Unbridled Temptation (3 page)

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Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Unbridled Temptation
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Jocelyn got lost in the passionate spontaneous embrace. She forgot everyone and everything around her. The stagecoach disappeared, the other passengers were gone. She failed to recall where she was or even who she was as his lips moved expertly over hers and his tongue swirled and looped seductively in her mouth. The crotch of her panties was hopelessly saturated, but she didn’t care. Her mind filled with all manner of sexual positions she might coil herself around in with this perfect man.

After what must have been several long, breathless seconds, one of the other masked riders commented loudly, “Hey. We should get going before the sheriff gets here, don’t you think?” His tone was amused, even when he added shortly thereafter, “Oh, crap. Too late.”

In the background—where she wasn’t really paying much attention—she first felt beneath her feet and then heard the rumble of horse hooves riding hard and fast toward the stopped stagecoach. She released the sexy bandit’s mouth only when the new riders arrived, but kept her arms latched around his neck and her cheek pressed to his face.

His gun arm snaked around her waist, the bandit pulling her closer to his lean, hard frame once more. Their embrace was suddenly even more intimate. Her pussy gushed, wishing he’d capture her, race away with her on his big, black destrier, and spirit her away to his hideout so he could ravish her the right way. She was so ready to be ravished.

He glanced over his shoulder at the approaching riders, but promptly ignored them. Turning back, he gave her a positively scorching gaze of desire-filled want. He plastered his mouth against hers with another wickedly satisfying, lip-licking kiss. She was mostly distracted as the newcomers drew near and rode up right next to their explicit display. The leader of the new group, another gorgeous man in a tan cowboy hat, sporting a silver star on his chest and riding a large white steed, rode even closer to the two of them.

The now-unmasked bandit Jocelyn was so intimately attached to finally broke the kiss, but kept his arms in place around her waist and didn’t let her go.

Jocelyn kept her hands on the bandit’s shoulders, figuring this episode was just about over.
. She’d certainly enjoyed every lip-licking moment of it. And decided quickly that she wasn’t letting him go until physically pulled away.

One of the teenagers smirked behind the upheld, eye-level, pink-and-black-covered square of her phone. Likely she’d recorded a video of their entire kiss for her foolish friends. Jocelyn could only sport a satisfied expression.

“Unhand that woman this instant,” the sexy, handsome sheriff commanded.

“Make me,” the desperado said, his tone relaxed and amused. He lifted her up as if she weighed nothing, and carried her quickly behind the stagecoach and out of view of the other passengers.

The sheriff slid from his horse, dismounting in one quick motion, and followed them behind the stagecoach with a pistol in one hand and a fist in the other. “I mean it, let her go.” The sheriff lifted his gun to chest level of the man she didn’t truly want to let go of, and gave him an express look as if to say,
What the hell?

Jocelyn was suddenly struck by how attractive the sheriff was. In the arms of the sexiest bad boy she’d ever kissed in her life, she cast her gaze over his shoulder at the hero with the shiny star trying to save her from this mock desperado.

The sheriff was slightly taller than her kissing bandit and completely opposite in features. He sported dark hair and even darker eyes along with a sensuously dark and expressive face. His eyes especially drilled deeply all the way into her core from a mere glance.

“What in the world are you doing, Logan?” the sheriff asked quietly, as if genuinely puzzled by his actions.
His name is Logan

Logan lifted one muscular shoulder. “Staking my claim on this woman. What’s it to you? Don’t you think she’s worthy of my regard?”

Dark brows furrowed suddenly, and the sheriff then drilled that seductive gaze directly into her eyes once more. Jocelyn swore the stare made it all the way past the gateway to her soul, penetrating deeply into her exuberant spirit. Another pulse of juice filled her already-saturated panties. Both of these men had such an impact on her, Jocelyn wasn’t sure if she could be trusted alone with either of them.

“Worthy or not, you need to let her go.”

“No thanks. I like it right where I am.” Logan grinned, but also loosened his grip slightly.

The sheriff tilted his head to one side, and promptly moved so suddenly, Jocelyn was completely surprised when he shot an arm between her and the bandit.

The back of his hand grazed across her breasts as he then shoved the bandit away one-handed. His back to her, the sheriff then stepped closer to the bandit and pushed the blond man back into the view of the others. The desperado stumbled backward, never once resisting, even as the sheriff leveled the gun at him.

The man who’d kissed her like she’d never been kissed in her life suddenly aimed his pistol at the sheriff. The sheriff pulled the trigger before the bandit got his weapon all the way level and in position to fire.

. A wisp of smoke rose in the wake of the sheriff’s quick shot.

The loud sound echoed in her ears, and her affectionate desperado fell backward to the ground, eyes closed, hat dislodged, and beautiful face turned away.

The sheriff holstered his weapon and turned to her. “He won’t be bothering you any longer, ma’am.”

Jocelyn almost said,
He wasn’t bothering me. In fact, I wanted him to spirit me away to his hideaway so he could fuck me raw
. But she held her tongue. This was not the appropriate venue to discuss her lurid fantasies out loud.

She stared for quite a long while at the sheriff. He was gorgeous, and the very epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. His gaze didn’t waver from her face, studying her as if trying to discover why the bandit had been so enamored. Because she wasn’t a beauty queen. Far from it. The sheriff’s interested stare seemed to say that he didn’t mind her looks.

Deciding to play along, she said instead, “Then you must be my hero. Thank you for rescuing me.” He nodded, suddenly looking a bit displaced. His gaze remained on her face. Jocelyn decided he deserved a reward. She took a step in his direction, rose up on her tiptoes, placed her hands on his chest, and leaned upward with the intent to kiss his cheek.

