Under the Alpha's Protection (3 page)

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Nikita did so
, and a tense silence fell between them, only interspersed by their combined breathing. She winced a few times, as his nimble fingers smeared the ointment over her wounds, and he murmured his husky apologies. His hot breath skittered across her slick flesh, and Nikita swallowed her groan.

"What's in that stuff?" she finally asked to break the tension and to distract herself from the tingles of awareness his touch created.

"Oh, this and that. It's an old family recipe. It aids the healing process and staves off infection. Works better than any of that new fandangled mumbo jumbo as my grandfather would have said."

She heard the wistful note in his voice and turned slightly to see his expression. The action exposed her breasts
, and she made a hasty grab for the robe to pull it up over her front. Again, Raoul's hands on her tightened and then released. He hastily wrenched his eyes up to her face and sat back on his haunches, before straightening up. She hadn't realized that he had been kneeling on the floor behind her, and the thought of this big strong man on his knees for her made her feel quite light-headed.

Raoul wiped his hands on the hand towel and then screwed the lid back on the
old-fashioned jam jar that held the family ointment.

"We'll have to reapply that several times more overnight, for maximum effect, so I'm afraid you're stuck here with me for the foreseeable future."

"I don't want to impose on you, if—"

"Don't be an idiot." He cut off her protest with a wave of his large hand. "If you think for one minute that I would let you walk out of here, after what almost happened to you tonight, then you're insane. You're staying right here with me. You can take the bed, and I'll sleep on the couch."

"You can't sleep on the couch." The thought of his six foot five frame sandwiched on this couch was ridiculous. "You're far too big. I'll take the couch. I can't turf you out of your own bed."

"And you can't sleep on the couch. Your back needs tender care. It's not up for discussion. You're on my bed."

He crossed his arms and clenched his jaw, but Nikita was in no mood to back down from this. She could be just as stubborn if she had to be.

"Fine, then you'll sleep in there with me. I'm sure a man with your reputation has a nice big bed, and I won't take up much room at all." Her voice wavered slightly as his face grew murderous, but she plowed on regardless. "So that's sorted then."

"This is far from sorted." Raoul was growling again, and Nikita thanked the universe she was still seated, as she very much doubted her legs would have been able to carry her right now. He bent, putting his hands either side of her on the back of the couch, until she had to lean backwards to escape him.

"What reputation, squirt?"


Chapter Three


Raoul ground his teeth and reined his wolf back with some effort. This close to her, her scent drove his beast wild. Fear and arousal mixed in with the faint smell of roses that was uniquely hers, and meant he could not go past a rose bush without thinking about her. It clung to her skin, and it called him home. Her eyes widened, her breathing grew labored, and her heart beat a frantic thud in his ears.

"Answer me,
" He dropped his voice further and pinned her with the gaze that had any submissive he'd ever played with blanch. Raoul expected her to bolt, to push against him, but instead, she dropped her gaze further and bowed her head in an unconscious act of submission that had his dick trying to punch a hole through the denim of his jeans.

Her scent increased
, and he didn't miss her thigh muscles flex as though to increase the pressure she must be feeling.


"What reputation?" he asked again.

She flinched, and his hands itched to put her over his knee to get the answers he needed, but this was Nikita, his friend, damn it, and the last woman he'd have ever thought would submit to anyone. Yet here, right now, there was no misreading the signals she was giving out, and his dominant side rose to the forefront.

Acting on them was out of the question, however. It had to have been the stress of almost being attacked that made Nikita act so out character. Yes
, that was it—a natural reaction to being scared—to seek out the strongest male around to protect her. It was an instinct as old as time, and come morning and with a bit of perspective she would be back to her normal self.

Raoul hooked one finger under her chin to make her look at him
, and the vulnerability in her gaze made him want to wrap up and protect her. From the world at large, and especially from his baser instincts.

He smiled at her
, and she relaxed slightly.

"Well, you know…"

The most delightful blush stained her cheeks.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be asking, now, would I, squirt?"

She worried her plump bottom lip with her teeth, and Raoul bit back a frustrated groan. He wasn't entirely successful, however, if the shudder that went through her little frame was anything to go by.

"Fine, have it your way. They say you like to tie your women up, that you need to be in charge in the bedroom."

That blush had deepened to a bright scarlet now, and every pore of her body quivered in seeming embarrassment, and God help him, arousal. She also tried her utmost to not look at him, but at a spot far over his left shoulder.

