Unconquered Sun (86 page)

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Authors: Philipp Bogachev

BOOK: Unconquered Sun
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After a bathtub the Invincible Sun felt much better. It was worth adding to water of a little magic pink elixir - and skin became pink and smooth as at the baby, the remains of old wounds and scars dragged on, in skin deeply the pleasant smell of pink petals inside ate, and hair from such water began to shine, shine and curl on tips.

While she washed in a bathroom, dwarfs brought already ready-to-wear clothes which are cut out in strict accordance with a uniform of "STING". Long, to knees, a tunic from golden silk, a belt with a metal plate with two letters "P" ("An order and Prosperity"), a golden raincoat, short to a belt, and a sandal from an easy porous tree, and for the head - a silver rim with a stone analyzer.

- Yes, - gloomy spoke the Invincible Sun, - for so many millennia - absolute necrosis of any imagination! That in my time carried this bad taste, as now carry. As though anything more interesting and can be thought up! Sea Dragon of their loss! Well, it is necessary to reconcile - eventually, I cannot differ from other fairies. Then I will dress something more graceful and more tasty, - the Invincible Sun consoled itself, with regret dressing in these clothes the updated body.

Dwarfs brought also jewelry. She with regret removed from herself diamonds - they not really matched image of the warrior of "STING" - and put on standard jewelry - a gold chain with a pendent in the form of an angry bee, with a protruding paunch and a naked sting, gold bracelets on wrists and a ring with a magic yellow stone - that's all.

- Yes, not densely, - the Invincible Sun disappointedly thought. - Well, why such ascesis? Sit there on gold and diamonds, and dress fighting fairies as some men - the total bad taste and a primitive! Again it is necessary to reconcile for the sake of conspiracy.

And then the dwarfs armed with combs and scissors approached and began it to do a standard hair of fighting fairies from which the Invincible Sun had on a face a sour mine again.

And here the Invincible Sun caught itself on thought - and what suddenly she so worries? Not as the wise magician who very long time ago lost count of the years and as the 17-year-old little girl who gathers for the first appointment! For a minute even it became a shame to it with itself.

And then she approached the mirror brought by dwarfs and attentively examined herself. It is good! Though is not present, still it is necessary to make up.

- Eh, it is a pity that these idiots from "STING" think themselves such chaste that they are almost not painted, - with disappointment the Invincible Sun thought. - It is necessary and to reconcile here, Murin of their loss!

And therefore it could bring only a few eyelashes and eyebrows black ink, to impose easy shadows of a light blue "cold" shade on eyelids, to slightly tint lips. Blush was not necessary as from pink water her skin so was pink as at the baby.

Then it was once again looked in a mirror.

"All right, will descend. Then, when Prinze will be released and brought here, I will manage and it is better to put on, and to make all the rest as it is necessary. It will be necessary to leave sketches to dwarfs already now - let do to my arrival, I have nothing to dress!"

Looking in a mirror, the Invincible Sun even burst out laughing - as if It to prepare not for deadly diversion in the territory of the opponent, and gathers for appointment, a ball or for a wedding.

- … And why is also not present? - suddenly caught itself on thought the Invincible Sun. - And why, actually, to postpone? Our marriage can become original and before annihilation … It will even be better, - and from this thought to it became so cheerful that she burst out laughing. At last her dreams are close to end! One more step - and at it will be everything - love, happiness, power, greatness - and all at once and in full!

- We made your Perfection, necessary ointments, - the jingling, shy voice of the dwarf Krum was distributed.

- Time. Time to work came, - the Invincible Sun thought and went to the Malachite room - to turn an arachnoid animal into a fiery red mantikora to go on it to a way.

Chapter 23. Prinze and Lily.


Still Prinze did not stop putting on, and already red "mantikor", having extended a back an arch and having hissed, began to worry:

- With - with - with - with - skoreee, s-s-s-s-skoree, Prinze - with - with - with-with, I feel, I feel, a pursuit on hvos - with - with - with - ste!

The invincible Sun ran up to edge of a cloud and touched with a finger a colourless stone of the Analyzer. Invisible beams probed space regarding the radiation of magic energy. In the western Analyzer direction defined weak magic activity and the sorcerer once again was surprised Azail's abilities to feel it without any devices.

- Darling, is time for us if here to cover us, we will not get off with Islands Blissful any more!

The prince shuddered from loathing and horror at the mention of damned islands and the first jumped on a back mantikor. Behind the village the Invincible Sun, and Azail - and it was it - soared up instantly into the sky and gained the biggest speed for a mantikor - 80 miles an hour - and headed for the North - in the Oversea country.

But persecutors did not doze. Already in a couple of minutes the Invincible Sun, having got a pocket mirror, saw "on a tail" a pursuit and the mood at it fell. They flew not on some dead mantikora - drat this decrepit Azail who cannot normally fly! - and on the first-class snow-white pegasa, griffins and three-headed huge eagles - generations of the Rocky Mountains tamed by fairies. And at these animals wingspan is much more, than at a mantikor, applied only to flights on near distances.

