Unbridled and Unbroken (19 page)

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Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Everlasting, #Western

BOOK: Unbridled and Unbroken
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“Now undress me. But don’t make such a mess of my clothes.”

“Yes, master.” Veronica approached him slowly and removed each article of his clothing slowly and carefully. She folded everything and placed it neatly on an overstuffed chair by her dresser.

Once she was finished and they were both naked, Veronica walked over to face him. She looked down at his immense cock.

“Turn around,” he commanded.

She smiled and did as he demanded. His hands came around her waist and slid between her thighs.

“Are you wet?”


His finger zeroed in on her clit and began a slow seductive repeated stroking. “Don’t come until I give you permission,” he whispered. “Do you understand?”

She nodded. His stubbly chin grazed her shoulder and sent a zing of sensation down her arm. Veronica did her best not to become aroused too quickly, but the truth was she’d been a few strokes away from orgasm since they entered her house.

Every fiber of her being wanted to release in what was sure to be a blisteringly noteworthy climax.

Veronica could hardly catch her breath she panted so hard.

“Don’t come yet, Veronica, or I’ll turn you over my knee and spank your bare ass until it glows red.” Adam accompanied his warning with a strong pinch to one of her nipples. A flash of white, hot pleasure streaked down to her pussy. An inarticulate noise escaped from her throat.

One last stroke of his fingers across her clit, along with his inflammatory words of forewarning, was all it took for her to fall over the edge of the ecstasy chasm.

Veronica arched against his chest and screamed the walls down in the most acute and gratifying orgasm she’d ever experienced...and shouldn’t have.

Unfortunately, she didn’t have Adam’s permission.

He held her upright in his arms until she stopped heaving and trembling.

“What did I tell you?” he whispered harshly in one ear.

“That you’d spank me if I came.”

He grabbed her arm and dragged her over to the side of the bed. He seated himself on the edge and she saw his wide eyed expression of purpose. He looked slightly pissed off. He pulled her over his lap. “You’ve left me no choice. I must punish you.”

“Yes, master.” Veronica didn’t think he’d really do it. Until the first slap of his open hand on her bare unsuspecting ass cheek resonated across the room and the sting of her sensitive flesh registered the smack.

At the exact same moment her pussy gushed in anticipatory glee. He didn’t make a move to spank her again, but Veronica decided it might not be so bad if he did it once more.

Without warning, he smacked her other cheek making her flesh tingle and another gush of moisture flooded her pussy lips.

Another spank on the first cheek and a moan escaped. He alternated spanking both of her cheeks until her entire ass had to be fire engine red.

He spanked her like a naughty child caught misbehaving, and god help her, she liked it.

Chapter Ten

Clay suspected he was a damned fool for pursuing this endeavor, but so be it. He couldn’t get that vision out of his mind. Veronica Greenwood had risked life and limb and raced into the street after hearing Zachary Barrett’s name. Clay intended to find out why.

He’d called Zachary, but hadn’t actually gotten a hold of him. He’d left a vague message for a return call while he pondered what to do, if anything.

He pretended it was because he was worried over exposure to the club. And if anyone asked him about it, like say Zachary, he intended to remind him about last year in Colorado. A seemingly innocent videotape had caused some trouble in Zachary’s love life back then. It wasn’t without precedence.

Clay had managed to only get her name from Johnny. His past included a few perks that helped out now and again in the form of easily obtainable information not necessarily available to the general public.

When he discovered a woman named Veronica Greenwood listed as working at a convenience store in town, that information wasn’t too surprising. But when he also found another woman with the same name working as an active member of a relief organization currently out of the country and completely unavailable to communication, Clay got very suspicious.

A quick illegal search of a federal database he still had a backdoor access to showed that each of these women shared the same social security number and his suspicion morphed into warning bells blazing in his brain.

Clay researched Veronica’s immediate family members. She wasn’t married and she was an only child. Her parents, also relief workers, were listed as members of the same relief organization and also with her in the exact same third world country for the past eight months.

Had her identity been stolen? Clay continued his search.

Veronica’s mother had only one brother. He was a single man, and coincidentally his address was a local one here in California. Not believing at all in coincidences, he looked further into the life of Veronica Greenwood’s only uncle.

A quick search of Tom Callen’s name revealed not only his home address but his work address as well. Clay learned the most insightful information since he’d started looking. The address cross referenced to a business name that sent a sound like a Klaxon blaring in his head. He recognized the name of the company Tom Callen worked for instantly.

A scandal from six months ago that had been mostly kept under wraps came into view on his computer’s flat screen display. Clay knew quite a bit about that outrage and promptly hacked into the California Realty accounting firm’s former employee file. She hadn’t been fired outright, but instead had resigned after an unexpected audit revealed her part in unlawfully removing money out of DRMC’s account. The firm had replaced the funds, but hadn’t been able to do so in enough time to meet the requirement of the deal Zachary had struck to purchase land in Colorado for the club’s permanent headquarters.

