Underworld Queen (24 page)

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Authors: Sharon Hamilton

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Underworld Queen
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udray gazed through
the picture window overlooking the Underworld below, now basking in afternoon sunlight. It was never as bright as the human world, she thought. There was always a hazy dullness, like the days when she was a child growing up in the Central Valley when they burned off the fields. She smiled at the memory of how she loved the smell of smoke as she rode her bicycle to the dance studio.

So maybe even then I knew where I’d wind up.

But her life’s journey to the Underworld also landed her in Jonas’ bed, and that had healed her soul.

My shot at redemption. In the Underworld.
Again, she smiled.

But getting a second chance also brought her closer to danger all over again, like when she was sixteen years old. She feared for the impending birth of this child. At least she hoped it would be a birth, even if she didn’t survive.

Our child must live.

She smoothed her hands down over her clothes, from her tender breasts to her belly which felt slightly bloated. No doubt about it. This child was transforming her from the inside out, and she liked it.

Do I have the pregnancy aura? Or is it my imagination?
No way she could be showing yet, but Jonas was so attuned to her body, he noticed the subtle differences right away. She felt things she hadn’t before. Little things. Tender things.

Looking around the office, she realized it had not been personalized to her tastes yet. Most of her time was taken up giving new direction to her staffers and being alone with Jonas. She sat behind Peter’s legendary black desk. In the center lay a pink box tooled in gold leaf. Jonas had bought her an inexpensive musical jewelry chest at the pier in San Francisco. He’d wanted to get her something expensive, something worthy of her lofty position, but Audray liked this one, as it matched the way she felt about her young uncomplicated dreams as a human girl. She had never wanted great things, just a life where she could be in control, where she was allowed to be master of her fate, safe from her mother’s predator boyfriends.

When the pink leather case was opened, a tiny ballerina in a white tutu danced in front of the mirror to the twinkling tune. She had always wanted one as a child. Through watery eyes, she gazed fascinated at the doll twirling in front of her and smiled.

Lady in red is dancing with me.
Hesitant to put it away, she pulled down the lid and placed the box on an empty bookshelf to her right. She brought back Peter’s empty silver In Basket from the top drawer, the only object that would adorn the obsidian surface. He would have approved, she mused.

Audray sat back down in the leather chair. It was comfortable for now. No sense changing it, since she didn’t expect to hold the office long if she could help it. She pulled out a yellow tablet and began making a list of things she would need to do. It was odd no one was calling her on her phone.

She made notes about the normal succession of the Directorship after a death of the Director. To her left, black notebooks, all dusted and organized, catalogued by her staff, made it easy to peruse the topics and find the right one. She grabbed the book now, sat down again, and began to read.

A dying Director can make an interim appointment for sixty days. Then a full election must be held. If there is a challenge to this appointment, a meeting of the council shall be called for by one member, wherein a majority vote for or against the appointee can be made…

Audray looked up from the book. As far as she understood, the council was formed without authority, since neither Catarina nor Rupert were present members. Yet, they were being treated as such. Perhaps this could be the out she was seeking. Peter had told her no one knew there was supposed to be one, going back many years. He was the first Director in years who actually had studied this. Perhaps Jonas would be able to shed some light on her problem, however temporary.

And then Jonas entered the office, as if on cue.

“That was interesting,” he said to his lover.

“The man has the ego of an ox, but the heart of a snake,” she quipped.

“Well said.” Jonas dumped his frame into one of the chairs Audray had found in storage, his large frame causing the chair to moan under his weight. He sighed. “I’m wondering where everyone is.” He searched the room, as if to find an angel cowering under a bookshelf.

“Yes. Well, thank the spirits we won’t need their assistance for too long. I think Rupert has everyone pretty much spooked at this point.” She frowned, tapping her pen on the yellow tablet in front of her. “Jonas, I’ve been doing some research, and it appears there is supposed to be a council. Have you ever heard of this?”

Jonas leaned back, staring at the ceiling. “Ah. It was maybe a hundred years ago. There was an issue about someone making winged dark angels.” He looked back at Audray and shook his head, “Love, I’ve never paid too much attention to politics. Those that do can’t be trusted.”

“So there isn’t a council now? It says here they can vote to overrule an appointment by a dying Director.”

“No council that I’ve seen. And they’re all appointed by the Director. I don’t think Peter had time to do it.”

“I agree,” Audray began, “And he never was one to share his power with anyone.”

“Except you.” Jonas leveled a smirk at her.

Audray shuddered, but Jonas chuckled. She had been intimate with the former Director right on this very desk. She tried to put it out of her mind, but could see Jonas was enjoying watching her squirm. “You are not jealous?” she frowned.

“Of a pathetic dead angel? Of course not. And I don’t believe in ghosts.”

Audray was satisfied with his answer and decided not to dwell on it. Jonas continued, “But I know what my Queen loves, and I am confident I am the only one who has ever heard her cry out when she takes her pleasure.”

His sexy dark eyes warmed her whole body as they claimed her, raking from her face down to her waist and back up again, lingering over her breasts. Her nipples fisted as the urge to have him run his tongue over them made her skin sizzle. Naked or fully clothed, sitting or lying under him, Jonas always brought energy and life force to her, as if it was the only thing in the universe she needed.

Until now. Now we will be three. Father, if you can, help us be three.

A rap at the office door interrupted her thoughts. Jonas was up in a flash and allowed Luke and three other dark angels to enter. Luke’s face was somber.

“We’ve lost Jacob and Timothy.”

“Lost?” Audray asked.

