Unconditional (8 page)

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Authors: D.M. Mortier

BOOK: Unconditional
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“No, I’m fine. It was incredible for me, too. Thank you for making it so beautiful.” Still not willing to look directly into his eyes, she could only smile shyly. He always seemed to see too much. And right then, she felt very vulnerable.

“You’re the one who is beautiful. Now it’s time I took care of you.” He lifted her again and strode into the bathroom.

After a shared shower and then personally cooking her breakfast, Dom called Bianca’s parents to let them know that Rinah was with him. He had told her that he wouldn’t get any resistance from that quarter and he didn’t. Dom kept her in his bed for the remainder of the day with a deliberate and thorough exploration of their unexpected attraction. Each time they came together the sex was better and better. She was in no way prepared for that reality.

For the rest of the day they made love, ate, talked, and made love again. Neither of them could understand the unbelievable chemistry between them, and the inexplicable hunger that persisted, despite the number of times they gave in to their desire. She missed her flight to Trinidad that night.

Dom took her back to Bianca’s house early the next morning, despite her protests. He felt that she had had enough and should rest while he went and got some work done.

He allowed her to simmer and pout during the twenty-minute drive to Bianca’s house, but before she exited the car, he claimed her lips in a devastating kiss and told her to be ready for dinner at eight. Fuming at his conceited expectation, she slammed his car door, then ran into the house without a backward glance to acknowledge his edict.

Ignoring the objections of her parents, Rinah rescheduled her return flight home for another two weeks. And despite Dominic’s obvious arrogance, Rinah was ready for him that night and every night that week.

She explored the island with Bianca while he worked during the day. But the nights were completely theirs. Dom picked her up around eight each night. They would either have dinner at a restaurant, or stay in at his apartment, where they cooked together. She loved those nights best. They would then watch a movie or take a walk on the beach and talk. Their nights would end with them in his big bed, exploring and feeding their endless hunger for each other. The passion between them seemed to get sharper, not dwindling in the least. Despite the number of times they made love, it was never enough. There was no room in his apartment off limits from their amorous activities. When they were apart, she couldn’t wait to see him again. And by the many times during the day he called her, she thought he felt the same.

Bianca had been initially angry and unsupportive of their affair. But she soon got over her jealousy, apparently realizing that their friendship was worth more than the potential pleasure of the brief affair she’d been anticipating. Besides, by staying angry with Rinah, she would have missed out on all of the juicy girl-talk about what kind of lover Dominic truly was.

And being Dominic’s lover was not an easy task, as Rinah soon found out. He didn’t express interest or even hint at a long-term commitment. She resolved to accept whatever relationship she could get, for however long it lasted. After all, he hadn’t lied to her about what sort of man he was, or what she could expect. She tried her best not to cling or make demands that would indicate her desire for more from him. She was also careful not to tell him how much she had fallen in love with him, afraid that he would certainly end their association if she did.

After two weeks, her flight plans changed again.

One month into the affair, the intensity of their desire of each other had apparently become too much of a distraction, as far as Dominic was concerned. During the month he’d gone on a one-week business trip. And then, two days into his absence, he’d his plane for her to meet him. Neither of them had handled the separation well. They spent a week in Hong Kong. When they’d returned, he’d not been happy at his weakness and placed limitations on their relationship that had never been there before.

They went to dinner every night for almost an entire week. But there was no more making love, and no more sleepovers at his apartment. He insisted on taking her back to Bianca’s home each night. Rinah would argue bitterly. Then she tried coaxing. Then she got depressed and accused him of no longer desiring her. But nothing could have been further from the truth, as she learned when she tried to break things off with him.

“Since you don’t want me anymore, there’s no reason for me to stay here. I should’ve returned home long ago, but I stayed, thinking that’s what you wanted…a mistake I’ll remedy shortly. There’s a flight to Trinidad tomorrow at two p.m. I will be on it!” she yelled at him as he dropped her off at Bianca’s on the fifth night.

Dominic cursed colorfully before pulling her into his arms and kissing her until the car windows were completely misted over. Only when she was clinging to him and moaning in sensual abandonment did he set her away from him with a determined scowl on his face.

“Don’t even think it! We’re far from being through,” he stated angrily, but it was obvious that he wasn’t happy about their situation. “I’m not ready to let you go yet. I’ll just drag your ass back here. I’m sure you don’t want to shock your parents.”

“I have a career and life I need to get started on. The world doesn’t revolve around you.”

