Undead (22 page)

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Authors: Richard Lee Byers

BOOK: Undead
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Anyway, she’d solve today’s problem today, and figure out how to appease the council later. Because for her, the real point of the war wasn’t to decide if one archmage or several would rule Thay, but to protect her own station and possessions. Nothing else mattered half as much.

She spent most of the morning dividing her army and its provisions in two and instructing Baiyen Tabar, who looked less than eager to assume command of the troops she was leaving behind. In truth, Nymia didn’t blame him. He wouldn’t have enough men to be confident of accomplishing the tasks the zulkirs had set him—or rather, her.

But she could scarcely acknowledge she might be abandoning him to defeat and destruction. Instead she promised rich rewards for the victories she professed to be certain he would win. She pledged, too, to return as soon as she could, then marched the best of her warriors south.

The sky was the color of slate as the Gray Archers, or what was left of them, laid their comrade on the pyre. Cremation wasn’t one of their customs, but during their years in Thay, they’d learned not to bury anyone even if he hadn’t perished at the hands of a vampire or something similar. With the power of necromancy rampant in the land, the corpse was all too likely to dig its way out of the grave and start slaughtering its former friends.

“Damn it,” Darvin Redfox whispered, “we can’t even send our dead to the Foehammer in the way they would wish.”

Taller than he and snub-nosed, her chestnut hair gathered in a long braid, Lureene Pinehill was both his lieutenant and his lover, but generally didn’t allow the intimate side of their relationship to show in her public behavior. Now, however, she gave his hand a surreptitious squeeze. “Tempus will welcome him anyway.”

“I hope so.” The torch dropped onto the oil-doused wood, and flame crackled upward. “And the rest of us, too, when our time comes.”

“That won’t be anytime soon. The sickness has run its course.

Evendur was the first case in several days, and he’ll also be the last. You’ll see.”

“I hope so,” Darvin repeated. To take back Nothos, a mostly ruinous town in northern Lapendrar, the mercenary company had needed to destroy a garrison of necromancers and dread warriors. With the wizards’ magic weakened, the Gray Archers succeeded, but afterward, sickness broke out among the ranks, possibly a result of close contact with the undead.

“I think you’re tired,” Lureene said.

“I am. Tired of fighting ghouls and wraiths, and of serving lords who traffic with demons and feel only contempt for anyone who isn’t both Thayan and Mulan.”

“Do you want to seek employment elsewhere? I’m sure someone is fighting a war in some other part of Faerun.”

“I’d love it, but how would we get there? With the earth shaking and the blue fires burning, it’s difficult enough to march overland. Can you imagine how dangerous it must be to travel by sea? No, we’re stuck here.” He spat. “People say the world’s ending. If so, I guess it doesn’t matter anyway.”

“When the funeral’s over, you’re coming to my tent. I know how to brighten your mood.”

But it seemed she wouldn’t have the chance. When the fire had had its way with the dead Gray Archer, and the company priest finished the final prayer, several of the men accosted Darvin. He inferred that they too must have been conferring in hushed voices as they watched the body burn.

“Captain.” Squinting Aelthas said, “Sir. Sorry to bother you, but the money didn’t come again today.”

“I know,” Darvin said. He’d been assured their pay would follow them north, but it was a tenday late.

“You know we’re not shirkers or cowards, Captain. We’ve followed you into all nine kinds of Hell. But if the council of zulkirs isn’t going to pay us, what’s the point?”

Darvin groped for the right words to persuade the men to be patient. Then, it was as if something turned over in his head, and he decided he was out of patience himself. “Fortunately, there’s an easy remedy,” he said. “Collect our wages from the town.”

Lureene pivoted toward him, her brown eyes narrowed. “Are you sure that’s wise? By the looks of it, this place has been sacked already.”

“Then the people should be used to it.”

“I don’t think we’re supposed to mistreat them. The zulkirs want Lapendrar—”

“We’re not mistreating them. We’re charging a fair price for ridding their settlement of undead. Now stop blathering and organize the collection!”

Her mouth tightened. “Yes, sir.”

He felt a pang of guilt for snarling at her, but he’d never been one for apologies, and so he didn’t tell her he was sorry. Not even late that night, when a burgher had broken her arm with a club and the riot was well under way.

