Under Her Spell (17 page)

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Authors: Isabella Ashe

BOOK: Under Her Spell
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He threw back his head and laughed. The sound rumbled from his chest like the thunder booming outside.

He bent down and kissed her on the forehead. Even the casual touch of his lips sent shivers through her body. "Tonight I'm going to show you just how much fun it can
be," he said. He trailed more kisses down her neck and collarbone,
slowly unbuttoned her pajama top. "So much fun," he added, still chuckling.

Bryony arched her back as his lips found the dusky rose tips of her breasts and eased them into his warm, wet mouth. She gasped as he moved easily from one to the other, teasingly, gently grazing her breasts with his teeth and his questing tongue. She hadn't known a man's mouth could give her so much enjoyment.

He unfastened each mother-of-pearl button slowly, trailing hot kisses down her ribs to her stomach. She shyly lifted her body as he eased off the green silk pants. Zach couldn't believe how much he wanted her. Her uncertain caresses inflamed him beyond thought.

When his mouth traveled to her navel, and then lower, Bryony caught her breath. Her heart thudded against her ribcage so hard it almost hurt. She'd never imagined anything like the new sensations she was experiencing. The hot aching in her belly swelled and spread until she thought she would die of pleasure.

Her fingers knotted in Zach's hair as he lifted her and urged her closer to his expert mouth. His hands, cool against her heat, slid to
the curves of her firm bottom. She abandoned herself to the whirl of exhilarating sensation. An exclamation of pure delight escaped her lips as waves of ecstasy throbbed through her.

Unable to wait any longer, Zach loosened the towel around his waist and let it fall away. He took Bryony in his arms, relishing the feel of her silken skin against his body. She lifted her dazed, passion-clouded green eyes to his and smiled tremulously as he slanted his lips over hers. "Oh, Zach," she breathed against his mouth.

"You liked that?"

"Oh, yes," she sighed.

"Good." His laugh was deep and rich. "There's more." He took her hand and showed her how much more. She touched his hardness wonderingly, awed by his impressive arousal.

He stroked her legs and then the sensitive skin of her thighs, then moved his slightly rough fingers higher into the center of her heat. Then he wedged his knee between her thighs and let her feel how much he wanted her. Bryony started, surprised by her own extravagant response to his touch.

"Zach, I --
wasn't expecting. . . . That is, I'm not using any kind of --"

He laid a reassuring finger over her lips, silencing her. "It's all right. I'll take care of it." He moved away from her, reaching for the wallet in the pocket of the wet jeans he'd set next to the bed. When he returned at last, Bryony sighed with happiness as she felt him against her once more.

When he entered her, she welcomed him in. She brushed her palms over the crisp, dark hairs of his chest and then dug her nails into the muscles of his back. He moved over her, his body hard and demanding. The tempo of his thrusts increased as his desire built toward the ultimate explosion.

Bryony began to move in rhythm with Zach, the fire in her belly rekindled by the grinding of his hips against hers. She entwined her legs with his until they were moving against each other, faster and faster, bound to together by the tempo of an ancient,
sacred  dance

As Zach moaned with his release, Bryony soared to the peak of passion. She floated in a sea of luscious sensation, barely breathing as it robbed her of all control. Desire swept through her like a tornado, lifting her up into the heavens and then shattering her mind into a thousand spinning shards of glass.


Afterwards, she relaxed back against the pillows, her limbs tingling and heavy with satisfaction. She and Zach lay entangled, content and at peace, their bodies naked and still moist from the warmth they'd generated. He caught her chin in his hand and lifted it so she looked at him with drowsy eyes.

"Was it fun?" he asked, a smile tugging at the corners of his sensuous lips.

She hit him lightly on the chest, laughing. "It was more than that, and you know it. It was sensational, fabulous, amazing, spectacular, breathtaking, and . . . and . . . "

"Fun?" he suggested, quirking a teasing eyebrow.

