UNDERCOVER The Secret of Luck (6 page)

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Authors: James Kipling

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“That’s alright, Boss. I know I must have intruded upon you. Otherwise, you would not have reacted that way.” said Sheila.

“Whatever may be the case, I was rude, and I was wrong. For that, I apologize and I have something here as a token of apology.” said John, getting up and pulling out the gift he purchased in the afternoon.

“You went gift shopping? That’s impossible. You don’t even know how to shop, Boss.” said Sheila, taking the gift from him.

“I don’t know how to shop. That’s true. Then I ran into this really nice guy. He helped with the shopping, and he helped me choose that tablet.” said John.

Sheila had already unwrapped her gift and was pleasantly surprised, and even shocked, by this. In the eighteen months she had known her boss, he had not gifted her anything. Normally, that would upset anybody, but she figured out John pretty quickly. She knew that here was a man who was dedicated to his work and would not let anything else distract him from that. So, when he forgot to wish her well on her birthday, both years she had known him, she did not worry too much about it. Today though, she was surprised. Her boss was changing, and that could only mean one thing. Something major must have happened. She guessed that the apology was not the main topic that John wanted to speak of today. She decided to check out all the features of her new tablet some other time and put it aside. Then she resumed facing her boss, and John took that as a hint that she was done appreciating the gift.

“You are my assistant, Sheila, and you have obviously noticed that I have not been myself lately. I would like to believe that you may have a rough idea why I might be acting that way. So, why do you think I am acting this way?” asked John, wanting to get her thoughts before expressing his own.

“You want me to comment on your behavior, Boss? I won’t lose my job if I am too critical of you, right?” asked Sheila, in her usual style of not taking things too seriously.

“Come on, Sheila, you know I would never fire you for speaking your mind!” said John.

“Of course, I know, Boss. You are too much of a gentleman to do something like that.” said Sheila. “Okay, this is what I think of your latest behavior, Boss.” said Sheila.

John listened patiently.

“I think that something is bothering you, Boss. This morning, right before you snapped at me, you were asking me about some statistics. Statistics that relate to the number of cases we have handled and how much of them fell squarely under the investigation of marital problems. Given that you never asked about the money we made or anything else, I think you have an issue with the type of cases you are taking on. I think, when you started this business you had different ideas. Now those ideas or dreams aren’t coming true. Am I correct, so far?” asked Sheila.

“Go on,” said John.

“The weird part is, an outsider would consider you a very successful private detective. You have no shortage in terms of work. In a short period of time, you have managed to become among the most sought after private detectives in the world. Clearly, you are good at it. It is just that, you are not able to use these skills in the areas of detection that you always wanted to use them. Now, eighteen months after you have done everything right, nothing seems to be right. You are doing a great job, Boss. It is just that you are doing something right, but the end result or final destination seems to be going in the wrong direction.” said Sheila, finishing her long speech.

John had kept quiet while she said what she had to say. In many ways, he was surprised that a woman, who was more than a year younger than him, had figured out so much about him. John had heard something similar in his head for the last few weeks. That was why he was getting all those headaches. That was what the janitor said. The same thing was said by the cab driver. Then, his father seemed to say the same thing.

If it was just one person whose opinion seemed to veer in that direction, John would not have taken that seriously. What he was seeing was different people voicing the same concerns. Now John was even more certain that he had made the right decision. The decision that he made, thanks to that eventful discussion with his father. Earlier this afternoon, when he walked out of his father’s diner, he had a little doubt that was lingering in his brain cells. The lingering continued when he was riding in the cab, going to his office, and while he was shopping for a gift for his assistant. Now, after hearing what she said, John was now completely sure. He had to get out of this business. He had to try. If he was going to fail, he was going to fail the way he chose to.

John took a deep breath and broke the news to his lovely assistant.

“I had a word with my father today. The outcome of that is that our office, which is you and I, will no longer work on marital related investigations.”

Ten minutes ago, John would have expected Sheila to react with shock and awe. But then again, he had already asked for her opinion. A girl who can think of all those things and put it in such meaningful words would have figured out this decision of his. Still, he waited for her to respond. Sheila kept quiet. She was thinking of the best way to react to this scenario. She had guessed a long time ago that something like this would happen. She had mentally prepared for this particular announcement. Despite her mind being prepared for it, now actually living through the moment was a little difficult for her.

“You know, Boss, I think you are doing the right thing. We should stop investigating marital related cases. If you are looking at me for support, and as your only employee, I believe you would expect that from me. I will promise you that I will stand by your decision.” said Sheila, giving him a reassuring smile.

John smiled in response. At this moment, the most important person that mattered to his business was her. Here was the person who took his phone calls, managed his clients and their payments, client relations, and every other activity that was too long to list in a job description. If she was on board, he had nothing to worry about, with respect to his decisions. John was already in a good mood and he felt even better after having told her.

