Undeniable (38 page)

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Authors: Bill Nye

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Ceres (asteroid)




chickens, similarity to humans

Chicxulub crater

children, miseducation of, by creationists

chimpanzees; genetic distance from humans


Christian Scientists

Christmas Lectures


class (biological)

classical physics, rules of, driving evolution

climate, and natural selection

climate change; and mass extinctions; planet-wide

clones (agricultural)

clones (animal)

cloning, of humans

clothing, and skin color

coelacanth fish

cold blooded (exothermic)

Colossus: The Forbin Project

competition: in the natural world; within a species

complexity: of ecosystems; of living beings; and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

computers, future of, and human survival

Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO)

continents, shifting of

convergent evolution

cooperation in nature

coral reefs

core samples, rock layers in

corn (maize): GMO (Bt corn); GMO (Roundup resistant); monoculture of, and corn-borer moths

corn syrup, and fat people who are malnourished

cosmic microwave background radiation

cosmic rays

crayons, colors of

creationism: evidence for, lacking; groups supporting; static and sterile nature of the theory

creationists: author's debate with one; earth history as seen by; faulty thinking of; partial acceptance of science facts by; specious arguments of; stubborn ignorance of

Creation Museum, Kentucky

creator (god); impossible to prove or disprove

Cretaceous Period

Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T or K-Pg) extinction

Cro-Magnon people

crops: GMO (Roundup resistant); insect losses



Darwin, Charles: discovery of evolution; finch study;
On the Origin of Species;
personal difficulties with evolution theory; science in the time of; study of birds and dinosaurs; study of breeding; study of homologous structures; study of the “Struggle for Life”; study of the “tree of life”; trip around the world on
HMS Beagle

Darwin Awards

Davies, Paul

death: denial of, by grave markers, memorials etc.; fear of, instinctive; necessity of

Deccan Traps

deep time


designer (creationists')

Dinosaur National Monument

dinosaurs: birds descended from; egg nests of; extinction of; feathered; fossils; museum exhibits of; social behavior of; warm-blooded


DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): binary fission of; comparing, of two species; copying of; mutations of; sequencing of; universal code of life

Dobzhansky, Theodosius

dogs; brain of; breeds of; emotions of

Dolly the Sheep


domains of life (four)

domestication of plants and animals


Earth, the: age of, according to creationism; age of, according to science; energy from interior of; layers of strata in; primordial, and origin of life; unexplored parts of, possibly containing alien life

ecosystems: damage to, unpredictable; destruction of those we depend on; energy needed by, drawn from the environment; evolution of, over eons; genetic engineering and harm to; harm to, by human beings; measuring the resilience of; stable, and species stasis; various types of, found on Earth

Eddington, Arthur Stanley


egg nests, of dinosaurs and birds

eggs, human, fertilization of

Eldredge, Niles

electricity, discovery and uses of

embodied cognition

emotions, evolution of

Enceladus (moon of Saturn), life on

End-Triassic extinction

energy: and biodiversity; life's need for; sources of, on Earth


environment; natural selection in the.
See also

eon (geologic time unit)

epigenetic change

epoch (geologic time unit)

equator, the: biodiversity at; skin color at

era (geologic time unit)

Escherichia coli

esophagus, location of

estuaries, ecosystems in

Eubacteria (kingdom of life)

Eukarya (domain of life)

Europa (moon of Jupiter); life on

evolution: complexity of, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics; a fact and law of nature; medicine's effect on; shown as a family tree; time scale of; visible, in action

evolutionary games

evolution theory: applied to medical research; criticism of (loopholes); denial of, by many; development of; feeling troubled by; natural and sexual selection in; “new synthesis” of (Dobzhansky); power of the idea; and religious beliefs; suppressing the teaching of

excretory organs, location of

extinction, human-caused

extinction events

eye, evolution of

Fall of Adam and Eve

family (biological)

family tree

Faraday, Michael

farming: breeding of plants and animals in; genetic engineering benefits to; loss of crops to insects; modern large-scale


fertilization of human eggs


fish: becoming land animals; cooperation of species of; intake of oxygen from water; structure of

Fleming, Alexander


flukes and flippers

flu vaccine.
See also


flying fish


Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

forest ecosystems

fossil record: examination of; gaps and faults in; new discoveries

fossils: age of; diversity of; how an organism becomes one; “missing” (transitional); prediction of new ones to be found


foxes, domestication of



Fungi (kingdom of life)

Galapagos Islands

game theory

Garibaldi damselfish


gene flow

genes: exchanged by bacteria; inheritance by means of; inserted into organisms by means of viruses; mixing of, from sex; proteins created by; random mutations in; survival and reproduction of

gene sequencing

gene therapy

genetically modified foods (GMF)

