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Authors: Tami Lund

Undercover Heat (12 page)

BOOK: Undercover Heat
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“Why didn't you tell the director?” Quinn shot back. “Covering his ass?”

Her own temper flared. Why the hell was he so pissed off about this? It wasn't like it happened to him.

“I told my director. He didn't believe me.”

“That's bullshit. Nico would have believed you.”

“Yeah, well, Nico wasn't my director back then.” She leaped off the window seat, feeling just as agitated as he looked. When pacing around the room didn't help, she turned and strode out into the hall. Quinn chased after her.

“Where the hell do you think you're going?” he demanded as he followed her down the stairs. “I'm not done talking to you.”

“I need to hit something. And I doubt you want it to be you.” She grabbed the basement door and jerked it open. Quinn followed her down the stairs.

“Actually, that sounds fucking perfect,” he retorted as he snatched up the gloves he'd left hanging on a peg on the wall.

She pulled on her own gloves and ran through a series of stretches. As they squared off on the mat, she said, “Why the hell are you so worked up? It wasn't your case that got blown.”

He took a swing. She dodged out of the way. He took another, a sloppy one, and she twisted around and caught him in the kidney. He grunted and charged at her, catching her around the waist and throwing her to the floor. She struggled to get out from underneath him, her progress impeded by the boxing gloves.

“Get off me,” she growled as she struggled.

Apparently, in Quinn's world,
get off me
translated as
kiss me
, because that's exactly what he did. And in Kyra's world, his kisses were wholly irresistible, so she kissed him back—hard. She wrapped her arms around his waist and flipped him over so that he was on his back and she straddled his legs. She tossed the gloves aside, grabbed the hem of his shirt, and jerked it over his head.

He threw his own gloves off and reciprocated. “If you get to see mine, I get to see yours,” he taunted as he reached up and unclasped her bra. With her still straddling his hips, he sat up, cupped her breast with one hand, and latched his lips onto the other.

She moaned, and let her head loll to the side, her eyes closed, her mind tuning out everything except the immediate sensations of pleasure Quinn created with his mouth, his hands, his body. She reached down and stroked him through his jeans, and he hissed.

“Goddamn it, Kyra.” He pushed her back against the mat again and grabbed her sweatpants, pulling them off in one swipe. The lacy panties were next, until she was laying there completely naked, her chest heaving, staring up at him, anticipation etched into every inch of her body.

He unsnapped his jeans and shoved them far enough down over his hips to free his erection, then he was on top of her, pushing into her, clinging to her, his face buried in her hair. She wrapped her arms around his back and held him tightly as her insides twisted and twisted until she arched her hips off the mat and exploded with her orgasm, almost at the exact same time as he thrust one last time and stiffened as he poured himself into her.

• • •

He had no idea how much time passed before she finally moved underneath him and he reluctantly rolled to the side so she could sit up. The earlier tension was gone, but he could tell it was replaced by something else.

He pulled his jeans over his hips and ran his hand through his hair. “I guess I should apologize for that.”

She pulled on her sweatpants and retrieved her shirt. “If you apologize, then I have to, too, since I was just as active a participant.”

“Yeah, you were pretty damn active,” he admitted as he shook his head. “Christ, I'm never going to be able to get into the boxing ring again without developing a hard-on.”

A laugh burst out of her mouth, which he took as a good sign. Until another thought struck him.

“Shit. We didn't use protection.”

Her face screwed up, then her eyes rolled skyward and she appeared to be mentally calculating.

“We're okay,” she finally said. “I'm not at that point in my cycle. I'm not ovulating right now. Although, if we do it again, we should try to keep our heads long enough to be safe.”

“I'll start carrying condoms with me everywhere.” He cocked his head, studied her for a moment. “Do you want kids? I mean, is that part of your life plan?”

She pulled two bottles of water out of the mini fridge and handed him one. “It used to be,” she said after taking a swig.