Clay looked at a company photo of the woman who looked exactly like the frightened girl who’d run out of the club two mornings ago. And her name hadn’t been Veronica Greenwood back then. She was the same woman that the California Realty accounting company casually mentioned and vaguely blamed for the DRMC’s financial fiasco several months before.

The news of her participation, so carelessly mentioned as an justified excuse, had so enraged Zachary, he’d uncharacteristically lost his temper during the hastily called meeting and made dire threats against her in that public forum. Zachary had regretted his outburst almost immediately, but no one except Clay knew it.

No wonder she’d run into the street after learning Zachary’s name. Clay wondered how she’d been able to steal Veronica Greenwood’s identity. The only other thing he wanted to know was why she’d hooked up with Johnny and Adam. What could she possibly hope to accomplish in her relationship with them?

One way or another, he intended to find out her intentions and ensure Johnny and Adam knew she wasn’t who she claimed to be.

* * * *

“Guess where I am?” Adam said when he’d called earlier.

“No clue.”

“I’m on my way to Veronica’s house to play a sexual game.”

If Adam had flown in the hotel window shouting, “Fiery brimstone is falling from the sky and melting our world,” Johnny would have been less surprised.
He was about to play a game with Veronica?

“What sort of game did you talk her into?” he asked and wished they’d come back to the room before deciding to play.

“Sometimes I don’t even realize how good I am. It was totally spontaneous. One minute we were talking about karaoke and dancing and giving up control, and the next I had her shirt unbuttoned, her bra open and I was sucking on her bare nipples...oh, and did I mention we were in the public hallway just outside our room?”

“And she was excited about playing a game?” He wished Adam would have convinced her to return to their room to “rest” instead of going to her own home to sleep, but as usual, his best friend had outdone himself in convincing her to play a sexual game. Too bad Johnny didn’t get to participate this time. His cock thickened and pulsed in eager desire to fuck and he’d already come twice earlier.

“Oh yeah, she’s excited all right.”

“I wish I got to play a game, but I’m glad you’re on the way to her house. I’ll feel better knowing where she lives. I’d hate to leave without making future plans. And I keep forgetting to get her phone number.”

“Me, too. Don’t you have a meeting in an hour anyway? You don’t even have time to play a game right now.”

“True. But how is it that you never have a critical meeting when she wants to boldly go new sexy places? You’re such a lucky bastard.”

Adam laughed. “Yeah, that’s me, only I’d say I’m the luckiest master in town. Gotta go. She’s pulling into a driveway. I’ll call you later.”

“I’ll want details about your adventures.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“Think hard.” He hadn’t even gotten the two word response out of his mouth before his phone started beeping signaling that another message was coming in. Adam had already hung up.

Fuck. He really hated missing out.

Johnny looked at the readout and cursed to himself once more. The familiar phone number contained an urgent text message regarding the Double Rider Men’s Club. And unfortunately, any problem with the club was one he couldn’t ignore. He dialed the number to talk to Clay in person.

“What’s up, Clay?” The terse tone in his voice was surely hard to miss.

“I need to see you and Adam back at the club. There’s something I need to show you and then we need to have a talk.”

What the hell?

“Now. It’s important.” It wasn’t often that Clay made demands, so Johnny took him very seriously.

“Adam’s not here. He’s busy...elsewhere.”

“Fine. When can
be here?”

Johnny glanced at his watch. His meeting didn’t start for another hour and a half and it was actually at a restaurant close to where Clay wanted him to be. “I’ll be there in ten minutes. I can’t stay very long.”

“It won’t take too long. See you in a few. Ciao.”

He folded his phone closed and slid it into his pocket. His mind wasn’t on what Clay wanted to talk about or his meeting.

Johnny was picturing what Adam and Veronica were doing and how amazing it would be to watch them, even if he couldn’t participate. His cock throbbed at the possibilities.

Was Veronica obedient during sexual role play as slave to his master? Would Adam have to punish her?

The delicious probabilities swarmed in his mind as he made his way to the temporary meeting place for Double Rider Men’s Club this year. He hoped whatever Clay was in such lather over was easily solved or answered.

* * * *

Veronica sagged across Adam’s lap after he administered the last smack across her bare ass as punishment for climaxing without permission.

Her ass was heated from his palm and her pussy was so drenched from the excitement of being naughty, she felt the juices from her arousal leaking down the inside of one thigh. If he touched her clit, she knew she’d come again very easily, with or without permission.

Adam rubbed his hand over her ass with gentle caresses as if to soothe her burning skin as she panted like she’d run a mile up a hill and tried desperately to get herself back under control.

“Get down on your knees and suck my cock.” His voice was low and tight as if he was also on the verge of losing control of his imminent climax. Likely he wouldn’t have to be punished if
lost it.

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