Under Their Protection (2 page)

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Authors: J.A. Bailey

BOOK: Under Their Protection
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Walker narrowed his gaze at Blake and studied him for a moment. “What’s going
on, Blake? There’s more to this. I can tell.”

could practically hear Blake’s teeth grind. “There’s been phone calls to her
mobile—she doesn’t know about them—and…and photos of us.” He lowered his gaze.


Blake snapped his head up. “Our relationship is purely professional. But I
spend a lot of time with Ebony. She likes to take a break every now and then
and I’m pretty much the girl’s only friend. We were
to be



so we just need to keep her safe until the cops have done their digging.”

and I’m hoping you can do some research of your own.”

nodded. “No worries.”

Blake’s wide shoulders dropped a little and Walker grinned. He’d been right.
There was so much more to this than just a job.

sat on the bed and eyed his friend. “So…Ebony is pretty damned hot. It’s not surprising
she’s drawn unwanted attention.”

be thinking of mixing business with pleasure,” Blake practically growled.

not? I bet she’d be amazing in the sack.”

friend took a step forward and Walker grinned. He’d always been good at riling

need to be concentrating on protecting her. Not fucking her, Walker.”

I didn’t say anything about sharing her?” Walker chuckled. “But you know it
wouldn’t be the first time. Remember Paris?”

face broke into a reluctant smile. “Oh yeah, Monique. Quite a woman.”

a patch on Ebony though.”

away from Ebony.” Blake thrust a finger at him. “Concentrate on the job.”

that what’s stopping you from making a move? The job? Because you know it’s
bullshit that you can’t watch a client and be sleeping with them. I’ve slept
with plenty of mine and I’ve never fucked up a job.”

don’t need distractions.”

shook his head. Blake had always been a by-the-book kinda guy. But lusting
after Ebony wasn’t going to do him any favours. Scratching that itch would
probably make him a better bodyguard. Walker always felt if there was more at
stake, it made him a better bodyguard, which is why—if a client was
interested—he had no qualms about sleeping with any of the beautiful women he
protected. Not that any held his interest for long. At thirty-two, he could do
with finding the one who did. He was getting too old to be travelling the world
and having flings.

Walker stood and regarded him gravely. “You’re already distracted.” He strolled
over to the window once more. “That gorgeous women down there is a distraction
enough and I’m willing to bet you spend half your time wondering what it would
be like to be buried between those lush long legs.” He glanced over his
shoulder at him. “You need to find out, my friend. Because, if you don’t, I’ll
find out for you.”

braced himself for the inevitable fist that would come his way.


tried not to picture Ebony’s legs wrapped around him as she perched on the high
bar stool in the kitchen. He tried not to imagine burying his cock in between
those thighs. He attempted not to get turned on at just the thought of kissing
those luscious cherry red lips.

he failed.

Ebony talked with Walker about all her upcoming commitments, Blake could only
sit and admire and dream. Walker’s words kept ringing in his mind. Would it be
better to act on his attraction to her? Though attraction seemed too mild a
word. She consumed him. All he thought about was Ebony. Yeah, they spent a lot
of time together—more than most married couples probably—but it wasn’t just
that. He’d spent plenty of time with other attractive women and not had this

was something about her. Her outgoing personality hid a vulnerable girl, one
who was soft and took pleasure in small things like trips to the seaside and
eating Chinese takeout at midnight. He’d done all those things with her and
seen how she could switch from funny—and a little outrageous—to sweet and kind.
And, damn, he liked both sides. A lot.

of course it didn’t hurt that all that was wrapped up in a ridiculously
fuckable package.

over a year of torturing himself and trying to remain professional, and now Walker
was threatening to stroll in and whisk her off her feet. And he’d do it. Walker
had the looks and the charm. Blake might be broodingly attractive but women
never failed to fall for the golden boy’s quick smile and even quicker wit.

gritted his teeth. From the way Ebony was eyeing Walker, she was no different.
Walker ran a hand through his dark blond hair and Ebony watched every movement
closely as they leafed through her appointments.

he had a choice. Leave her to Walker or make a move and break every one of his
rules which said you should never get involved with a client. And don’t forget
the risk of rejection, he added silently to himself. As close as they might be,
he just couldn’t tell if Ebony desired him as she blatantly did Walker.

if Walker wasn’t his best friend, he really would take him to pieces. But
Walker knew him better than anyone and Blake understood he was riling him,
pushing him to take a leap with Ebony. Blake wasn’t an idiot. He saw through Walker’s
plan. Problem was, how much of it was real and how much of it was put on? He’d
seen his friend seduce many women with his act but never had he seen him look
at a woman like he did Ebony.

If he wasn’t mistaken, Walker was falling under her spell. If he wasn’t
careful, he’d have a real fight on his hands.

stood and strode over to the walnut breakfast bar and Ebony jabbed at her iPad.

way,” she said emphatically. “I can’t miss that shoot. It’s huge.”

too dangerous,” Walker replied. “Out in the open, anything could happen.”

it’s for one of the biggest magazines in the UK. Blake, tell him!” Ebony
motioned with her hand.

put a hand to her shoulder and felt her slight tremor. “He’s right, sweetheart.
A photo-shoot outside is too risky. It’s only for a while, at least until the
cops have processed the CCTV and all the employee records at the arena.”

licked her lips and glanced at his hand. “I can’t afford to miss out on this publicity.
You know I can’t. I haven’t had any new material out in ages. If I don’t do
this, everyone will forget about me.”

