Unconquered Sun (49 page)

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Authors: Philipp Bogachev

BOOK: Unconquered Sun
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"Stop!" - suddenly herself was mentally stopped by the Fairy. - "But animals do not act this way! Why they kept to us life? Why did not gobble up there, below? Even spiders, - the Fairy remembered the knowledge of a paleobiology, - though do not eat the victim at once, nevertheless, kill her, injecting into it the poisonous gastric juice which slowly decomposes the victim!"

Here she remembered also strange property of these creatures - to resist blows of magic energy and even to absorb it in itself, and also full immunity of their "web" to magic liquid fire. It is obvious not in power to any of Tselestiya's animals!

"Means, these are after all not the animal, but some reasonable creatures familiar with magic. And if they are reasonable, so it is possible to agree with them. The name of Triune Knowledge has to be familiar to any inhabitant Tselestiya!"

- Hey, you, a name of Triune Knowledge, immediately release us! If you make it, big repayment will be paid for us - what only want! And if you do not make, we will be found all the same. We are followed by group of "STING". And if it arrives here, then to you to nesdobrovat! - as it is possible more loudly and more accurately the Fairy tried to cry out, but from her throat only the squeezed rattle or groan escaped. Forces absolutely ran low, the breast was pressed by some weight, before eyes some red circles floated.

The fairy already despaired to receive the answer as suddenly in the depth of a cave some sheburshaniye and the squeezed grunting was heard. And in consciousness of the Fairy suddenly there was some groaning and hissing most disgusting voice:

- Davnenko-sss, oh, as very long ago-sss not slysh-sh-sh-shal I this merz-s-s-s-skogo of a name, kha, kha! Oh, as very long ago-sss! Lyubopytnenko, och - h - chen it is curious, however!

And with these words from darkness the yesterday's arachnoid insect who crept to the Fairy directly on a ceiling seemed. It stopped near the Fairy who from loathing and horror nearly fainted consciousness again, and began to rub forward pads as it was done far back in the past by flies. And the glazishcha, huge whitish facet nasekom of a glazishch and stuck into the person Fei, greedy examining it with some inexpressibly repugnant desire …

- Davnenko-sss, oh, as very long ago-sss I did not see such s-s-s-simpatichnenkikh of mordash-sh-sh-shek, darlings-sh-sha! Not slysh-sh-sh-shal I such golos-s-s-sochkov, such s-s-s-s-lovechek, oh, very long ago-sss! - again the voice zashepelyavit and began to play up.

- Who are you, whether a reasonable creature? I see, reasonable, - the Fairy thought because forces to speak was not at all, and the creature, apparently, owned ultraboundary art of telepathy. - If you reasonable and you familiarly sacred name of Triune Knowledge and the Sacred Principles of the Order and Prosperity - so release me! And you will be generously rewarded. What do you want - gold, jewels, precious fabrics? Speak, you will receive everything!

- Khe-khe-khe, - began to cough, and then disgustingly started giggling rather the creature began to grind. - You sh - sh - sh, belobrys - with - with - saya letunye, for fools of nas-s-s-s derzhish-sh-sh, a-a-a? Khe-khe-khe … Whether for stupid karlikov-s-s-s sh-sh-sh-shto or for flying an obez-z-z-zyan, a-a-a? Khe-khe-khe … Malysh-sh-sh-shka, m-m-m and we to you to s-s-s-sami, a kha, will give this good of s-s-s-stolko, sh - sh - sh there will be no place to put, yes-sss!

- What then it is necessary for you, and? Answer! - the Fairy thought, itself intuitively guessing THAT to them from them can be necessary and having shuddered from this thought.

- It is not yours z-z-z-z-zzabota, belobrys - with - with - saya, a kha, not yours z-z-z-zzabotka … Vis-s-s-si, will not come for you yet, dorogush-sh-sh-sha, s-s-s-s-ladenkaya, vkus-s-s-s-nenkaya as grush-sh-sh-sha, khe-khe-khe, - the vile ugly mug happy probably with the ridiculous pun began to cough and having turned the back to the Fairy, began to mince on a ceiling to an opposite wall that there, in a dark corner to disappear and become invisible as earlier.

But did not smile to the Fairy again at all to remain one. Though the creature was extremely vile, but it was reasonable and not simply reasonable, and is extremely clever and splendidly informed, and the thought that "someone will come" for them, frightened her by the uncertainty. The fairy did not sustain and mentally called creeping-away "interlocutor":

- Hey, you how you are called there? Return, do not leave! Tell better me who you are and why you hold me here? Well, please, I nothing is perfect I know about you, and to me to be executed ten thousand years soon and I am a fairy of the 3rd rank and I studied at School of fairies always naotlichno!