"Don't laugh at me," she said, with mock outrage.

"I can't help it, love. You're so much fun to torment." He gazed fondly down at her. She was flushed and glowing, her eyes impossibly green. She made no effort to hide herself from him. Any self-consciousness she'd had about her body had melted clean away in the heat of their passion. Even now, sated and languorous, he couldn't keep his hands off her. He ran his palm lightly over her back,
playfully wrapped one of her bright curls around his index finger.

Her desire, her eagerness, her responsiveness to his caresses had astonished him. Discovering the fire burning beneath her cool, slightly reserved exterior was arousing beyond belief. But Zach had to wonder if he'd done a wise thing in igniting that fire. His brows knitted together and his mood grew abruptly serious.

"Are you sorry about what just happened?" he asked, scanning her face for her response. "Do you have any regrets at all?"

Bryony pulled away from him abruptly, hurt by the question. Her fists clenched and she forced herself to relax them. "How could you even ask that?" she demanded furiously, blood rushing to her cheeks until two pink circles stood out against her pale skin. "How could I regret something so --
special? Unless," she paused, and her face
fell as she considered the possibility, "unless it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for you."

"It was special," he hurried to assure her. "I do care about you, Bryony. And our lovemaking was not ordinary, I promise you that. But nothing's changed since last night. I want to make sure you understand."

"I understand," Bryony said. "Don't worry. I won't . . . expect anything from you." She had to look away so he wouldn't see the misery in her eyes. She hadn't really thought he would declare his eternal love just because they had enjoyed
each others'
bodies. But she had seen something new in his eyes, heard it in his voice, when he'd held her on the beach after her close call. Apparently it had been relief that she was safe and nothing more.

"Don't," he said, his voice harsh. "Bryony, I don't mean it like that. San Francisco's not that far away. Our relationship doesn't have to end on Sunday -- we can still see each other, on weekends and . . . ." He trailed off as he realized how little he offered.

"It's all right," she said. "Really, it is." She was determined not to become greedy. Somehow lying in his arms, now, today, had to be enough. If she didn't expect too much, she wouldn't be disappointed. "You don't regret it, do you?" she asked.

"A little," he said. When she flushed again, he hurried on. "I'm disappointed, mostly. Not in you -- God, Bryony, you're incredible, beautiful and sensuous. Yes, you are," he added, when she shook her head. "Your face, your hair, your body --" He groaned, feeling the ache in his groin renew itself as he took in her glorious nakedness. "I'm disappointed in my own lack of
self control
. I promised myself I wouldn't take advantage of you."

"You didn't," she said.

His eyes traveled over her firm breasts and the flat plane of her stomach. "In that case," he said, reaching for her, "would you mind if I didn't take advantage of you again?"

Her eyes widened, but she smiled. "Are you sure you won't regret it?" she said, taunting him.

"I'm sure I will," he said, tangling his fingers through her thick curtain of hair and nibbling on her lower lip. He pressed himself against the length of her body until Bryony caught her breath and kissed him back with enthusiasm. "But guess what? I don't give a damn."


They spent the rest of the day in bed, exploring every inch of
each others'
bodies with eager hands and mouths. One moment they were playful and exultant, tickling and teasing. The next instant Zach bore Bryony down on the bed, his eyes glowing like coals, so that she was breathless and even a little afraid of his intensity. Then he would kiss her gently until she was raised to the same peak of desire, until she forgot her fear and arched to meet his demanding body.

The storm outside blew itself out, and by evening watery sunlight crept in through the gauzy green curtains on the bedroom window. At last, thoroughly exhausted, they lay together in the damp and tangled sheets. "Baby, you've worn me out," Zach said, groaning.

"I wore you out! You're the one who keeps pouncing on me," she said.

"But you keep lying there naked, all rosy and delectable. It makes me want to eat you up." To prove his point, he took the rosy bud of one breast into his mouth and tormented it with great skill.

