Undead to the World (13 page)

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Authors: DD Barant

BOOK: Undead to the World
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If so, the prime suspect was sitting right across from me. Stoker kills the cult leader
and assumes the mantle; Selkirk and Stone are murdered because they supported Longinus.
So where does that leave me?

That depends on whether they still need me or not. If they do, they won’t kill me.
If they don’t, I’m an expendable loose end.

“Have you seen Ahab Longinus lately?” Stoker asks.

“Who?” I say, trying to sound confused—and believe me, it isn’t hard. Stoker’s using
a classic interrogation technique, hitting me with one revelation right on the heels
of another, not giving me time to think. “I mean, who gives their kid a moniker like
Ahab? Was his family Welsh or something?”

Now it’s his turn to look confused. “Welsh?”

“I’m sorry. I should have said, ‘from Wales.’”

He tries to recover. “Longinus. Lives at the edge of town in that big, ancient house?”

“Sorry, don’t know the man. It is a man, right? ’Cause people will name their daughters
anything these days. I met a kid the other day who, I swear, goes by ‘Lumina’. I asked
her if she was the two-door or four-door model and she just gave me a blank look.”

“He seems to be missing.”

“How can you tell?”

He frowns. He’s lost control of the interview and isn’t sure how to get it back. I
don’t give him the chance, either. “Who reported him missing, is what I’m asking.”

“He hasn’t been reported missing. His neighbors are concerned, that’s all.”

“Which neighbors?”

He ignores the question, which tells me there aren’t any nosy neighbors—just someone
very familiar with Longinus’s basement and what goes on there. “Longinus spent a lot
of his time with Selkirk and Stone. Did they ever talk to you about him?”

“No. You find Jimmy Zhang yet?”

“No. You have any ideas where he might be?”

A number of possibilities pop into my head—root cellars, the local graveyard, somebody’s
old fridge—but I keep them to myself. “Afraid not.”

“He’s probably out of town,” Stoker says. “Turns out that broken window was just an
accident; display fell over, is all.”

He waits to see if I argue with that. Because he knows as well as I do that even if
that steam cleaner did somehow manage to launch itself through a plate glass window,
the big red puddle he found in the back room of the grocery store wasn’t from a broken
ketchup bottle.

I smile. “Oh, good. A perfectly innocent, reasonable explanation. I thought there’d
be one.”

“There usually is,” he says softly.

We regard each other silently for a moment.

“I’m just a wee bit worried about you, Jace,” Stoker says at last. “All these events
must be difficult for you.”

“Definitely. I was really close to that steam cleaner. Oh, the times we had—”

“So I think it might be best if you took it easy for a while. Stay home. Watch TV.
Don’t make trouble and keep out of my way.

“Funny, that’s exactly what I was going to do. Thanks for the reminder.”
I’ll do whatever I want and you can go to hell.

He gets to his feet. “I’ll take you home. Drop in on you from time to time, make sure
you’re doing all right.”
I’m watching you.

“Thanks. I appreciate that.”
See previous comment.

I stand up. “Okay, then. Let’s go.”

*   *   *

He takes me home. The minute his car is out of sight, I turn around and leave. Not
so much because I’ve got someplace to go as because I hate being told what to do.

The sun’s pretty low on the horizon.

I head for the diner. I don’t work tonight, but it’s familiar and well lit and presumably
safe. If Zhang decides to attack me there, at least I can throw some garlic salt in
his face.

The diner isn’t open twenty-four/seven, and in fact closes every day between two and
four; people who want someplace to sit down on their coffee break head over to the
hardware store, where Don Prince always has a pot on that time of day. It’s close
to five now, so the first of the dinner crowd will be filtering in any minute. I step
inside and look around—only one of the booths is occupied, but all I can see is the
back of someone’s head. I take a seat at the counter and call out, “Therese? Got a
hungry customer, sweetie.”

No answer. Must be in the john or out back. I don’t bother calling out for Phil; I
don’t need him snapping at me right now.

“She’s not here.” Phil’s voice, surly as ever. Not coming from the kitchen, though—he’s
the one in the booth. That’s a little weird; he doesn’t like to sit out front with
the customers. Usually, he takes his meal breaks in the kitchen.

