Undeniably Asher (The Colloway Brothers Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: Undeniably Asher (The Colloway Brothers Book 2)
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One last peck and I lead her to the elevator, down to the Lincoln Town Car that Henry is driving for us tonight. I don’t use our corporate driver, Henry, very often, but I want tonight to be special. Besides, if she decides to flee, at least I’ll know she has a safe way home. When she sees the car and Henry standing outside holding the back door open, she slides me an amused look and smirks.

“Pulling out all the stops, huh?”

I guide her into the backseat. Henry shuts the door behind me. “You have no idea, Alyse,” I reply, tugging her close to me, kissing the top of her head. Her hair smells like coconut and I have to restrain myself from doing even one of the dozen wicked things currently running through my head or Henry may as well turn around and take us back to my place. I won’t be able to stop with a simple kiss or a light touch. I’ll be taking her right here in the backseat, Henry be damned. And I may not mind a little exhibitionism once in a while, but I don’t necessarily want my dead father’s best friend to watch me fuck my woman into next week.

Even I have my limits.

Tonight’s plan is a nice dinner at The Metropolitan Club, a downtown high-rise restaurant entirely encased in glass with a breathtaking view of Chicago. It’s next to impossible to get into, especially on a Saturday night, but since GRASCO is a member, I was able to manage a last-minute reservation. But after dinner, I plan on taking Alyse to an exclusive club that caters to

I’m not scared to let people see this part of me, but I am selective about who I tell. With Alyse, however, I find I’m actually
. This isn’t something I indulge in often or even
to have regularly, but this was a part of me that Natalie could never accept and it has weighed heavily on my mind for weeks. Ever since fate placed Alyse Kingsley in my sights again. It’s one of the reasons I warred with myself on whether to pursue her or not, but I simply could not stay away.

She’s my weakness.

My kryptonite.

Her acceptance of every facet of who I am is as imperative to me as the air I breathe.

Alyse is innocent and pure and my worst fear is that she’ll judge me, condemn me…and then leave me. In retrospect, maybe I should have told her about this part of me initially when I knew I was interested in her. I could have gauged her reaction, maybe stopped myself from falling so head over heels in love with her before it was too late. But I was selfish. I wanted her like no other. Now if she bails, I’ll be permanently ruined for any other woman.

Conn was wrong when he said Natalie permanently fucked with my head. She fucked me up, yes, but the only woman who has the power to
destroy me from the inside out is currently tucked under my arm, her hand twined with mine.

“Everything okay?” she asks, her thumb circling lightly on the top of my hand.

No. Everything is
okay. My stomach is in knots. My body is flooded with so much apprehension that cloying adrenaline flows like hot, scorching lava right underneath my skin. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

She tilts her head up, catching my eyes in the darkened interior of the car. Hers sparkle brightly with each passing streetlight. She’s so damn beautiful it hurts to look at her sometimes. For not the first time, I wonder why the hell I ever let her get away from me so long ago. “You’re quiet. You seem distracted.”

God, how does she know me so well already?
Maybe the same way you know her.
I’ve never met anyone more perfect for me than Alyse. I answer as truthfully as I can without giving anything away. “I just want tonight to be perfect.”

Leaning down, I capture her mouth in what’s meant to be a sweet, simple peck, but it quickly turns into more. Next thing I know her back is against the cool leather, with me on top. My hand is traveling down the length of her body, which has far too much clothing on. I finally find naked flesh and am working my way back up her thigh when I hear a throat clear. I realize that the car has stopped.


I reluctantly push myself off her, both of us trying to catch our breaths. Before I can get too far, she grabs the lapels of my suit, bringing me back on top of her. “It will be. Perfect,” she whispers before pulling me into another ravenous kiss.