highly doubt that,” Walker said with a chuckle.

narrowed her gaze at him and Blake gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. What
Walker didn’t know was how hard Ebony had worked to get to where she was and
how simply it could all be lost. With no new songs, it would be so easy to sink
into oblivion. This past year of protecting her had taught him a lot about the
music business and it was damned cutthroat. He’d hate to see all her work go to

we see if they’ll move the shoot indoors? To somewhere of our choosing?” He
glanced at Walker. “Does that sound okay to you? Somewhere we can keep secure?”

sucked in an audible breath. “Okay, that sounds fine.”

offered Blake a grateful smile, one that tugged at his heart. “Thanks, Blake.”
She patted his hand and then reached over to take Walker’s. “I owe you guys so

at the sight of Ebony’s hand over Walker’s, Blake wondered why jealousy didn’t
eat at his insides like it should. Maybe because, with his best friend at his side,
he knew they could protect Ebony. And Walker was the kind of guy who would
protect what was valuable to Blake at all costs. They’d been through some scary
shit together and always had each other’s backs. In spite of not wanting to
relinquish Ebony to him, he realised if it happened, there would be no other
man he’d rather lose her to. Walker would guard her with his life.

at the end of the day, Ebony’s life and happiness were the most important thing
to him.

he had to, he would step aside, he decided. But that didn’t mean he’d give up.
No way. He hadn’t got where he had by giving up at the first hurdle. He’d play
Walker’s game and they’d see who came out on top.


do you do it?”

peered at Walker. “What do you mean?”

gestured to Ebony where she was posing against a white screen, the bright
lights illuminating her pale skin and making her red hair even brighter. “How
do you stand here and watch this?”

over at her, Blake sighed. “With difficulty,” he admitted.

In a
tight leather dress, which was slashed down to her stomach, and red heels,
Ebony embodied just about every man’s fantasy. Her beautiful petite face spoke
of innocence while her body just begged you to throw her over your knees and
spank that tight little arse before fucking her until she screamed.

Walker slapped a hand to his shoulder, “you have more control than any man I’ve
ever met. One week in her company and I’m dying to see what she’s like in the

tried to summon some jealousy but he couldn’t. Who could blame the man? Ebony
had to be the most gorgeous, funny, savvy woman he knew. Yeah she played up on
her sexy image but it was all a ploy. She knew exactly how to market herself
and he couldn’t help admire the shameless way in which she did so. His ex-wife
would never have approved. She was so straight-laced and yet when it came down
to it, she was the one who cheated. He couldn’t help think that being more open
like Ebony was way better for any relationship.

almost groaned as the realisation struck him. Unlike him. He’d never told her
how he felt. Never even given a hint. But did she even feel anything for him?
Blake threw a glance at Walker and saw the knowing glint there. He’d have to
find out, even if it was just so he could wish her well with Walker. He had to

he promised himself. Soon, he’d ask her how she really felt about him.


peered at the two men through the bright lights as they watched her pose.
Between her thighs, she was a mess of desire and dampness. Dressed in the
tightest leather dress ever, she posed for the photos with ease. But the two
men studying her made it difficult to concentrate. She did everything mechanically.
The same smiles, the same sexy poses. Thrusting her breasts out and stretching
her legs. This is what people wanted from her. She was a sexy bad girl with a
husky voice and a great rack.

she was fine with that. Only important people knew the real her. Like Blake.
And maybe even Walker. The past week, he’d been charming and friendly—always
willing to chat. She had to admit, she liked his sexy smooth chin, blazing
green eyes and amazing body. Yes, she’d got glimpses of that gorgeous stunning
body when he’d come out of the pool. Unlike Blake, Walker didn’t seem to mind
mixing his personal life with his work and had no shame in stripping off and
joining her for a swim. Many nights, she’d dream of just wrapping her legs
around him and riding him until she exploded. And some nights, Blake turned up
in her dreams, dark and brooding. He would be angry at first and then turned
on. Then he would tie her up and both he and Walker would deliver a sound

licked her lips and drew in a breath as the photographer prompted her. God, she
was losing it.

when the photographer called it a wrap, Ebony stretched her aching muscles and
headed for the dressing room. One of the assistants helped her out of her dress
and pulled apart the elaborate 40’s style hairdo. She was standing in her black
lace underwear when Blake barged into the room. He froze, his dark gaze tracing
her body. Her nipples peaked against the thin lace and goosebumps danced across
her skin. His nostrils flared. There, just beneath that expressionless face,
was a glimmer of something.


gulped and forced herself to face him head on, hands on her hips. “Yes, Blake?”

need to move. Security said they saw a suspicious vehicle. I don’t want to take
any chances.”

give me two secs.”

she thrust her legs into her jeans and yanked on her stomach baring top. The
whole time she felt Blake’s gaze on her and it sent thrills spiralling through
her, straight to her pussy. She fluffed out her hair, keeping her head lowered
so as to avoid looking at him. If he looked carefully, surely he’d see how much
she wanted him. Ebony concentrated on taking calm, quiet breaths.

on then,” she mumbled as she shrugged into a light jacket.

hooked a hand around her elbow, his fingers warm through the cotton of her
sleeve. Her heart pounded—not from fear but from the desire to have those
fingers elsewhere. Skimming over her breasts perhaps or dipping between her
thighs. Curving over her arse and spreading her for him. Then Walker came to
her side, his hand on her other elbow and her simmering desire turned to molten
lust. All her imaginings seemed to combust in her mind.

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