"Proklyatye! - with disappointment the Invincible Sun thought. - Managed to arrive this patrol of "STING" on mantikor!"

The distance between pursued and persecutors was promptly reduced. It was necessary to do something.

- Well, bend down, darling, and strong hold this animal by a mane, now I will show them where crayfish winter! - having rapaciously shown, told the Invincible Sun, carefully turning back to front to be facing persecutors.

- Only without the victims, I beg you! - with alarm Prinze spoke. - And suddenly there my Fairy? And in general - it is enough already blood, Poured!

The person of the Invincible Sun distorted from disappointment, especially at a mention "my Fairy" and "Poured", but she did not give a sign and, having smiled from ear to ear, maliciously told:

- Well, of course, as I can hurt "my one and only girlfriend", the road! Especially later all that she for me made! It is simply impossible!

And after that her face became again serious and concentrated, and she all retired into oneself, on preparation of a spell.

And at this time persecutors already surrounded pursued - several pegas and griffins with fairies above from flanks, couple of eagles - from above already came. It was visible how fairies lifted magic wands and transferred each other beams which, connecting, formed a network which they were going to throw over a low-speed mantikora. Fugitives were decided to be taken live …

The poor creature Azail became exhausted to speed up, but at him nothing left.

- Hey, Azail, be going to maneuver, you hear? At such speed it is our only chance! - cried out the Invincible Sun through wind whistle. - I prepare blow, but I can not be in time.

Azail only roared in reply and nodded the magnificent red mane.

And it is valid, having stopped spinning a network, fairies at the same time "shot" it from above and from flanks.

But they not attacked that! Azail was not stupid animal, but the cleverest of all enemies of Triune Knowledge! Having lowered wings the boat, he stooped down down and earned by wings only at the last minute, having made an abrupt bend so nearly touched with paws a sea surface. The networks thrown by enemies grabbed only air.

From sharp decrease at Prinze intercepted breath and nearly pulled out it. At the last minute, by the sea, he even nearly released a mane "mantikor" and nearly departed head over heels to water, but felt how he by a belt was seized by Lily's hand.

- Keep more strong, darling, do not fall, you still will be useful to me, hi-h! And well, Azail, we go for rapprochement, the quicker, the better! Their Atu! Atu! - and with might and main roared with victorious blood-thirsty laughter.

Mantikora sharply gained height and rushed directly to persecutors who formed one group now, having seen that their plan with a network failed.

What their surprise when pursued suddenly turned into persecutors was and rode directly on them at full speed. The invincible Sun changed so that to face directly to enemies. She with pleasure saw how the coming faces of fairies express surprise and a fright from such unclear maneuver. They thought, probably, that these mentally ill people have a trump ace behind a sleeve which will turn all party upside down and, peretrusiv rather, began to erect protective barriers. But was late!

Wave a hand - and over the heads of fairies there was a big black cloud which is awfully smelling of some muck which origin it was only possible to guess. Still the movement, sharp cotton, and a stream of brown fetid swill poured over unfortunate warriors from legs to the head.

And a mantikor suddenly, having sharply made an abrupt bend aside as a result of whom Prinze again nearly departed "overboard" (if again someone's vigilant hand held it for a belt), and departed back home. And only also remained to fairies that to hear the removed triumphing laughter of the solntseoky sorcerer …

- … You are sure that they really will not depart for us? - with alarm Prinze asked, up to the end without believing in the wonderful rescue.

- What you speak, darling, about I fairies know these how peeled! They even in military campaigns with themselves drag folding bathrooms and folding shower cabins, and here, to appear completely in … - and roared with the loud triumphing laughter which right there picked up pseudo-mantikora. - Now they will not take couple of tens of baths and flourishes yet, will not change clothes yet and anew will not make up and will not twist hair - anywhere will not start, believe me. We will already be from them very far …

- And how blockade at the Gold Hall? - anxiously Prinze asked.

The invincible Sun right there ceased to laugh.

- And here it is necessary to think. Here such number will not pass any more. There protect seriously. - And for a long time became silent, telepathic exchanging words with Azail about the forthcoming operation.


Decided to break at night, more precisely, at daybreak when any protection that Fane that any other, sleeps especially tight. And therefore, having landed in the evening on a small island, only five-six miles from the Oversea country, they decided to wait here to three o'clock in the morning. And will not come to fairies to mind that they at them near by, and, on the other hand, rummage around patrols and scan analyzers only coast of the Oversea country - further, in the sea, Fane quarantine does not extend any more.

The island represented itself a usual stony reef and was called "Stone Teeth". Two rocks which rose vertically up in parallel each other as two giant teeth, and between them - a narrow strip of white sea sand - ideal shelter from prosecution.

Here, having fallen by soft sand between two "teeth", by means of simple magic, the Invincible Sun conjured a big tent from silk matter with silk mattresses and pillows (it remained the fairy, and therefore could not live without comfort). Then - the small center with fire (the eye which is previously protected with spells on branch) and, of course, a bathroom with pink water!

