Under His Protection (5 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: Under His Protection
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As they walked down the quiet sidewalk she cleared her throat. “I didn’t even think to ask if you had other plans tonight. Don’t feel like you need to have dinner with me.”

Ivan snorted softly but didn’t look at her as he continually scanned the street and sidewalk for danger, his body language clear that he was ready for any potential threat. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be,” he said with quiet intensity.

The truth lacing his words stunned her. She didn’t know how to respond and was thankful when they reached the front door of her family’s restaurant. The place spanned two streets because it was on a corner, with outside table seating normally on both sidewalks. Tonight only one side was open because they were renovating the other. No surprise, the limited outside seating was already packed, likely because of the beautiful October weather. The ten round tables situated under either awnings attached to the side of the building or beneath individual umbrellas, were filled mostly with couples. Soft Latin jazz pumped through hidden speakers on the patio as people talked, laughed and drank. Peacefulness welled up inside her at the sight and just like that, she started to relax. “This is it.”

“We should have come here earlier,” Ivan murmured and she looked up to find him watching her closely, that same intensity in his gaze she’d heard in his voice seconds ago.

She frowned, feeling almost nervous under his intense blue stare. “Why?”

“I like seeing you smile.” Before she could respond, he held the heavy wooden door open for her and motioned for her to enter.

Blinking in surprise at the comment, she strode past him, trying to come to terms with this new reality where Ivan liked her. And not in a platonic way. Because she was very attracted to him too, even if she knew it was stupid. The music was slightly louder inside as was the noise level since there were triple the seats in the interior. A vibrant blend of spices teased her nose. Onions, peppers, and something citrusy were the strongest. It reminded her of her home growing up.

They were immediately greeted with a bright smile by one of her younger cousins, Jaidyn. Her cousin wore the standard black pants and short-sleeved black T-shirt every employee at the restaurant had on. Jaidyn’s eyebrows rose as she looked at Ivan then Julieta. She leaned in for a brief kiss on the cheek. “
, Jules. You brought a date
?” she asked bluntly, as she stepped back.

Feeling her face flush and cursing herself again for thinking it was a good idea to bring Ivan here, Julieta started to answer that this wasn’t a date, but Ivan beat her to the punch.

Wrapping an arm around Julieta’s shoulders he smiled easily, drawing out a blush from Jaidyn. Yeah, Julieta figured he had that effect on most women. He was all boyish charm but with an edge that was hard to ignore. “I’m Ivan. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, holding out his hand.

Surprised by his subtle possessive hold, Julieta didn’t correct him as Jaidyn shook his hand because she really liked the feel of him holding her close. She cleared her throat and glanced around, looking for other family members. Yes, this had been a stupid idea. Maybe she could still get out of it. “If you don’t have seating—”

Jaidyn waved one of her perfectly manicured hands in the air. “Don’t even finish that sentence.
Tu mama
would skin me alive if I ever turned you away. Come on.” She tilted her head in the direction of the main seating area then gave Ivan an appraising look from head to toe before turning on her heel.

Julieta inwardly cringed, knowing that soon her cousin would be on the phone with all their other cousins, giving them a full description of Ivan. “I’m going to apologize in advance for any family members you meet tonight.” Especially if her brothers showed up. “I wasn’t really thinking and—”

“Julieta,” Ivan murmured in that sexy, deep voice of his. “Don’t apologize for anything. I like that you brought me here.”

When he didn’t expand on why, she could only make guesses, but couldn’t come up with any good reasons why he’d think that. Besides, he wasn’t going to like it once he met her crazy family. She loved them all but they were a lot to take in and this wasn’t even a real date. It was just…what was it? She didn’t even know. Certainly nothing serious because she knew from Mina that Ivan didn’t do serious. Which was just as well.

Jaidyn led them to a corner table with a limited amount of privacy. When Ivan held out the chair for her, Jaidyn’s mouth fell open. Then Julieta’s mouth nearly fell open when he took off his jacket and slid it onto the back of his chair. She’d never seen him in anything but his suit and the long-sleeved, button-down shirt did absolutely
to hide his muscular physique. The shirt was practically caressing his body, showing off the masculine form she’d been fantasizing about for months.

“Thank you,” she murmured. Julieta loved his manners and found herself blushing again. God, what was this? She wasn’t some virgin teenager.

Her cousin quickly recovered. “Want me to have your server put in an order of croquettes?”

That sounded almost as amazing as the thought of trailing her fingers and lips over all those muscles Ivan was hiding under his clothes. Since he wasn’t on the menu, at least not at the moment, right about now she needed some deep fried comfort food. But she looked at Ivan, not wanting to order for him.

His delicious mouth just curved up a fraction, as if he’d guessed what she was thinking. “Order for us.”

She blinked at that. Everything about Ivan was commanding and dominating and yes, intimidating. Not to mention she didn’t know any men who asked women to order for them.

Ivan shrugged, his gaze surprisingly intimate as he watched her. As if he had all sorts of delicious things in store for her once they were alone. Which was, of course, a ridiculous notion. “You know this place, surprise me.”

Something about his deep tone sent shivers down her spine. She looked back at her cousin. “That sounds great. And a glass of wine for me. The usual.” Because she definitely needed a glass of
pinot grigio

“What do you suggest for me? No alcohol since I’m driving.” Ivan pinned her with that intense blue gaze again and for a moment it was as if their surroundings fell away.

She hungrily drank in the sharp, hard planes of his face and his full, kissable lips. Everything about him was so hard and edgy except his lips. When she looked at him, he made her think sexy thoughts of the two of them naked, tangled between sheets. She could just imagine what it would be like to look down between her legs and see that blond head buried there, his tongue teasing her, stroking… Blinking, she tore her gaze away and found her cousin watching them curiously. “He’ll have an
,” she managed to rasp out, fully aware that her cheeks were flushed.

