Unbreakable Devotion: A New Adult Romance Novel (6 page)

BOOK: Unbreakable Devotion: A New Adult Romance Novel
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Chapter Ten

With his
mom home and resting for a few days with pay, Devon felt relieved. His grades were up, his friendship with Matt was probably stronger than it had been, and his mom had a doctor’s order not to work so hard. He thought about getting a job after school and quitting football, but his mom persuaded him against it. Now with his mom working fewer hours for the much bigger payoff of keeping her health, Devon could focus on school and then working in the summer full-time.

During this whole time
, he had not even seen Erin. This was the only thing truly going wrong during the week. Had he lost her even as a friend? Devon’s gut twisted at the thought of losing her.


I prepared for my
date with Steve. He had called me the same day we had seen Devon, most assuredly to make the point that he had no say in the matter. I walked out into the crisp fall evening to greet Steve, who had showed up ten minutes early. He took me by the hand and seated me in his Camaro.

Steve had a casual t
an blazer jacket on with a gray T-shirt and jeans. We had gone to a concert in the park that had a variety of indie bands, and grabbed a bite to eat at a local bistro. We talked mostly about school, our favorite music, and where we grew up. I mentioned Devon several times, and Steve scowled. “What is that guy’s problem? Is he your friend or something?”

Or something
, I thought. “He is my friend from childhood. To be honest, I don’t like the way you talk about him. He’s a good guy.”

Steve sneered slightly at the reprimand.
“But he’s not your boyfriend!”

“No, he is my friend. We’ve
known each other forever.” I traced the necklace adorning my neck, gazing past Steve, wondering what Devon was doing.

“That’s a long time. Maybe he should give you some space.”

“It seems like we are doing that now,” I said with a frown.

“It’s a good start,” he said with a smile while nodding.

After dinner, Steve said he wanted to drive me to one of his favorite places in the city. His Camaro took a razor-edge turn up a winding exit that led up a steep hill. Steve glanced at me and licked his lips as he accelerated up the hill.

When we reached the top, a panoramic view of the city appeared, and my eyes widened at
view of the city lights. “Wow, that’s so beautiful!”

my favorite place,” Steve said, unfastening his seat belt. Steve turned towards me and undid my seat belt for me, rubbing the top of my thigh. I squirmed in the leather seat uncomfortably. “I can do that myself,” I protested.

Steve twisted a wild strand
of my hair spilling over my face. “You are really a stunning girl, Erin.” Steve was breathing heavier, moving closer to my bare neck, “God, you smell good.” He said breathing on my neck.

tugged my sweater down and flicked his tongue on my exposed shoulder and kissed my neck.

“Um, I really don’t think this is a good idea.
Can we just look at the city lights?” I recoiled at his touch.

“I would rather do this.”
Steve moved his hand over my thighs.

I want to go home. Will you please take me home now?” I pressed my crossed arms over my chest. A cold chill ran through my body as Steve shifted closer to me.

“Don’t worry
, Erin. I know you don’t know what it’s like to be with a real man. It could be that the guys you hang around are just not that interested in girls. That is why this may not seem right to you. But I can assure you that this is perfectly normal. I’ve done it many times.” Steve moved in closer and kissed me on my mouth. I clenched my mouth and furrowed my lips, and pushed him away with both of my hands.

“Stop it! I said take me home! I’m not interested in doing this!”
I put my hands over my mouth and backed away from him while shuddering.

“You mean with me?
I was right; you do have a thing for this Devon guy. You’ve been talking about him all fucking night. Erin, if he is not into you by now, he’s gay. This is what it’s like to be with a straight guy, that’s all. You just don’t know any better. But you will.” Steve moved in again and pressed his mouth to my neck, pressing his face into my shoulders and neck while pulling at my sweater to expose my skin.

“Stop it! What the fuck is wrong with you! Get the fuck off m
e, asshole!” My hands trembled and I began to cry. Steve kept kissing me on my neck, and I pulled away, reaching for the door handle. Steve moved in closer and grabbed my arm to hold me in place. I got the door open, shook my arm from his grasp and jumped out of the car. My heart thumped in my chest as I ran to a stairway on the side of the viewpoint, which led down to a park and a winding walkway back down to the city. I ran down the stairway, and made my way home, my pulse racing and my hands trembling.

Chapter Eleven

Devon didn’t
have much luck tracking down Erin at school. She had managed to visit his mom at the hospital while he was not there, and he had not seen her now for almost a week. Devon’s mom was still resting at home and recovering quickly. Now his thoughts turned to Erin. It was not like her to completely avoid him like this. He wanted to make sure that she was fine. Devon had a sick feeling in his stomach, and wanted to see her as soon as possible. This time he would wait for her at her locker.

was walking with Kathy after they had lunch together, and they both looked up at Devon excitedly. Kathy smiled, brushing her light brown hair back over her ear. “Hi, Devon.”


, Kathy.” Devon’s mouth curled up slightly when he glanced at me. Devon traced the edge of my locker door with his finger.

“What’s gotten into you two? You guys havi
ng a fling behind my back?” I motioned for Devon to move, my eyes avoiding his.

“I’m just glad to see you
, Erin. I haven’t seen you for a while. I was worried, okay?” Devon tilted his head, trying to meet my eyes with his. “Thanks for visiting my mom. That was really cool.”

I lifted my
eyes slightly. “I’m so glad she’s okay, Devon. I was so sad to hear what happened. But she was doing great when I saw her. It’s such wonderful news considering it could have been much worse.”

“I know. It
’s great, because she gets to work less now instead of jeopardizing her health. It really worked out.” Devon was still looking down at me, but I did not meet his gaze. “She told me she was really happy to see you. Are you okay?”

