Read Under A Harvest Moon Online

Authors: Joleen James

Tags: #Romance

Under A Harvest Moon (20 page)

BOOK: Under A Harvest Moon
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He held her stare so long, Danielle glanced away, knowing she couldn't hide her feelings for him. It would be so easy to kiss him, to go home with him. She didn't have any responsibilities tonight. There were no prying eyes here. Lola certainly didn't care. She wanted the two of them together. Maria would be asleep.

"I should go inside," she said, the words lame and lacking conviction. Her entire body wanted him, didn't want to walk away.

"Don't go yet." His words were low, packed with enough sensuality Danielle's knees went weak, yet she held back.

"Don't tempt me, Nico," she said with a sigh. "I'm just drunk enough I'd take you up on your offer."

His teeth flashed white in the darkness, just before he leaned in to kiss her.

Danielle's mind went blank as his lips touched hers. His arms wound around her waist. Despite the beer, her senses heightened. She tasted him, but instead of tasting beer, fresh mint met her tongue. His fingers curled into the back of her blouse, as if he couldn't hold her close enough. The stubble on his chin chafed her skin, but she didn't care. She drowned in the kiss, losing herself to him, her hands sliding up under his shirt, skimming across the warm skin of his back.

"I love kissing you," Nico whispered against her mouth, just before he set her from him. "Go."

Danielle struggled back to reality. "Go?" She'd been ready to go all right, back to his place.

"I have a feeling you'll regret it if I take you home," Nico said. "Come morning you're going to remember all the reasons you didn't want to sleep with me."

Danielle could still see the heat in his eyes, feel it in her own body, but deep inside she knew he was right. Her head wasn't clear.

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Slowly, she started up the steps to Whitney House. On the porch, she turned, not surprised to find Nico watching her.

"Good night," he said, and she could hear the regret in his voice.

"Good night." She let herself into the house, to the stairs. Sinking down onto the bottom step, she let the events of the day wash over her: giving Kaiden to Peter, the time spent at the pub, Nico's kiss.

She was doing it again, letting Peter influence her decision. How could she break the cycle? She'd wanted to go home with Nico, and the only thing stopping her was Peter. It was so unfair. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was controlling her actions with fear, even from afar. Although she was willing to admit she didn't have the clearest head tonight, she made a vow that from this point forward, she was going to make her own decisions, Peter be damned. He wasn't her husband anymore. In twelve years of marriage she couldn't remember ever standing up to him.

Danielle pushed to her feet and gave a silent prayer. She needed strength, had to be strong for Kaiden, and for herself.

She could do this. She could be a gutsy girl, a woman in control of her life.

Chapter Ten


Danielle spent the following morning wandering in the vineyard, checking out the grapes. All preliminary reports indicated that the crop hadn't been damaged by the rain. And while the news was good, she wanted to see for herself, well, that and she'd secretly been hoping to catch a glimpse of Nico.

He'd been a gentleman last night, his actions touching her heart, making her like him even more. She truly appreciated the fact that he hadn't taken advantage of a slightly inebriated woman, but a part of her still wished he had. Nico made her feel good about herself. He made her feel strong, and she wanted to grab onto that feeling with both hands.

Danielle let herself into Whitney House by the back door. The kitchen was empty. No sign of Lola or Maria. She did an about face, heading for the door, stopping when she spied the notes pinned to the bulletin board near the phone. Lola and Maria had gone to town for lunch and a movie. The second note said that Kaiden had called and he wanted Danielle to call him back.

An ominous feeling gripped Danielle. Why would Kaiden call? Certain that something was wrong, she dialed Peter's number.

"Hello," Kaiden said on the second ring.

"Hi, sweetie, what's up?" she asked, one hand pressed to her fluttering stomach.

"Dad took me to the Science Center today."

That was it? Relief flooded Danielle. "Wow. Was it fun?"

"It was great," Kaiden said with enthusiasm. "They had this giant bug exhibit. I got to hold a huge African beetle. I think it was poisonous."

Danielle laughed. "I hope not. How are things going there?"

"Great. Dad's apartment has a swimming pool. We're going swimming now."

"It sounds like you're having fun," Danielle said, a part of her incredibly jealous that Peter could show Kaiden such a good time, when she hadn't made her son happy in a long, long while.

"Dad's the best."

Dad's the best
. If that statement wasn't such a joke Danielle would laugh.

"Where's your dad now?" she asked.

"He's talking to his neighbor, Mandy."

"Mandy?" Danielle repeated.

"Yeah, she spent the night last night."

"What do you mean she spent the night?" Danielle asked with a calm she didn't feel.

"She stayed over, in Dad's room," Kaiden said as if he was used to his father's new bed partner.

"Let me -- " before Danielle could finish her sentence, Peter came on the line.

"What do you want, Danielle?" he growled into the phone.

"What do I want?" she asked, her voice rising. "What I want is for you to set a good example for our son."