Alyse and I spent all morning in bed, talking, laughing, and indulging in each other. I should be sated, but I’m far from it. Hell as much as I’ve had sex these last few weeks, my dick should be ready to fall off, but my intense need for her only seems to grow, not wane. Being with her is more than just mind-bending sex. It’s a singular closeness I haven’t experienced with another living soul. I hunger for it on both a conscious and subconscious level.

I think for the first time I truly understand how Gray feels about Livia and why he could never let her go, either in his heart or mind. She was in his blood.

Everything about Alyse has sunk into my very essence. I know I won’t be able to get her out no matter how hard I try.

“Dinner,” I tell her, pushing myself off and helping her from the car.

Placing my hand at the small of her back, I lead her into the office building and to the elevator. When we enter, I punch the button for the sixty-seventh floor. She reaches down and grabs my hand.

“Why do I feel like tonight is a very big deal?” she asks quietly, staring straight ahead. We watch our reflection in the shiny, silver doors, but her eyes don’t meet mine. We’re the only ones in the small steel box so she doesn’t need to be so discreet, but it’s like she has this sixth sense that this conversation should be muted somehow.

“I want to let you all the way in, too.” Her dark pools now flick up to catch mine.

“I’d like that.”

My smile is short, but I squeeze her hand in reassurance. “I hope so.”

A few moments later the elevator opens. We make our way down a series of hallways until we reach the restaurant entrance.

When I see Trudy is the hostess, I cringe.

Gray, Conn, and I regularly frequent the club. They have impeccable food, top-notch service, and a kick-ass view. Plus we have a minimum we’re required to spend monthly to maintain our membership, so I know Trudy.

Very well.

well, unfortunately.

This, right here, is the danger of bedding too many different women. Eventually you’ll meet the one who sets your blood on fire and you know you’ll never be able to take another deep breath without her. But as much as you want to, you can’t keep her locked away in your bedroom indefinitely. You’ll want to take her out, show her off, and make sure every man in the entire continent knows she belongs to you. And by doing that, you risk running into some of the very women you’ve been intimate with.

Women are catty. Possessive. Some are downright mean-ass bitches. That’s the category Trudy falls into, so when she spots me with my arm around Alyse, I can already see the claws emerge and whites around her eyes turn a smoky green.

Like many women over the last four years, she wanted more than I would offer. She thought she’d change me. Catch me. She couldn’t. None of them could. I now know why.

I was waiting for Alyse.

“Asher, how nice to see you again,” Trudy’s high, syrupy voice sings.

Quickly assessing the situation, her eyes bounce back and forth between Alyse and myself, whom I possessively have pulled into me. There’s no doubt we’re here on a date. And Trudy has never seen me here with another woman.

“Trudy.” I nod politely. “Reservations for two.”

“Sure, sweetie,” she replies with such false sweetness it could cause an instant cavity. She snares two menus and the wine list before turning, expecting us to follow. I can only hope she leads us in silence to our table, but that would be far too much to ask because Trudy is both classless and a grade-A bitch. We had a quick fuck against the bathroom wall once in a moment of weakness, or should I say sheer idiocy. She’s made me regret it ever since.

“So, Asher,” she calls from ahead of us, “if you’re not busy later, there’s this quaint new club that just opened in Old Town.”

Alyse’s steps falter momentarily. Her eyes widen as she turns to look at me. I shake my head, speechless. I don’t even dignify her disrespect of Alyse with a response, because I do not want to lower myself to her standards, and if I open my mouth right now, that’s exactly what I’ll do.

Once we reach a fairly secluded booth in the back of the restaurant, I help Alyse off with her coat, then take mine off and let her slide in first, with me right behind. I could sit on the other side, but I don’t want to be that far away from her.

“It could be just like old times.” She winks, handing us our menus, but never takes her eyes from me. “You’re the only one that does that thing with your tongue I like.

“That’s enough,” I growl. I’ve never had my tongue anywhere on or near that bitch.