The next part was equally important for John. He wanted to discuss the plan for the next few months. What was going to happen to his business? How was he going to change things and move from his current way of functioning to the new way of working? There was too much to discuss and too many worst case scenarios to ponder. This was going to be a long evening of discussion and that meant, he would need some coffee. Sheila would also need some coffee.

“Sheila, I am glad that you are completely on board with this idea. Your support matters a lot to me. Could you make two mugs of coffee? We have much to discuss.” said John.

Sheila nodded and headed to the kitchen. John removed his shoes, and made himself comfortable on the sofa, that was now his seat of thinking. As Sheila kept herself busy in the kitchen, John let his mind do its thing and think of the consequences of his decision.

After a few minutes, Sheila returned with two mugs. She was also carrying a hot drinking flask which was also filled with coffee. She was preparing herself for a long meeting. From experience, she knew that the more intense the discussion, the faster the coffee cup would empty itself. John looked at her ability to be prepared for events like this, and told himself that he chose a nice assistant for himself. He also resumed to staring at her legs, and then caught her eye, and stopped staring. Sheila took her seat and John did the same.

“Thanks for the coffee, Sheila. It is very good.” said John, taking a sip.

“You are welcome, Boss.” said Sheila, not really touching her own cup.

“The first thing that we need to do is tell our clients about our new game plan. Luckily for us, our business does not depend that much on repeat customers. So it is only the new customers that you need to handle. I am guessing there will be some disappointment.” said John.

“Disappointment? They are going to be upset. You may not like to admit it John, but you are among the best detectives in the city of Primer.” said Sheila.

John took another sip as Sheila continued.

“Much of your business may not be repeat business. Most of our business comes through referrals. Referrals from past clients. Referrals from lawyers whose job has been made easier because of you. They obviously know that you are good at what you do, and when they find out about this, their heads will go through the roof. Not literally, of course, Boss.” said Sheila.

“I agree with what you say, Sheila. That is what I am worried about, and it is you who should be worried. It is you who will be taking those calls and telling them the bad news, so to speak.” said John, raising one of his eyebrows.

“I know, Boss. I was just thinking about that. I am guessing that the next few days are going to be pretty busy for me. Perhaps, more busy than I ever was with actual client related work. I think we will need a truckload of coffee. I hope that coffee is not harmful to the health, Boss.” said Sheila.

“If you want, you can always leave this work and take a vacation. If you want to take leave or something like that, I would be okay with it, Sheila.” said John.

“Boss, I enjoy working for you, and I am guessing we are in some kind of crisis mode. If I leave you now, that would be almost like abandoning you at the worst possible moment. Nope. I am not doing anything like that.” said Sheila.

“Thanks, girl. With that taken care of, there is another thing I wanted to discuss with you. We are looking at two scenarios right now. The best case scenario, and the worst possible results. You have any guesses on that?” asked John.



Chapter 3

“Let me see. You have decided not to do what you used to do in the past. For good or bad, that is what you are famous for. When people find out that you are not going to be doing what you are good at, they may not agree with it. That also means that this huge chunk of work is going to become employment for some other private detective who is willing to do this job. Effectively, you may not be making any money for a while.” said Sheila.

“Go on.” said John, allowing her to continue.

“It may take a month or so until the phone calls stop coming, asking for help about divorces. I would say, given our revenues for the last eighteen months, our finances should hold up.” said Sheila.

John could not help but notice that she sounded like a wife who was talking to a husband who was about to quit his job. John wanted to tell her that she was beginning to sound like she was married to him. Given that he had other things to worry about, he thought it best not to mention what he was thinking at that moment. Sheila continued to voice her thoughts.

“What happens after a month is perhaps even more serious. What if we are wrong in our assumption that there really is sustainable private detective work available other than those dealing with marital/domestic issues? Let us assume that there is indeed work available that is crime-related. If so, we should be back on our feet in no time.” said Sheila, like a professor who was proposing her new thesis for a new academic calendar.

“That sounds fair. What if we are wrong, Sheila?” asked John.

“If we are wrong, our current finances would hold out for six months. Assuming we cut on all the supporting functions of the business.” said Sheila.

“You do understand that you are one of the ‘support functions’ that I would have to let go?” John asked with a worried look.

“I know, Boss. You asked me what I thought and I am sharing it all with you. If that means telling things as it is, so be it.” replied Sheila.

“I agree with you, and I have to admit that I am very lucky to have an assistant who understands. If it comes to it, Sheila, I will be more than happy to give you generous references. Given your educational qualifications, I think you will do just fine outside.” said John, almost sounding like a boyfriend who was breaking up with his live-in girlfriend.