"An interesting choice of words you use. Most folks would call me a perverted bastard."

She flinched and jerked her gaze back to his.

"You're not a pervert
, and you're not a bastard. I should know. I met your parents!"

He laughed at her attempt at humor
, and she frowned at him.

"I mean it. No one has the right to judge you. They don't know you like I do."

"You think you know me, squirt?" He pulled away from her and stepped back, not trusting himself to not crush her to him, and show her exactly what perverted things his mind was right now conjuring up. He turned his back on her before continuing.

"What if I told you that all those rumors were true?" he asked. "What if I told you that I like nothing more than to have complete control over my sexual partner, and that any misdemeanor will be severely punished. That I enjoy seeing how far I can push my submissive out of her comfort zone. That I like nothing more to see her beg for my cock, and to withhold her orgasms until I see it fit to grant her one."

Judging by her galloping heartbeat and choppy breaths, this plan of his was completely backfiring. He turned around slowly, the need to see her, to drink in her reaction overriding all common sense.

Sat on the edge of his couch, Nikita hung to his every word, and that blasted robe had slipped off her shoulder again, exposing milky white flesh that he would just love to mark with his hands, claws, and teeth. A fine sheen of perspiration covered her flesh
, and he had no doubt that she would be wet for him.  Nikita's eyes had lost their focus again, and he stepped closer so that she could see him. Her gaze snared on his crotch, and she moaned. That feminine sound of need was so erotic he had taken another step towards her before he even realized, and she had to look up to see him.

Raoul almost didn't hear her whispered reply over the rush of blood in his ears. He was surprised he had any left up there and it hadn't all just shot straight to his dick.

"If you weren't my friend I'd think that sounds hot."


Shit, shit, shit, and fuck, and bollocks.

Had she really just said that out loud? It seemed so, because Raoul groaned and ran his hand through his hair. The other one was a white knuckled ball clenched at his hip, and she forced herself to release the death grip she still had on the cushion.

"If you weren't my friend, I'd test that theory with you, Nikita." The words came out strained, and they washed over her like an embrace. To know that he seemed as affected as her made this whole situation marginally less embarrassing.

Wordlessly he held out his hand
, and she took it. Raoul pulled her up with effortless ease and turned her around to face his bedroom.

"We'll discuss this in the morning. Right now, you need sleep. Go make yourself comfortable. I'll be in soon."

"Promise?" she asked.

A flash of the old Raoul showed in his eyes, as he pulled the sign of the cross.

"Cross my heart and hope to die, squirt." His smile didn't reach his eyes, however, and Nikita could have sworn his intent gaze burned across her ass cheeks as she walked away.


Nikita woke to bright sunlight streaming into her room, the delicious smell of coffee, and the low rumble of male voices. She stretched and winced at the pain searing across her back. Not as intense as it had been last night, but it was still there, a sobering reminder of yesterday's attack.

With that thought memories came flooding back. Memories of having her back tended to several times during the course of the night by Raoul. His strong, yet oh so careful fingers, had stroked across her wounds, lifting her slightly so that he could reach all of her, his comforting presence lulling her back to sleep, even though she had been hyperaware of his every move. She hadn't thought she would manage to sleep with him being this close by, and sure enough she hadn't to start with, until Raoul had sworn, tucked her up against him, dropped a kiss in her hair and had ordered her to sleep.

His strained voice had held that edge of command she'd heard him use with his team, and the tension coiling her insides had evaporated. That voice called to a part deep inside of her, and she simply allowed herself to let go, happy in the knowledge that Raoul would take care of everything. Here, in his arms, in his bed, she did not need to be strong, to show the world at large that she could do things on her own. He knew her inside out, had seen her at her worst, and he was still here, still her friend, the one man she could always rely on.

And if the way his erection had dug into her ass the entire night was anything to go by he would soon be much more than simply her friend. If last night's attack had shown her anything, it was that life could change at the drop of a hat. She would seize the moment and seduce him. The only problem was, Nikita had no idea how to seduce any man, let alone a Dom like Raoul so clearly was.

Her stomach rumbled, and Nikita drew a face at her rambling thoughts. The urgent demands of her bladder taken care of, she padded back into the bedroom in search of something to wear. Raoul's robe left at the bottom of her bed was out of the question. Blood stains marked the back, and her stomach roiled at the visible reminder. She didn't really want to intrude on his privacy by rummaging through his wardrobe, so the only other option was one of his worn shirts. Carelessly flung into a corner it held his scent, and Nikita lifted it to her nose and inhaled deeply.