“Can you honestly say you’re ready to leave me?” At her defiant silence, he smirked. “That’s what I thought. I’m not ready to let you go and you’re not ready to leave. So stop threatening me with bullshit declarations you’re not willing to follow through with.” And with that arrogant statement, he escorted her to the entrance of Bianca’s house. After ensuring she was safely inside, he determinately closed the door and sped away.

After more than a week, they’d not resolved the impasse and he still refused to end their enforced celibacy. She returned to Trinidad, finally acting on her threat to him.

Despite having spent so much time with Dominic and knowing how deeply she’d fallen in love with him, she didn’t anticipate grieving for him so acutely. Within an hour of her arrival, she was despondent and missing him terribly.

Dominic obviously felt the same way, because by the end of the second day, he came to her parents’ home and spoke to them behind closed doors. Later, they told her that he’d charmed her mother with his old-fashioned manners and aura of protectiveness. He’d completely impressed her father with his stoic and confident demeanor. It also didn’t hurt that Dominic was an incredibly wealthy man.

What sealed it was his obvious tenderness when it came to Rinah. Her mother insisted that his whole body seemed to vibrate with suppressed emotion when Rinah was in the room. She didn’t have the heart to dissuade her mother, but she had at no time believed that tale. With her parents’ consent, they were married a week later in a sunset ceremony on the beach in Trinidad. It had been exceptionally beautiful with all her extended family and friends in attendance.

Chapter Six

Present day…

pon hearing Dominic’s
return with the antibiotics for Nikki, Rinah came out of her musings. Minutes later, he entered the kitchen. Her pulse quickened as his overwhelming, masculine presence filled the doorway. She immediately turned back to the vegetables on the cutting board.

“I’m starving. What’s for dinner?” he asked as he came to stand directly behind her and looked over her shoulder. He was so close, she could feel the heat of his body and smell his potent cologne mixed with his own unique scent.

Desire gripped her entire body and pooled intently in her lower region. Her hands were none too steady as she continued cutting vegetables for the salad.

“Dinner is ready now. Why don’t you wait in the dining room?” She was desperate to escape his intoxicating presence before she did or said something that would embarrass her. It was so unfair, this intense chemistry that they shared. And after her reminiscing, she was in no shape to resist him if he wanted to take things further.

She knew he would be just as affected as she was, the same way that he would also recognize the simmering desire from her. This was how it had always been with them. Their passion for each other was never in question. It had always been there—intense, hungry, and jarring. Before he’d left her, she could have sworn their desire had grown sharper each year of their marriage. Neither of them had been able to hide it. They’d never tried to.

Rinah knew that and accepted it. However, that didn’t mean she would give in to it without a fight. She now cursed her choice of attire. It did nothing to hide her response to him. She had slipped on a fitted, lime green cotton mini-dress. The soft material clearly delineated her large breasts, and despite having worn a bra, the hard peaks of her nipples were noticeably visible.

“Why so formal? We can have dinner in here like we always did.” He moved closer to her, deliberately reaching over her head to gather plates and wine glasses. “Here. Let me set the table.”

She hissed in acute distress as their bodies touched, his frame completely engulfing her from behind, trapping her against the counter. Her bottom nestled in the hard contours of his pelvis. She couldn’t avoid the explicit contact with his rampant arousal.

She shuddered violently.

“No, the dining room is better,” she choked out in desperation, trying to get away from him, but there was no escape. The contrast of the cold surface of the cupboards against her stomach and the blazing heat of him on her back and ass intensified her desire. But she refused to give him the satisfaction of having her beg him to let her go.

Rinah waited, holding herself rigid as she willed him to give her much-needed space. She realized she’d stopped breathing when she started feeling light-headed from lack of air. Taking short, shallow breaths, she closed her eyes and clutched her fists tightly, fighting frantically for control.

“I have no intention of shouting across that thirty-seat-dining table when I wish to speak to you. And I promise you we do need to talk.” He whispered softly against her ear and spread his palm on the flat plane of her stomach.

The result was instantaneous. Heat pooled swiftly and sharply to her core. It was too much.

“Dom, please!” Her traitorous body melted listlessly against him.

“Please what? Please kiss you, touch you, or make love to you?” He held her tight against him, ensuring she felt the full impact of how she affected him.

“Yes!” she whimpered brokenly. Then, in a brief moment of clarity she said more strongly, “No! Please let me go.” She pulled away from him, breathing harshly as though she had finally remembered to breathe.

