Unbridled and Unbroken (13 page)

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Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Everlasting, #Western

BOOK: Unbridled and Unbroken
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Johnny followed him in and they both came right up to her window.

“Can I help you gentlemen with something?” she asked pleasantly.

They exchanged a glance, and Johnny said, “Is the coffee fresh?”

Adam rolled his eyes and said nothing

“The coffee is two hours old. But I could make a fresh pot, if you’re interested in waiting for it.”

Johnny smiled. “Thanks, that would be great.”

Veronica slid off her stool and walked over to her security door. She unlocked it and exited. Both of them followed her directly to the coffee area.

Her back was to the camera, which tracked her movement across the store. Over one shoulder she said, “There are cameras in here but no sound. Say whatever you want while we’re alone, but please don’t touch me.”

“That’s so unfair,” Adam said. “Now touching you is all I can think about.” Johnny punched him in the arm.

“We just came to see if you enjoyed yourself last night.”

Veronica was amazed her hands didn’t shake as several erotic images of the night before flooded her mind. She drained the old coffee from the canister and removed the grounds in the filter.

“Did the two of you enjoy it?”

Both took a step closer until her back stiffened and they stopped. “Yes. Of course. We loved it. Every moment with you was exquisite and perfect. And we want more, but only if you also liked our lifestyle,” Johnny said in a low, rushed voice. “Did you?” He paused for a moment. “Like it, I mean.”

Veronica inhaled deeply and with the breath came each of their masculine scents rushing around her as if to torture her senses in a place she couldn’t respond. If the cameras weren’t running she would have already instigated a kiss with each of them. “I enjoyed myself very much.” To be honest, given even a tiny meager bit privacy right now, she’d be on the ground in front of the coffee maker ripping her clothes off, unzipping their pants and inciting them to fuck her senseless.

“Why did you leave without saying anything?” Adam asked quietly.

She shrugged. “I wasn’t sure you were interested in more. We didn’t really discuss any future plans. And most of all, I didn’t wish to ruin my perfect memories of last night with stilted conversation and embarrassment if you only wanted just the one night from me.”

“Whew,” Johnny said. “I’m so glad to hear that.”

“Johnny thought you didn’t like what we did to you last night and ran so as to avoid any possible future encounters.”

She spun around in surprise. “No. Not at all. I’d love to have many future—” Veronica cut off her own impassioned speech when she noticed the camera in the corner.

“Stupid surveillance,” she muttered. She parked a big smile on her face and said, “If the action wouldn’t be immortalized on the store’s video feed, I’d leap into your arms and show you exactly how I feel about last night in the form of a very long, deep, wet French kiss guaranteed to express my exact emotions on last night’s repeated events. And I’d further throw you both to the ground and demand you pleasure me until the three of us had reached satisfaction or had to be pried apart using the Jaws of Life.”

Adam laughed out loud as Johnny’s mouth fell open a bit during her fervent speech.

“When do you get off of work?” Adam asked.

“Not for six more hours, damn the luck.” She turned back and procured a new filter and added fresh coffee grounds. Pushing the button to start machine, she turned again and said, “The fresh coffee will be ready for you in about five minutes.”

“Can you stay out here with us?”

“And be tempted to touch you each and every second?” She laughed and shook her head. “I think it would be best if I retreated back to my secure cage, for

Johnny grinned and nodded. She walked a step and Adam put a hand on her shoulder. She halted and looked up at him in shock. He leaned in close and whispered, “Just lift your arm and point across the store like I asked you where something was.”

She smiled and pointed at the energy drinks case in the corner. “You just got away with touching me. Good job.”

“Well, you challenged me. I had to find a way.”

He squeezed her arm once before releasing it and walked over to the case she’d pointed out.

“That’s so unfair,” Johnny said in petulant tone of voice. “I want to touch you too.”

Veronica walked over to him, put her hand on his arm and squeezed as she pointed to chips and snacks section of the store.

“Do you have a private back area we could retire to?” he asked the moment she touched him.

Veronica laughed. “Don’t tempt me. I need this job.” She dropped her arm, walked back to the cage and locked herself inside.

They purchased not only two jumbo cups of coffee, but also four packages of beef jerky, three bottles of Gatorade, two bags of chips and a can of whipped cream.

Veronica rang up the purchases slowly.

“Will you meet us for breakfast?” Johnny asked.

“That depends on if you’re serving whipped cream covered beef jerky or something else.”

“I was thinking more along the lines of room service back at our hotel. The whipped cream is to lick off of your nipples.”

She paused a moment, smiled and continued.

Adam leaned in close. “I also want another lottery ticket.”

“You know the odds of winning are unfathomable, right?”

“I know the last time I wanted one, you came and personally delivered it.”

“Oh, is that your plan? To leave this ticket behind and hope that I bring it to you?”

“Well, yeah. That was my plan. What do you think? Will it work this time?”