Grinning, Jaidyn nodded. “Good choice.”

Once they were alone Julieta turned back to Ivan. “It’s a combination of coffee, espresso and ice cream and it’s delicious. I think you’ll like it, but if you don’t, don’t feel obligated to drink it.”

For a brief moment his gaze strayed to her mouth and his eyes seemed almost electric before he blinked then looked at her again. “I’m sure I’ll love it.” There was a sensuous note in his voice and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was referring to something other than the drink.

“Thank you again for all you’ve done today.” Having someone else to lean on and just plain help out had been such a huge relief. Her family was always there for her, no matter what, but she tended not to ask for help much because she worried they would think she needed it all the time instead of just when she asked. When she’d first opened her shop they’d been against it because they wanted her working at the restaurant. But she’d been adamant about making her own way.

He grunted a noncommittal sound. “Have you told anyone in your family about what’s been going on?”

Well, hell. Didn’t he just get right to the point? “Not yet. I plan to, but first I wanted to talk to Lizzy and Porter. The first couple texts… I guess I thought maybe it was a fluke or something. After today however…” She rolled her shoulders once, trying to shake off the sudden shiver snaking down her spine. “My family is incredibly overprotective, which I’m grateful for. I just want to know exactly what I’m dealing with before I tell them and I figured Lizzy, more than anyone, would know how to help.”

“Did you go to the police before today?”

“No. But only because the first couple texts weren’t bad enough to warrant it. I’m not stupid. If I’d gone to them with two texts they would have had me fill out a report and that would have been it. No crime has actually been committed.”

“Until today.” His expression darkened. “Tell me about this River. Not to be sexist, but how did you end up hiring a man to work at your shop?”

She lifted a shoulder. “He applied and I was desperate at the time. I’d just lost two employees who graduated college. They’d been with me for years but after graduating, they both found new jobs in their career of choice and I needed someone fast. River is good looking and charming and he was actually good at his job
he showed up. He was just too undependable.”

“Any hints of violence or sexual harassment, even subtle?” Ivan’s deep voice was soothing, making her feel like she could deal with this situation.

“No. He flirted a little with the customers, but it was harmless and friendly. It helped his sales, but there was nothing flirtatious toward me or Ruby, who’s been with me practically since I opened.”

“And he didn’t have a problem with a female boss? Maybe small signs that he had a problem with authority?”

She shook her head. “Not even a little.” Biting her bottom lip, she leaned back when their server, a college-aged man named Gerry approached with their drinks.

He smiled warmly at her and gave a polite nod at Ivan as he withdrew his notepad. “Jaidyn told me you wanted croquettes so I already put the order in. Today the filling is cheese. Are you guys ready or do you want some time?”

Julieta knew what she wanted so she looked at Ivan. “Were you serious about me ordering for you?”

When he nodded, there was that hint of delicious wickedness in his piercing gaze that made it hard to breathe.

Somehow she tore her gaze away from him and looked back at Gerry. “I’ll have the
and he will have the
carne con papas

“Sounds good. I’ll put it in as soon as your appetizer comes out. By the way, if you order coffee after dinner I promise not to spill any on you,” he teased as he collected the menus.

She smiled as he left and looked at Ivan, whose heated look hadn’t dimmed. If anything, it seemed even brighter. “One of the servers spilled coffee on me a few weeks ago,” she said, referencing Gerry’s comment. “I ordered you steak and potatoes over rice. It’s a little spicy but I figured I couldn’t go wrong with that.”

“Good choice.” He was silent for a beat before continuing. “So you fired this guy months ago?”

She nodded, biting her bottom lip again, something she did when she was nervous. When she saw his gaze stray to her lips she stopped. It made her think of what it would be like to kiss him and right now she didn’t need that distraction. Even if he was concerned for her, the man was a player from everything she’d heard. “But that’s just it, it was
ago, I don’t understand why he’d start randomly harassing me now out of the blue. It doesn’t make sense.”

Ivan was silent for a long moment, tapping his finger on the dark wood table. “It could be any number of things. Maybe losing his job was the starting point for other things going wrong in his life and he needed to blame someone. Who knows, but he’s a good starting point. You live alone right?”

“Yes.” He would have likely picked that up from her conversations with Mina.

“And…you’re not seeing anyone? No recent exes who could be behind this?” He asked in a way that made her certain he already knew the answer. He’d been around her and Mina enough that she hadn’t mentioned any boyfriends or even casual hookups.

But he hadn’t been there when the detective had questioned her about that angle so maybe that was why he was asking now. “No. Not seeing anyone and it’s been a while since I’ve dated, so definitely not an ex.” She nearly snorted at the thought.

“How long has it been?”

“Are you asking for the situation or for yourself?” she blurted, taken aback by his abruptness. Even though she didn’t want to fidget, she trailed a finger down the stem of her wine glass.

“Myself. I’m curious.” He didn’t even pause as he answered.

His honesty was refreshing but also intimidating. “Awhile.” No way was she telling him that it had been about a year—god, had it really been that long?—since she’d gone on a date. And years since she’d had actual sex. It was embarrassing, even if she did have a good reason for it. With her schedule she just had no freaking time, except for one-night stands. And that wasn’t her style. Hell, even if it had been her style, she rarely frequented the places where she could pick up a one-night stand anyway. Because when she went dancing, it was usually with her cousins, brothers and friends. She wasn’t about to pick up someone with her brothers hanging around. If she was honest, her last real relationship had burned her harder than she wanted to admit to anyone. She certainly didn’t love her ex anymore, but the way things had ended had turned her off to dating and men for a while. “What about you? Are you seeing anyone?”

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