UNBROKEN: A Bad Boy MMA Romance (Midwest Alphas) (Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: UNBROKEN: A Bad Boy MMA Romance (Midwest Alphas) (Book 2)
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“That’s part of the game. That’s what makes the first fight of the season so important. A trained eye will know exactly who’s in it to win it after that. Hell, I’ve had fighters bow out completely after seeing who they’re up against.”

I blink. “Damn. Really?” I look at my chosen three again and wonder if any of them seem like the type to stray.

“We have some really tough standards here,” she continues. “Many other tournaments last
. Ours is
. With a fight a week, our boys aren’t given a lot of time to recuperate between matches.”

I flinch slightly, remembering how beaten up Tobias was by the end of it all last time. “Yeah, why is that?” I ask.

She smiles and looks over her shoulder until her eyes find Tobias. “Because only a true
makes it to the end. It’s why our tournament is so highly respected. That title doesn’t go to just anybody. The last man standing fucking

My body quivers, once again imagining Tobias in that ring covered with sweat and a little bit of blood. My
. “Guess we should tell them, then…” I mutter.

“After you, madame.” She makes a pushing motion with her fingers and we walk back over to the expecting crowd, each one of them pretending not to look as nervous as they do.

“Gentlemen,” I say after a quick, but deep, breath, “we’ve made our decision.”

“I want you all to know that this wasn’t an easy choice,” Amy interjects, her voice kind and professional. “If we didn’t choose you, do not be discouraged. Rejection is not a sign of weakness; it’s a challenge to get better and try again. I expect to see many of you again next year.”

My lips curl, somewhat taken back by her inspirational words. “If we call your name, please step forward,” I say. I glance at the clipboard. “Devlin Marx, Sam Evans, and Mike Sinclair.”

There’s a shuffle of feet and a few audible groans behind them as they each step up.

“This is
” a voice, distinctly Trevor’s, calls out from the back.

We look at him as he bolts forward, bumping elbows with Devlin. His dark eyes catch mine and it’s clear that he’s coming for me.

In the blink of an eye, Tobias moves between us and reaches out to grip Trevor’s neck, halting the man in his tracks with a single squeeze. The others step back, their eyes full of shock and surprise as Tobias raises him an inch off the ground.

“You’re dismissed,” Tobias growls, letting him hang for several more seconds before dropping him back down. Devlin steps forward, Sam and Mike following closely behind him, and blocks us completely from Trevor’s view.

I remember what Amy told me last year, just moments after Pike submitted to her command.
You don’t fuck with an Alpha Dame.
I’ve always been able to count on Tobias, but I never imagined the others would come to my aid without question. My lips curl as Trevor stumbles back and retreats from the room, slamming the door quickly behind him as he goes. The others say their goodbyes, each one of them offering rather sportsmen-like handshakes to the three chosen fighters before following Trevor out the door.

Tobias spins around, his concerned eyes finding mine as he bridges the gap between us. “You okay?” he asks.

“Never better,” I grin as the heat radiating through my core becomes too difficult to bear. I look at Amy. “Would you excuse us?” I grab Tobias’ hand and lead him out of the room before giving her the chance to answer me.

We charge down the hall and I push open the door to the first room I see — a small storage room, filled with old, broken desks and boxes.

“I need you,” I tell him as I pull him towards me and lock my lips against his. He kicks the door closed with his foot and pushes me back against an old desk, his hands instantly on my body as if his life depended on it. I reach for his belt to pull it free while he pulls up my shirt to cup my breasts. He groans as I rub him softly, churning his blood towards his growing hardness.

“You sure?” he smiles between firm kisses.

I moan, giving him a hard yank. He reaches for my jeans and forces the zipper down as his own pants fall to his ankles.

I open my legs to him, mewling and begging for him to keep touching me as heat gathers between us. I pull him closer to kiss him hard, sinking my teeth into his bottom lip. He winces, but that just makes him kiss me deeper as he grips my rear to pull us together. I gasp and quiver against him as he slides his rigid cock inside me, thrusting me hard and fast against the rickety, old desk.

A sense of extreme bliss calms me to my core. After an hour of watching men go at it, pounding each other with closed fists, performing only to thrill and impress me, I
this. I need Tobias to fill me and dominate me in ways only he knows how. I need him to claim me as his, especially after watching how he protected me from Trevor.

I throw my head back and moan. The sound echoes off the walls. Tobias clamps his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet, but it does little to curb the rising tide inside. He doesn’t stop, but increases his grind while holding me against his taut body, pushing me farther with each thrust.

“Watching you…” he whispers between quick breaths, “do what you do, it drives me wild.”

I laugh behind his hand and I yield to Tobias as I lose all control of my desires. He bites his bottom lip and buries his face in my shoulder to stifle his thick groans. It pushes me completely over the edge and my body finally submits to him, twitching wildly as he steals a climax from me.

He presses his hand harder against my mouth, creating a firm seal to keep me from screaming. His eyes lock on mine and he watches me writhe with a smile touching his lips. I catch my wild breath and he lowers his hand to give me a slow kiss before resting his forehead against mine. His member throbs inside of me, as spent as he is.

“Claire!” We freeze, our bodies still locked together, as Amy’s shrilling call echoes through the hallway outside.

Tobias pulls out of me, but leans in to plant another sweet kiss on my lips. “Does this count as a date?” he jokes.

“Probably not…” I breathe, smiling back, “but we’re not like other couples.”

