Under the Cypress Moon (76 page)

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Authors: Jason Wallace

BOOK: Under the Cypress Moon
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"Nothin', Mama.  I guess you gave Mark a what for.  It's funny."

"You mind your tongue, Tiberius!  That boy has enough goin' on without his friends makin' such light of his affairs.  You best remember that when the day comes for you and your lovely young lady to do the same, that it's open season on you!  In fact, I may just encourage Mark and the rest of your friends to do exactly what you're doin'.  I raised you better, Tiberius.  You either get yourself out there and keep your friend calm, or you get on inside and find your seat.  Now!"

"Yes, Mama," T.L. agreed, shrinking with fear that his mother would begin to knock him about his arms or face.

T.L. chose the former of the two orders, thinking that he would be far too bored sitting inside the church with no one to talk to, other than his parents.  Dan Brady and Lou Sanders were already there, but Dan stood toward the front of the pews inside, chatting up one of Shylah's friends while Lou was busy helping his wife gather all of their children from their car, baby included.

It was now nine-forty-three.  Mark quickly glanced at his watch and realized that it was time for him to get to where he needed to be.  He would not allow himself to be late to his own wedding, nor would he purposely do anything to upset Shylah on such a happy and blessed day.  "C'mon, T.," Mark commanded as his friend came to stand at his side.

"Time, huh?"

"Yup.  We gotta be ready and waitin' when your sister comes out.  You seen Dan and Lou?"

"Dan's inside, but Lou's over there with his wife and kids," T.L. announced, pointing across the parking lot.

"Ok.  Just as long as everybody's in place.  I take it all the women that are part of this are with your sister.  We can't have hiccups."

"As far as I know, they are.  Don't worry, Man.  It's gonna all be good.  This is your day.  After a while, you're gonna be a married man!  No more fun!  No more beer runs!  No more anything that even looks like the fun you used to have!"

"Yeah, whatever you say.  You just keep that in mind.  The way you and Tamia are goin', you're gonna be right here, exactly where I am.  That girl is crazy about you!  You're gonna be buyin' a ring by the time me and Shylah have the baby!  I guarantee it!"  Mark smiled as he led his friend into the church and to the altar.

Before long, Mark stood with T.L., Dan, and Lou, Reverend Hill mouthing the words that he would soon speak, as he had not officiated such a ceremony for some time. 
"You got the rings, right, T.," Mark asked, worried about the possible answer in the negative.

"Rings?  I was supposed to have the rings?  Did you give 'em to me?"

"T., do not do this!  If I don't kill ya, your sister and your mama will!  Where's the rings?!"

"Man, you are too easy. I got 'em right here," T.L. affirmed, patting his breast pocket.

"Oh, thank God!  Sorry, Reverend."

"No.  It's ok.  Thanks be to God!  He deserves all the praise for this day and for bringin' you and your beautiful bride to this altar," Reverend Hill assured Mark, still perusing the words written on a stained piece of paper before him.

Soon, Kayla and the two bridesmaids, Cindy and Denise, were ready to emerge from the bridal chamber and assume their places opposite the men.  As Kayla tried to leave, Shylah stopped her, grabbing her by the arm so tightly that she could feel a tremendous and painful sting.

"Kay, go tell them it's off!  I can't do this," Shylah shouted.

"You can.  You will."

"No!  I can't!  Go tell them I made a mistake.  Tell them all to go home," Shylah demanded, only tightening her grip, causing Kayla to tug at her cousin's arm.

"I won't tell them that.  You're gonna do this.  Do you love that man," Kayla asked, staring into Shylah's eyes, seeming more to demand that Shylah go through with the ceremony than to encourage her to do so.

"Of course, I love him!"

"Then, what's the problem?  Go out there, and marry the man you love so much!  You can do this!  I'll be right there with you.  You can do it.  Just go do it."

"Easy for you to say!  You've never been married!"

"Thanks.  Rub that in.  You know why?  It's because I've never met a man that loved me even half as much as Mark loves you!  You have a great guy!  Get your butt out there, and show him you love him!  You can do this.  You can do it.  You can do it.  Come on, Ladies.  Tell her she can do it!"