The four angels stood with their hands in front of them like a soccer team at a goal kick. Luke answered her after looking to the others as if asking permission to speak.

“Timothy’s disappeared. Jacob was…was…dismembered. We found what was left of him behind the Pussycat.”

Audray looked from the four angels to Jonas, who did not meet her gaze. “Who did this?”

Luke handed Audray a crumpled page from one of her yellow lined pads. “I’ve taken the liberty of creating this list of suspects and troublemakers.”

“What’s got into you guys?” Audray asked, scanning the paper. It worried her that they were so docile. “We’ve got to roll up our sleeves and get to work. You took on your jobs willingly. Anybody got a change of heart?”

She could tell they all did, even Luke.

“Things are different now. We have to stay together all the time. When we get separated, one of us gets, you know, taken, and…”

“My men will protect you,” Jonas offered.

“Thanks, Jonas,” Audray said. “His guys aren’t afraid of anything. You’re going to have to buck up, like they do,” she said addressing the dark staffers.

“No offense, Jonas, but your guys are lying low as well,” Luke offered, hanging his long face.

“Only because I’ve not been here. They just need direction. You go to my barracks. Take your things and go there until this is over. And any of you that have loved ones, take them too.” Jonas looked to Audray. “I need to see to the men.”

“Of course. Don’t be long.”

Jonas came round the desk and gave Audray a kiss on the cheek, fisting her blonde hair. He whispered in her ear, “It’s going to be okay. Don’t worry, love. I’ll be back in an hour at the most.”

She nodded and Jonas left. The room suddenly felt huge and cold. “You will tell me what has happened in the three days I’ve been gone.”

“This Rupert guy has been speaking out on the street corners. One of the dark ones who had his wings ripped off, he’s been saying things like you killed Peter and have taken over illegally. Of course, everyone isn’t ready to fight over this. I mean, I see the crowds. I can tell Rupert is frustrated that nobody cares like he does.”

“So maybe there isn’t a problem after all.”

“Oh no, there is. You see, angels have been disappearing. I thought maybe Timothy had holed up with one of Helena’s girls for a few days and didn’t worry about it, although we were supposed to meet up. But when we found Jacob, we knew they were both targeted.”

“And now you feel it.”

“Wouldn’t you?” Luke answered.

Audray stood up. “Yes. I feel it. And I’m going to fight back, damn it. They can’t just come in here and take over.” She felt suddenly dizzy and leaned onto her fingertips at the desktop, then sat down.

“Are you well?” Luke asked.

“I’m very well. But you see, Jonas and I are the real targets, not you four. They are trying to get to us through you. I’ve just spent a few days getting myself adjusted for this fight, cleaning up details of my human life, so to speak. I need to know whom I can count on and who is going to get squishy on me. You clear on that?”

They all nodded.

“No hard feelings. Now, and for the last time, if you want out you can have it. But you’re on your own, mind you. Anyone who wants to fight with me can stay at the barracks and Jonas will protect them. Otherwise you’re up to your own devices. Search your conscience.”

The four angels looked to one another, nodding. Luke was the only one who remained. As the other three exited the doors, Audray called after them, “And don’t think that if I see you defending Rupert or any of his cronies I won’t vaporize you on the spot. I hope that warms you at night, cowards.”

She got up, slamming the door behind them, and got the satisfaction of a loud boom as the windows rattled.

“I will retrieve their passes, their things,” Luke offered.

“No. We need ethereal locks. Jonas has an expert on his way over now. Rupert was able to get in here without anyone to stop him. We will need some security that is not compromised. Let them think they have value, for now.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Now, let’s look at this list.” Audray sat again behind the desk and gripped the paper.

There were twenty-five names on it.

Some of these angels were friends of mine.

Chapter 27

arl dismissed his
class ten minutes early. It was getting difficult to focus on his teaching. Manuscripts were piling up, mid term grades were a week overdue, causing the administration to send him a reminder notice. The second one.

Jeremy approached him. Carl had not paid attention to the Goth clothing and dark eye makeup the young student began to wear. This change in appearance surprised Carl. Jeremy didn’t look anything like the youth who used to sit in his front row with the sweater vest and starched white shirt.

Carl loosened his bow tie, cursing under his breath. He pocketed it and unbuttoned his shirt. The room seemed hotter than normal. The smell of youthful bodies practicing various methods of personal hygiene was present. He’d gotten used to it, but now the cloying perspiration and scent of unwashed bodies annoyed him. He didn’t feel clean.

I want shower sex with Molly.
He had no control over the thought that just popped into his head. His dick responded and his pants tented.

Jeremy’s smile disarmed Carl. It was like the student knew about the churning inside his stomach, in his brain, and the stirring in his loins.

“Professor. We need another meeting.” Jeremy looked him directly in the eyes.

“We? Who are you talking about?”

“Glenda is my aunt.”

Fuck me two ways to sundown.
Carl ran his fingers through his hair, searching the little crowd of students exiting his classroom. Their light-heartedness and laughter seemed out of place today. He heard their voices echoing down the otherwise vacant hallway.

Here comes another memo from Admin.

“Well, Jeremy. I suppose I should thank you for recommending me to your aunt, but, under the circumstances, I would have preferred you never mentioned my name to her.” Carl stacked a pile of class writing assignments together, tapping their ends on the desk. He found an oversized brass binder clip, bundling them. With shaking fingers, he concentrated on stuffing the fistful of papers into his briefcase. He’d been doing this same routine for the last three days, and each morning he brought them back, ungraded, unread.

“I said I would help you with those, if you need it,” Jeremy stated as he nodded toward the brown alligator briefcase with the brass lock.

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