Undeniable (43 page)

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Authors: Doreen Orsini

BOOK: Undeniable
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“He had your nose.”

“Poor thing.” She giggled. “And my father’s ears,
unfortunately. I always felt, here,” she placed her hand over her heart, “that
he was still alive. Sometimes I would wake up and hear a baby crying, convinced
it was him. But everyone said I was just a mother refusing to admit her child
was gone.”

He kissed the top of her head. “He once told me it broke his
heart that I’d lost my soul mate. He said he’d give up his own life if it could
bring you back. That’s the way he was, Angelina. Always willing to sacrifice
his own needs and desires for those he loved.”

“Then he must be very happy because, in a way, he did bring
me back to you, didn’t he?”

“Forgive me, Angel. I left you with nothing.” Damien stared
at the two pictures silently.

“You stayed away because you loved me and wanted to protect
me from Fentmore.” She brought his face close to hers and brushed her cheek
along his. “And then you took our son because you loved him and wanted to
protect him from my world. There’s nothing to forgive. Nothing.”

This time, his lips made sweet love to hers. He kissed the
tears from her lashes, her cheeks, her lips. Her nails dug into his chest.

The years spent apart melted away. Hands instinctively
caressed the most sensitive spots. Familiar tastes flowed past clinging lips.
Molten heat surged through veins as the growing hunger they’d contained for
three decades erupted into an undeniable force.

Angelina’s nails scored Damien’s back, her need to get
closer, closer than nature would allow obliterating her desire to be tender.
Her legs wrapped around his hips as she twisted and turned, attempting to
impale herself on his rock-hard erection again and again.

Damien’s hips brushed against her nubbin as he shifted from
side to side, refusing to give her what she wanted.

She let out a cry of rage. “Damien!”

“No,” he groaned, “I’ve waited too many years. Believed too
many dreams that ended all too soon.”

“This time I will go mad, Damien. And it will be your

The guilt that flashed across his face immediately brought
her to her senses. “Oh, Damien. I’m so sorry.” She caressed his lips with her
fingers. One slid into his mouth.

This time she would tempt him.

She winced at the stab of pain, but the corners of her lips
rose as the hard ridge pressing into her leg jumped.

Taking her finger from his mouth just before he could taste
her life’s essence, she delved into his mind. Memories of their past, of her
wild tendencies, incited him. The pain in his cock escalated as his imagination
took flight. She dropped back on the bed and let a drop of blood fall upon each
erect nipple.

While one hand, planted firmly on his chest, held him back,
the other seemed to dance before his hungry eyes, smearing more and more blood
around each nipple.

“You’re killing me!” he growled.

“You wanted to take it slow,” she said, then brought her
finger to her mouth and licked it clean. “Want a taste?”

He was upon her before her words left her mouth. She
screamed. Heat enveloped her aching nipples, tiny pricks of pain covered her
breasts. She knew she’d brought him over the edge, knew by the way he stopped
himself again and again from burying his fangs into her tender breasts.

She arched her back, driving her breasts deeper into his
mouth. He flicked his tongue over the sensitive peaks until they felt raw, then
sucked them between his fangs. Trill after trill of pleasure had her squeezing
her thighs tightly together, increasing the jolts that lodged at her apex.

Suddenly her nipples grew cold. She lifted her head, then
tossed it back onto the pillow when she saw his head move lower. The hands he
wrapped around her knees trembled as he spread her legs. Again, she entered his

Damien knelt between her legs, torn. His eyes fastened on
the drops of moisture on her quivering flesh, his shaft twitching in
anticipation of sliding between those moist nether lips. But he knew what she
anticipated, what she longed for, and he could not deny her.

He brushed the tip of his finger along each lip, then down
the center from her hot nubbin. Her pleas urged him on, begging him to devour

But he was enjoying the show. The way her flesh trembled
each time his fingers fluttered over it, the way her hips rose up to him
whenever he withdrew his hand. What set his blood on fire, what had him
bringing his mouth down to taste those sweet, sweet drops now covering her, was
the way her legs spread wider when he let out a long hot breath.

Angelina dug her hands into his hair the moment his mouth
touched her. When he flicked his tongue over her clit, she whimpered. When he
ran his fangs along her length, she cried out. When his hot mouth enveloped
her, she let out a long, guttural groan.

And when he pierced her and proceeded to draw her combined
essences into his mouth, she screamed and tumbled deep into an abyss of

While she was still lost in her orgasm, Damien swiftly rose
up and plunged his cock between those sweet, quivering lips, feeling her
internal muscles grasp and hold him firmly in place. The harder he drove into
her, the higher she raised her hips. He let out a roar that sounded more animal
than man, then buried his fangs deep into the neck she instinctively offered.
But he did not draw her life’s essence into his mouth until he felt her much
smaller fangs pierce his own neck.

They fed on each other as his hot seed filled her both lost
in the vortex of pleasure that immediately enveloped them. They continued to
suckle at each other’s necks long after they floated down to earth, exchanging
blood for blood until they were completely merged.


Sebastian’s blood surged through Diana’s veins, heating
every inch of her body. And as they kissed, as his tongue branded every inch of
her mouth, the muscles deep within her took possession of his growing cock.

Sebastian raised his head and gazed down into her eyes. “We
are one, Diana. We’ve bonded the ancient way. Now we are truly soul mates. Do
you understand? If you die, I die.”