“Oh,” I say. “Well, can I get you to make me a grilled cheese? I’m starving.”

I expect him to either complain about me interrupting his break or give me a chilly
silence while he complies, but he doesn’t do either. Instead, he laughs.

“You want me to make you a meal? Sure. I’d be

Uh-oh. I turn to look at my boss.

He looks just like my boss usually does—no fangs, no red eyes, no sudden eruptions
of fur. He’s wearing a long, stained cook’s apron and has a cup of coffee in front
of him.

But somehow, he seems different.

“But first, we should talk. Okay?” he says. He smiles and motions me over with a friendly
nod of his head.

I get to my feet, slowly. He waits, patiently. Not threatening, not menacing, just
waiting. Trying to keep my paranoia under control, I walk over and sit down on the
other side of the booth. He’s probably just going to fire me, which is why he looks
so cheerful.

He studies me for a second. “Jace—how long have we known each other?”

“Well, I’ve been working here for about four months—”

“No. Before that.”

“I guess I didn’t really know you before that.”

He shakes his head, still smiling. “No, of course not. Why would you? It’s a small
town, there’s only one restaurant, you like to eat out … we must have run into each
other hundreds of times, don’t you think?”

Where is he going with this? “I’m sorry—I don’t understand.”

“Did you grow up here, Jace?”

It’s a simple question. And after a long, confused moment, I realize I don’t know
the answer.

When he sees the look on my face, he nods. Still smiling, but looking a little more …
satisfied. “Ah. You don’t remember. I myself cannot remember when I got here, though
it seems as if I’ve been here forever. But before I was here, I was … nowhere. My
childhood, my youth—all a mystery. But I only realized this in the last few days.
It was as though there were some sort of mirrored barrier in my mind, one that not
only blocked any attempts at recall but deflected even the idea of trying.”

He falls silent, staring at me intently. It’s the longest speech I’ve ever heard out
of his mouth, and it doesn’t sound like him at all.

“You said, ‘were’. Does that mean this barrier is gone?”

“Not exactly. It has become less substantial, though, more like a thick veil than
glass. I can sometimes pierce it if I concentrate hard enough—it is weakening, I think.
For the longest time, though, there were only two memories that came through clearly.”

“What—what were they?”

“The first was falling,” he says. His voice is hard, deliberate. “Falling endlessly
through infinite space, between distant and unknown constellations. Plummeting into
a vast, frozen silence.”

“Wow. Sounds like you grew up on a space station. Or fell off one.” I try to keep
my own tone light—there’s an intensity in his voice I don’t like.

“The other was you. Jace Valchek. The Bloodhound.”

“That’s—that’s just a TV show—”

“No. It is who you are. It is
you are. It has been hidden from you, just as my true identity has been hidden from
me. But as I am clearly the stronger willed of us, I have regained my self-awareness

I swallow. “That’s, uh, terrific. I’m glad you’re clearing up that whole invisible-amnesia

“Surely you have recovered some of your memories, too?”

I hesitate, not sure how to react. According to Azura, my memories
been tampered with, though she didn’t say anything about other people. Maybe Phil
can help me get my brain working right again.

“I might be remembering a few things,” I hedge. “Like … this town isn’t quite what
it seems to be. Know what I’m talking about?”

He makes a dismissive gesture. “This town is not important. It is a distraction, here
only to occupy our attention. We are all that matter.”

Phil’s gone from cranky to arrogant; I can’t say it’s an improvement, but I don’t
feel like arguing with him. “Let’s say you’re right. Why us, Phil? Why are we so important?”
I already know the answer to why I’m here, but I’m hoping his newly inflated ego will
insist he talk about himself.

“I was wondering that myself,” he says. “And then an old acquaintance dropped by and
altered my perspective. By
, you see, I mean more than simply you and I. There is at least one other in this
banal little village who is more than he seems.”

And then the capillaries in his eyes begin to get bigger. The veins widen as they
fill, spreading like a bloodstain soaking through paper. In seconds both his irises
are a bright crimson, and when he speaks I can see how his incisors have gotten longer
and sharper. “
Jimmy Zhang.”

