Read Uncut (Unexpected Book 4) Online

Authors: Claudia Burgoa

Tags: #UNCUT

Uncut (Unexpected Book 4) (42 page)

BOOK: Uncut (Unexpected Book 4)
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“In college I made friends.” A second wave of confessions follows, and I want her to stop, because I fear that another nervous breakdown may follow. But she’s more composed. “Met a guy. They . . . used me.” She continues with the tale and like many of her stories, her fucking father was involved. “I relapsed, and then learned to keep myself away from everyone. You’re the first person I opened up to since then. Coop was the second.”

Hearing that makes me love her even more if that’s possible, and I wish there was a way to show her that she’s become my world.

“I trust you. I love you. Do you think you can love me tonight?” Her words send a surge of electricity that powers my entire body, causing a huge explosion inside my chest, and fills my heart with an inexplicable emotion. An emotion that is beyond love and adoration. “Show me what I’m supposed to feel when I’m touched by someone I love.”

Before today I’ve never had the desire that I have tonight. Wishing that each time I touch her, she’ll feel my love for her. Wishing every stroke sends the right message to her heart, that even when I want her to feel good, I want her heart to know that I’m giving her my entire soul.

“You need me to show you love, Thea?” My heart sings while my head laughs at what this woman is asking from me. “Baby, you brought joy to my life, peace to my soul, and filled my existence with love. The moment you took hold of my heart, I knew you were meant for me. What I’m trying to say is that
love. What I feel goes beyond it and there are no words to explain. The only thing I know is that my soul merged with yours through that emotion and it will remain like that for eternity. No one has the power to separate us ever again.”

“Coop?” she murmurs.

My beautiful woman can’t be selfish for one night, and that confirms why I love her beyond anything imaginable. “I hope and pray that he catches up with us, as my heart knows that we need him.”

I take her lips, kissing her with pure adoration. She sighs as I kiss her, and for one moment I remember everything that she’s gone through.

“Stop,” she mumbles against my lips. “Please don’t think of anything that can tarnish tonight. Love me as if it was my first time, erase all the bad from the past.”

Those desperate words are enough to remind me that tonight will be considered my first time. I’ve never been with someone I’m in love with. I gently lift her into my arms, guiding her toward her bedroom.

Matt settles me back on the ground, my feet unable to support me as they tingle just as my entire body does. Expectant to what will happen. It’s been a roller coaster kind of day. Smiles, laughs, joy, tears, my painful past making a guest appearance. It’s him, the way he gently handles every part of me, even my soul. Tonight I’m promised a night that I’ll remember as the most loving one between the two of us.

“Don’t overthink,” he whispers, pulling me closer to him, until I’m flattened against his solid chest. His eyes darken, and the grin transforms into a mischievous one.

“Tell me what feels good, Butterfly.” His low voice sucks all the air from my lungs, and my legs wobble. If I keep standing, I fear I’m going to fall flat on my ass. He directs me to the bed and claims my mouth with a glorious kiss, a soft tongue, sweeping across, as if taking a taste of the best piece of cake. It erases every single thought, even my name. As his mouth conquers mine, a throaty moan escapes me. Matt groans when my tongue follows his, sliding into his mouth hungrily. I tangle my fingers into his shaggy hair, holding tight while his arms slide underneath my dress. He runs his fingers up my back and over my bare skin.

“Matt.” I let out a breathy moan along with his name when his lips move along my jaw.

“What do you need, Thea?” His lips fall to my shoulder, where he nips and kisses his way to the other side. His fingers find my aching, throbbing pussy. They are so close. I arch into him, seeking release. “Do you want me to make it feel better?” I moan a yes. “Anything for you, Butterfly.”

He releases me, pushing himself off the bed, and tugging at the neck of his shirt to pull it off. My eyes admire his defined chest, marked arms, and inked skin. His hands work the button of his jeans, until suddenly they stop.

“You’re gorgeous,” he says. I grip the comforter not sure of what to say, or just enjoy the way his eyes travel over my body, as if enjoying a masterpiece. “Trust me to love you, Butterfly.”

My heart jolts.

I nod and that one sentence is all it takes. An unexpected force comes to life. My heart grows several sizes and something inside me disappears.