She quickly moved to the other side of the room, giving herself the reprieve necessary to gain some semblance of control over the situation. How could her body betray her so badly? She forced herself to remember what a womanizer he was. At that thought, her resolve returned with a vengeance. The sensual mist in her eyes cleared, and she went rigid with anger.

“I’ll feed you because you helped when I needed it. But then that’s it. I want you to leave.” He didn’t respond to her demand. Looking at her intently for a few moments more, he turned nonchalantly to continue gathering the items to set the table. He knew and she knew that if he’d wanted to pursue their desire he could have, and she would have let him.

She watched him suspiciously for a few minutes before crossing the room again to prepare their dinner plates.


In the now silent and emotionally charged kitchen, Dominic’s cool façade completely masked the volatile reaction he experienced from their encounter. Grimacing slightly at the painful throbbing of his swollen dick, he contemplated his next move as he completed setting the table and selected a wine for dinner.

The meal didn’t turn out to be the ordeal that he’d first thought it would be. It seemed that they both, by silent agreement, kept the conversation non-controversial and cordial.

He missed being around for his children. It was amazing to talk to someone who loved them just as much, and could tell him everything about their life when he wasn’t around to experience them. He asked endless questions, and laughed at many of their antics that she shared with him. He told some antics of his own from their weekend visits with him. They appeared to be active and happy children, despite the turmoil between him and Rinah.

He couldn’t help but beam with pride on the news that Matt had received such good scores on his final exams in K5. The little man was already in an advanced grade, and now his teacher again recommended him to skip the next grade in school. But Dominic’s happiness was laced with disappointment that he hadn’t been there to share more of his son’s life.

At length, they discussed the pros and cons of Matt’s promotion. The conversation was so intense, both parents so proud of the boy’s success, that they had finished dinner without realizing it.

They cleared the table and cleaned up the kitchen in comfortable accord. However, as the kitchen was put slowly back in order, he knew his anger from before would soon return. He didn’t expect their discussion to remain so agreeable. In fact, he suspected it would get downright vicious.

He looked at his beautiful wife, noting the exhaustion on her face and the slight droop in her shoulders. He was tired, too. Tired of not holding his wife deep in the night, tired of not seeing his children every morning before going to work, and he was definitely tired of the celibacy. As much as he loved her, Rinah could no longer direct their marriage down this destructive path.

“Let’s adjourn to my study, shall we? I have a few things we need to sort out.” He strode out of the kitchen without looking back, fully expecting her to follow.

He heard her snort and then sigh loudly at his demand.

“What happened to the caring, gentle father of a few moments ago? I’m now being visited by the domineering, insufferably arrogant Dominic Stone of the board room?”

He turned and wasn’t surprised to see the anger on her face. In the past, if he’d issued an arrogant demand like that she would have jumped on him, and they would have ended up on the ground in a naked frolic. Raising an eyebrow, he dared her to jump him.

“Come to
study? What the hell? You say that like you hadn’t walked away from us eight months ago. Don’t freakin’ tell me what to do!” Fuming with indignation, she preceded him from the room.

He grinned at her temper and his long legs soon overtook her. By the time she came into the room, Dom had already poured a glass of red wine for her and a finger of scotch for himself. He presented the glass of wine as she advanced farther into the room.

“Please have a seat,” Dom invited quietly.

“I’ll sit if I want to. This is
house and
study!” she stated mutinously.

“By all means, stand if you want to, but this happens to be
house and
study.” Dom sat on the edge of the massive desk that dominated the room and held her angry gaze. He grimaced in disgust as he replayed their childish exchange in his mind.

“Look, I think I’ve been more than patient and accommodating,” he began in what he thought was a reasonable tone. “I allowed you space to get over your pique and distrust, but enough is enough. I’ve missed too much of my children’s lives to allow this to continue. Rin, you had eight months to get over this nonsense, and I’ll not give you a moment more.” He infused his voice with steel, so she couldn’t help but understand he was deadly serious. But as usual, his wife was not one to back down and had no concept of caution or fear.

“You allow? You allow? You decided it was better to enjoy your mistress at your leisure, by living away from us in your bachelor apartment, or wherever the hell you have been living. You didn’t
for us, our marriage, or our children. I won’t
allow you
to distort the chain of events to suit your purposes.”

