Under the Blood Moon (The Stargazers Trilogy Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Under the Blood Moon (The Stargazers Trilogy Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty-nine

June 5


It had been months since the last Blood Moon. Eric wouldn’t have known, because he was still a prisoner. A new bodyguard told him about it. Since he wasn’t needed, he was only fed small meals. His basic needs were met, and that was all. The guards paid him no more attention than they needed to. He figured he would make the most of it, until Sybil found a way to rescue him. He chuckled at the thought.
My sister’s going to rescue me.

Until he saw his sister again, he was going to do push-ups, sit-ups and everything else he could to get himself in better shape. Shape enough to escape. And strength enough to run like the dickens when he did get out.

Those who held him hostage allowed him occasional showers. As time went by, he became better friends with the guard named Jalen. Jalen sneaked in healthier food in larger quantities for him, so Eric could keep his strength up. Eric asked him questions. But even his jailer didn’t know what was planned next for Eric. So he finally quit asking. For some reason, that he couldn’t understand as yet, he trusted Jalen. There was real concern in this guard’s eyes about having to keep Eric locked up for apparently no reason.

Eric jumped in fear when the cell door, as Eric called it, opened with a squeak, as it showed its age. He held his breath, hoping it was Jalen with some more food. It wasn’t. Isabella entered his room without knocking.

“Well, well, well,” Isabella started as she eyed Eric with a smirk. “I don’t know how I could have missed it before, but you look simply ravishing.”

“Maybe it’s because I didn’t work out for you,” he said, without missing a beat, His face didn’t change expressions. He did that to throw her off.

Whenever Isabella came to see him, he changed his personality. That helped him to pick out several signs of when her mood differed from her actions. When she was jumpy, it usually meant that it was time to go out and do whatever job she had to do, or there was something that she didn’t want Eric to find out about her tricks. Either way, it was a good early warning sign.

He did not want her to be able to get a read on him, like he could with her.

“What have you to say for yourself?”

“Well, I’ve had my shower,” he said. “Thank Jalen for the change of clothes that you had him bring me.”

“I most certainly will,” she replied, while narrowing her eyes. He knew she was trying to figure him out. She wouldn’t be able to, because he had practiced keeping his emotions in check for the last couple of months.

He refused to make eye contact with her. Since he was taller than she was, it was somewhat intimidating to her. He could tell. “I don’t know why you’re still keeping me. I haven’t gotten any magical dreams for you since you kidnapped me. You know I’m not helping you with anything, so why don’t you just let me go?”

She chuckled. “My, my. The young man has definitely grown up.” He knew she was trying to push him so that he would lose his cool. He didn’t. Ten minutes later, Isabella walked out without getting any information about the moon. “What do you know, kid? Anything at all?”

“Nothing that interests you.”

“I guessed as much.”

Due to the fact that Isabella didn’t supply him with a barber, his hair had grown rapidly over the past few weeks. With a distinct definition in his muscles after working out, Jalen joked and said Eric looked like Sampson in the Bible.

A Bible reference? Maybe Jalen was a Christian.

Jalen gave Eric a chance to talk about anything he wanted, like sports. So they talked about baseball statistics. Sometimes Jalen would mention the Blood Moon. Instead of saying what he wanted to say about the moon, Eric just shook his head. Finally, Eric placed a meaty hand on Jalen’s shoulder and smiled. “Anything you need?” asked Jalen.

“Were you the one who played the radio for me earlier?”

Jalen winked.

“I’d sure like to hear some news again.”

“Consider it done.” Jalen clasped his hand. “You are a bright young man. I sense you are a New Born Christian. That is exactly what the Bible is talking about when it says to be born again. Expect to be persecuted. But it won’t last.”


Chapter Thirty

July 3
, 2015, 6:18 p.m.


Jalen slipped a small headset in for Eric to listen to. “You can hear the news for a couple of minutes on this. But I’ll have to put it back inside my coat and take it back to my car right away.”

“Did you get caught the last time?”

“Almost.” Jalen kept his voice low. “It is already set on a news station.”

Eric put the headset on and listened.