“Stand up,” his silken voice orders, and I do. He pulls down the strapless dress I wear and I’m left with only my silky panties on. “Fuck.
. You wore almost nothing underneath.”

“Love me.” The two words are a combination of a plea and an order.

His lips are close to mine. “I will,” he breathes against them before he takes my mouth, sliding in his tongue. We are pressed against each other, my arms gripping his shoulders as he lowers me against the bed.

“To new experiences,” he says as his lips leave mine, “and a lifetime of memories.”

As he trails down from my lips to my breast, his lips mark my body, circling from top to bottom, traveling inward as if searching for the liquid center of a truffle. When he reaches my nipple, he captures it. He licks it like an ice cream, savoring.

“You’re my dream come true.” He releases my nipple, his eyes meeting mine, sending an urgent message that he loves me. That if necessary, he’d die for me. His eyes never leave mine, as his mouth travels to my other breast. His hand stays on the one he already loved, tugging and pulling at it. Making my pelvis meet his. His fingers trace their way down to the small piece of fabric I wear.

My body is on fire. I don’t remember sex being so good, primitive, and painful. That ache between my legs increases and he’s doing nothing to make it go away. His hands reach for my panties. I want him to rip them off. He makes an act of pushing them slowly down my legs.

“Time to open your wings—for me.” I want to open everything for him. My body. My heart. My soul.

Matt lowers his mouth to my sex, running his tongue over my slit. I moan at the contact, and his eyes meet mine. They’re filled with pleasure and pure ecstasy. His lips lift further north as he pushes a finger inside me, then his mouth goes back to my clit.

“Oh, fuck,” I scream as his fingers find my opening while he licks me. My hips move at the rhythm he sets, and that’s when he submerges inside me dancing, building the moment. I’m ready to meet my fate, whatever that is. His eyes never leave mine. His other hand reaches up, settling on top of my belly. Soon, I want everything to . . . ahh. I don’t finish the thought because I unravel, losing myself in the moment.

“Matt, please, yes,” I scream as I reach the peak and my head explodes along with my body. Filled with a bliss I can’t explain, my body continues riding the high. A high I could get addicted to.

His lips slowly travel all the way back to mine, staying only for a mere second. Then they move away for a second journey where they travel from my neck, to my shoulders, my arms, my belly, down to the center where he stops. My eyes don’t leave his as he reaches for his wallet before losing his pants. I don’t pay attention to his other movements. His eyes hold mine as they penetrate inside my soul, making love to it.

Matt crawls over me. His eyes darken as they grow wide with anticipation. He captures my lips, and his teeth tug at my bottom lip gently. I wrap my arms around his bare shoulders, as his cock rests on my entrance.

“I love you,” he gasps, pushing his hips forward, stretching my insides in a delicious way. “Relax, let me love you.” He strokes my hair, kissing my cheek, then my mouth. Each thrust draws me into him, making me a part of him. Each cell of mine mixes with his—our molecules fuse together, our thoughts. His present is now part of my future. My body is building the pressure once again, but this time is different. I can see them. Two waves about to collide and become one. Forever.

look stupid. I run a hand down my tie, fix the jacket one more time, and check out my ass. AJ shouldn’t be allowed to spring last-minute ideas, or whatever this fucking suit means. She wanted Jacob and me to look pristine during Grandma’s birthday, because that’s what she wanted.

“You look dazzling, sweetheart,” Tristan says, blowing a kiss from the couch while taking a picture with his phone. “This goes to the scrapbook; the only time my guy wore a suit.”

“I wear suits and tuxedos more often than you think, Coop.” I turn around and consider his casual T-shirt and a pair of washed-out jeans. Thea said some nonsense when she opened the door for us that now make sense: No one told me it’s backward day. She kissed us both and disappeared.

“Where is she?” I check my watch, afraid that she went back to change her clothing for . . . What would she wear on opposite day?

Thea is a chameleon. When she’s at work, she wears classy skirts and jackets—professional. At home she’s her usual bohemian style and . . . there’s no head or tail to her style.

“Your sister just called to ask for a few things for your grandma,” Coop responds checking his watch.

“How are you two dealing?” Ever since last Friday, things have been tense between the three of us. We’re trying to ignore it, but today is going to be impossible.

BOOK: Uncut (Unexpected Book 4)
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