Chapter 5

The Old-Fashioned Way


Tobias pulls into the parking lot of Lillian’s club and I feel my chest tighten as another flashback takes hold of me. Even though I know Tobias isn’t fighting anymore, I can still feel that aching worry deep in my gut. The danger is over now. Pike is banned from the tournament. Tobias is the
. But I still can’t stop my knees from shaking as we walk down the dark alleyway leading to the back entrance of the arena.

We’re early, as is expected of Dames, so I don’t hear the raging crowd that I was used to hearing. Amy greets us at the door and smiles wide.

“About time!” she jokes.

I walk inside first and look back at Tobias as he crosses the threshold. He keeps his head up, allowing for his eyes to scan the room for any signs of danger as he moves. I smile at him and shake my head. “Everything is fine, Tobias,” I whisper. “Relax.”

“The other Dames are
to see you!” Amy says.

“Me?” I ask.

“No, not you.” She reaches out and grabs Tobias’ arm. “The

“Oh, of course,” I mutter.

Tobias sighs and lets Amy drag him towards the back of the arena. I follow closely behind as we enter the bright, white hallway leading towards Lillian’s office. We step inside and the idle chatter of women’s voices grinds to a quick halt.

I look around the room at the other Dames and self-consciousness immediately takes hold of me. They are all so gorgeous and glamorous with their thick high-heels and colorful cocktail dresses. Even Lillian looks like a bombshell tonight. She’s dyed her hair a more crayon-like red and wears a stunning scarlet corset with black fishnets. I try not to look down at my jeans and t-shirt.

“Everybody,” Amy says, presenting him gracefully. “I’m sure you remember my good friend, and our
Tobias the Untouchable

I notice him wince under his skin at the mention of the name he had forced upon him and I can’t help but smile at him. The Dames stand up from their positions, each one of them gliding closer to him to partake in the honor of shaking his hand.

As Amy leads him around, I take note of their names. Veronica Briggs, the Dame from Jefferson City, sports an adorable blonde bob with curves that could crash even the best of drivers. The other Dame from Springfield, Heather Fields, nearly breaks Tobias’ fingers as she shakes them with a firm, ebony hand. Her long, black hair is held high with a green hair barrette, one to match the fun and tight skirt hanging off her thin hips. Two other girls sit around the room, both of them looking just as pensive as I do. Their silent recruits, I presume.

Veronica and Heather zero in on Tobias.

“Can we see it?” Veronica asks him. She licks her lips like a ravenous tiger inching in on her unsuspecting prey.

I stare at Tobias in confusion, but he somehow knows what she’s asking for. His hands reluctantly fall to his jacket buttons and he flicks them open while they stare down at his body with eager anticipation. He pulls his shirt up to reveal the deep, white scar on his left side.

Heather covers her lips with perfectly manicured fingers. “Oh, you poor baby…” she coos.

Veronica taps her tongue with disappointment. “I thought it’d be bigger…” she mutters.

“The joys of modern medicine, ladies,” Amy says.

Lillian stands up from her desk and strolls around to take a look for herself. “Back in the day, a man wore his scars like a badge of honor.” She pauses in front of him and smiles. “Although, considering the circumstances, I’m sure it was a day you’d rather forget…”

Tobias says nothing and lowers his shirt, much to the disappointment of the other Dames.

“Anyway — we have business to discuss. Tobias, you are welcome to stay given your charge with Ms. Holloway, but you must remain silent. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he says.

She shows him a quick wink before turning around to address the rest of us. “This is an exciting time for us, ladies. Not only is it the start of new tournament, but it’s the first time we’ve trained a new generation of Dames — with the exception of Ms. Jones, who has seamlessly taken over her mother’s position.” She lays a hand on Amy’s shoulder and the two of them exchange a solemn nod. Lillian leans in closer. “She would be so proud of you,” she whispers in her ear. Amy smiles wide and Lillian turns back around. “We have some promising new recruits in this room, but I don’t want anyone getting too comfortable. You may have made yourself at home nestled beneath the wings of your Dame, but it’s my say that keeps you here. I won’t tolerate disobedience, incompetence, or failure. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I say, echoing the voices of the other two girls around the room.

“Good!” Lillian grins. “Now that the scary part is over, let’s get to the fun part!” She leans back against her desk. “Does anyone have any news they’d like to share? Some burst of enthusiasm? Anything?” She claps once and Heather raises her hand.

“I have some news, but you aren’t going to like it,” she says.

Lillian pauses. “Go ahead.”

Heather takes a deep breath. “The Double Ex Kings have taken Joplin.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’m positive,” she replies. “We went there to recruit and were immediately booted out the second we exited I-44.”

Lillian chews on her lip and her eyes slowly scan the room before landing on me. They linger for one, long moment and then jump to Amy. “Sounds familiar.”

“They’ve taken a few towns in my area as well,” Amy adds.

“Well…” Lillian sighs. “I guess we have a patriarchy problem. Veronica—?”

“Nothing in my area,” Veronica replies, her eyes wide as saucers.

“Mine is clear as well.” Lillian shrugs her wide shoulders. “Keep an eye on it. Anything else?”

“That’s all?” Tobias’ deep voice splits the silence of the room and all eyes fall to him in the corner.

Lillian licks her red lips. “Mr. Eastwood, I believe silence was required—”

“Your rival is taking over your territory and your plan is to do nothing?”

“My plan is to observe,” she argues. “So far, there has been no sign of aggression from their side. Just like you, Tobias, I’m not a fan of striking first.”

“You need to do something more—”

I spit. “Would you please wait outside?”



Another silence falls on everyone’s lips as Tobias stares down at me. I stand tall, refusing to blink until he finally turns to the door.

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