“Here is the latest news report about our present blood moon situation,” the announcer said. “A global sunset will be shining on the moon tonight. The brilliant hues of a blood moon come from the edges of the sun peeking around the periphery of the Earth, catching the atmosphere. It’s essentially a global sunset shining on the moon. The moon has to be in just the right position to catch those rays. This time it will do it.”

After breaking for a commercial, the news returned. “According to NASA, lunar eclipses occur in random order. Getting four total eclipses in a row, especially blood moons, is like drawing a rare lunar poker hand of four of a kind. So Bible believers consider this to be a sign from God.

“Other star gazers have these predictions: A.

Expect a lunar Eclipse of 14 degrees of Libra at 8:06 today. B.

A powerful, April full moon will make a T-square to Pluto, Mars, Venus, Taurus, and Jupiter in Leo. C.

The sun in Aries aligns with Uranus, Mercury and the South Node. The moon in Libra aligns with the North Node.”

He paused.

“One other thing. Many people feel anxiety about the blood moons. This scares them about the future. No matter what is coming, you must keep your faith. It appears there will be a great change for most people, and there may be a great challenge for your circumstances. But we must all keep our freedom and well-being intact.”

Eric turned the radio off and handed the headset back to Jalen. “Not much going on tonight. But that is good.”

Jalen packed it away in his backpack. “I’ll put this back under my seat in the car and be right back. That way, when Isabella sends her goons to see you tonight, the evidence will be gone.”

Jalen slipped out and took the radio to the car, and then came back. “Done.”

“Good plan.” Eric felt fear inside. “Another blood moon is here. I’ll bet Isabella will interrogate me again.”

“I believe she will,” said Jalen. “You know how to handle her now. Don’t you?”

“Not quite sure. I’m to make sure that I remain quiet and calm. I will only answer questions when I’m addressed.” He rolled his eyes.

“Good. Isabella seems to like it that way.” Jalen looked at his watch. “Time for me to go.”

Eric thought deeply about his escape plan. He planned harder than he ever did for any test or anything else in his life. Having to get every detail accurate was essential. His life would depend upon it.

Eric felt healthier and stronger than he had in years. He had exercised regularly. Planning to escape should be as easy as he hoped, but he needed a lot of work on the execution. When there was some light coming through a crack into his room, he would walk heel to toe in different directions and count off the distance to and from the door.

He was completely cut off from the Internet and news of any kind, except that which Jalen allowed him to know. He felt he was going crazy, but he wanted to know if they were going to take him out for whatever reason.

Eric could tell another Blood Moon was upon them by the way people acted. Everyone looked like they just woke up and were buzzing about like a disturbed hive of bees. If he didn’t take advantage of the confusion and the fact that he had been playing docile to throw them off, then he would miss what might have been his last chance to escape.

Isabella unlocked the door and walked in, eating a hamburger. “Really good,” she said. “I’ll bet you’d like one.”

“No thank you.” He would not admit that he was starving to death.

While they were being somewhat civil to each other, Eric watched her every movement. He studied the way she carried herself, whether she talked with her hands or not, and any facial expression linked to whatever situation was the most current.

Isabella studied him as well. “I’m beginning to think that you are worthless.”

“That’s what I’ve been telling you.”

She stood still and continued to glare at him. “You’re right.”

“So, you’ll let me go?”

“Carl!” she shouted. “Come in here.”

A large man with a black T-shirt and dirty blue jeans on came in carrying a newspaper. Walking up, he put his nose against Eric’s nose. He then threw the newspaper at Eric’s feet and snarled.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Isabella said, sarcastically. “I guess I should have told you about Carl earlier. Oh, well. I guess you know now. Don’t you?”

Isabella and Carl left the room laughing, and locked the door behind them.

Eric looked down at the paper with some reservation, until he noticed it was from Portland and dated several weeks back. Reaching down without thinking, he grabbed the paper and started to read the page that had been folded out for him. His sister’s name was listed as being in a house flattened by an earthquake. With his eyes widening and his heart racing, the only response he could make was a quiet, “No.”


Chapter Thirty-one

August 1


While Eric languished in his makeshift prison and Sybil lay in her hospital bed, the rest of the world were glued to their TV sets, listening to the latest events regarding the coming Battle of Armageddon.

