UnBurdened (5 page)

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Authors: Bethany Bazile

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: UnBurdened
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“Ahh…hot blonde chick that told me you were down for a

“She what?” I swing around to face him eyes bulging form
their sockets.

 “Don’t worry love, I turned her down. As much as you
and a little girl action turns me on, I wanted you all to myself.” He smiles

I grab a dishcloth and swipe it at him, “You’re lucky you
already promised me sole custody of your bits and pieces.”

“Bit and pieces?” he gasps. “Where on this body did anything
appear to be a bit or a piece, I only give out full serving’s baby.”

“Wow so cocky,” I smile. “Don’t worry oh great one, I bow at
the altar of your humongous manhood.”

“Now you’re talking, but don’t worry you don’t have to bow
down to it for at least another hour.” I giggle as I pour the eggs into the

Another message from Ally finish rattling off and a chill
runs up my spine as the voice now coming through hits me.

‘Kerri…listen call me, we need to talk about us. I know I
fucked up but give me a chance to make it right…call me…I love you.’

The smile on Brayden’s face completely vanishes. His muscles
tense under my fingers as he gazes inquisitively into my eyes. “It’s not what
you think,” I supply.

“Then what is it?” he snaps.

I sigh and try to move out of his arms but they lock around me,
his glare holding me steady. “Jeremy was my boyfriend. We’ve been on and off
since high school. It’s always been more of a relationship nurtured by our
parent’s desires to join forces. About two months ago I came home and found him
banging some random chick against the living room wall.” God I hate the image
that still burned in my head. Were Jeremy and I meant to be? No, I realize that
more now that I’ve been with Brayden. But I did really care for him and believed
we could’ve had a future.

“Did you love him?”

“We're over now so nothing else matters.”

“Did you love him?” he repeats.

“Yes but as a friend.” I finally answer.

“A friend you lived with and fucked daily,” he growled
releasing me.

“That’s not fair. I’m not questioning you about the hundred
or so woman you banged.”

He runs a hand through his hair and says, “Your right I’m
being a dick. I just never shared what I do with you with anyone else. I can’t
handle the thought that you had this with another man. Especially if I’ll be
miles away and he’s here with you.”

I approach him and wrap my hands around his neck, caressing
the fuzzy hair at his nape. “I’ve never had this with Jeremy. Being with you
shows me that I would’ve never been happy in a life with Jeremy. A life without
the fire and passion I share with you.”

He crushes me against him, delving into my mouth with his
tongue making the ache in my core begin. I break the kiss staring into his eyes
as we hold each other for what seems like hours before he helps me prepare
breakfast. We bounce back into our playful banter as we eat. Afterwards we
cuddle up in front of the TV watching the football game.

“When do you guys leave?” I ask not really wanting to hear
the answer.

“Tuesday, we head to Philly then Chicago.” He says sadly. “I
hope you realize I’m serious about us. I’ll come back for you as soon as I

A gloomy feeling comes over me, “till then I’ll always have
my phone on me, don’t be a stranger.”

“You’ll have to sign up for the stalker plan to keep up with
the minutes you’ll be using on me.” He promises.




It’s not very easy to plan a quiet leisure day when you’re
Brayden Quinn so he decides the only way to sight see in private is by
helicopter. That way he won’t have to spend the day signing autographs. He gets
on the phone and pulls some strings and we're in a helicopter soaring over the
city within two hours.

I’ve lived in New York all my life but never enjoyed the
view as much. Afterwards we decide on an early dinner and he suggests a fancy
French restaurant on the Upper East Side but I flat out refuse.

I push a couple buttons on my phone and wait for a
confirming text. Minutes later we’re on our way to my favorite Italian
restaurant. Angelo, the owner, is waiting for us upon entrance and pulls me in
for a warm hug.

“Bella. You are even more beautiful then when I last saw
you.” He holds me at arm’s length, his warm brown eyes dancing over my body.

“This is Brayden Quinn,” I say, grabbing his hand and
pulling him next to me.

“Ah the rock star, this is different Kerri. If I knew you
would throw that trash Jeremy out I would’ve tried harder.”

