Undeniable (29 page)

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Authors: Doreen Orsini

BOOK: Undeniable
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Sebastian, what have you done to her?

Raising red-rimmed eyes, Diana glanced around as if she
didn’t know where she was. She took hold of Sebastian’s outstretched hand. When
he pulled her up to her feet, she swayed. “Sebastian, what…”

Sebastian swept her into his arms. “No more talk about the
past. The night is too short and we have more important things to do.”
show us where we’ll spend the night.

“But Sebastian, I have to ask you something important,”
Diana mumbled, then moaned and clasped her head. “Why can’t I remember?” She
blinked. A tear rolled down her cheek. Holding Sebastian’s gaze, she brought up
her hands and touched her cheeks. “Was I crying?”

Seeing her chest rise and fall as she grew more and more
agitated, hearing her heart rate rise to an alarming rate, Sebastian
immediately regretted what he’d done.

“Wait. Wait, I—” she gasped, then clutching her chest,
started to wheeze loudly.


Her mouth closed.

Hating that he had to enthrall her, Sebastian slowed her
heart down until it beat in time with his, then set her mind at ease.
matters except us, Diana. Nothing.

Sebastian shook his head, his eyes on Damien. “Damien, we
have to leave.”

Damien continued to stare at the spot where Diana had waited
for them.

“Damien, the night grows late and the longer we wait the
more likely it is that Olympia will find us.” Sebastian moved to stand beside
his stepfather. “You want to go to Diana’s grandmother.”

Damien raised his eyes and nodded. “I’ve waited this long, I
guess I can wait another night. You know, if you’d gone through with Olympia’s plan,
Angelina would probably have given up.”

“What are you talking about? What plan? Sebastian, what—”

“Diana, not now. Please, just trust me,” Sebastian said,
glaring over her head at Damien.

He brushed his fingers against the side of her breast.
Merged with her, he felt a flash of heat beneath them fan out to encompass her
entire body before converging in her pussy. She writhed in his arms and brought
her lips to the vein pulsing along his neck.

Damien apparently had not missed the fear and confusion that
had flared in Diana’s mind before her eyes had glazed over with passion. And he
knew exactly what her moans as she nibbled on Sebastian’s neck revealed.
can’t do this to her, Sebastian. She should know everything before we proceed.
There should be no secrets between bonded mates.

Sebastian turned his back on Damien.
Once we’re fully
bonded, I’ll tell her everything.

Damien came to stand before him.
You should tell her
first. It’s not right to continue the ritual with this secret.

Sebastian cradled Diana’s head against his chest.
What if
she refuses to bond? I can feel her muscles already cramping from the hunger.
What if she’s not as strong as her grandmother? I can’t take that chance,
Damien. I won’t.

With a sigh, Damien nodded. He walked up to the bank,
hesitated a moment, then became a blur as he soared over the lake. Sebastian
tightened his grip on Diana and followed. She licked his neck where his pulsed

“Diana, stop it. We have to get to a safe place,” he ground
out between clenched teeth.

With a sigh, she rested her head on his chest. “You’re
afraid. I can feel it. You don’t think I’ll stop in time.”

“I fear for your safety, not mine. There’s someone who would
destroy what we have.”

“This Olympia you were talking about?”


After leading them up a mountainside for what seemed like an
eternity, Damien glanced over his shoulder and nodded toward a small cottage
nestled in a grove of towering pines.
Take her into the cottage. I’ll stand
guard outside, but at dawn I’ll have to join you inside. Then we will both be
in her care.

Sebastian carried Diana into the front garden and stopped.
Still wary of a possible trap, he inspected their surroundings with his eyes
and mind. Confident that they were the only vampires in the vicinity, he
brought Diana into the dark interior of the cottage.

Her eyes still appeared dazed. His heart sank, recalling the
way they had lit up upon his arrival at the lake. He searched for a way to
bring them back to life.

Something scurried across the floor and squeaked at his
feet. Sebastian glanced at the tiny creature and grinned. “Just what I need.”

When Diana turned to him, he bared his fangs.

“Don’t you dare.” Diana leapt from his arms and pushed
against his chest.