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs); emotional responses to

genetic bottlenecks

genetic code, comparing, of two species

genetic diseases

genetic diversity, lack of

genetic drift

genetic engineering; and ecosystem harm; of humans

genetic traits, successful for mating and future evolution

Genghis Khan

geochemical clocks

geologic time, units of

geology, as a science



glacial periods

Gladstone, William


Goethe, Johann

“good-enough” design; of the human body

gorillas; genetic distance from humans

Gould, Stephen Jay

Grand Canyon

greenhouse effect

greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide as


gym workouts

habitat, destruction of


Ham, Ken

handicap principle

Hansen, James


heat, dissipation of, by Second Law of Thermodynamics


Holocene Epoch


hominids (extinct)

homogeneity vs. heterogeneity debate

homologous structures

horses, breeding of

human beings (
Homo sapiens
): close relatives of (apes, hominids); dominance of, over all other forms of life; extinctions caused by; future evolution of; genetic uniformity of all; harm to ecosystems by; lineage of; more special than other species; origin in East Africa; population growth of; running speed and endurance of; science fiction future of; self-awareness of; a single race; spread of, across the world; threat of extinction of

human body: brain's connection with; as an ecosystem for microorganisms; flaws in design of; good-enough design; similar to that of other species

human consciousness, survival in a machine

human females: breasts of, signaling fertility; winning genetic traits of

human males: muscles of, signaling protection; winning genetic traits of

human society: evolution as driver of; signals in (“Keeping up with the Jones's”)

Hutton, James

hydrogen sulfide

hydrothermal vent ecosystems

ice cores, age of layers in

ice dams



Illinois Basin

illness: fighting it (in the immune system, with antibiotics); from microorganisms; spread through sneezes, sniffles, diarrhea

immune system


Indian Ocean


infectious organisms, constant mutation of

influenza (flu)

inheritance of acquired traits (Lamarck's)

insects, crops lost to

intelligence, a losing genetic trait, possibly

in vitro fertilization


Ivan the gorilla

Jablonski, Nina

Jewish people

Johnny Appleseed

junkyard tornado argument

Jurassic Park


Keirstead, Hans

Keller, Gerta

Kelvin, Lord (William Thompson)



Kerguelen Plateau

kingdoms of life (five or so)

kin selection

Kuiper Belt

Ladbrokes gambling house

Lamarck (Jean-Baptiste de Monet)

Late Devonian extinction


Leeuwenhoek, Anton van

life: alien forms of, possibly undiscovered on Earth; ancient theories of origin of; cosmic imperative to spread through the universe; energy needs of; origin from outer space; origin on Earth; on other planets; question of divine origin

life, extraterrestrial: recognizing it; search for

lifespan, human: limited to 30,000 days, more or less; prolongation of

“lilies of the field”

lineage (family tree)

Linnaean Society

Linnaean system of naming species

Linnaeus (Carl von Linné)


liquid, needed for life chemistry

living beings; categorization and naming of; chemical similarity of all forms of; common ancestor of all; complexity of; requirements for (matter, energy); variety of forms of.
See also

“living fossil”

London Underground, mosquitos in


Lyell, Charles




major league baseball players

The Malay Archipelago

mammals: altruism in; survival of, when an asteroid hit

Mammoth Cave, Kentucky

marine mammals

marine reptiles, extinct

Mars: conditions on; life on; seeding it with new life

Martin, Steve

mass extinctions

maternal instincts

mating: seasonal vs. year-around (human); success in, defining species

McDonald's restaurants

medicine: effect on evolution; evolution theory useful to research; history of; modern practice of



Mesozoic Era

meteorite impact craters




microorganisms: in the human body; recognizing new ones

milkweed plants

Miller, Stanley

Miller-Urey experiment

millipede, fossil

Miracle of the Gulls (Salt Lake City, 1848)

“missing link”

modification of existing traits by natural selection

“molecules-to-man” (creationist phrase)

Monarch butterflies


Moon, the

mosquitos, new species in London Underground

Mount Ararat

Mount St. Helens

Murray, Bruce

mutations; and new species; tested by the environment

nails (finger, toe)

Native Americans

natural laws, uniformity of, over time

natural selection: vs. artificial selection; and complexity; Darwin's recognition of; in the environment; vs. Lamarck's ideas; vs. sexual selection

nature: Aristotle's view of; bottom-up design of; comprehending itself, through us

nautilus shell

Neanderthal people


Noah's ark and flood


obligate parasite

oceans: deep; ecosystems in; geologic history of


Old Tjikko (tree)

Olsen, John

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection

order (biological)

Ordovician-Silurian extinction

organic foods, labeling of

organisms; genes inserted into (GMOs)
.See also
living beings

organizations, human

oxygen, in water

Pääbo, Svante

Pacific Northwest

Pacific Ocean

Paleogene Period

Paleozoic Era

Pangaea supercontinent


paternal instincts

pattern seeking, a human trait




Penzias, Arno

peptide molecules

period (geologic time unit)

Permian-Triassic extinction

perpetual motion machines

Phanerozoic Eon


Planetary Society

planets, other: around other stars; life on

Plantae (kingdom of life)

plants: leaves of; reproduction by



pollinators and pollination

population growth: of human beings; and survival of the fittest

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