Undercover Submissive (14 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Undercover Submissive
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10 Moving On



Three months came and went as Cayce tried to move on with her life.  Sinking back into her books, she reverted back to her normal life but with much more confidence.  She had called Detective Ingram a few days after her return.  It had taken her that long to get over the overwhelming depression that kept her in bed.  Forcing herself to remember that she had been in worse places than this in her life, had given her the push to finally get back to living.

The library had extended her vacation another week and she took that time to come to grips with her life without Dylan.  Her sister had visited a week after they returned home and she could see how great being with him was for her.  It was like an entirely different person inhabited Cait's body.  Her smile and attitude was that of a confident young lady instead of the shell of a person she had been before. 

Cayce had taken Cait down to the police station to finish her part of the report and Detective Josh Ingram was a completely different person with her than he had been when she had seen him.  He had apologized profusely for not taking more of an interest in her case and Cayce was shocked at how he flirted with her sister.

Dylan had hired Cait to work as his personal assistant and she now had a full-time job.  Without having to constantly worry about her sister, Cayce felt like she was floundering.  Her entire life she had been the one to fix Cait's problems.  She really hoped that Cait now had the chance to have the happiness she had been so long denied. 

Pulling herself out of her walk down memory lane, she struggled to focus on her job.  She glanced at the clock glad that she only had another half hour before the library closed.  Without Cait around, the apartment was lonely and she had adopted a cat from the local humane shelter.  She was ready to get this day done, and enjoy some time with her new pet.  Shaking her head, she bit back a laugh at the thought of becoming an old cat lady.

She smiled as a couple of younger kids raised their voices in excitement and she shushed them.  Secretly she loved the sound of children, and if the library hadn't had such strict rules she would have let their later continue.  As the phone rang she was shaking her head at how clichéd the thought of shushing children was.

"Library, this is Cayce Miller speaking."  Glancing over at the kids she smiled.

"Cayce, I need you to come to Dylan's," Cait's frantic voice sounded on the other end of the line.

"Is everything okay, what's wrong Cait?"  The old memories surfaced and panic set in at her sister's tone.

"I can't talk about this on the phone, just get here as soon as you can."

The line went dead and Cayce nibbled on her lip in worry.  What could have possibly happened, she wondered nervously?  What was wrong with Dylan, he was supposed to take care of her, she thought angrily.

She cleared out the library as quickly as was professionally possible and locked everything down.  The entire way to Dylan's mansion a million horrible thoughts went through her mind, even though none of them made much sense.  By the time she reached the front door, she was frantic with worry.

The servant opened the door with a warm smile and she wanted to slap his face for appearing so calm.  "Where's my sister," she demanded rudely, knowing if something horrible had happened to her she was going to personally give Dylan a piece of her mind.

"She is waiting for you in the dungeon, Miss." The servants face revealed nothing and she pushed by him, storming her way down the basement stairs.

"Cait," she called out loudly wondering why the entire dungeon was flooded with candlelight and not electricity.  Panic set in and she looked around frantically.  A path of white rose petals led from the door and she allowed her eyes to follow the trail, her eyes widening when she saw where they ended.

Dylan was cuffed to the bed, his beautiful body splayed perfectly upon the satin sheets and her mouth fell open in shock.  Allowing her eyes to trail over his wide expanse of chest, then lower across his muscled abs, and past his beautiful erect shaft before finding his eyes once more.

Confusion flowed over her like a blinding storm even as her body reacted to the incredible view before her.  "Dylan?" Licking her lips that had suddenly become overly dry she raised an eyebrow.

"This is what I wanted to do when we left the Island," he smiled at her showing the dimple on his chin.

Walking over to the bed in almost a daze, she was still just as confused.  "I don't understand," the words were the barest of whispers.  It really was unfair that a man could look so beautiful, she thought.

"I'm offering myself to you, to be your slave," he spoke the words with as much confidence as he could manage, hoping she wouldn't turn him down.

He had convinced Cait to tie him up, and call her sister.  It had taken months to get her to the place where he knew she would be mentally adjusted.  Those had been the most agonizing months of his life as he longed for Cayce. 

"You want me to be your Master?" Cayce was floored at his offer.  In all the dreams she had about him over the last three months, not one of them included him offering to be her love slave.  While the thought gave her libido a huge kick, this wasn't truly what she wanted from him.

"I am begging you to be my Mistress," he corrected, his eyes full of a mischievous glint, seeing how her lips trembled as she looked him over.

The thought of taking off her clothes and joining him in that bed was definitely intriguing, but still this wasn't what she wanted.  "I'm sorry Dylan, I can't do that."

His gaze faltered at her words and he closed his eyes tightly.  He had waited too long, he thought to himself.  How was he going to live without this woman that meant more to him that the very air he breathed, he wondered in disappointment.  Feeling her slender fingers on the cuff, he opened his eyes and watched as she released his bonds.  "Forgive me for thinking you would consider taking me back." He attempted a smile, hoping she would at least not hate him.

"I think you misunderstand," her hand lifted to his cheek and she stroked it gently.

Now it was his turn to be shocked at her touch.  "Perhaps you should enlighten me." Please, he thought before I lose my mind here.

Picking up the cuffs she held them out.  When he took them from her hands she held her hands out.  "I could never top from the bottom," she paused and looked at him with a warm smile, "Sir."