"Kaiden, head on down to the pool," Peter said in a light, overly friendly tone. "I'll be right down."

Danielle heard Kaiden say, "Okay," followed by the slamming of a door.

"I don't appreciate you spying on me," Peter said his voice hard now. "This is my visitation time. Remember, the divorce was your idea."

"You SOB," Danielle said, her temper rising. "First of all, I was returning Kaiden's call to me. Funny, he wanted to share his incredible day with me. I didn't pry. I listened. Believe me, I never dreamed you'd be stupid enough to sleep with your girlfriend right in front of him."

"Oh, come on," Peter said. "Don't tell me you're not sleeping with Nico. It's a little like the pot calling the kettle black. Grow up, Danielle."

The line went dead.

Furious, Danielle banged the phone against the wall before hanging it up.

She took a deep breath, reminding herself to be strong. Peter was right, they were divorced. She didn't care who he slept with, but she didn't think he should be doing the deed with Kaiden in the next room.

How did divorced people handle sex with children in the house? Discretion. That's what bothered her. Peter hadn't even tried to hide his sex life from Kaiden. At least she and Nico tried to be discreet. She was pretty sure the kids knew they liked each other. Maria had seen them kiss, but they hadn't slept together. When and if they did, she knew they wouldn't be blatant about it.

Peter was trying to control her, get to her by bringing his girlfriend into the house. He'd made her mad, and he knew it. When would she ever learn to play it cool, to beat Peter at his own game?

Bottom line -- she wanted her son back.

She needed to be smart, smarter than Peter.

An overwhelming feeling of sadness filled her. She sat at the kitchen table, her head in her hands. She could fight Peter, but she was scared. So scared she'd lose her son forever.


Nico checked his cell phone. He listened to the message from Lola. She'd left his lunch in the refrigerator at Whitney House. She wasn't expecting to return home with Maria until around six o'clock. It was almost two now. He wondered if Danielle was at the house.

He pocketed his phone and started up the back stairs to Whitney House, letting himself into the kitchen.

Danielle sat slumped at the kitchen table, her head buried in her arms. His entrance caused her to jerk upright.


She looked so sad, the usual sparkle gone from her eyes. "What's wrong?" He frowned, certain Peter had something to do with Danielle's obvious sadness.

For a second, her teeth grazed her bottom lip, and he had the impression she was deciding how much she wanted to reveal.

"I just had a disturbing phone call from Kaiden."

"How so?" Nico squatted down beside her. With gentle fingers, he smoothed the hair back from her face. "What did he say?" He prayed the kid was all right.

"He told me a woman spent the night with Peter." Danielle leaned into his touch. "I know Peter has a right to a sex life, but to be so obvious about it? It makes me sick."

"I'm sorry," Nico said. "What can I do to take your mind off of things for a while? Have you eaten?"

"No, and I'm not sure I can." She pressed a hand to her flat stomach.

Nico straightened. "Come on. Lola left some lunch in the fridge. Let's take it down by the river."

"I don't know," Danielle hedged. "What if Kaiden calls back?

"Do you think he will?" Nico asked.

Danielle made a noise of disgust. "No. Peter will see to it he doesn't call me anymore."

He wanted to make things better for her. She didn't deserve what she'd been through. Peter Rankin was an ass with a capital A.

"Come on." Nico tugged her from the chair. "Let me take your mind off your problems." He smiled at her, wanting to charm her, wanting to make her smile again.

"Okay, what the heck." She smiled back, and Nico swore she sat up a little straighter. "Lead the way."

Nico grabbed his sack lunch from the fridge. After checking to make sure there was enough for two, he escorted Danielle out of the house. They got in the golf cart. He knew just where to take her.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they drove off. The wind blew her hair, making her look like a teenager again, making Nico feel unusually pleased to be with her.

"You'll see." They drove on in silence, the heat of the afternoon surrounding them, the only relief the breeze generated by the moving golf cart. He stopped the cart at the edge of the property where the river met the hills. Here, the river bank was lined with old growth cherry, apple, and pear trees, the trees serving as a natural buffer against insects, especially the dreaded sharpshooter. The theory was the bugs would go to the fruit trees first and into the traps hanging high in the branches, never making it to the grapes. The primitive strategy worked most of the time.

Nico exited the cart, coming around the vehicle to help Danielle out. "This is one of my favorite spots on the property." The river stood still and deep here, giving the area a peace, a silence Nico loved. Once upon a time, this place had been his sanctuary, a place he could shut out the rest of the world.

"It's very pretty." Danielle took his hand, and he helped her out. "Remember how the vineyard looked full of fruit trees? Being here reminds me of being a kid." She tilted her head back to look up into the branches, heavy with leaves and fruit. "Royal Ann cherries. My favorite."

"Mine, too," Nico agreed, pleased she liked the place, eager to show her more. "Come on."

Danielle followed him into the trees. When he stopped at the base of a Royal Ann, this tree larger than the rest, he pointed up.

BOOK: Under A Harvest Moon
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