Unconventional (The Manhattanites #4)

BOOK: Unconventional (The Manhattanites #4)
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Unconventional (The Manhattanites)

Avery Aster

For fans of such films as
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Wild Things
comes a ménage romance posing the question; can two men share the same woman forever?

They are the best of friends and the greatest of lovers. Two men and one woman, searching for fortune and fame, bound together by an eroticism their money and power can’t buy them.
, the romantic alpha hunk.
the exotic bisexual.
, the insatiable beauty who possesses them both.

From their first rendezvous in Milan, the three set out on a wicked course, jet-setting from the kinky underground sex clubs of Berlin, to the lavish palaces of Moscow, to New York’s high society in pursuit of pleasure. They have only each other to care for. That is…until a baby comes along and changes their destiny. But which of them is the father? And will they continue their poly relationship or give in to convention?



Often while reading Avery Aster’s books, readers have been known to experience hot flashes, orgasms, and laughter to the point of peeing in their pants.

It’s suggested that you have a bucket of ice nearby, along with a chilled glass of champagne and your favorite sex toy—fully charged—before reading this story.

Please note that Avery’s writing is not suitable for prudes, slut-shamers, or uptight readers who don’t have a sense of humor about money, sex, or fame. Avery’s books are not intended for anyone under the age of 18.

Have fun!

Swag and reader contests can be found on Avery’s blog at:

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The Manhattanites
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using the hashtags #TheManhattanites #EroticRomance



The Manhattanites

by Avery Aster

“If you enjoy witty erotic romances by such authors as Alice Clayton and Tara Sivec then you’ll most likely devour Avery Aster!”

—The Kindle Reader

“Never did I think I could love an author as much as Avery Aster.
The Manhattanites
are obscenely fabulous.”

—Book Boyfriend

“The most original series I've ever read.
The Manhattanites
is expertly crafted like diving into a soap opera.”

—Miss Construed

“A throwback to Judith Krantz, Avery’s writing is salacious glitz, drama and glamour.”

—Talk Supe

“I took a cold shower after reading

—Books Are Love

“Avery's voice is fresh and witty. Something not found in the market.”

—Same Book, Different Review

“Plotted like Jackie Collins, the bitches are super-bitches but underneath their tough exterior is a good heart.”

—I Love Romantic Fiction

“Sex and the City on steroids but younger and sexier, Avery Aster equates to fun erotic romance.”

—Ever After Romance

The Manhattanites
live an extravagant lifestyle. I want to be a part of it.”

—Blissful Books

“The shock value is high and hot flash-inducing. Trust me, I've suffered a few.”

—Ripe For Reader


Your brave journey with breast cancer is most inspiring. I’m honored that you beta-read Unconventional. Thank you! If you’re ever in the Big Apple, I owe you cocktails.

Your new friend, Avery

To my tenth-grade galpal Sara K. There are no words to describe our twenty-five year friendship other than freakin’ fabulous! There are, however, three songs which have stayed top of mind.

For all the dance clubs, raves, and boys we kissed, Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode. For the night you protected me from being beat up, I’ll Stand by You by The Pretenders. And for those quiet times when we just laid on the plush carpeting, staring up at the ceiling-fan, and discussed what our lives would be like when we were grown, Somewhere by Barbara Streisand.

Every time I hear them, I pause, grin, and thank the heavenly stars for having you in my life. I love you, Greg, Dylan, and Cole more than New York City, chocolate, and red wine combined. Come visit me soon.






Copyright 2015 Avery Aster

Cover Design by
Croco Designs

Formatted by
Mark's Ebook Formatting

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