Read Unbridled and Unbranded Online

Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Erotica, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Everlasting

Unbridled and Unbranded (10 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unbranded
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“Yes. I’ve waited long enough.”

Rafe and Bo exchanged a glance between them. Bo responded, “Then it would certainly be my pleasure.”

“Our pleasure,” Rafe added. He had shed all of his clothing and stood naked at the side of the bed. He reached into the nightstand and tossed Bo a condom. He grabbed one for himself and also brought out a tube of something. Callie surmised it was lubrication. She’d purchased some the night she and Bo were supposed to be together.

The limited knowledge of anal sex that she’d never shared with Bo, but had researched extensively before their long-ago date, now came in handy. She knew what to expect in that regard, but not with two cocks in her body. The very idea of having so much male anatomy thrust inside her made a smile form on her lips.

Rafe climbed into bed alongside of her. Meanwhile, Bo was off the bed moving to the footboard.

Callie turned on her side and snuggled up to Rafe. He kissed her lips gently. “Get on top of me.”

Together they moved to the center of the bed. Rafe was on his back and Callie was about to straddle his legs.

Bo lingered at the edge of the bed. “Once you impale yourself on Rafe, I’ll come in behind and see if I can’t give you a taste of what you’ve waited twelve years for.”

Callie fairly trembled in anticipation. She climbed on to Rafe’s long, muscular body and positioned herself over his thighs. Her inner thighs brushed his legs. Her gushing pussy waited above his lap. She slipped her fingers around his cock and squeezed as she moved into position to push him inside. His hands went behind his head as he watched her. Or more specifically, he watched her swaying breasts. Callie rose to her knees and moved forward until the tip of Rafe’s cock was lined up to enter her pussy.

“Are you ready?” she asked.

“I’ve been ready. I can’t wait.”

She eased herself down over his huge cock slowly, but her pussy was so slick she practically fell on him and was fully seated in the space of two seconds.

Rafe finally took his gaze from her breasts and moved it to where they were connected. He moved his hands from behind his head to squeeze her breasts. “You have the most exquisite breasts. Have I ever mentioned that to you before?”

“Only every time you see them.” She laughed and lifted her pussy off his cock partway.

He pinched her nipples and the sensation spiraled desire straight to her pussy. She wanted to fuck him raw. She moved up and down again slowly and then picked up speed. Rafe’s hands went to her hips and held her to keep her still. “Slow down, Callie, I’m only a weak man and you make me crazy.”

She slowed and stopped with his cock buried deeply inside. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing, but if you want to try double penetration, I don’t need to come in the next ten seconds.”

Bo suddenly climbed on the bed and positioned himself behind her. He was on his knees. He kissed the back of her neck and gripped her shoulders in his hands.

“Bend over and let me get you ready,” Bo whispered in her ear.

Callie took a deep breath and lowered herself onto Rafe’s body. The tips of her nipples grazed the wiry hair on his chest and sent an extra thrill to her pussy. He kissed her hard on the mouth as if to distract her from what Bo was doing behind her.

She was excited beyond all reason for what was about to happen.

Bo eased a lubed finger into her derrière hole and then finger-fucked her for a few times before inserting a second and then a third finger to repeat the process. Each time he inserted a finger she stretched just a little bit wider. With Rafe’s cock buried all the way inside her pussy, she was bordering on release already.

“That feels amazing.” Callie sighed and waited for his penetration.

Bo thrust his fingers deeper inside, stretching her rear hole. His cock would be bigger, and the mere thought of what he was about to do made her pussy tighten.

“Don’t come yet, Callie,” Rafe warned. “I feel your pussy squeezing on my cock.”

“It feels really good.”

“What does? My cock or Bo’s fingers?”


Bo suddenly pulled his fingers from her and promptly put more lube on her anus. He didn’t say anything, but the next feeling she had was of his cock trying to fit into her tight anal space. He went slow and easy

“Relax,” he whispered.

Callie pushed out a long breath and attempted to relax. He felt so huge. So darkly delicious she pulsed again with the desire to release.

“I feel you clenching on me again,” Rafe murmured.

The head of Bo’s cock suddenly slid past the ring of muscles in her anus. Callie sucked in a deep breath of surprise.

Almost doubly penetrated by the two of them was the sexiest thing she’d ever done in her life.

Far more decadent than mere anal sex alone. Having two men fuck her was going to be amazing.

Bo paused at her inhalation, but soon eased his cock a little further into her ass. The feeling was indescribably dark and lusciously sexy. He worked his way slowly inch by inch, deeper and deeper into her body.

When he stopped moving, Callie pushed out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d held.

Rafe kissed her lips slowly and with tender care. Behind her Bo kissed her back.

She trembled with feelings she’d never imagined having. Love, acceptance, a dark passion for unconventional relationships were not just ideas, but concrete facts of her life.