He’s so fast, I don’t even see him move—but suddenly he’s got a hand wrapped around
my throat. “It’s really a shame,” he hisses, “that you’re so blithely ignorant of
who you truly are. You’re like a tiger that’s been declawed, defanged, and blinded.
Killing you will afford me little pleasure.”

He grins, showing me just how long his new fangs are. “But I’m going to anyway.…”



I’m dead.

I know I’m dead. He’s got me. I can’t believe I’m not even wearing a crucifix—I could
one in about thirty seconds with two pencils and a rubber band. But no, I had to
have my emotional meltdown and abandon Charlie with all our monster-hunting gear,
then throw my rebellious little hissy-fit after Stoker dropped me off. God, I’m so
stupid I
to die.

Which is good, because I’m about to.

“I know
who I am, Ms. Valchek,” my erstwhile employer says. “My name is Hondo Isamu. I am
of the Sapporo yakuza clan. I am one thousand, four hundred and seventy-two years
old, and in all that time no one has caused me more displeasure than you and your

Cohorts? I have cohorts?
Some part of my brain that isn’t slowly dying from a lack of oxygen is gibbering
at me frantically. I really wish it would slow down, because I can’t understand most
of what it’s saying. Something about screaming eskimos?

“I am a patient man,” Isamu says softly. “To kill a hated enemy once they are in your
power is not something that should be done in haste. I would much prefer to kill you
by inches, over many months. But I find myself trapped in a strange place, without
access to my usual resources. Thus, I shall restrict myself to getting the necessary
information from you to escape. Answer swiftly, and you will die the same way.”

He favors me with another smile. “But you shall refuse, of course. The Bloodhound
is not so easily broken. My inquiries will be met with your usual jibes, and I will
respond accordingly. Though much less verbally.”

He tosses me aside. One handed, off balance, and seated, he still manages to lift
me out of my seat and pitch me over the counter eight feet away with little discernable
effort. I think he was aiming for the counter itself—which would have really hurt—and
actually misjudged his own strength.

I sail across the Formica and smash into the wall just below the pick-up window—hitting
hard enough to make the order bell give off a tinny little ring—before falling to
the floor behind the counter. I’m a little shaken up and my shoulder hurts, but I
don’t think anything’s broken. Yet.

There’s a mop in a bucket beside me. I grab the handle of the mop and use it to haul
myself upright, pretending I’m more hurt than I actually am. I’m not surprised when
Isamu lands on the counter in front of me as agilely as a cat. I keep a firm grip
on the mop.

He grabs me with both hands—by my shirt this time—lifting my feet off the ground.
“You disappoint me, Bloodhound. I remember you being quite the wit.” He actually pauses,
waiting for my reply.

“Please don’t kill me,” I whisper.

His lip curls in disgust. “Can it be? As much as I detest you, I must admit that I
always held your fiery spirit in high regard. To kill you now seems … unworthy. I
want you to perish cursing my name, Bloodhound. To die as the warrior you are, not
some pathetic waitress. Perhaps you need further encouragement.…”

He throws me again, this time back toward the booths. I land on top of a table and
smack my head against the wall pretty hard—but the mop stays in my hand.

Pain throbs through my skull. My shoulder aches. He’s not going to stop until I’m
unconscious, and then he’ll rip open my throat and gorge himself while I bleed out.

he will.

There’s a steel post jutting up from the corner of the booth, with a few metal pegs
near the top to hang coats or hats from. I get a firm grip on the mop’s handle and
swing it as hard as I can at the post, the point of impact just above the mop’s head.
Thankfully, the bucket was half full of water and the mop head is soaking wet; the
weight adds enough kinetic energy to snap the wooden handle near the bottom. Dirty
suds spray through the air and spatter against the counter.

Now I have a spear. A

The booth tables are bolted to the floor, so they’re nice and sturdy. I get to my
feet on the tabletop, holding my improvised weapon in both hands. From his perch on
the counter, Isamu grins at me. “Ah. Does the Bloodhound bare her fangs at last?”

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