Under His Spell (7 page)

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Authors: Jade Lee,Kathy Lyons

Tags: #Romance: Modern, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Adult, #Romance - General, #Romance - Contemporary, #Fiction, #Fiction - Romance

BOOK: Under His Spell
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She wanted to say something, was mentally reaching for some sort of joke or quip that would dismiss the tension she felt coiling in her belly, but she couldn’t form the words. Her mind was already embracing the strobing light, emptying of everything but the steady flash.

There it was, her mental off switch. As soon as the power was cut to her brain, everything slipped away—her fears, her tensions, her constant
And just like before, her island paradise surrounded her and she felt free, free, free!

“You’re smiling,” he observed. “Why?”

“No more thinking. Just being. It’s wonderful.” Was that her voice? Deep. Slow. Sultry, even, in a not-quite-awake way.

“Hmmm. Okay, let’s start with the basics. Say your safety word just to make sure it works.”


He frowned. “Why not?”

“I like this. I don’t need the word.”

“Because it will break you out of the hypnosis?”

“Yes. Mmmmm…” Nicky felt her head tilt back. It was weird the way this worked. She didn’t
about tilting her head back, then actually do it. She just experienced the sensation of her head dropping back against his lush couch. Then she felt her legs stretch out before her as her chest expanded in a full breath. “Ahhhh,” she said as she exhaled. “I can breathe again.”

“Good. Now tell me why you followed me home last night.”

She rolled her head on the couch to look directly at him. “Because you said to.”

He frowned. “So it was the hypnosis.”

She laughed, and the sound was throaty and dark. “No. It was because I liked it.”

“You liked what we did?”

“Of course.”

“But there’s something else?”

She stretched her hands high above her head. “Of course.”

“What did you like, Nicky? What specifically did you like?”

“I liked being told what to do.” Then she peered around her elbow. “I didn’t like that you failed to make me come.”

He stiffened. “Um, not true. I made you come—”

“From just nipple play alone.”

“Ah.” He dropped his chin on his hand. “You’re right that I failed there. Did you want to try again?”

She took another deep breath and let her arms flop open with a sigh of disgust. “You’re not as good at this as you were last night.”


She looked at him, and she felt her eyebrows arch in disdain. “Is that a command?”

“Uh…yeah.” Then he straightened, lifted his pocket watch again and spun it. What little remained of her mind burned away beneath the strobe. All that was left was this moment, this exact second and his voice as it filled her thoughts. “Nicky,” he said sternly, “I command you to tell me why I was better last night than I am now.”

“Because last night you told me exactly what to say and do.”

“I told you to tell me your fantasy.”


“And I told you where to put your hands on the railing.”

She smiled. “And to not let go.”

“And you like being commanded?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Why?” And when she didn’t answer at first, he strengthened his tone. “Nicky! Tell me why!”

“All day long, I order people around. Hundreds of employees jump when I say boo, ten thousand reports that tell my bosses what to do. I even order myself around. Sit up straight! Work late! Get it done!”

“And now?”

She grinned and felt her head fall backward again. “Now I don’t make any orders. I don’t think them up. I just do them.”

“And you like that? Being ordered around?” He paused a moment. “Being dominated?”

“Oh, yes.” She purred the words.

“And what if I ordered you to do something immoral? Something bad.”

She lifted her head, her bottom lip thrust forward into a pout. “You won’t, will you?”

“You have your safety word, remember? Will it work?”

She thought about that for a moment. She almost thought the word, but she didn’t. It was right there at the edge of her mind, ready and waiting for her to use. But she didn’t. She liked where she was.

“Nicky? Would you say the word if you didn’t like what I said?”


“Excellent.” Then he abruptly narrowed his eyes and spoke in a commanding tone. “Nicky! Tell me the truth now. Is being dominated one of your fantasies?”

She felt her lips curve in a slow smile. She meant to ask for more details. But in this state, she didn’t have the ability to question. She simply answered. “Yes.”

“How?” he asked.

She simply opened her eyes and looked at him.

“Ah,” he said, and she could tell he understood. “That’s for me to decide, isn’t it?”


“Tell me what you want, Nicky. Tell me exactly what you want me to do.”

She arched a brow. “Make me come. Make me orgasm over and over and over. Make me scream your name while you are thick and hard, ramming inside me.” She shivered at the delight of it all. “Oh, I want that so very much.”

“Oh,” he said, and his voice came out as a kind of squeak. Then he cleared his throat. “But I don’t think that’s what the normal Nicky wants.”