The dead griffon scarcely had any flesh left, let alone feathers. Yet its rattling wings carried it through the air, because that was the unnatural nature of undeath.

Bareris was no necromancer. But over the years, as his bardic powers increased and his mood grew ever bleaker, he’d discovered that his music could reanimate dead bodies. With mounts in scarce supply, he’d used the talent back in Xingax’s stronghold to create one more. It was carrying Tammith, too, strapped to its skeletal form and shrouded in black cloth to ward her from the sun.

He peered through the gathering twilight at the plains of Tyraturos stretched below. Soon it would be time to set down

and make camp, and Tammith would wake. He smiled at the prospect of seeing and touching her again. His throat tingled.

Then he spied a deep gorge splitting the earth, and the legionnaires milling around on the far side of it. Their banners bore the eight-pointed crimson star device of the council, as well as the Black Hand of Bane.

Dimon’s troops, more than likely. Evidently they’d been heading north and had been unpleasantly surprised to find the chasm barring the way.

Clearly, they wouldn’t be marching any farther until morning, and Bareris supposed he and his men might as well share their camp. Using magic to project his voice, he called, to them that he and his companions were Nymia Focar’s men, then blew a signal on his trumpet to convey the same message.

Meanwhile, his undead steed carried him over the wound in the earth. When he was directly above it, he gasped.

Something huge was climbing out of the depths, a mass of writhing tentacles with bulging eyes and circular orifices, alternately expanding and puckering, down the length of the arms. Blue fire flickered around it and allowed it to sink the tips of its arms into the stony wall, which they penetrated as easily as a knife cutting butter.

It was the most grotesque thing Bareris had ever seen. He couldn’t even tell what sort of creature it had been before the blue flame transformed it. Perhaps it hadn’t been alive at all. Maybe the wave of chaotic power had made it out of rock, earth, and air, or nothing at all.

Whatever it was, it had nearly reached the top of the crevasse, and by ill fortune, none of the legionnaires were looking over the edge. Bareris bellowed a warning.

It came too late. The creature heaved itself over the edge of the rim and flailed its tentacles. The blows bashed men to the ground or hurled them through the air. But more often than not,

what actually killed them was the blue flame playing around the entity’s body. When it touched them, they melted.

Bareris hoped that after slaying its first several victims, the creature would stop to slurp up the remains. It didn’t. Motivated by fury rather than hunger, it crawled toward more of Dimon’s soldiers.

It was fast, too. Panicking, jamming and tangling together, knocking one another down, some legionnaires might escape, but not many.

Bareris sang a song of lethargy. The creature slowed, moving more sluggishly than before.

“Hit it!” he called to the other griffon riders. “But stay high enough that it can’t snatch you out of the air.”

His men loosed arrows. The Burning Braziers hurled sprays of fire, or conjured flying hammers wreathed in yellow flame. He slammed the creature with the force of a thunderous shout.

Was any of it doing the beast harm? The thing was so bizarre that he couldn’t tell. But the barrage distracted it. It left off pursuing the men on the ground to grope impotently at the attackers harassing it from on high.

Or perhaps not so impotently after all. Without warning, it shot up into the air.

If it could fly all along, Bareris wondered why it had climbed to the top of the chasm. It made no sense, but then, nothing associated with the blue fire did.

He wheeled his mount to keep beyond the creature’s reach, but the skeletal griffon didn’t respond quickly enough. A tentacle whipped around its neck, shattering naked vertebrae, and hung there in a loop. Blue fire ran up the arm toward the steed and its rider as though following a trail of oil.

Bareris chanted words of power, undipped the strap holding Tammith to the saddle, and grabbed hold of her shroud.’ The azure flame leaped at him just as he sang the final note. The

world seemed to break apart, and then he was standing on the ground with his legs still spread as though straddling a mount. Tammith fell to the ground at his feet, her weight jerking his hand down with her. The folds of the shroud separated. Smoke billowed forth, and Bareris cried out in horror.

But Tammith wasn’t burning up. The sun had already dropped out of sight, and she’d turned to mist to extricate herself from her cloth cocoon. The swirls of fog congealed into human form.

“What’s going on?” Tammith asked.