It scared her just a bit to be so consumed by desire for two men. She wanted to live in this perfect moment for a while longer. No thoughts of her hard life on the ranch she never wanted to run. No worries about trying to figure out a way to live her ultimate dreams by selling off generations of her family’s blood, sweat, and tears.

Love, acceptance, and a wild passion for unconventionality seemed like a perfect place to live. At least for now.

“This feels so amazing,” she finally whispered. “I feel connected to both of you in a way I would never have thought possible.”

She forced herself to refrain from saying she loved them, although the romantic side of her brain was screaming those three complicated words over and over.

Rafe kissed her again. “Move up and down on me. I’ll help you. Then Bo can also thrust.”

Callie lifted off of Rafe’s cock halfway, then pushed back down. Bo pulled out halfway and then moved back in.

Together the three of them found a smooth rhythm of movement. Each time one of their cocks moved within her body, explosions of sensations careened through her.

Threesome sex was simply the most wickedly satisfying experience she’d ever thought possible.

Each breath she took, each move she made worked in concert to drive her passion to levels she’d never been to before.

Rafe soon worked his hand between them and began stroking her clit. With the first touch of his finger to her flesh, she cried out his name and almost climaxed. He then pinched her nipple and another hard spasm of pleasure rolled down her body.

Callie was on the very edge of orgasmic delight. She moved on Rafe, then Bo moved his cock in and out of her ass.

She was breathing hard, barely able to keep her wits about her through this dark and delicious experience.

Rafe wiggled his finger against her clit and tugged at one nipple once more. The combined intensely gratifying sensations running roughshod across her erogenous zones finally came together in one huge wave of pleasure. The climax exploded in her pussy and sent waves of bliss outward to her limbs.

She felt herself squeeze Rafe’s cock over and over. She lost the rhythm of the original push and pull, negotiating two cocks inside her body to allow her orgasm full rein.

Rafe grabbed her hips and thrust his cock upward a few times. He soon stiffened beneath her, and a groan of what sounded like pleasure escaped his lips.

Callie collapsed on top of him, grinding her breasts into his chest. His arms came around her. He squeezed her tight as Bo continued to fuck her ass.

Her pussy still rippled in pleasure from the most amazing climax she’d ever experienced. She’d actually felt a little faint as she’d gone over the edge of ecstasy this time.

Bo moved in and out of her ass and only sped up his last few thrusts. The moment he climaxed, he slapped his hand on her back, directly over the place where her tattoo was, and called out her name.

The small growl soon after was followed by him collapsing on her back.

She could live another thousand years and would likely never feel as good as she did right now.

Surrounded by two men who made her heart dance with joy and whose sexual practices delighted her erotic soul.

I love you,
her romantic mind shrieked, sending the message echoing in her brain
. I love both of you so very much. I don’t ever want to leave you.

Her eyes popped open with the conscious knowledge of her feelings. She made her logical mind kick the romantic one down.

Callie knew that for even as good as she felt, she would eventually resent Bo and Rafe if they even suggested she remain in a permanent role as their lover. She had dreamed of living abroad for far too long to give it up even for the only two men she’d ever loved.

Before she could voice any concerns about this stepping up of their relationship, a familiar sound jarred her thoughts.

Wasn’t that her cell phone? The ringtone was the default sound of an unfamiliar caller. She lifted her head to look for the clock on the nightstand. Just after ten o’clock at night.

“Whose phone is that?” Rafe asked.

Callie pushed out a long breath. “Mine.”

Bo pulled away, got off the bed, and headed for the bathroom. Beneath her, Rafe shifted. He pushed her over onto her side, kissed her cheek, and pulled out.

The noise of her phone had stopped, but the same default ring resumed almost immediately.

“Whoever it is
wants to talk to you.” Rafe got out of bed as Bo returned.

“It’s probably my phone carrier wanting to sell me a more expensive cellular plan.”

The second call stopped. Callie rose from bed and had started looking around for her clothing when her phone went off yet again. She abandoned her search for clothing and simply headed toward her purse downstairs in the living room.

She didn’t get far before Rafe exited the bathroom. He soon followed her out the bedroom door and down the short hallway to the staircase. Callie glanced over her shoulder. “Are you following me, mister?”

“Yes. But while you answer your phone, I’m getting us a bottle of water from the kitchen so we can rehydrate and go again.”

They both descended the stairs arm in arm.

“Excellent.” Callie made it to the chair where she’d left her purse. She rummaged through the opening, searching for her phone which had stopped again, but started up with a fourth call right away. Someone was apparently very determined to get a hold of her.

He dropped a kiss on her bare shoulder before continuing on in the direction of the kitchen.

Callie got her fingers around her cell phone. The screen showed the words “unknown caller.” She pushed the answer button before it stopped ringing.



BOOK: Unbridled and Unbranded
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