In hind-sight maybe coming here wasn’t so smart. The flames
burning in Brayden’s eyes say he seconds away from crushing Angelo’s face in.

“Is my table ready?” I attempt to rush this reunion along
before a war breaks out. Angelo takes the hint and guides us to a private room
in the back. We order and wait in silence for our dinner.

When I can’t take his brooding mood any longer I decide to
put it out on the table. “Angelo is harmless Brayden, we’ve never been anything
more than friends.”

“Oh he wants to be a lot more than friends trust me. I see
the fire burning in his eyes for you.”

“Brayden it doesn’t matter what he wants. Everywhere we go
women throw themselves at you but that doesn’t mean you’re going to act on it.
With you leaving tomorrow you’re going to have to trust me as much as I will
you. You don’t see me getting angry every time you speak with Mandy.”

He stares at me in complete confusion, “Mandy? Come on
Kerri, there’s absolutely nothing between Mandy and I besides business and

“You don’t even see it do you? She totally wants you.”

“That’s crazy Kerri but you’re right about one thing, I’ve
never been in a relationship and I have to learn to trust you.”

Our dinner arrives and we eat without anymore tension and we
don’t run into Angelo again as we leave, which is for the better. We stop by
toys r us on Times Square because Brayden announces he’s the champ at monopoly
and that incites a battle. I run in alone because I know Brayden will be
recognized. I’m back in the car and we’re headed towards his hotel room within
five minutes.

We spend hours playing that game. I swear you lose track of time
once you roll the dice. Brayden takes one look at the hotels I’ve built and
decides he’s tired. He suggests we go to bed and I give him a suspicious
glance, “you’re losing and
you’re tired.” I throw a hotel at him as
he crawls towards me pulling his shirt over his head.

“You’re a sore loser Brayden,” I say as he grabs the edge of
my shirt dragging it over my head.

“I didn’t lose. I’m just bored and want to play a different
game.” I fall on my back giggling as he begins tickling my ribs.

“Admit I won first,” I gasp between fits of laughter.

He quickly pulls my jeans off then lies between my legs.
“You didn’t win. You forfeited the game.”

“No I didn’t. I want to finish playing unless you’re ready
to admit defeat.” I challenge.

I watch him throw my panties across the room, licking his
lips enticingly. He lowers his head and runs his tongue through my heated
flesh. I moan as he parts my wetness, caressing me slowly with his warm tongue.

“You sure you don’t want to forfeit?” He mumbles against me,
his hot breath teasing me. He runs one finger up and down the slick flesh then
plunges two fingers in me.

“I forfeit,” I whisper. I know I’m weak but the man does
things to my body that would coerce me to forfeit a war. “Don’t stop,” I beg
him. I’m obsessed with him and the way he manipulates my body.

He gets up and walks across the room. No! He can’t leave me
like this, “Where are you going?” I hiss at him. He chuckles continuing into
the room. I close my eyes and groan in frustration.

“God that’s sexy.”

 My eyes pop open at his words and I realize that I’d
slipped my fingers between my legs to ease the ache. So I’m naked on the floor
with my legs splayed open, playing with myself and his heated gaze is following
the motions of my fingers. He strips the rest of his clothes off and rolls a
condom on his cock.

I embrace him as he joins me on the floor, my hand shifting
off myself to rub my wet coating over his erection. I watch his eyes darken as
I guide him inside me. He slowly inches his way in making sure not to hurt me.
His motions are slow at first but increase into a wild deep thrust that have me
gasping for air.

He hitches one of my legs over his shoulder and my eyes roll
back. He rocks against my g-spot and the intensity of it causes me to come
instantly. I wail so loudly, hotel security may knock on the door in a couple
minutes. I’m pretty sure I blacked out cause when I open my eyes Brayden head
is resting on my shoulder. He’s shivering and wheezing sharply. I run my hands
down his sweat drench back and place kisses on his neck and ear.

Once his breathing calms, he gets up to dispose of the
condom. He returns to scoop me into his arms and carry me to the bed. We cuddle
quietly until we fall into a deep slumber.