The thought that she would willingly submit to him shook him to the very core.  "I expect a lifetime commitment, are you sure you're ready for that?" His mouth lifted in a small smirk, overjoyed at how things were turning out.

"I will take nothing less, Sir." Smiling back at him she kept her hands in front of her and her eyes went to the cuffs.

Smiling widely he encased one wrist in the fur lined cuff then the other.  Pushing her gently back on the bed, he secured her.  Lowering his lips to her he kissed her with all the pent up longing he had suffered for the last three months.  Pulling back he gazed into her eyes and spoke with a deep timbre, "I love you girl."  Without giving her a moment to speak he kissed her again with longing.

After several minutes he stood up and his eyes glinted with purpose.  Walking over to the chest he pulled out a long silver blade and walked back toward her menacingly.

She smiled, trusting him completely even as he lowered the blade under her shirt and cut it and her bra from her body.  Without any doubt whatsoever she knew he wouldn't hurt her.  Remaining completely still, she watched in silent fascination as he used the same careful action to slice through the material of her skirt and underwear.

"I have missed you terribly, girl," his hands moved to cup her full breasts, testing their weight.  "You don't want to know the things I've thought about doing to you."  Lowering his mouth his teeth grazed one of her pale nipples, enjoying the soft whimper that escaped her lips.

"I've thought of you too, Sir," her body trembled at the passion that flooded her body and she arched upward offering him more.

"Did you think about me touching you this way girl," his hand slid down between her thighs, pleased that she had kept her mound shaved just the way he liked it.  Sliding his fingers across the soft folds of her sex, he bit back a groan.

"Yes Sir," closing her eyes she pushed her hips against his fingers, needing more.

"Open your eyes girl, I have ached to see your beautiful eyes when you come."  Pleased as she did his bidding, he allowed one long digit to slide inside her drenched heat. 

Biting her lip to stop the gasp of pleasure that longed to spill forth she forced her eyes to remain open.  The feel of his finger sliding in and out of her was overwhelming, it felt like forever since he had touched her this way.

"Don't hold back sweetheart," sliding another finger inside her tight sheath he wanted every ounce of passion she possessed.  "I'm never going to let you leave me again."  His fingers continued riding her until he felt her on the edge, then he pulled them free.  "Not yet girl."

Whimpering at the loss of pleasure, she wasn't sure how long she could hold out.  As his mouth took the place of his fingers she felt the edge building again and bucked up.  "Please Sir," she had dreamed of this night for so long that holding back was physically painful. 

"What does my girl want," he asked the question and then his teeth lightly nipped her clit.  Her scream of pleasure filled the room and he knew he was close to losing control himself.

"I need to fill you inside me Sir," she wasn't embarrassed to tell him what she wanted.  It had been way too long and she ached for fulfillment.

"Far be it for me not to give my girl what she wants," lifting between her legs he slowly slid inside her clenching folds.  When he was fully embedded he smiled down at her and stilled completely.  "Is this what my girl wants?"  He knew it wasn't, and his cock was demanding he ride her with all the passion that had built up over the months without her. 

Her firm legs wrapped around his waist pulling him even deeper inside her.  "No Sir," she rotated her hips aching for him to drive inside her without any hesitation.

Chuckling softly he began a slow ride, purposely denying her the fulfillment she craved.  "What about this girl, is this what your body craves?"

Groaning in frustration his slow movements felt nice, but she wanted him to let go.  "Please just fuck me!" Even as she said the words she couldn't believe she had used them and flushed deeply.

"That's what I wanted to hear, hold on for the ride of your life sweetheart."  Without any further talking he unleashed his fury on her and thrust deeply.  The time for playing games was over and neither of them wanted slow and easy.  He continued to drive into her tight silk until she was gasping for breath and holding on to him for dear life.

Feeling her sheath clench he knew she was at the edge.  "Give it all to me sweetheart, show me how good my girl can give it."  Increasing the rhythm he pounded into her feeling his own release coming on quickly.

His words were all she needed, and her body came undone savagely ripping a scream from her lips that vibrated off the walls.  Never in her life had she felt so free from inhibition.  She loved this man, her Master and knew without doubt he would always take care of her.  Her nails bit into his back as the last wave of her orgasm overcame her and felt him find his own release deep inside of her.  "I love you Sir," she whispered breathlessly.

The tremors of his release racked through his body and he fell upon her spent.  "And I love you my little slave girl."  Rolling her over on top of him, he held her like she was the most precious thing in the entire word.  He wasn't sure what he did to deserve this incredible gift, but for the rest of his life he would cherish her with all his heart and soul.













A Note From The



The world of BDSM means many things to different people.  Not to infringe on the rights of others, but this book was written to show a loving side of the lifestyle that may not be what some consider to be accurate.  During my research for this project I talked to many different people, who I will not name for privacy reasons.  What I discovered that there were so many different definitions that it would be impossible to portray all the thoughts with conviction. 


Whatever your belief is concerning BDSM, please understand that this is a relationship that demands complete trust between partners.  There are some not so nice people out there that label what they do under this definition, when they truly don't have the mental capacity to understand it.  I say this in the hopes that you understand this book is fiction and should not be construed as how other people who claim to be involved in this will understand it. 


Safe, Sane, Consensual
these words should always be upfront in your thoughts when considering this type of relationship or lifestyle.  Thank you to the many beautiful people that shared their experiences with me, it was wonderful to walk in your shoes for a short time.

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