He'd never actually considered the idea of kids. Or even a wife. But a few days playing house with Kyra Sanders made him wonder,
is it possible?

“Look, Kyra …” He started to suggest they try to figure this thing out, see where it went. Say it was okay that she couldn't separate things, because he couldn't either.

“I was dating Keith. Secretly, because our director frowned upon interoffice romance.” Her words came out of nowhere, shattering the strangely comfortable feeling he'd been experiencing, and reminding him of why he'd been so angry in the first place.

He had very nearly launched his laptop at the wall when he learned that she had been screwing the guy who was currently visiting their perp, all the way up here in Michigan. That sure seemed like a damned important piece of the case, in his opinion.

“I thought I was in love with him,” she said quietly as she sank onto the bench parked against the wall. “I was caught up in the whole deal, playing house, looking at engagement rings, imagining what our kids would look like. I had a secret stash of wedding magazines.” She shook her head at her own folly. “Yes, kids were very much part of my life plan, back then.”

Quinn had the urge to climb up onto the bench and put his arm around her, but he held back. She seemed to need the space, and he still wasn't entirely clear on how things went down in Dallas a year ago. If it turned out Kyra did something illegal, it would change the dynamics of their relationship. There was no gray area for Quinn Daniels.

“He knew all about the case I had against Whitney because I was so excited about it. I talked about it constantly. It was pretty damn big, a lot of money involved, and I was almost singlehandedly solving it. Heady stuff.”

“Yeah,” he said quietly. “I get it.”

She threw him a surprised look before continuing. “It took me a little while to catch on to the affair. The signs were small, but after a while, I couldn't deny that something was going on, that Keith was cheating on me. The number of condoms in the box was too few. His excuses for where he spent his time when he wasn't at work were too thin. I mean, we weren't technically living together, but we practically spent every night together, and we worked in the same office. It was pretty damn obvious when he had large blocks of time that were unaccounted for.”

Quinn gave her the space she needed to gather her thoughts.

“I finally confronted him. He tried to deny it at first, but I refused to let it go. So he eventually admitted that he was having an affair with another woman.” She stood up, wrapped her arms around her midsection, and moved to stand in front of the wall of mirrors, staring at herself.

“He said he couldn't help it. She was ‘
smoking hot
,' he said. Way different from me. All glamorous and sexy and … and … and everything I wasn't,” she finished on a whisper.

The look in her eyes was haunted. Quinn was on his feet, standing behind her, wrapping her in his arms, before he even realized what he was doing. He turned her away from the mirror and hugged her to him, holding her tightly so she could not twist away.

“Keith Oshard's an idiot,” he said. “Anybody can see that you are way hotter than Whitney Bianca.”

She clung to his shirt, laughed into his shoulder. “Thanks, but you're just saying that because you're still under the influence of the endorphins we just created.”

“Good point,” he said. He scooped her into his arms and headed toward the stairs. “I think they're wearing off, though. We should probably do it again.”

She laughed again. He liked that sound. And he marveled that he was the one to cause it.

Chapter Nine

They discussed the case over breakfast the next morning. Quinn grilled her about her relationship with Keith, which she suspected was partially for personal reasons. She finally walked over and perched in his lap.

“Are you jealous of a relationship I had more than a year ago?”

He smoothed his hand over her ass. “Nope. Just making sure there isn't any residual emotional bullshit going on, that's all. When you're having an orgasm in bed with me, I want it to be me you're thinking about.”

She laughed. “Trust me, I don't exactly have a choice in the matter. You can be awfully all-consuming, Quinn Daniels.”

He ran one hand up her back to her neck and then pressed, pushing her toward him so he could kiss her. “Good to know,” he murmured against her lips. “Want to go upstairs and get consumed again?”

“Good God. I'm not sure I can keep up with you.”

He lifted her backside and repositioned her so she straddled his lap. “You underestimate yourself, Sanders. And it's your fault I'm like this, you know. If you weren't so damn—” Whatever he'd meant to say was interrupted by a knock on the back door.