“Here’s the news,” the announcer said. “The radical claim of many religious theorists is that a massive asteroid or comet, large enough to spell the end of the human race, is about to collide with Earth. Although the details are still a little fuzzy and the claims lack credentials, the massive popularity of the prediction has forced NASA to respond.

“The agency has clarified that the world will not end in September 2015, and humanity will not be destroyed. The possibility of such a major collision with a comet or a large asteroid is minimal. NASA has dismissed the theory as unfounded.

“However, many theorists say that governments of many leading countries around the world have information and knowledge about a comet strike. They say that other countries are prepared to protect the elite ruling class in their country. Those governments are keeping the information about this comet strike a secret to allow the more affluent class to be safe. This is also to prevent mass panic.”

“Phone lines will be open for you to share what the blood moon looks like in your area.

“Another feed from Miami revealed a coming storm. Showers and clouds will render the viewing of the blood moon a bust in some U.S. cities.

“Those who are wondering how the red on the moon can be need to remember this. In order to be complete, the Earth’s shadow must cross over the reflected light on the moon’s surface. Dust and sulfur dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere can affect the size of the shadow spreading across the moon. The moon has to be full for the total lunar eclipse to occur.

Hope there won’t be a comet. Accounts of the apocalyptic event agree that a comet would bring about a climatic catastrophe. People still claim that doomsday is here. Others say that it is the sign of the anti-Christ. NASA says not to worry. There is no apocalypse coming by a comet strike. Yet, many believe that the end is near! What can we say?”

Solomon visited Sybil. He sat and held her hand, while they smiled at each other. He told her stories about his childhood. He encouraged her to keep a positive view on life.


Chapter Thirty-two

September 1


Eric prayed hard that he could get out of prison before the fourth blood moon. Once she considered him worthless, he guessed they would dispose of him and never tell his sister what had happened.

Surprisingly, men arrived to remove Eric from his prison. They tied his hands behind his back and put a black bag over his head so he couldn’t see anything. One thing they forgot to tell him was that it was extremely hard to breathe while the bag was on his head. They obviously weren’t experienced kidnappers in his eyes, or they would have planned better.

He knew Isabella wouldn’t allow Jalen to go with them, because of the friendship both he and Eric shared. It also meant that she trusted Jalen less than ever before. Eric didn’t like the fact that their friendship might get Jalen killed and he would have to take the blame for it.

He was the one who started up conversations with Jalen. It was because he hated the isolation and just wanted to hear a human voice other than his own. It would still be Eric’s fault if Jalen was killed. At least in his mind, it felt he would be blamed. He was sure they did not know about the headset.

A part of him wanted to save his friendship with Jalen. A part of him knew what he was really going to do. If he had a chance to go free, he would flee.

He closed his eyes and breathed lightly to control his breathing, while blocking out any outside noises. If they asked him a question or gave him an order, they would be out of luck, because it was all he could do to keep from passing out. After a few minutes of failures, he then managed to gain control of his breathing by poking a hole in the bag the size of his finger. He felt the sounds of the vehicle they had him lulled him. It put a rhythm to the movement. He then matched that rhythm with his breathing. It was very tricky, but he did it. Something to remember in the future.

The vehicle’s seats were so comfortable that he fell asleep. He felt the van come to a stop and woke up.

With car doors slamming and loud laughing, woke Eric up completely. As soon as he was fully awake, he pulled at the bag. The bag was taken off. He made a face confidently at his captor, causing the man to laugh as he exited the car. “What is going on now?” he asked but got no answer.

Eric opened his eyes wide, trying to get them adjusted to the light of the midday sun. He squinted and tried to count all of the people wandering about outside. He saw his odds of escaping were non-existent. Eric realized that he would have to walk past every one of the people who were outside just to gain his freedom.

He could see ten people to be a danger to him, including Isabella and her three henchmen. Doing the best to memorize his surroundings, he looked for buildings to hide out in. But he couldn’t see much from his viewpoint. Eric shook his head, when he realized that Isabella must have thought of everything and had the car park in such a way as to limit his hope of leaving.