“But I’m starving.”

He watched her feel along the wall for the switch. The sight
of those long fingers gliding over the smooth surface sent a bevy of electric
jolts to his cock. When light filled the small room, a scrawny mouse froze in
front of the stone fireplace. Sebastian captured its gaze and ordered it to
come to him. The mouse obeyed.

Diana ran up to the mouse. “Shoo! Shoo! Go on, get out.”

The mouse ignored her and continued its journey.

“Run. Sebastian, you let him go. My God, is this what you
do? Go after poor defenseless mice?”

“Only when I have no immediate blood supply on hand.” He
waggled his brows. “Ah, but why would I need such a measly snack when a meal
stands before me?”

Diana giggled. “You rat, I believed you.”

Tossing her backpack onto the floor, he grabbed her around
the waist and ground his erection into her stomach. With a flick of his eyes,
he sent the mouse scurrying out the door. Diana squealed with delight when he
nipped at her ear.

“A comfortable chair would be nice.” Damien called from

“Don’t move.” Sebastian kissed the bridge of Diana’s nose.
Lifting a chaise, he rushed out to find out what Damien really wanted.


Diana watched from the doorway as he and Damien stood toe to
toe arguing. When he finally strode away from Damien, he shocked her by giving
a small shrub a vicious kick.

“Is everything okay,” she asked when he returned.

“Damien’s still freaking out about your grandmother.”

“It’s so sad.”

Taking her face in his hands, he kissed her until she melted
against his hard chest.

“Look into my eyes,” he commanded in a voice that would put
Bella Lugosi to shame.

Wriggling free, Diana held up her hands. “Stop right there,
Dracula. Tonight you follow my commands, remember? I’m in charge.”

She felt the bloodlust he had been joking about surge
through his veins. His pupils dilated as he slid his fingers under her T-shirt.
Diana held his gaze. Felt him grow entranced by her eyes.

“I can feel your emotions.” She held her palm over his
heart. “Feel your body’s reactions at the same time that I’m feeling my own.”

“It’s part of the ritual, Diana. We’re merged.
Unfortunately, you’ll hear most of my thoughts too.”

“This should be interesting.” She grinned up at his
concerned expression. “Now, undress me. Slowly.”

Sebastian blinked.

“I thought I said slowly.”

Diana stood before him, her hands on her hips, the tattered
remnants of her clothes scattered around her. A red thong, its straps torn from
the delicate lace triangle, slid from his fingers. Running his hand through his
hair, he growled. “God, woman, you’re turning me into an animal.”

“Not just any animal, Sebastian. My animal, to do with what
I please.” Diana slowly licked her lips, amazed how his eyes seemed to glow
from some internal fire.

Sebastian took a step closer, then halted when Diana held up
her hand.

“Whoa, tiger. Stay right there.” She sashayed over to a huge
bed tucked into an alcove. A multitude of burgundy satin pillows were scattered
across a matching comforter. Her nether lips throbbed as decadent images
flashed before her eyes and her power over tonight’s outcome filled her with a
host of possibilities.

She primly sat on the edge of the bed and put her hands on
the knees of her closed legs, then glanced up. His eyes shimmered with desire
and unfathomable hunger, his clothes strained against flexing muscles. And his
mouth, his beautiful mouth. Slightly parted lips revealed the glistening tips
of razor-sharp fangs. They seemed to grow as she stared in awe.

If anyone had told her a mere week ago that such a sight
would have her trembling with longing, she would have called them mad.

Something still bothered her, but whenever she so much as
spared it a moment’s thought, her body’s ever demanding hunger for Sebastian
roared to life.

Taking a deep breath, she cleared her throat. “Now you
undress. And this time, no matter what happens, you will make it last. Do you
hear me, Sebastian? I mean sloooowww.”

“That voice.” His heart slammed against his ribs. “If I
didn’t know better, I would swear I’m standing before a dominatrix.” He
grinned, confident that he would be in control in no time. “No problem.”

“Wrong, wise guy. I’m in control all night.” Diana decided
she could get used to hearing Sebastian’s every thought.