“Don’t think like that, Boss. I don’t mind working for you for free. If you remember, I signed up to work with you, only because the job sounded exciting and not for the money. If anything, I would be even more excited to work for you now than before. It looks like you are looking to take the action to the next level.” said Sheila.

“Assuming that there is indeed a next level to go to. All said and done, thank you for those kind words. If it comes to it, I may have to let you go. I just don’t believe in the concept of letting anyone work for free.” said John.

“As you wish, Boss.” said Sheila.

John figured that they had discussed every possible consequence of the decision he had taken this morning. He looked back at the eventful day that he had. Him collapsing on his sofa early morning with a feeling of sadness. Shouting at his assistant. That talk with the janitor who turned out to be someone else entirely, then the cab driver, and finally the conversation with his father, which was the endgame for everything that had been bothering him. Now, here he was, figuring things out with his assistant, and she has already figured everything out.

I would say that today is a day that went as well as one could expect said John to himself. He turned to Sheila as he got off the sofa.

“Guess that takes care of everything, Sheila. I will see you tomorrow at the office.” said John, walking towards the door.

“I agree, Boss. See you tomorrow.” said Sheila, letting him leave through the front door. John stepped into his car and drove to his apartment. He took a shower, cooked himself dinner, ate, and went to sleep.

One Week Later

It was afternoon. John was sitting in his office, watching the television on the wall. He was running through a television series about a giant monster that was ravaging through the city and destroying everything in its way. John did not really enjoy watching the show. He was never the kind of guy who watched television in the first place. Then again, just as he predicted, there hadn’t been any actual work in the last week. He had to do something, and that was when Sheila decided to step in. About 3 days ago, she went shopping again. She bought him a big television screen that would occupy the wall opposite his sofa. She also got him one of those streaming service memberships, and now, all John would do was sit on his sofa and become a slave to the idiot box. John did not like it one bit. But there was not anything else to do, either.

Outside, Sheila sat at her desk. Given that she was now bombarded with phone calls and emails, she had no choice but to use her work computer instead of her tablet. During the day, she would be forced to speak with at least a dozen people. Each and every one of them upset that their favorite detective had decided not to take any new marital/domestic cases.

She looked up and realized that it was lunch time. She locked her computer and put the landline off the hook and switched off her cell phone. She shouted from the office lobby and called out to John.

“Boss, should I order lunch delivery for you?”

“That would be fine. Get me the usual food please.” replied back John.

“Okay. I am heading out now. Will be back in a hour.” said Sheila.

A few minutes later, John heard her leave the office and then there was silence, except for the television with the monster that was destroying buildings. John looked at the television set, tried to figure out what he would do if was being accosted by a huge monster. Would he scream loudly? Or pull out his gun and start shooting mad? The bigger question was, why the hell he was sitting here on his sofa, watching some poorly edited show with even worse special effects. There were days when John did not have answers to every question. This turned out to be one of those days.

John heard a knock on the door. He thought it might be a client and sat upright in his chair. Then he heard a voice.

“John, its Rod. You there?”

“Rod. Come in buddy. I am in the office, just watching some television.” said John.

Rod Kingsley was an old college friend of John’s. They both studied at the University. They used to be classmates before John decided to switch his studies to become a private investigator. Rod continued on to become a practicing lawyer. In many ways, the two friends had taken separate paths, but were equally successful in their own ways. Rod always insisted that John go back to school and continue the path of being a lawyer. John would just ignore his advice. In the end, it all turned out okay. Rod and John eventually became friends who also ended up forging a strong business relationship. Every time John closed a case, it would have to be dealt with from a legal perspective. Those things would be managed by Rod. Overall, things were good. That was until last week. John expected Rod to step into his office, and he was not surprised by Rod’s appearance.

“How are you doing, John? Haven’t heard from you in a while.” said Rod, pulling up a seat with rolling wheels and sitting down.

“I am doing just fine, Rod. I thought my assistant sent you an email.” said John, getting up from his sofa. He went to the fridge and grabbed the brand of soda that Rod preferred. With two glasses, John returned to his sofa. He placed the drink and the glasses on the table. Rod uncorked the bottle and poured the soda into the glass. He took one for himself and then offered the second one to John.

“Thanks.” said John, reclining on his sofa.

“Yes, I got the email. At first, I did not take it seriously, but it’s been a week. By now, you would have at least sent two clients with paperwork that needed to be taken care of by me. I figured that you are serious. Your phone was switched off, or I would have called before coming.” said Rod.

“Sorry about the phone Rod. I have been getting too many angry calls from upset customers who are not happy with my new direction.” said John.

“Your direction being that you don’t want to work anymore?”

“I never said that I don’t want to work, Rod. I just did not work in that particular area of interest. Also, please don’t lecture, that it is not the right thing to do. I have already made my decision, and I am sticking with it. In fact, if you start lecturing me about the pitfalls of not going back to my previous line of work, I will have no choice but to ask you to leave.” said John, with the last sentence told with a hint of authority.