All at once, a great chorus of "You can do it" sounded from the chamber, spilling out to the guests in the back pews.
  Finally, Shylah summoned all of her courage and sent her cousin and her bridesmaids to the altar, soon to follow them.

As Shylah strode down the aisle, arm in arm with her father, Mark knew that he must be seeing an angel sent to Earth.  He knew that it was well worth the eight thousand dollars spent for the wedding gown to see Shylah as she was.  He simply could not believe that God had brought to him such a lovely creature, someone so deserving of the highest praises.  He felt his chest sink into his stomach, wondering if the nervousness would ever pass, but strangely enough to him, he did not want it to pass.  He wanted Shylah to always have that effect on him. 

"Who gives this woman away before God," asked Reverend Hill as Shylah was brought before him.

"I do," answered Darius, so proud of his daughter but afraid to let her go.  She was no longer just his little girl.  She would soon be someone's wife.  It was a thought that deeply frightened him and would not allow him to release his hold on Shylah's arm.

"Daddy," Shylah whispered.  "You have to let go of me.  I love you, Daddy, but you gotta let go.  Please."

Darius wanted to respond that he could not let go, that he would never let go, that Shylah needed to remain his baby girl forever and a day.  Choking back the sudden and sharp realization of it all, Darius finally relinquished his hold.  Wiping his eyes, he returned to
his seat, next to his wife.

Mark and Shylah glanced lovingly at one another, unable to believe what they were about to do.  It filled them both with immeasurable joy and hope but made them simultaneously feel as if they might faint.

"Dearly Beloved," Reverend Hill began, his spectacled face staring at the crowd laid out mostly in black and white apparel.  "We are gathered here today to bring together this couple in glorious union.  What God bringeth together, let no man tear asunder.  Let no one be left to wonder.  Let no one look down to put them  under.  Marriage is a sacred institution bestowed upon man by a loving Father above.  It IS a sacred institution given to us in the Book of Genesis that is to be between one man and one woman, no matter what naysayers may try to argue.  Though perilous times have seemed to clamp us with prevailing winds, they will not triumph!  What we are here to witness this day is the holiest of sacraments, the ultimate of gifts, the highest of blessings!  It is what God intendeth!  Let us behold the wondrous and miraculous works of the Lord, particularly, in bringing this couple, so full of love, to His altar.  Now, the happy couple have chosen to recite their own vows.  Marcus, you may begin."

"Ummm," Mark stammered, realizing that he had forgotten to write any vows.

"You mean you didn't write any," Shylah demanded, in a hushed tone.

"I'm sorry," Mark chimed back, through his gritted teeth.  "I meant to.  I forgot.  I can do this, though."  Mark thought for a while and began to say what was in his heart, exactly what James advised him on Thanksgiving.  "Shylah Dawn King, you are my light and my life.  You are everything any man could ever want or ever should want, but you're mine, only mine.  I promise that from this day forward, I will give to you my whole heart, my soul, everything that I am or ever will be.  I am yours.  I give myself to you completely.  I never want to be anything but your loving husband and father to our children.  I never want to escape from the jail of your heart.  You are my master, the guardian of my soul. 
I promise to always love you with every piece of myself and give you the life that you deserve.  I will do all I can to never hurt you, never leave you to wonder or doubt, never cause you undue pain.  You got me forever, Baby."

"Sweet," Shylah muttered.  "Nice way to end it."  With a short laugh, Shylah pulled a piece of paper from her bosom, but before she could begin to speak, a murmur rose up from the audience. 

"Did you know she was pregnant?  Turns out they been doin' a little somethin' somethin' before now, just couldn't wait for tonight." 

"I hear that's why they're gettin' married," came the response from somewhere in the crowd, though few knew where. 

Reverend Hill gave a stern and terrifying look around the chapel, which hurriedly shushed the interruption.  "Please, continue," Reverend Hill urged Shylah.

