and laid down a few dollars for his coffee and followed her. When he got to her house there was no answer. “Auggie open the door! You can’t ignore me forever.” Apparently she was going to try.

Jake spent the next ten days trying to find Auggie. The first few days he sat outside her condo and waited. He thought to catch her after work when she was more likely to listen to him, but she never came home. On the third day he used the emergency key she had given him and he was stunned to find she wasn’t inside. From the looks of things she had been home for a few days.

He sat in her living room and called her cell phone every few hours. “You’ll have to talk to me some time.” His messages were all similar. “Call me back Auggie.” But she never did and as the days went on he called more frequently, alternating between the bakery phone and her cell.

Finally he received a text from her.

Don’t worry about the baby, I’m keeping it and raising it on my own. I’ll have my lawyers send you papers giving up parental rights.  –A

That only served to infuriate him so much that he spent the next few days yelling at his employees, alienating his friends and pissing off his brothers. But he wasn’t ready to give up Auggie and he definitely wasn’t going to abandon his child. So he packed a bag and stayed at her place.
She’ll come home eventually
, he told himself on the ninth day.




“It’s time for you to go home, girl.”

Auggie looked up at her friend Carrigan, looking as beautiful as ever while she was sick and wearing yoga pants. “You’re right Carri. I’m sorry I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

She shook her head. “It has nothing to do with that and you damn well know it. You can’t hide forever from him or from your life. It’s time.”

She nodded not because she wanted to but because Carrigan was right. She wasn’t in the wrong so why was she hiding out? If anything Jake should be too ashamed to show his face…ever. With a renewed sense of righteousness she stood. “You’re right.” She marched to the bathroom to take a quick shower and slid into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. “Work first and then home.” She hugged and kissed Carrigan and flew out the door, feeling better than she had in more than a week.

At work she pasted on a smile and gave her best to her customers so they wouldn’t know she was dying on the inside. Jake had broken her heart, completely obliterated every single particle that made up her heart and insulted her on top of everything else. “Bread. I need to make bread.” It would allow her to slam dough on the table and knead away her frustrations.

“The customers are eating up the bread Auggie. Good thinking.”

She shrugged since it had nothing to do with her marketing genius. “Glad to hear it.”

She made it through the day, barely, by focusing on nothing but measuring ingredients, tasting and shaping. She focused on the recipes and the food, deliberately talking out every step so she wouldn’t have to think about Jake. About how he had rejected her and their baby. No,
baby. It didn’t matter, her condo was big enough for her and a baby. She would just have to put off expanding
Chocolate Winks
and find another chef.

“Are you doing okay sweetie?” Joss’ eyes were full of worry and sympathy for her friend.

Auggie nodded. “I’m not right now but I will be. I promise.”

Joss wrapped her arms around her best friend. “Of course you will be! Plus you’ve got Aunt Joss here to help with anything you need. Anything, got it?” Auggie hugged her back and nodded. “Good. Now go home so I can clean this place up.”

“Okay see you later.”

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