To one side, he saw a beautiful and lush green forest of trees. But they were off in the distance, near an enormous mountain. Something about it all looked familiar, but he couldn’t remember if he had been there or just seen a picture of it somewhere. Or was it in his dream?

On the other side, he could see a two story building. It looked like it had been there for centuries and then remade into what it was: a bar. Riley’s Tetrad was the name on it.

It looked like an old western saloon with wooden pillars going from the floor of the balcony down to the bottom of the first floor landing. It looked like it was painted black, with the name in huge neon lights. The sign hung precariously on the railing of the second floor balcony.


* * *


A half an hour passed before two of Isabella’s men came back to the car, followed by Isabella. They opened the door closest to Eric, and pulled him out of the car. They cut off the zip ties from his wrists and pushed him toward Isabella.

She stood in front of him dressed in faded blue jeans, a white midriff shirt with ruffles on the sleeves, and laced-up sandals. Her hands were on her hips and she looked disgusted. “Eric! I want you to meet Gabriel.”

A small muscular light-haired man with crystal blue eyes and wearing a shirt with the sleeves cut off approached. His hair was shoulder length. He was obviously a pet.

Eric smirked. “Hey, Gabe.”

Gabriel turned to Isabella with a surprised look. “You told me this guy was broken. He doesn’t look so broken to me.”

“He is in your care. I have some things to do, Gabriel,” Isabella said, while walking back to the car. “He won’t run. It’s not because he’s broken, he just won’t.”

She glared at Eric with a knowing smile and then allowed one of her men to open the passenger side car door. She slowly entered the car, while never breaking eye contact with Eric until she was fully inside. The rest of the men got into the vehicle as well. Eric watched them leave. He watched as they drove out of sight.

He then turned toward Gabriel and held out his hand. “I’m sure you know this, but I’m Eric.”

Gabriel looked with disgust at Eric’s hand and then he turned to walk toward the bar. His men followed. “What do you want me to do with that? I don’t do germs, man!”

Eric chuckled in spite of his fear of what would happen next. Then he realized something was too unbelievable. Gabriel left him all alone with no one guarding him.

Eric looked around in shock, but he still had to canvass the area. He noticed that the bar was at the far end of what appeared to be a small territorial division. Maybe even a strip mall. He decided to take his chances and walk toward it.

First, Eric entered the bar and saw what he expected to see. Old western tables and chairs, with a long bar toward the back of the room on the wall. He saw Gabriel sitting at the bar with some of his men, drinking and laughing. His men were sitting at different tables.

“You’re a stupid man, Eric,” Gabriel said, without even looking back. “I would have left and then the bad guy in the saloon would have known that Isabella was a liar when she said you wouldn’t run. But here you go proving me wrong! Nice job.”

“Can I ask you where we are?” Eric asked, with fear that Gabriel would notice the obvious attempt to change the subject.

Gabriel turned to face him, with a stupid grin. “You got some guts, man. Ha ha ha! I’ll give you that much. We’re in a town as kooky as it gets. Parkdale, Oregon. My place is the hot spot for the town. Isn’t that something? Ha ha!”

Eric looked him in the eye. “You don’t have to do this, Gabriel. I don’t have any mystical powers that Isabella thinks I have.”

“I know,” he responded. “I like to let her think that she’s this great psychic or whatever it is that she does. She’s never been very good at any of it. She sure gets jealous when she finds the real deal though. I think that would be you.”

“I just want to get out of here before anyone else gets hurt,” Eric pleaded. He no longer cared about putting up an emotional front. He just wanted out.

“I know that, too,” Gabriel added, while grabbing some peanuts from a small tin bucket. “She should have never involved you. I’ll make sure you don’t get hurt. You need to make a break for it, tonight though. Go before she sees the Blood Moon. You know she’s crazy right? Yeah. You know. Everyone is crazy who has a straight mix of Jordanian and Israeli blood in them. She’s always fighting with herself! Ha ha!”

Why would he say that a mix of Jordanian and Israeli blood produced someone that a blood moon would make crazy? That was scary. He would do all he could to maintain his sanity.

Eric thought about what Gabriel had said as he walked back outside. He went on the roof and hid. He waited patiently in the bushes for the sun to go down.

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