“I am not here to advise you, John. A guy like you would not take decisions lightly. So, I am not going to argue with that. I just came to talk, as a friend and business partner.” said Rod.

“Thanks, my friend. I am actually glad that you came here. I was sort of getting bored with the whole thing. In fact, I am not bothered as much by the lack of work as I am with the boredom. I never figured that it would be this boring.” John admitted.

“Well, it sort of makes sense, doesn’t it? You are almost like me. Which is why we are friends, I suppose. We are both men of action. Can you remember a single hour during our university when we just lied down and relaxed like the other students?”

“No, not really.” said John.

“That is pretty much how we rolled. We are both part of a species that likes to be kept busy all the time. If we are not busy, we are going to get bored. If it was up to me, I would say, you will go completely insane out of boredom in a matter of weeks.” said Rod, genuine concern in his voice.

“Really? Is that even possible?” asked John, showing mild curiosity.

“You will find out for yourself. Just remember one thing, John. If you ever want to talk about your problems…”

“I don’t have any problems, Rod!” said John.

“Don’t get excited, John. You may not have any problems right now. They will come soon enough. If you think I am your good friend, you will nod along and hope that my words don’t come true.” said Rod, finishing up his soda and placing the glass on the table. He got up to leave.

John looked at him, smiled, and then nodded.

“I hope your words don’t come true Rod. Thanks for the opportunity to talk. I will take you up on that if things get really bad.” said John, getting up to shake hands with his friend. Rod took his hand, shook it, and waved him good bye. The meeting was a quick one, and Rod was gone as quickly has he had come. Ten minutes later, Sheila was back with her lunch.

“Was somebody here when I was gone?” she asked.

“Rod was here. He was talking something about me losing my mind due to boredom. You think something like that could happen to me, Sheila?” asked John.

“I strongly believe that it could, Boss. That is why I got you that streaming subscription and also that big television screen. I want you to be sane, as long as you can.” said Sheila.

John agreed with her and decided to jump head first into his lunch. He hoped that he wouldn’t lose his head.

Seven Weeks Later

John got up from his bed. It had been about two months since he quit his previous line of work. He had been getting repeated nightmares that were affecting the quality of his sleep. As he got off his bed, he opened the curtain and looked outside. The morning sun was just coming above the far off mountains, and it looked like a beautiful day. John wanted it to be a beautiful day. He could not remember the last time that it was a beautiful day.

John was up and running as usual and left his apartment by eight thirty. Even with the worst traffic conditions, he would still reach his office before nine thirty. As he drove at snail speed through the packed streets of Primer city’s rush hour traffic, John had only one thought. The previous night, he had been doing some calculations on his financial situation. He also spent a lot of time thinking about that conversation he had with his assistant about two months ago about the consequences of his decision and the worst case scenario.

Now, as he drove through rush hour traffic, he could not help but admit it. The worst case scenario was becoming real. It was one thing to sit in the comfort of a house and talk about possible scenarios, but something totally different to live through the worst option. What he was about to do made John extremely upset, and perhaps a little depressed. John had reached his office car park. He parked his car and sat there, thinking about what he was about to do. Twenty months ago, he could not imagine something like this would happen, but it was happening.

He took the lift and went directly to his office floor and then into his office. Sheila was already at her desk and was doing something on her tablet. John noticed that it was the same tablet he had gifted her as an apology two months earlier. She smiled as John walked in. Usually, John would simply return the smile and continue onto his chamber. However, today, he stopped and took a seat on one of the client waiting chairs.

“Sheila, there is something I need to tell you.” said John.

Sheila, kept her tablet to the side, and sat upright. John had a feeling that Sheila would have already worked out what he was about to say. He thought she looked like she was going to say something, but she remained quiet. By the look on her face, he figured she knew what he was going to say.

“Sheila, it looks like we are actually going through the worst case scenario. That means, I need to cut off all the support functions. That includes…”

“…me.” said Sheila, finishing off what he was going to say.

“I am afraid so.” said John. His voice was upset, and she could tell that he was genuinely sorry for it.

“Boss. You know that I won’t mind working for free. I really would not mind backing you up in the difficult times. You are already alone, and you hardly speak these days. If I am not here, you might completely lose your mind. Just like Rod said all those weeks ago. Think about it, Boss.” implored Sheila, getting up from her chair.

John noticed that Sheila was wearing her blue dress today. Her hair was dyed a slight shade of dark red, which almost looked like it was black. John thought she looked beautiful. Sheila took the seat next to him. She was hoping that John would let her continue to work, without pay. She was honest when she said that. Her old man left her something of a substantial nest egg. She did not have to work to earn a living. She had a comfortable life as it was. John was aware of her financial situation.

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