Veronica slid the ticket under the opening in the window. This time the random numbers didn’t have the same impact on her former life. But now she wanted to spend more time with these men. “You take your ticket. I can find my way to your room without it.”

“Excellent. When can we expect you?”

“I’ll be there after I go home and shower.”

“You could shower at our room,” Adam suggested.

“But I’ll still need fresh clothes.”

His sudden wolfish grin disarmed her. “You won’t need them, trust me.”

She shook her head. Agreeing to meet them again knowing they were likely friends with Zachary Barrett was a very bad idea. Unless she didn’t tell them about him. “How about ten o’clock?”

“How about it’s a date?”

“I can’t stay long. I need to get some sleep for my shift tonight.”

“We’ll let you sleep all you want.”

“No you won’t, you’ll lure me into amazing sexual positions and the screaming orgasms will keep me awake all day. And if you don’t, then I’ll have to kiss you until you comply. I’d insist.”

“Yes, but during the time we test out all our favorite positions, we’ll let you take short naps in between bouts of sexual pleasure.”

Veronica laughed. “You’re all heart.”

Johnny leaned forward. “Understand this. We want to see you again. No need to sneak out or worry about stilted conversation when you wake up and want to go.”

“Okay. Thanks. I’ll see you in the morning. Should we have a secret knock, so you’ll know it’s me?”

Adam shook his head. “You’re the only visitor we’re interested in, honey. The rest we won’t let in. Also I have your panties. You know, the ones you left behind in our bed this morning.”

Veronica felt her face heat up. He merely winked at her.

“Did you find my other earring?”

He nodded. “We’ve got that too. Can’t wait to see you, honey.” They gathered their purchases and exited. She pushed out a long sigh and counted her blessings that Zachary Barrett apparently didn’t know her by sight. Veronica needed for that to remain true in order to continue the tentative relationship with Johnny and Adam.

Veronica couldn’t allow him to find her before things got straightened out. When she got home in the morning she planned not only to shower and change clothes, she also planned an emergency call to her old boss and mentor, Tom Callen.

He was the only friend who remained from her old life. Tom held the only possible key to her future. He believed she wasn’t involved with the embezzlement, even though she didn’t remember what had happened. And he needed to know she’d inadvertently crossed paths with Zachary Barrett.

A long time ago she’d entertained the idea of searching Mr. Barrett out to plead her case. Surely anyone would understand that what had happened was a set up. But Tom had talked her out of it very quickly.

“No. You absolutely can’t go to him. He wants your blood after what happened. The organization he works for lost the money in that account at a crucial financial time for them. They almost had to forfeit the property they were attempting to purchase.”

“But if I explained about the blackout and that I have no memory of the transaction, maybe he’d understand.”

“Don’t bet on it. My understanding from a friend who has worked with him before is that even on a good day he’s a mean, hard assed lawyer used to eating people like you for breakfast.”

“He’s going to want see proof along with the identity of the actual thief, if it isn’t you. Which you don’t have. We need to find the true perpetrator before you explain your side of the incident. If you go to him prematurely, he won’t listen or side with you or give you the benefit of the doubt. He’ll call the police. Worst of all, if that happens, I won’t be able to help you anymore.”

“All right,” she’d replied grudgingly.

“I promise that I’ll keep after this matter on your behalf very discreetly. Just be patient and trust me.”

So she waited in this humiliating inadequate life for Tom to find the proof of her innocence.

Tom’s last words to her before she left were, “Don’t let Zachary Barrett find you or he’ll slap you in jail so fast your head will spin and you’ll never get out.”

She recalled the horrified look Zachary had given her this morning when she’d asked if he was a cab driver. And then he’d threatened to fire someone in his employ. Tom had been right. Zachary Barrett probably wouldn’t have forgiven her, then or now.

Now more than ever, Veronica understood how the
world worked and she was terrified of being put in jail for something she didn’t do.


* * * *

Clayton Damien Forrester liked to believe he was acutely attuned to the varying moods and desires of most women. When he’d first seen the girl Johnny and Adam had ushered in last night, he figured she was very new to this lifestyle and looking for adventure. The unbridled sexual nature of the annual DRMC “live sex show” event should have explained everything in vivid visual detail. If she didn’t bolt soon after the curtain went up, then she was probably good to go for the night.

After watching the show, Clay had noticed that she went willingly upstairs to the room he’d offered to Adam. The fact that she stayed the night also said she likely enjoyed whatever they did. He’d meant to check them out in the secret hallways for viewing surrounding each room, but hadn’t made it there.

When Clay had seen the same girl strolling through the club early this morning, he’d decided she wanted to make a quick getaway. Not because she was upset over her undoubtedly brand new experience, but instead more like she didn’t like facing sexual partners first thing in the morning. He could sympathize. Even though she probably didn’t have much to worry about in that regard with Johnny and Adam. They were stand up men. He’d watched private sexual performances with each of them.

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