Life would be exceedingly easier if she was more

“Keep your damn voice down, before you wake the children. There’s no need for our discussion to escalate into a shouting match,” he stated coldly, his anger spiked with a vengeance at being confronted once again with her unreasonable accusations.

He embraced it, welcomed the anger because it distracted him from the round fullness of her breasts being thrust at him in anger, or the smooth lengths of her toned legs, perched on tan, high-heeled sandals. His anger mercifully dulled the effect of her stunningly beautiful eyes that were now glaring at him with promised retribution.

He was determined to impose his will, dictate the direction of their suspended marriage, and re-establish a day-to-day access to strengthen his relationship with his children, and nothing was going to deter him. He ruthlessly clamped down on his undeniable love and desire for her.

“I won’t rehash or discuss your outrageous accusations, nor will I entertain your childish suspicions in regard to Flavia. My wife doesn’t get to dictate how I conduct my business or whom I employ. You’re supposed to trust me, dammit!” He finished through clenched teeth.

“How can I trust you if you don’t explain what any sane person would question? Telling me to just trust you isn’t enough, Dominic!”

“I have explained over and over again. You didn’t listen. I’m not going there again.”

“Well, that’s just too damn bad, because
you back in this house or in my life without it!” She stormed toward him in quivering rage and stopped inches in front of him.

“I won’t be humiliated again by your infidelity, nor will I willingly turn a blind eye toward it, no matter how much you demand it. How could you do that to us?” Her body shook with blazing fury. “I can’t stop myself from imaging you with her!” The raw emotion in her voice shocked him. Her knees seemed to buckle in anguish.

He caught her before she crumpled to the ground and she sobbed brokenly into his silk shirt. He held her tightly against him and gently wiped her eyes with his fingertips.

“You’re making yourself upset for nothing. I hate seeing you hurt like this,” he stated softly, slowly rubbing her back and whispering soothingly in her ear.

When she quieted, he said in a more conversational manner, “I won’t be swayed by your tears, you know.” He sighed deeply. “I did before and gave into your demands to leave. Your doctor insisted that our baby was at risk because of the emotional stress you were under. Our constant fighting was not good for our baby or for you, she said. But our separation can’t continue, Rin. You’re making yourself sick again with these irrational suspicions.” He tightened his arms around her waist as she tried to pull away from him.

“Not this time, Rin. Stop this nonsense.” He looked at her sternly.

She struggled against him. “Is that all you’re going to say to me? You’re asking me to stop believing what’s right in my face and ignore your relationship with that woman?” she whispered brokenly. “I must accept the situation and allow you back in our house, my children’s life, and in my bed as if nothing has happened? Is that right?” She glared at him.

“I’m through explaining myself and being punished for something that’s a figment of your fucking imagination.” Noting her continued anger, he knew it was useless to try to reason with her; they weren’t resolving anything.

“Yes, I am moving back in the house. The children are at a stage in their lives where they need both parents. You and I both know Matt will need our undivided support and attention in next school year.” Dom looked at her intently, raking one hand through his hair in agitation.

“Make no mistake, Rin. I want my wife back, too. I definitely want her back in my bed. I’m not cut out for celibacy. And if you’re honest, you’ll admit you want me, too.”

“You bastard! I’m not going to let you intimidate me into a sordid relationship with you and your mistress!”

“Enough, damn you! It’s useless trying to reason with you when you get like this. You’re determined to destroy our marriage—”

“No, you destroyed our marriage with your infidelity!”

“But I won’t let you.” He continued as if she had not even spoken. “Months ago, I let you dictate our lives, to my detriment. Now we’ll do this my way. You owe me eight months, Rin. Eight months of missing out on our children’s lives and eight months of not making love to my wife.” Dom held her even tighter against him.

He ignored her earnest struggles. Holding her with silent, unyielding strength, he let her feel his imperishable will and determination to this course. But her delicious softness under his fingertips drove him nuts, distracting him from maintaining his cold detachment. It was impossible to resist exploring her lush curves. And he didn’t even try to stop the impulse. She was his: his wife, his woman.


His caresses were irresistible, rough palms on the sensitive skin of her face, her neck, her stomach and her back. But irresistible or not, she fought the attraction with righteous fury. It was a fruitless endeavor. As he palmed her ass, Rinah stopped struggling and went rigid against him. Her fight was now with herself. Desire pooled hot and heavy in her pelvis as he kneaded and gripped her flesh, pulling her firmly and intimately against his hard, pulsing cock.

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