She looked back at him, and she saw the torchlight reflected in his eyes. It had the same effect as his watch
strobing in front of her. Her mind bled away and she said exactly what she was thinking. “Of course it’s what normal Nicky wants. I am Normal Nicky. And Responsible Nicky, too.” She grimaced as she referred to her boring persona. “Why do you think I called you? I’m not dumb, you know. I wanted to feel this free again. I want you to try again.”

She abruptly leaned forward, dashing close enough to his face to quickly lick his lips. He wasn’t expecting it and he drew back with a gasp. But she knew she had affected him. There was a distinct bulge beneath his jeans.

“Uh…” He blinked at her, obviously at war within himself. So she decided to help him out.

“I want to tell you a fantasy, Jimmy.”


“I want a master. A sex master. I want him to tell me exactly what to do when and where and how. I want him to decide everything. And I want him to make me come over and over and over again.”

He arched a brow at her, but there was hunger in his gaze. “You want me to do all the work, don’t you? And take all the responsibility.”

She grinned. He understood. “You’re an inventor, Jimmy. Invent for me the perfect orgasm.”

He stared at her, still undecided. “Is this what you want, Nicky? Is this what you want deep down inside in your most honest self?”

“Oh, yes!” There was no doubt in her mind because there was no need to hide her desires in this island paradise. That’s what she most loved about it. No thoughts. No responsibility. Just pleasure.

“But why me, Nicky? Why out of all the men in the world did you come to me?”

She grinned. He was so silly. “Because you make this place, this moment, this feeling. You make it perfect and safe and free.” She spread her legs in an obvious invitation. “So will you do it? Will you give me the perfect orgasm?”


his brain to work, but the moment Nicky dared him to give her the most perfect orgasm, his thoughts fuzzed straight out. He tried to keep things sane. He’d tried to explore why she wanted him to do this to her, why she needed to be hypnotized to touch this sexual side of her, why…a thousand whys. But whenever he tried to force himself to think, he came back to: why not?

She was aware. She was articulate. And she’d told him exactly what she wanted. Why not give it to her? Why not show the Nicky of his dreams that he could be more than just the safe loser from down the street. He was strong, he could dominate and he could, by God, be her sexual master. Why not?

“Are you going to regret this in the morning, Nicky? ’Cause you’re damn well going to remember it.”

She grinned and stretched her arms high above her head, thrusting her breasts toward him in open invitation. “I won’t regret a thing,” she said, a challenge in every line of her body. “Not if you do it right.”

He arched a brow at her. “I think you meant to say, do it right…

She echoed his pose, arching her own brow back at him. “Do it right, master,

What more could he say to that? He’d tried to be honorable, he’d tried to keep his mind on task. But this was what she wanted, and he wanted to be the man to give it to her. So he leaned back, thinking about what exactly he should order her to do.

“Take off your thong, Nicky, then go to the back of the couch and bend over.”

She straightened, but he held up a hand to stop her. She froze immediately.

“Whenever you hear my command, I want you to say, ‘Yes, master.’ That way, I’ll know this is exactly what you want. You have your other word if you want to stop. Do you understand?”

She grinned, but let her chin dip in a nod. “Yes, master.” Then while he sat there and watched, she peeled off her thong right there in front of him. The fabric was wet, the sight going straight to his groin. She wanted this. She wanted it all as she calmly stepped behind the couch. There was plenty of room there so she had space to settle her forearms on the back of the couch, then lift her pert bottom up high.

He straightened off the ottoman, moving slowly to relish this moment. All he had to do was…was…Hell. He had to get some condoms. Did he have any?

“Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

“Yes, master.”

He paused, liking the sound of that. “While I’m gone, strip off your top. I want you naked from the waist up. And…um…start playing with your nipples.”

“Yes, master.”

He waited long enough to see her pull off her suit jacket. She tossed it aside without a second thought and then went straight to her blouse buttons. He almost groaned at the thought of her doing a strip tease before him, but he had to get condoms. Right now. So he spun on his heel and dashed up the stairs. He had to have some in his bathroom drawer. He had to!

Jackpot! Four left in the box. He grabbed them all and dashed back downstairs. When he rounded the corner, he stopped to appreciate the sight. There was Nicky standing in her heels and skirt, a power executive from the waist down. And from the waist up, her hands were on her breasts, her head was thrown back in abandon and her mouth was open on a gasp of sheer delight. She was playing with her nipples just as he’d instructed.

The sight was beyond incredible. Sure, she was a beautiful woman. What man wouldn’t go nuts to see a woman doing that to herself? But what made him stop dead in his tracks was her enjoyment. Even from across the room, he could see that Nicky wasn’t thinking about anything else. She wasn’t planning her next move, wondering what he would like or even thinking about what he might do to her next. She was simply absorbed in the exquisite sensations of her fingers pulling at her nipples, of thumbing and twisting them. Her breath came in short pants, her skin was flushed a rosy pink, and he could see her shudder with the early signs of orgasm. Good God, she was going to make herself come! And he was going to follow just by watching her!