Bryony laughed and squirmed away, but not before the pink tip of her nipple grew marble hard. "Wouldn't you prefer something from the kitchen?"

"I guess so. I've worked up quite an appetite today."

"You certainly have," Bryony said. "Carrying me all the way along the beach like that. No wonder you're starving."

"Not that," Zach said. He grinned wickedly, leaning back against the pillows with his muscular arms under his head. "I'm referring to the
exercise I've had this afternoon. I've never felt so drained in my life."

Bryony arched an inquiring eyebrow. "Never? Not even with all those debutantes and heiresses?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Never. You're a very passionate woman, Bryony Lowell."

Bryony's forehead wrinkled with worry as she considered his words. "But I'm not terribly experienced, compared to the other women you've been with. Was I -- was I all right?" At this, Zach laughed so hard that fear began to squeeze at her heart. "What?" she demanded. "What's so funny?"

Zach wiped tears of laughter from his eyes. "I'm sorry, Bryony," he said at last. "It's just that you were so much more than 'all right.' Don't you know that?"

"How would I know it?" she asked. Her lips tightened and she glowered at him.

"For one thing, you've kept me in this bed for hours and hours," he said, sitting up and swinging his feet over the side of the mattress. "Come here, Bryony." He patted a spot next to him, and she went obediently to sit there. He took her face in his hands and stared into her eyes.

"I told you our lovemaking wasn't 'ordinary' for me, and I meant it. I've been with other women, more sophisticated and worldly women, but I've never made love to
anyone like you. Your sweetness, your responsiveness, your eagerness to please me -- those things are so much more important than skill or experience. Do you hear me?"
Flushing with pleasure at his words, Bryony nodded. "Good," he said, with an air of finality. He kissed her on the forehead. "Now I don't want to hear you compare yourself to anyone else. Let's take a shower together and then get some dinner."

"All right," Bryony said, following him toward the bathroom. His little lecture did make her feel better. But she was still jealous of the women in his past. She knew he'd quickly grown tired of them. Would Zach soon tire of her? And if he did, how would she bear it?

As he scrubbed her back and she returned the favor, the questions retreated to the back of her mind. But they were not entirely forgotten.


"Bryony? Did you hear what I said?"

"I'm sorry." She blinked rapidly and then forced her eyes open. The dining room spun in front of her face. She could barely lift her fork to her mouth. "What did you say?"

"I wondered if you wanted another glass of wine," Zach said.

"Oh. No --
, I don't think so."

"Are you feeling all right?" Zach asked. "You're flushed, and you've turned quiet all of a sudden."

"I'm fine," Bryony said. "Just worn out." She managed a feeble grin.

Zach leaned over the tile-topped dining room table and felt her forehead. "It's more than that," he said. "You're burning up." He cursed under his breath. "This is my fault. I should have sent for your sister right away, instead of . . . ."
"Instead of taking advantage of me in my weakened condition?" She tried to make a joke out of it, but his face remained grim. Bryony was swept by a sudden wave of dizziness.
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Actually, I think I would like to go back to bed."

Zach helped her up the stairs and tucked her in. He planted a gentle kiss on her lips and turned out the lamp on her bedside table. "Rest for a while," he said. "I'll call Vivien and ask her to come over and take a look at you."

"That's not necessary."

"I say it is," Zach said. He went into the bathroom and brought back a damp washcloth, daubing at her cheeks and forehead with the cool cloth. Bryony sighed and relaxed back onto the pillows. It felt good having someone take care of her. She closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.


When Bryony woke to the sound of her sister's voice, it was fully dark outside. She'd slept badly, troubled by feverish dreams. Vivien stood next to the bed, a thermometer in her hand. "Wake up, Bryony," Vivien said again. Her eyes were pools of anxiety, and her lips were pressed tightly together. "Zach says you had a bit of a swim today."

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