He turned his head and leaned back in his chair so he could see through the kitchen into the patio room. “It's Bianca.”

“I really dislike that woman,” she muttered as she climbed off his lap.

He gave her ass a playful swat. “Just think how sweet it'll feel when you slap those cuffs on her wrists.”

She led him into the sunroom to greet their guest and then wished she hadn't. She did not need to see the image of Whitney Bianca, dressed in what Kyra figured were supposed to be workout clothes. Her bleached blond hair was pulled back into a lacquered ponytail, and her face was fully made up, all the way down to the bright red lipstick. She wore a pair of Spandex shorts that could barely pass for panties and a sports bra that hardly had enough material to hold up her girls. The running shoes on her feet looked brand spanking new.

Whitney's smile was for Quinn alone. “Did I see you jogging past my house yesterday?” she asked him in a coy, flirtatious voice.

He shrugged in that indifferent way of his. “Yeah, probably.”

Whitney struck a pose. “I jog too,” she announced. “Are you interested in a jogging partner?”

Quinn turned around and looked at Kyra. If he accepted Whitney's offer, she would cut him off for a week. He must have seen it on her face because he politely declined the invitation.

That toothy smile faltered, and Whitney's gaze shifted to focus on Kyra for the first time. Then she reaffixed the smile. “Some other time, then?” she said with fake cheer. When Quinn did not respond and the silence moved into uncomfortable territory, she excused herself and left.

Kyra watched her walk across the back lawn to her own house, while Quinn turned his back on the scene and said, “You need to get over your personal issues with that woman. Our best bet for closing this case quickly is for me to let her think she's seducing me. You and I both know it.”

“How can you say that, after what I told you last night?”

not Keith Oshard,” he said, stabbing his thumb at his own chest. “You can't assume the worst in people just because one guy fucked you over.”

“You don't know her. I don't think Keith meant to sleep with her, at first. She's just … she's just one of those women. You won't even realize it's happening until it's over.”

“Then she's pretty damn un-spectacular in bed, and I'm not interested.” He headed for the stairs. “Come take a shower with me. I want to scrub your back.”

That was an offer she'd have to be dead to turn down. But she needed to settle this point about Whitney first, and her brain was determined to get in the last word even while her feet took to the stairs.

“Quinn, I'm serious.”

“So am I. I also want to bang you up against the wall in the shower. Get in here.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her into the bathroom.

As usual, when he focused his attention on her, she forgot all about whatever else was going on in the world.

Chapter Ten

“It's been three weeks. Three weeks and this is all you've got?” Nico tossed the slim file folder across his desk. Quinn and Kyra both flinched as if he'd taken a swing at them.

“You two are as jumpy as my four-year-old grandson,” Nico snapped.

Quinn squirmed and forced himself not to look at his partner.
Ever since the new furniture was delivered, we've been screwing ourselves silly on every single horizontal surface, and some that aren't. We haven't done a damn thing in connection with the case. How's that for a status update

Kyra, who sat next to him, was trying to pretend like she hadn't just blown his, er, mind an hour prior to their boss's summons.

And I want to do it again, just as quickly as I possibly can

Even though he didn't really know the emotion, had never had any real experience with it, he was pretty sure he understood what was happening to him. Funny, it wasn't really so bad. He wasn't ready to call it love, but there was definitely something there, something strong. Something he was interested in pursuing further. He was reasonably confident she felt the same way. Which was, frankly, pretty fucking cool.

Kyra stuttered through her explanation, which wasn't really much, and Quinn tried to pry his thoughts away from picturing her naked so he could focus on helping her explain to Nico that yes, they were making inroads and no, they would not unnecessarily spend any more of the taxpayers' hard-earned dollars.

“We have a lead,” he finally blurted, not wanting Nico to turn the full extent of his wrath onto Kyra. Nico was a pretty cool boss, in general, but when he was mad, it could be a damn scary sight.

BOOK: Undercover Heat
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