Instantly her heaving stomach settled
, and a sense of well-being invaded her. His shirt smelled like home, and she shrugged it on without a moment's hesitation. He was so much taller than she that it hung to mid-thigh, and by the time she'd rolled the sleeves up and buttoned it up, she was adequately covered, as long as she didn't bend over.

With one last grimace at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, she followed that enticing trail of coffee and frying bacon.


"Are you sure he's gone?"

"Absolutely, boss. There is no trace of our intruder. It's as though nothing ever happened. Of course the rain we had early this morning hasn't helped. Whatever tracks there were left over disappeared down the fucking drain."

Raoul frowned at his beta and bit back a curse. Darius shrugged his shoulders and took another swig of the just brewed coffee.

"I don't understand it either. They shouldn’t have been able to breach our territory lines. After the recent troubles our neighboring packs reported, we stepped up security patrols as you'd ordered. It's like these guys were ghosts or something."

Raoul flipped the omelet he was making for Nikita, and nodded grimly.

"Do you think the attacks elsewhere and this one are linked?"

Darius paused
, and his expression grew as murderous as Raoul felt on the inside.

"If they are, then the devil has just come to pay us a visit
, and your mate is fucked and not in a good way."

Raoul's wolf growled his annoyance, and Darius bowed his head in submission to the Alpha.

"Watch your language when you're talking about Nikita."

"Sorry, boss, I mean no offence. We all like the kid, but she's your weak link. If this is the hybrid he'll come for her to force your hand.
It would certainly explain how he managed to breach our defenses. Things like him are a fucking abomination, and there's nothing we can do, 'cause he carries the pack's genes. There is only one way to protect her, and that's a slim one at that. Mark her, and make her one of us."

Raoul laughed and turned the hob off.

"That's never going to happen. She'd run a fucking mile, and there is no way I’ll force this on her. No fucking way."

His wolf's happy panting alerted him to the fact that they were not on their own anymore. Darius's wolf whistle of male appreciation made his blood boil
, and he spun around ready to take the man's head off, verbally at least, when the sight of a deliciously rumpled looking Nikita took his breath away. All his blood shot south, and he groaned under his breath.

Dressed in nothing but one of his old work shirts, the sun was behind her, rendering the fine fabric completely transparent, and every one of her luscious curves was there for him to see.

Darius had the good sense to avert his eyes, but Raoul didn't miss the smirk on the other man's face.

"Watch it, pup."

"Sorry, boss, but she is fucking hot, and yours for the taking, if you ask me."

"I didn't fucking ask you, did I? Now get the hell out of my flat, and let me know of any more developments."

"Sure thing, boss."

Darius's laughter echoed in his brain, as his beta smiled at Nikita.

"Someone had a good night, I see." He ducked the punch Raoul aimed at his midriff and sauntered away chuckling. "Nice to meet you again, Nikita."

She blinked twice and stepped out of his way.

"I swear I'm going to kill that boy one day."

That brought an uncertain smile on her pale features, and she shook her head.

"And lose your best rugby player? I don't think so, Raoul. Besides, prison orange is not your color I reckon."

He laughed, his worries lifting slightly. She was safe, and she was here. He would just concentrate on that for now, not the imminent threat to his leadership, or what that might mean to Nikita.

"Please tell me you have a coffee cup with my name on it, and that omelet I can smell is ready to eat. I'm starving."

"Sure thing, squirt. Take a seat and I
’ll bring it right over." He handed her a mug of steaming coffee, and he smiled at the way she eagerly wrapped her hands around it, and inhaled the fragrant brew. Nikita was like a bear with a sore head without her caffeine hit first thing. Sure enough she mewled like a newborn kitten—a sound that made his cock so hard it hurt—closed her eyes and took several long swallows. Raoul shifted to relieve the discomfort in his groin, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from the subtle movement of her neck as she swallowed. It was all too easy to imagine her lips wrapped around his cock as he fucked her mouth and she swallowed down his cum.

He turned abruptly to get his raging body under control, as she slid on one of the high bar stools at his breakfast bar. The action exposed far too much creamy white skin for his sanity, and her scent hit him square in the face. His wolf practically rolled over, salivating in his need for this woman, and he put his hands to good use cutting the omelet in half instead.

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