“No, no. It’s okay, Asher. I’d really like to hear more,” Alyse says with a sweet smile pasted on her face. She scoots right next to me, placing her hand high on my thigh, a move that is not missed by Trudy. If she moves her pinky slightly she’ll be touching my cock, which is now starting to harden at the thought. I put my arm around her, circling the bare skin of her shoulder lightly with my index finger.

Trudy stands there dumbfounded, not knowing exactly how to answer, and suddenly, instead of feeling nervous, I’m insanely proud. I relax, sit back, and enjoy the show. Alyse just checkmated Trudy, beating her at her own damn game. I have to hold back my laughter at the verbal lashing Alyse is about to rain down.


“If you mean how he moves it in achingly slow circles, teasing, but
quite touching until you’re mindless with the need to come, but then he flicks it so fast on the sweet spot you’d swear he just turned into a human vibrator, then, God yes, I’ve been on the receiving end of that.
times. Honestly, his tongue is Olympic gold-medal worthy.”

My hand tightens on Alyse’s shoulder at her wicked diatribe. Trudy’s face turns a progressively deeper shade of pink with every word.

“But if there’s a new trick he hasn’t tried on me yet, doubtful because I think we’ve even invented some new ones, I’d love to hear it so we can try it out later. Maybe even before we leave.” Then Alyse’s pinky snakes up and her nail scratches my stiff shaft, causing my entire body to jerk.

Trudy catches the movement and I swear her head is about to explode. She huffs and spins, muttering a string of curse words under her breath, which I don’t all catch, but I clearly hear
mixed in. Yep. She’s classy.

After she’s out of earshot, Alyse starts to say something, but I’m on her in a flash, cutting her off.

With my mouth.

And my tongue.

And my moan.

I kiss her deep and long and passionately until we’re both breathless. “You are extraordinary. I want to fuck you right here.”

Her eyes flare, not with fear, but with desire. Just like that, my nervousness about the evening dissipates.

“Oh, baby. Hold that thought,” I whisper, smiling lasciviously.

“Asher, so glad you could join us this evening,” a male voice interrupts.

I break my gaze away from Alyse to look up at Miles, the manager of the restaurant. “Miles, nice to see you. How’s Ellie?” I put my arm around Alyse again, pulling her close. I need to adjust my cock, which is now being bitten viciously by my zipper, but I don’t dare.

Miles clears his throat. “She’s hanging in there. Second to last chemo treatment on Tuesday.”

“Glad to hear it. She’s on my mom’s prayer chain.”

“Thank you, sir. That’s very kind.” Then he looks at Alyse. “Nice of you to join us…”

“Alyse,” she offers. “Alyse Kingsley.” She holds out her hand and like the smooth old Italian operator Miles is, he takes the opportunity to bring it to his lips, lightly running them across her knuckles. I bristle, but Alyse squeezes my thigh with her other hand.

“Pleasure, Alyse. I’m pleased Asher finally deemed us worthy of bringing someone special around.” He winks.

“She’s my girlfriend,” I retort, pulling her hand away from his. She laughs and it’s like a beautiful string symphony to my ears.

“Your usual?” Miles asks with a sly smile.

“Yes, two please. And a bottle of the Marcassin Estate Chardonnay, please.”

“Is the two thousand and nine okay?”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Of course.” Miles winks at me, making a hasty exit.

“You’re ordering for me now?” she mumbles under her breath as he’s walking away.

“You’ll love it, baby. Trust me. They make the best beef wellington in town here.” She’s silent for a moment and I can’t tear my eyes away from her.

“Your girlfriend?” she asks softly, searching my eyes. “Is that what I am?”

I lean over, whispering in her ear, “Only until I make you my wife.” It may be far too early in our relationship to say such things, but in my heart, I haven’t meant any words more that those seven.

She sucks in a surprised breath. I wait with bated breath to hear her response. She doesn’t disappoint. “Are you big into labels?”

“Only ones that actually mean something,” I retort, kissing her neck.

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