Of course, the Invincible Sun right there banished Azail:

- So, an animal here not the place - you sorry, Azail. Besides at you it is better to turn out to watch - you have such developed intuition!

Azail discontentedly roared, but did not begin to argue and departed on the top of the right tooth - to watch. There he catlike curled up a ball, put wings as an innocent pigeon and dozed off as a cat, with half-closed eyes and lifted "ears - on - the top" ears, ready to jump up at any time from the most insignificant noise.

And Prinze with the Invincible Sun, having accepted in turn a bathroom, collapsed on soft silk mattresses at the conjured center, drinking the warmed wine.

The full moon already was almost in a zenith, lighting the sea with the such illusive and romantic light. It was necessary to wait for break time only five-six hours, and the Invincible Sun began to be nervous a little.

And Prinze, on the contrary, from the warm salty sea air, mysterious silver-blue light of the moon small of the calming noise of waves and warm wine fell into some coma. Memoirs gushed over it …

He remembered how in the same nights they with the Fairy walked on the coast of the small river, looked at the moon, having embraced by hands, and listened to an easy rustle of a cane and murmur of water. As then it was good! Probably, this happiest time in his life which, alas, is so far, so far now …

- What you so thought of, my dear Prinze? - impatiently asked its Invincible Sun, being annoyed with the fact that he does not pay it attention, from the adventure on a cloud at all. - You have such surprising person who I did not see at other men with whom I dealt …

The prince interrogatively looked at Lily.

- Just when you looked at a lunar path at the sea, you had such pensive, released look and an eye which it is difficult for me to transfer. You as though other-wordly … As though you at all not from our world … Not from Tselestiya, you understand? And men whom I knew, all these kings, dukes, counts, knights who solicited my hand, they were interested only the power, wealth and that pleasure which female beauty can give …

- And the Fairy told me the same, as you, Poured …

The invincible Sun nearly failed under the earth from disappointment! Sea dragon of loss this Fairy! It stuck the long slender fingers into sand and strong squeezed them there to splash out all anger there, not to allow it to be shown.

And Prinze, without noticing it, continued:

- … And it is the truth, I do not know from where I. I know that I am a prince, and from where - I do not know, even I do not know the name … So me the Fairy also nicknamed - "Kind Prinze", and I herself - the Anonymous Prince Without-kingdom, to be exact - without father and without mother, without the past …

- Well-at-at-at-at, it is just reparable, - crafty changing a topic of conversation, Lily made a purring sound. - I can easily settle it!

- Truth?! - Prinze and delightfully as the child to whom promised to show new unprecedented him earlier a toy, looked at Lily lit up. - And my Fairy could not …

- Well and it is not sophisticated, - Lily indulgently smiled. - She is a little girl absolutely, and I studied in many millennia the highest magic and from the first-class teachers, - she showed eyes up, there, where having twisted by a ball, dozed psevdo-mantikora-Azail.

- You the truth will be able to return me my past, to remember my parents, my kingdom? - nearly clapping, jumped on Prinze's legs, having forgotten about wine, about a lunar path, about memories of the Fairy …

- Of course! As we will return to me, I it is easy for you I will arrange! Well lay down where jumped up?

The prince laid down on a silk mattress again, but did not cramp delighted eyes with Lily any more, and she triumphed.

"What after all children these men as it is easy to spend them!" - she thought. - "Though Prinze and not such, as the others in something, and in something - the perfect gawk, as well as all".

- And you, Poured, would like to remember the father? And to find the mother whom you saw then in a mirror?

- Would like … - said Lily in low tones and in her eyes moisture seemed.

- You cry, the poor thing … I for the first time see you such, Poured … - Prinze with astonishment told and touched her soft white cheeks, wiping a teardrop.

- What such? - Lily looked it fool in the face.

- Well … such … You usually strong, aggressive, imperious how many you I remember. I even sometimes felt ill at ease with you - it seems that just about you will turn me into some toad or a rabbit …

- You? In a rabbit? - Lily burst out laughing and turned over on a back. - And that is an idea! To turn you into a rabbit, to cage - and crack! - to close - and you will not escape more! You will eat a grass, you will be manual as a domestic small animal then it is possible to let out! - And again roared with laughter.

The prince reddened for anger and blurted out:

- Oh, the Creator as all of you bothered me, fairies! Well you for the people such, a-a-a? Well why you cannot be just women?! Why you cannot treat men properly?! Why you should mistreat someone all the time, to operate someone, to sponsor someone! You here are at war with them, and itself - same, not better!

And, having waved a hand from disappointment, it turned and left on the coast, towards to tenderly murmuring sea, such silent and gentle on which millions of silvery sparkles were scattered.

Lily understood that the mask too early flew from her face, and all its well thought-out plan threatened to fail.

Again on her face easy grief, again eyes were filled with tears, and from a breast whimpers were heard.

And Prinze did not sustain! He approached a fire again and embraced Lily for thin brittle shoulders.

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