“Stop!” he ordered.

Her hands froze.

“Lean over the couch and lift your bottom as high into the air as you can.”

“Yes, master.” She did as he ordered.

He walked slowly around her, seeing the way her breasts were smashed by the back of the couch. Leaning around, he adjusted the cushions so that her hands were planted higher and her breasts dangled. He reached out and tweaked a pointed nipple and was pleased when she gasped in reaction.

“Does this make you wet?” He could smell the answer in the air, but he wanted to hear her say it. “Yes, master.”

“Let’s see.” He stepped behind her, stroking his hands up the outside of both her legs. Her skirt crumpled as he moved, and in the end, he flipped it up over her butt to reveal her perfect ass right there before him.

Each globe was white and firm and gorgeous. He smoothed his hand over her slowly, feeling the softness of her skin, knowing that her legs trembled.

“Widen your legs.”

“Yes, master.”

“Just like that. Don’t let your knees go out.”

“Yes, master.”

He stroked his knuckle over her from the back to the front, taking his time in her wet center, then pushing forward to press rhythmically against her clit. She moaned, but didn’t move.

He did it again and again to her, but by the third time, his restraint was at an end. He had to be in her. He’d been thinking about how he could do her since he was a teenager, but it had been a nonstop fantasy since last night. In fact, he’d spent the day imagining just this moment.

So without further subtlety, he stripped off his pants and rolled on the condom. And he as worked, he wondered exactly how far his control of her went. How far could he push her until she cried, “pistachio”? At the
moment, he didn’t care. The condom was on. Her body was right there before him. He stepped up behind her, taking one moment to stroke her with his dick, in part for pleasure and in part to know exactly where everything was.

She moaned again, and the sound sent him over the cliff. He slammed into her. God, she was so wet and so tight, and nothing had ever felt more perfect than this.

“Don’t come,” he ordered. His words were for himself. He was deep inside her, and he wanted to preserve the moment, but she answered as if it were an order.

“Yes, master.”

He leaned over her, far enough to stroke her from shoulder to hip. Then he pushed upward to fondle her breasts. He lifted them, squeezed them, even rolled her nipples between his fingers. She shuddered beneath him. Her internal muscles gripped him tight. She was on the verge.

“Don’t come,” he ordered. “Not until I tell you to.”

“Yes, master.”

She was so close. He wondered if she would hold out. He wondered if
could hold out. Not long, he realized. For both of them. So he slid his hands down to her hips and gripped her there. Then he slid slowly out, almost all the way, before slamming back in.

Oh God, she felt great. He did it again. Out slowly, then in as hard and fast as he could thrust.

“Tell me how it feels to you. How do I feel?”

“You’re thick. Huge,” she breathed.

He slammed in again.

“I feel you. So deep.”

“Do you want more?”

“Oh yes, master.”

That was it. Her voice so breathy ended any semblance of control. “Now! Come now!”

She did. She convulsed with a gasped cry, and he lost all consciousness beyond the final slam into her. He was coming, pushing every piece of himself into her. Pleasure exploded across his senses, like a wave of ecstasy, and it rolled through him to crash into her. She was still convulsing. Her back was arched, her mouth open.

Then her upper body fell forward. She lay there across his couch, her entire body limp. He was sprawled across her back, his heartbeat thundering in his ears.

“That was good,” he said as much to himself as to her. But she answered, her words flowing through her body into his.

“Yes, master,” she murmured.

He smiled, unable to stop himself from pressing long tender kisses into her back. He stayed like that for long minutes. The orgasm had been more intense than he’d ever experienced.

“It was perfect,” he said as he marveled at the smooth expanse of her skin. “No, master.”

He froze. “What? What did you say?”

She lifted her head, lengthening her back. Despite his intentions, he slid out of her.

“No, master.”

“No, it wasn’t a perfect orgasm?”

She twisted to look at him, and her expression was both honest and a challenge. “No, master, that was
a perfect orgasm.”

Huh, he thought as he rocked back on his heels. Then he thought over what they had done. Okay, so he’d been dreaming of taking Nicky over the back of a couch since he was old enough to think about using a couch that way.
But that was
fantasy, not hers. Ergo, what they’d just done was for him, not her.

“But you enjoyed it, right?”

She dimpled prettily. “Yes, master.”

“But it wasn’t perfect.”

“No, master.”

“Well,” he said slowly, his mind spinning furiously. “I guess I’ll just have to try harder.” After all, he still had three more condoms in the box, and it was still early on a Friday night.

Her mouth tilted up in a soft smile. “Yes, master.”

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