“And if you die, I die,” she whispered against his lips. “As
it was before, Sebastian. I could have never lived in this world without you.”

“Say you’ll be mine, Diana. Say you’ll be my light in the
endless nights ahead.” He shoved his hands beneath her and, cupping her
buttocks, drove himself deeper.

“Always, my love.” The fire in his eyes sent molten heat to
the muscles drawing him deeper.

“Mine.” He nipped her neck, then raised his head and stared
into her eyes, a mischievous grin lifting his lips. “To do with as I please.”

She grinned. “This is the twenty-first century, Sebastian. I
have a say in what you do.”

He drew back, then slammed into her. Crying out from the impact
of the burning head of his cock, Diana felt her fangs shoot out.

“So, exactly what may I do,” he asked in a sultry whisper
against her mouth.

Diana ran her hands over the muscles flexing across his
shoulders and slid her tongue over his lips. When he growled, baring his fangs,
she wriggled her hips. “You can fuck me the way I like it.”

He lowered her hips, then gently lifted them up to his,
giving her only half of his length. “Like that, my sweet Diana.”

Her growl startled her.

He chuckled wickedly. “Ah, it seems I’ve bound myself to an

“If you don’t fuck me the way I want, you’ll see an animal.”
She bared her growing fangs and brought them down onto his chest. Sebastian
gasped as the tips grazed his nipples.

“Two can play this game.” He tore her mouth from his chest
and pressed her shoulders into the mattress.

Beginning at her collarbone, he slowly kissed and nipped his
way down to her breasts. She writhed beneath him, needing to incite him, to
drive him mad with need. He stared at her breasts. Arching her back, she
offered them up to him. “Don’t stop, Sebastian. Don’t ever stop.”

He licked at the tiny dots of blood oozing from the spots
where his fangs had just pierced her skin. She felt his cock grow deep within
her when she dug her hands into his hair and held his head against her chest.
He suckled greedily at one taut peak until her screams rent the air.

When he released her breast and continued on down, she
cried, begged, then let out a long guttural moan when he rose and withdrew
himself from her. His tongue lazed around her quivering stomach, teasingly
moved down, then swept back up to her bellybutton. Unable to bear it any
longer, she reached down and shoved his shoulders until his head rested between
her legs.

“Beg me, Diana,” he ordered, his voice cracking on her name.

“Please, Sebastian. I can’t…I can’t…oh!” Expecting more
teasing, she shattered when his lips clamped over her clit and drew it into his
hot wet mouth.

Sebastian held onto her bucking hips and lapped up her
juices until she’d gone as high as she thought possible, then buried his teeth
into the soft flesh just inside her pussy. Diana heard a deafening roar, felt
it reverberate through her body.

He sucked relentlessly until she begged for his cock, for
one taste of his blood. Rising, he slid his tongue over the holes he’d made. He
nipped and licked a path up to her breasts. The tips of his fangs ever so
lightly scraped over her nipple until she couldn’t take any more, weaving her
fingers into his hair, dragged his head up to hers.

“You’re driving me crazy. Please, Sebastian.”

“Tell me how you like it, Diana.” He slid the length of his
cock along her cleft.

“You know how I like it, Sebastian. Stop torturing me,” she
demanded on a ragged breath.

“Like this?” He surged into her so forcefully she screamed.

“Yes,” she cried, rising up to meet the next with equal

Diana’s nerves exploded. Streaks of exquisite pleasure
splintered out from her breasts and stomach to where his cock battered her.
Nearly lost in the depths of her orgasm, she felt his hot seed burst from him
and fill her.

Flinging her head to the side, she offered up her neck and
waited for the initial pain of his fangs piercing her skin, waited for the
inferno that always scorched her veins when he took possession of her life’s
essence. Her lungs burned and still she waited. The veins in her neck rose in
anticipation and trembled when only his warm breath flowed over her skin.
“Sebastian,” she pled, turning to see why he hesitated.

Crimson tears filled his eyes. His hands caressed every inch
of her body, then cupped her face. “In the hospital…I would have sold my soul
to see your vein like this. Quivering, pulsing with life. I love you, Diana. I
was a fool to let you go. I just…”

Diana kissed each bloody tear that escaped. “I never doubted
you’d come back to me. And I never stopped loving you, Sebastian. Never.”

He brought her mouth to his neck. Diana buried her fangs
deep into his bulging vein. As she sucked ravenously on his warm, sweet blood,
the jolt of his teeth sinking into her neck threw her into another whirlpool of

They screamed against each other’s necks, lost in the
merging of their souls. One mind, one heart. Forever.

About the Author


Multi-published author Doreen Orsini is highly acclaimed by
reviewers and fans for suspense that captivates them from the first page until
the last, for haunting descriptions that bring her books to life and for
intense, in-your-face erotic scenes that make readers do the “Orsini Cross Legs
& Squeeze”. Between books, she entertains the members of her Yahoo fan
group with her comic, kinky Breaking News posts about Orsini Fans Gone Wild.

Determined to shock, awe and bring tears to her readers’
eyes, Doreen pens dark erotic contemporary and paranormal tales that break the
traditional rules of romance. She writes constantly, losing herself in the
worlds she creates and crying as she writes tragic scenes for the characters
she sees as living, breathing people who eventually tell her where the story
will lead and end.

When not writing or enjoying her time with her family,
Doreen spends most of her time interacting and forming friendships with her


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Also by
Doreen Orsini


No One
But Madison

Tanner’s Angel



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