He reached up to unbutton his shirt. As the first button
slid free, Diana spread her legs a mere inch.

Sebastian’s grin faltered. Unable to tear his eyes away from
her knees and the miniscule shadow between, he slowly released another button.

Her legs opened another inch.

His smile disappeared.

Another button.

Another inch.

His hands sped to tear open the next button.

And froze when her legs slammed shut. Fire surged through
his veins. “You’re killing me.”

She opened her legs to where they’d been. “Liar. You love
it. Now remember, the way to win this is game is to move slowly.”

Another button, another inch. With a slight toss of his
head, flames filled the flagstone fireplace across the room and cast a golden
light between her legs.

“Cheater,” Diana mumbled, her voice catching when her gaze
moved to the bulge in his jeans.

Sebastian licked his lips and freed another. By the time
he’d removed his pants and stood before her completely naked, Diana’s legs were
spread wide, revealing just how much she had enjoyed her little game.

Across his body, muscles flexed as he awaited her next
command. Her breathing grew ragged. She licked her suddenly dry lips. His
erection grew. She marveled that she had taken in its entire length the night

“Come here,” she ordered in a hoarse voice and pointed to
the spot between her feet.

Sebastian drew in a sharp breath, then slowly moved to stand
before her.


Holding her gaze, he knelt between her legs.

She ran her finger over his lips. “Tell me what you want,

His nostrils flared as her essence enveloped him in a heady
embrace. “I want you, Diana. Only you.”

She brought her hands back to her knees. “Then prove it.”

Sebastian placed his hands over hers and spread her legs
even farther apart. He moved between them and slowly dipped his head, his eyes
fixed on her face. When her eyes closed in anticipation, he changed direction
and grazed his teeth over a pert nipple.

Diana would have fallen back onto the bed from the jolt that
shot through her breast if his arm hadn’t suddenly encircled her back and held
her in place. He set to suckling her breast, his fangs tormenting her sensitive
peak. Desire spiraled down and pooled in her pussy.

His abs ground into her, torturing her nubbin.

“Not fair,” she whimpered, “I’m supposed to be in charge.”

When he pierced her skin just above her nipple, she writhed
from the pleasure-pain of his suckling. Just when she thought she couldn’t take
any more, that she’d tumble into an orgasm, he released her. She fell back with
a cry, then sighed as the cool satin pillows embraced her damp skin. She held
her breath and whimpered as she waited for his touch.

Endless seconds passed with nothing but his warm breath
answering her silent pleas. She knew without opening her eyes that he was
staring at her quivering moist flesh and spread her legs wider. She heard him
draw in a hissing breath.

When he let out a deep rumbling growl, she trembled with
uncontrollable need. An unbearable ache throbbed where she awaited the touch of
his lips and she begged him to hurry. Still he hesitated. With a guttural cry,
she reached down to bury her hands in his silken hair and draw his head to her.

His mouth finally took burning possession, his teeth
tormenting her labia, his tongue flicking along her inner pussy. Her muscles
clenched painfully, wanting more, demanding release. Every nerve ending seemed
to converge beneath his mouth and follow the path of his teeth to her most
sensitive spot. Her hips bucked when they made contact.

Sebastian roared into her depths.

Diana’s screams shattered the silent night.

The door to the cottage burst open.

Diana could barely focus on the figure charging into the
middle of the room. Even as her heart lurched, her hands refused to let go of
Sebastian’s head.

Sebastian snarled against the molten flesh beneath his lips.
Leave us!

Damien took in the scene and halted. “I heard her scream
and…” He spun around and left, slamming the door behind him.

Damien already forgotten, Sebastian drove his tongue deep
into Diana’s pussy again and again, feasting upon her juices. He stopped to
torment her clit, swirling his tongue around it, sucking it until she begged
for mercy. His fangs grew even longer, piercing the soft flesh beside her
throbbing nubbin.

Diana gasped from the slight prick of pain, then groaned
with pleasure as he drew her flesh into his hot moist mouth and sucked
voraciously at her sensitive clit. She screamed again as every clenched muscle
burst free, every nerve sent one fireball after another to her core. A vast
void opened deep with her, demanding to be filled.

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