The creature stopped, and at the word "fairy of the third rank" and "School of Fairies" even somehow shuddered all over. It was developed by a muzzle to the Fairy and again began to rub forward pads (probably, this gesture meant at them expression of pleasure, - the Fairy guessed):

- Akhkhkh, miraculously, chudes-s-s-snenko, raschudes - with - with - snenko! Akhkhkh-s-s-s, very long ago we not slysh - sh - such chudes-s-s-s-snenkikh s-s-s-s-slovechek shawls!!! Mmmm, how many vos - with - with - with - spominany, yes-sss, how many chudnenky vos - with - spominanyits, yes-sss!!!! "Shsh-sh-sh-shkola", "r-r-r-ranks", "f-f-f-fairy" … Chudes-s-s-snenkiye vos - with - with - spominanyitsa, yes-sss!

- You did not answer my question, wonderful yudo who you are such? Why I know nothing about you?

- Khe, a kha, a kha, and from where, s-s-s-ssprashivayetsya, beles - with - with - with - soy to the little girl about nas-s-s-s the nobility, yes-ssss? Belobryss-s-s-sye always all s-s-s-sskryvayut, never tell anybody the truth, unless not so, yes-sss? They always-sss were such, I them remember-sss s-s-s-s-skolko, yes-sss, always-sss, khe-khe-khe! Vsegda-ssss!

With these words the creature crept up directly to the person Fei and the stream of fetid breath from open reached it zhvat creatures. The fine face of the Fairy was distorted by a disgust grimace. On white cheeks of the Fairy spread, feeling skin, thin nasekom short moustaches-vibrissy.

- That hide, tell, I want to know! - hardly overcoming an emetic desire, the Fairy mentally demanded.

- Also s-s-s-s-skazh-zh-zh-zhem to it is so direct, da-a-a-ssss? Also s-s-s-skazh-zh-zh-zh-em-sss is so direct … Da-sss, s-s-s-sskazhem-sss, let belobrys - with - with - with - sye burst from zlos - with - with - with - sti. Pus-s-s-st! - And even closer having drawn near the person Fei, the creature suddenly the sharp movement thrust the long thin sensitive short moustaches directly in her ears and that cried rather from disgust, than from pain. But pain right there ceased, and the Fairy suddenly felt how some never-ending stream of images began to get into her consciousness.

Consciousness of the Fairy, having come off a body as the dry leaf driven by wind, suddenly rushed somewhere deep into caves, in the depth. On dark narrow holes, tunnels, passes, all down, down and down.

"Creator! Yes it is some huge underground ant hill!" - the Fairy thought with horror.

Long curved dark transitions in the depth of rocks, deeply underground swarmed the arachnoid creatures running on them. One ran up, others down - nobody did not stand still. Sometimes, however, they stopped, but only in order that having adjoined short moustaches to transfer something each other by means of telepathy. And then ran up again.

But than below the consciousness of the Fairy deep into of "Ant hill" (so about herself she decided to call this place) fell, to a zhutcha to her became that. Now tunnels often came to an end with the spacious dark caves filled with arachnoid. But it were not just caves. Creator! It was … something average between torture chambers and gloomy pagan temples of some awful black religion!

Everywhere there were blood-stained tables reminding operating rooms, the filled sharp, made of black steel, surgical tools - saws, lancets, drills … Among them also other tables, black stone altars "decorated" with ugly bas-reliefs came across: awful muzzles with red eyes, black horns and oshcherenny sharp-toothed mouths with the black snake languages which are put out outside. On altars the carcasses of animals blood-stained, still twitching in agonal convulsions, and mainly young - puppies lay, oslit, kittens … And these creatures scurry about in the middle of them, cut something, drink something, pour something on them, feel something …

"Something painfully familiar", - the Fairy thought, - "somewhere I already saw it …"

There were "altars" with other cubs further - karlichy, monkey and even … HUMAN! It were the real human babies, their blood-stained little bodies still moved, their mouths revealed even in crying, and all felt creatures, all poured, all cut, all measured …

The fairy wanted to cry, switch off consciousness, but could not - her consciousness was conducted by some force external, alien to it and it could not curtail from this way any more.

Further - further - further …

Now she saw other caves filled with retorts, flasks, racks with books. Creatures pour something, observe something, calculate something …

Further, further, further. It is a lot of, it is a lot of rooms, it is a lot of laboratories, it is a lot of operating rooms, it is a lot of altars, it is a lot of blood, it is a lot of creatures, it is a lot of unfortunate suffering victims. The head is turned, to look there is no urine.