Bareris pointed. “That.”

The creature had scattered the griffon riders. Perhaps thinking that now they’d leave it alone, it plummeted, and jolted the earth when it slammed down. It then heaved itself toward him, Tammith, and Dimon’s men, crawling and lashing its tentacles as fast as it had originally. The curse of slowness had worn off.

Tammith smiled, revealing upper canines extending into fangs. “I’ll stop it.”

“No. Stay back. The blue fire can destroy anything, even a vampire.”

“Then I’ll make sure it doesn’t touch me.” She exploded into a cloud of bats.

The winged beasts hurled themselves at the oncoming giant. Dodging the sweeps of its tentacles, they caught hold of them in their claws and sank their fangs into them. Bareris couldn’t tell if the immense horror had any blood for them to suck, but he was sure Tammith was using the cold malignancy of her touch in an effort to drain its life away.

He, too, did his best to kill it. He wanted to charge and fight near her with his sword, but the better tactic was to stand back and use magic. So he battered the horror with shout after shout and spell after spell.

As Tammith had promised, at first the bats took flight whenever

blue flame flowed or leaped close to them, but then she failed to notice a flare until it was too late. The blaze engulfed a bat, and it burst in a sort of fiery splash. Bareris winced.

Then the gigantic creature collapsed, its dozens of arms flopping to the ground and beginning to liquefy. A putrid stench suffused the air.

Bareris hadn’t been able to tell which attacks had truly hurt it, and he couldn’t tell which had killed it, either. Perhaps none of them. Possibly the beast had borne some fundamental flaw in its anatomy that kept it from living very long.

The surviving bats took flight from the rotting tangle, then whirled together. Tammith wasn’t marked or bleeding, but she stumbled.

Bareris ran to her. “Are you all right?”

She nodded. “I will be. That was close. When the fire took a portion of me, it felt as if it was going to jump to all my bodies. But somehow I pushed it back.”

“You really didn’t have to charge and attack.”

“As far as that’s concerned, when you moved us, you didn’t have to drop us between the creature and the soldiers of Tyraturos. Neither one of us is responsible for looking after them.”

“I suppose that’s true.” They each had acted as instinct prompted, which suggested that, whatever she believed, not all her urges were selfish and cruel.

The captain of Dimon’s legionnaires came trotting up to them. He hadn’t observed the final phase of the fight in any detail, and he stopped short when he noticed Tammith’s alabaster skin, the subtle luminescence in her dark eyes, and the fangs still furrowing her lower lip. Before the war, he might have felt a personal aversion to vampires, but he would have accepted their presence in the army as a matter of course. Now, he feared that any such creature served Szass Tam.

“It’s all right,” Bareris said, investing his voice with a dash of magic to calm and convince. “Captain Ilrazyarra is on our side.”

The other commander took a breath. “Of course. Please, forgive my moment of confusion. To tell you the truth, I’m still rattled from seeing that beast tear into us. I don’t know what we would have done if you griffon riders hadn’t happened by.”

You would have died, Bareris thought. “We were glad to help.”

“Can you help some more? I’ve got soldiers who fled and are still running, not realizing the creature is dead. Can your fellows catch up with them and herd them back?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you.” The officer shook his head. “By the Hand, what a mess! This route was supposed to be clear. A wave of blue flame must have carved the gorge and created the beast just a short time ago.”

Bareris frowned, then shrugged. “I suppose.”

Long before his superiors in the Order of Conjuration commanded him to serve with the army, Thamas Napret had become accustomed to the groans and whimpers of injured men. A Red Wizard couldn’t climb the ladder of his hierarchy without hearing such noises frequently.

Yet now they seemed like a reproach, and distracted him from his contemplation of the stars. He rose, picked up his staff with its inlaid runes of gold, and walked away from the camp.

He didn’t go far. Some of Szass Tam’s warriors might still be lurking around, and even if not, wild kobolds and goblins sometimes crept down from the Sunrise Mountains to forage and raid in the wooded hills of Gauros. He put a few paces between

himself and the nearest of his associates, then sat down on ground carpeted with dry pine needles, crossed his legs, and sank into a meditative trance. Perhaps the gods—assuming that any were left alive—would reveal how things had gone so horribly wrong.

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