I'm not as good with words as Mark, but here goes.  Marcus James Crady, I love you more than there are words to ever tell you.  You are my life, my prince, my one and only.  You have given me strength when I didn't know how to be strong.  You have lifted me up to heights I did not know I could soar to.  You have given me your heart, and I have given you mine.  I hope that no matter what happens, we can always remember today.  No matter the fights that we are sure to have, no matter the pain that we will experience, I hope that we can always come back to now and see what we did and take it as a sign of faith in each other.  I promise to be your guide through life, your hand to hold,  your shoulder to cry on, your friend to laugh with, your cook, your housekeeper, and the mother of your babies.  I won't always be the easiest person to live with, but I can promise you now, before God and everybody, that I will love you forever.  I will cherish this day and every day hereafter.  I will be everything you will let me be and try to go above and beyond that.  You will never have to doubt me or wish that we had not done what we are here for right now.  I will always be your light, your beacon when you are lost, your way back to the place you need to be.  I will lift you up, as you have lifted me, and I will keep you on the right path, staying close to God.  I love you and always will."

"Now that the couple has said their vows to one another, let us continue."  Reverend Hill could not stop smiling as he concluded the ceremony, overjoyed to see Mark and Shylah coming together as man and wife.  It was the happiest ceremony that the Reverend had been a part of, save his own.  "Marcus James Crady, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, through sickness and health, for better or for worse, richer or poorer, from now until death parts you?"

"I do," Mark said, looking at Shylah, so amazed and so overwhelmingly happy that it almost made him feel sick from so many butterflies afloat in his stomach.  Though he could not see through Shylah's veil, he knew that she must be absolutely radiant and beaming with joy.

"Now, Shylah Dawn King, do you take this man, Marcus, to be your lawfully wedded husband,
to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, through sickness and health, for better or for worse, richer or poorer, from now until death parts you?"

"I certainly do," Shylah said, much more loudly than had Mark.

"If anyone objects to this union, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."  The look that Reverend Hill pronounced upon all in attendance let them all know that no one should dare speak up, that this was a union not to be questioned.  "Then, it gives me great pleasure to announce that by the power vested in me by this church and by the great State of Georgia, I now pronounce you man and wife!  You may kiss your beautiful bride, Mark!  Go ahead, Son, before someone else does it for you."

Mark happily lifted the veil to see Shylah's warm and smiling face staring back.  Mark could not believe the sight before him.  Shylah always looked beautiful to him, with or without makeup, but somehow, at that moment, she really did look to resemble so many angels painted and hung around the church.  Her beauty nearly knocked Mark to his knees. 
Mark was certain that it all had to be a dream, but if it were, he thought, he would live every second of it to the maximum of its potential.  "I can't believe we finally did it, Baby!"

"Me either.  Now, shut up, and do what the Reverend said.  Kiss me."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Mark and Shylah had had many passionate kisses before, many that could sweep either of them off of their feet, but this first kiss of their married life was one to top all others.  Mark placed his arm behind Shylah's back, and tipping her downward, placed the most passionate, most intense and breath-defying kiss that either had ever imagined.  It disgusted some of the older attendees, seeming as if the married couple were making out far more than they were merely celebrating their nuptials.

As Mark and Shylah strode down the aisle, arm in arm, they received the applause and cheers of so many on either side of the aisle.  No one in attendance, however, was happier or more proud than was Pearlina King.  She felt that her one and only daughter had finally been borne into womanhood, ready to be wife and mother.  She knew that she had raised her daughter well, to value such things as she did.

The couple emerged from the church triumphant, as the King and the Queen that was no longer King in name.  They were the rulers of their happy kingdom, even if others did not see it that way.  Their subjects surrounding them to bid them luck and happiness, they stopped to accept the accolades and to pose for numerous pictures before Shylah tossed her bouquet.  Everyone was now gathered on the outside of the church, countless throngs of people beckoning the bride and groom to them.  After nearly a half of an hour of this attention, Shylah finally turned around and tossed her bouquet behind her.  Though many women tried to capture the arrangement, Kayla, who merely threw up her hand but made little attempt, caught it, full force, and though the melee that ensued was nearly catastrophic to person and to flowers, Kayla retained her hold.

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