Further, further, is farther on dark transitions of infinite "Ant hill". Stop! Here before it - the long hall with the black columns "decorated" with the same terrible bas-reliefs as well as altars. The brilliant polished black table with a huge black sphere in the middle. At a table - there are a lot of creatures of especially large size, but with three heads. There are others further - more small, with two heads. About something whisper. All of them sit on the black chairs made of human bones which back human skulls crowned.

But here one of three-headed creatures, crowned each of which a crown, suddenly raised all three disgusting heads and looked directly at the Fairy:

- Tish-sh-sh-sh-e, brothers, tish-sh-sh-sh-e! At nas-s-s-s s-s-s-s-s-egodnya gos-s-s-stya - for the first time for s-s-s-s-tolko tys-s-s-syachelety. Prechudnenko-s-s-s-s-s, prechudesnenko - with - with - with-with, isn't that so?

-, nas-s-s-stoyashch-shch-shch-shch-shchaya zh-zh-zh-zhenshch-shch-shch-shchina, neuzh - - - - fir-trees - with - ss - with? - creatures zasheburshitsya, and their pads and short moustaches began to make some strange roundabouts, to rub the friend about the friend, creatures were obviously excited.

- Give it s-s-s-s-yuda, your Premudros-s-s-st, we bys - with - with - with - tro will find for it application, yes-sss! - zashushukat creatures, leading round the vile cat's heads to the hall in search of invisible "guest". Probably, three-headed only "crowned" could see it …

- Well, z-z-z-why brothers-sss so obizh - - - to reap nash-sh-sh-u gos-s-s-s-tyyu? Well, z-z-z-z-why, khe-khe-khe! She mozh-@-livejournal-et to take offense and not to come bolsh-sh-sh-she to us, brothers, yes-sss!

- Who are you? - not in forces to restrain more, it directed a mental question of the crowned three-headed "knowledge". - I never about you read anywhere though I studied naotlichno at School of fairies, - the Fairy repeated the request. During this instant she forgot about everything, forgot about head pain, about numb hands, about the sleeping Animals, about uncertainty, about dark nightmares and even, oh, horror, about Prinze! Inquisitiveness captured all its being, unusually developed intuition of the fairy she felt that she is at forbidden line, having passed which, it already something will become perfect another, and the world will change in her eyes.

- Khe-khe-khe, s-s-s-slysh-sh-sh-sh-shali, brothers-sss, she, you see about nas-s-s-s-s "did not read", yes-sss! Khe-khe-khe! I s-s-s-seychas-s-s-s will die of s-s-s-s-s-smekh-h-h-ha - very long ago-sss I so not ves-s-s-s-selilsya, ukhkhkh!

The creatures surrounding it - three-headed and dvukhglavy began to shake all the disgusting black bodies and again began to rub the black forward pads disgustingly.

- I do not understand that here ridiculous? Why you do not want to answer my direct question, I conjure you a name of Triune Knowledge, sacred for all races of Tselestiya!

- Oh!!! What I am s-s-s-s-slysh-sh-sh-shu s-s-s-s-slova, brothers, yes-sss! As chudes-s-s-s-snenko! - again zakryakhtet, began to grind, zashepelyavit Main. - Very long ago their not s-s-s-s-lysh-sh-sh-shal! Vs-s-s-s-spominayu, brothers, times of mine yunos - with - with - sti, yes-sss … To be remembered, s-s-s-slysh-sh-sh-shal I it premerz - with - with - with - skoye a name once, khe-khe-khe! Pomnits-s-s-sya, there was time when at me naz-z-z-zyvali some premudros - with - with - with - st, a kha, and I am s-s-s-s-s-prash-sh-sh-shivayu - and who such premudros - with - with - with - with - t, a-a-a? There is already one premudros - with - with - with - st where to us bolsh-sh-sh-she, a-a-a?

- To us not bolsh-sh-sh-she premudros - with - with - with - sti, than you, about Three-headed Premudros-s-s-st! - began to wail, zakryakhtel from all directions.

- Pus-s-s-s-t these belobrys - with - with - with - sye clean up from s-s-s-s-svoyey premudros - with - with - with - tyyu, pus - with - with - with - st! Damned vys - with - with - with - skochki! Obmanshch-shch-shch-shchitsy! Da-sss!

- Pus-s-s-s-st! Pus-s-s-s-st! Pus-s-s-s-t ubirayuts - with - with - sya! Belobryss-s-s-ye women, pus - with - with - with - with - t!

- Tish-sh-sh-sh-e, ti-sh-sh-sh-e, brothers-sss! - again the crowned monster took the floor. - Our-sh-sh-sha gos-s-s-s-stya nichegosh-sh-sh-sh-shenki does not z-z-z-know, the truth? Why to us her wasps - with - skorblyat popus - with - with - with - that, isn't that so?

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