I’m woken by an insistent banging at the door. I pull the
pillow over my head in an attempt to ignore the intrusive sound. Once I realize
whoever’s at the door won’t go away I creep out from under Brayden’s arm and
throw on his shirt. I button a few buttons and swing the door open. Mandy’s stunned
expression greets me. Great it’s the bitch queen.

“What are you doing here?” she stutters.

I thought my disheveled hair and Brayden’s half buttoned up
shirt screamed that
I’m here to get fucked
or maybe even that,  
already been thoroughly fucked.

I decided ignoring her question would be the best approach.
“Brayden’s asleep, do you want me to wake him?” I ask thinking it must be
pretty important for her to be here at 6 am banging down the door.

“That’s not necessary,” she says, “I’ll wake him.” She
pushes past me and storms into the bedroom. I quickly follow not remembering if
Brayden’s covered up or not.

He’s not covered. The covers are wrapped around his legs and
Brayden’s lying on his stomach with his firm ass fully exposed. Jealous rage
flows through me as Mandy screams his name, jerking him from his sleep. He
looks at her confused, trying to register where she came from. He reaches next
to him in the spot I vacated searching for me. His eyes quickly roam the room
focusing in on me. He rubs his eyes and looks at Mandy, “this better be good.”

She throws a magazine towards him, nodding her head for him
to read it. He shakes his head, “You know I don’t care about the shit paparazzi
say.” He swings his legs off the bed fully exposing his naked body to Mandy. I
stand their shell-shocked. This can’t be happening, I must still be dreaming.
Mandy covertly glimpses at his package, his morning wood giving her a nice wave
as it bounces with every step he makes. He strolls past her as if he’s fully
clothed and goes into the bathroom.

When he returns he grabs a pair a boxer briefs and put them
on. Finally a show of modesty. I’m so angry at this point I want to bash both
of their heads together.

“Read the magazine Brayden, it seems your little girlfriend
here is a spoiled princess who likes to stay in the spot light.”

 What? All this is about me. I walk over to the bed and
grab the magazine. A picture of me and Brayden kissing in Times Square is
splashed across the front page. The title reads,
‘Billionaire’s daughter
slums it with rock star’,
fuck this is bad, really bad.

Brayden comes up behind me and snatches it from my hand, his
eye quickly skimming the headline. “What does this mean? I thought you were a
bank manager.”

I sigh heavily, hating that I have to reveal this part of my
life. The anonymity I felt in our relationship was safe. I didn’t have to worry
about being treated differently because who my father was.

“I said I was in banking because my father owns a chain of private
banks. I’m an executive at the headquarters here. He was pretty big in Wall
Street years ago, now were just in banking.”

“Her dad is Nicholas Mills the third, they come from old
money. Despite that he got into Wall Street on his own and retired one of the
top ten richest men in the country. Your princess here is apparently engaged to
be married into an equally wealthy family. You’re just her final hoo-rah before
she marries her long time boyfriend.” Mandy chimes in, smiling triumphantly.

“That’s not true Brayden I already told you all about Jeremy
yesterday. You heard him on the voice mail. We are not together,” I plead with
him. He can’t possibly believe that bitch’s evil rants.

“Leave!” he screams. My heart aches at the word. How can he
so easily be done with me when he hasn’t even given me a chance to explain?

He turns around and glares at Mandy, “I said leave.” She
freezes, shocked that he’s throwing her out. She’d also assumed he was talking
to me. Her smirk is gone as she scurries out the door leaving us in an eerily
silent room. He sits on the bed opens the article about us and reads it.

He finally tosses it on the bed and speaks without looking
at me, “Why didn’t you tell me? If I wasn’t your dirty little secret, why
wouldn’t you tell me everything?”

I step between his spread legs and cup his face in my hands,
forcing his eyes to mine. “I just wanted something that was mine, something
that was not tainted by who my parents are or what their social circle expects
of me. I wanted you to like me for who I am and not immediately judge me as
some stuck up princess. I’ve never been a princess and hate when the media
views me as a spoiled socialite. I wanted you to know the real me. Honestly, I
knew it wouldn’t take long for the media to catch on to us, I just wanted more
time before all the craziness began.”

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