At the same time he leaned down and his lips ended up on her mouth whether he intended it or not. Ultimately, she was glad they connected.

It was a sweet kiss, not as carnal as the one before with the bandit. At least until Jocelyn licked the seam of the sheriff’s lips with a seemingly uncontrollable urge to discover what he tasted like as well.

The sheriff made a noise halfway between a growl and a groan, and jammed his tongue inside her mouth, making a few amazingly seductive sweeps before pulling away, taking a measured step backward, and distancing himself from her. The shock on his face was priceless. Like he couldn’t believe he’d kissed her in public. She hoped he wouldn’t say he was sorry. Jocelyn wasn’t sorry. Although maybe he was surprised because he’d seen her kissing the bandit.

What was wrong with her anyway? Kissing two different men in the space of three minutes was not like her, but she didn’t have any regret. Today was all about fulfilling
fantasies. Silently shaking her head, Jocelyn put a serene smile in place and backed up a step.

“No thanks necessary,” he said. Promptly clearing his throat, the sexy sheriff grabbed her elbow gently, and led her back to the other passengers. “Now you can continue safely on your way.”

The guy driving the stagecoach opened the door and all of them piled back inside. Jocelyn was once again the last to climb inside. The memories of the past few minutes and her lack of chastity suddenly embarrassed her. What had she been thinking?

She’d practically gnawed the bandit’s face off with her first kiss and then violated the sheriff’s mouth mere moments later. Given the choice between the two incredibly sexy men, her choice would be a resounding, “Both!”

The others in the coach sent sly glances her way, smirking and offering whispered thoughts to each other about her recent behavior as being a bit forward. She couldn’t really disagree, but then decided they could all suck it. And suck it hard. She wasn’t apologizing for her actions either to the strangers on the stagecoach or the two men she’d kissed.

In fact, her new mission was to find these men again before leaving the Old West Town park for perhaps a private tour, as it would kill two birds with one stone. Jocelyn still had to locate her sister. The private compound where the employees lived had a digital security net that the NSA would be envious of, but she wasn’t deterred. Dean had once said he lived behind the walls of a compound. She’d looked that information up and found it to be true. There was a walled-in area nearby. Were Dean’s “people” there? More importantly, was he there? Was Jenna?

Using the best toys her job as a computer security specialist had to offer, she’d already tried to hack into the system a couple of weeks back, expecting to get in without anyone even knowing she’d been there. However, the place made Fort Knox look like an easy mark.

She still wasn’t certain she’d gotten out without leaving a telltale sign she’d been rooting around there. She’d waited endlessly for someone to come pounding on her door to accuse her of hacking a private residence, but they hadn’t. At least not yet.

So she’d waited as long as she dared, and then developed a plan to come here in person and try to find a way inside the historical town owners’ private property.

Flirting with either the desperado or the sheriff and being invited to a “private party” in the secretive walled compound would not only satisfy her long-neglected libido, but at the same time allow her to get inside the highly guarded private residence compound located a few miles north.

One way or another she was gaining access to look around.


* * * *


Logan Pearson waited until several minutes after the stagecoach rolled away before opening his eyes. He already knew what waited for him once they were all alone and out of the public eye.

Kendall’s wrath.

The strawberry blonde with the freckles on her nose, bright green eyes, and a ready grin had practically knocked his heart into the next century the minute she’d climbed out of the stagecoach.

He’d seen lots of women in his life, especially being a part of this large Old West Town amusement park. He’d also been with his fair share of women over the years, but there was a certain something indefinable about this particular woman that put his libido on high alert.

Logan had been thinking up ways to kiss her the moment he saw those freckles, and had seen her excited and amused expression at the mock stagecoach robbery. If he could have gotten away with kidnapping her, he might have.

“What the fuck were you thinking, Logan?” Kendall’s angry question came as expected.

He remained flat on his back, staring at the clear blue sky. “I was thinking she looked at me like she wanted to suck me dry, and I wanted to let her.”

The others on horseback surrounding them all laughed out loud.

Kendall silenced them all with an angry look. “The patrons are not here for your personal sexual amusement.” He turned to the others, and added, “Or any of yours either. So don’t get any ideas.”

“Well, they aren’t here for your sexual amusement either, Kendall, but I know you kissed her, too, so fuck off.” Logan rolled to a sitting position and then quickly jumped to the balls of his feet before standing to his full height. He was a couple of inches shorter than Kendall, but didn’t let that deter him from speaking his mind. Something unexpectedly special had just happened. Logan wasn’t going to let Kendall freak out and ruin it.

“She kissed
,” Kendall said quietly in his own defense and promptly backed off all of a sudden. Which was completely unlike him. Had he also been beguiled by freckles and sultry lips?

Maybe Logan
gone too far with the intriguing stagecoach passenger, but he didn’t regret a single moment. The instant their lips had connected, Logan had wanted to tie her down somewhere on the dusty trail to town, and make her scream repeatedly in orgasmic delight.

This was highly unusual, because he’d never before been tempted by a stagecoach passenger.
Not once
. Sure. There’d been plenty of attractive women he’d threatened with the mock robberies over the last few years, but this had truly been the first time he hadn’t been able to resist the advances of one.

Many had tried to lay lips on him, but he’d never allowed it before today. Initially, he’d sent what he considered a frightening look into her steady gaze, expecting her to back down. But she hadn’t. Instead, she’d looked like she was starved for his affections. He wanted to oblige every one of her unspoken wishes.

So he kissed her lightly that first time. Barely touched his lips to hers, resulting in an electric arc of sensation across his mouth that he wanted to repeat, but didn’t. Thankfully, she kissed him again, and it had been remarkable. He hadn’t stopped her, and even now didn’t regret one single moment.

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