I stared blankly into my locker and my breath hitched.

“If you don’t tell him, I will,” Kathy said coolly, holding her books tightly across her chest.

“Tell me, Erin. What’s going on?” Devon put his hand on my shoulder, trying to unbury my face from the locker.

“Remember I told you that I was going out with Steve?”
I said, barely looking up from behind my locker.

do,” Devon said. His eyes widened as he gazed at me, waiting for my response.

peered at him with one eye behind the locker door as I closed it.

Kathy placed her hand on
my shoulder. I told Kathy what had happened the day after. She drew in a deep breath and rubbed my shoulder to comfort me, her eyes soft and moist with compassion. We both knew I had to tell Devon what happened.

“He went too far
, Devon. He wouldn’t stop.” I was crying now, my head against the locker, tears running down my cheeks. “I told him to stop. I was so scared. We were at the hill overlooking the city. He just wouldn’t stop. I told him to stop.” I placed my hands over my face as tension weighed down my body, and tears flowed down my face, but I did not want Devon to see me crying.

Shhh, come here.” I cried on Devon’s broad chest, his large hand holding my head close to him.

“I told him to stop, but he just…”

Shhh…it’s okay. You’re safe with me. It’s okay.”

took a deep breath and garnered the courage to look Devon in the eye, my eyes moist and sad. “I’m sorry I did not believe you, Devon. You had a bad feeling about him, and you were right. I thought you were just jealous, but you were right.”

evon pulled me back into him. “It’s okay. I am just glad you’re safe.”

Devon leaned out,
stretched his hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes. “You were able to get away from him, right? Before he did anything?”

. I was so scared.” I cried again, and Devon placed his strong arms around me, and held me again.

“When d
id this happen, Erin?” Devon pulled me out again, his eyes searching mine.

“Saturday. Saturday night. H
ow could I have been so stupid?”

“Erin, it’s not y
our fault. It’s not your fault, baby. You didn’t do anything wrong. Shhh.”


Devon looked at Kathy while holding Erin close, her eyes meeting his. They knew someone had hurt their best friend, and Devon was not going to let it go.

“I’m going to call you tonight, Erin, okay? I’m so glad you’re okay. Come here.” Devon closed his eyes and breathed her in, holding her close to him—the most precious thing in the world now safe in his arms. He savored this moment with her as time stopped. This is where she always belonged, safe in his arms, her heart beating against his, her arms squeezing him tight, never wanting to let him go.

Devon’s eyes grew cold and narrow. Kathy’s stance tensed. Devon was on his way to confront Steve.

Devon knew Steve had a class with Erin after lunch. His lips flattened as he glared straight ahead, walking slowly and deliberately towards the classroom, thinking about what happened to Erin. How close was she to being harmed? What would have happened if she did not get away? Nothing ever got between him and Erin, and now this petty quarrel, or whatever this was, had kept her from him for too long. He was not there to protect her. Whatever had happened had happened. Devon was going to make sure it did not happen again.

Devon stood
and waited in an unlit side hallway adjacent to the classroom, his silhouette looming large in the darkness. His pulse elevated as he thought about Steve putting his hands on Erin. Adrenaline coursed through his body, and he clenched his large hands as he glared at the door.

approached the door to class. Devon lunged out of the dim hallway and grabbed his collar, pushing him out the exit doorway.

hat the fuck do you want! Get your fucking hands off me.” Steve’s feet shuffled as Devon pushed him out the door. Steve’s eyes were wide with shock as his body tensed. Steve looked around helplessly. They were in a stone alley walkway between the science building and the gymnasium, and there was nowhere to run.

Devon looked around, hand
s clenched, his pulse elevated.

, dude, you think no one is going to touch that hot piece of ass?” Steve asked. His demented grin failed to reach his widened eyes. He jutted his chin at Devon. “You’re just her gay friend, dude. What the fuck business is it of yours—”

Steve never had a chance to finish the sentence. Devon had launched a powerful right that caught him in the mouth as he spoke, and moved in again to hit
him in the jaw with his left. Steve lay sprawled against the brick building, his clothes disheveled around his limp body, his head against the stone alleyway, his mouth bleeding. Steve moved his arm and touched the corner of his mouth with two fingers, staring at the blood.

Devon looked to make sure no one saw him
, and came within inches of Steve’s face, lifting him up by the collar. “If you ever touch her again—in fact, if you ever even talk to her again—I am going to beat the shit out of you.” Devon picked him up by his shirt, intentionally scraping Steve’s head against the brick wall. Devon’s eyes were ablaze with rage, his heart pounding in his massive chest, his arms throbbing. “I’m not going to tell you again. I swear to God, I will beat you senseless.”

Steve just looked at him,
still smiling, blood over his lips and teeth.

“I’m going to wipe that fucking smile off your face. There’s no one here
, asshole.” Devon lifted him up and bumped his head against the brick wall.

“Fuck you.” Steve’s eyes grew c
old, and his hands formed into fists.

Devon lifted Steve’s head off the wall and
banged him into the brick wall again. “C’mon, get up.” Devon stood up, waiting for Steve to get up and face him.

Alright! I got it.” Steve leaned back, heaving a deep breath and staring up the alleyway.

“I’m going to be walking her
into that class, and I’m going to be walking her out. You better be nowhere near.” Devon stood over Steve, pointing at him menacingly with his index finger.

“I’m her goddam
n lab partner.” Steve was still sprawled out on the alleyway, feeling his lip with his finger.

“Not anymore you
’re not.”

“What the hell am I
supposed to—”

“I don’t
give a shit…drop the class. And by the way, if you mention any of this to anyone, you can be sure the reason will be well known too.” Devon straightened out his shirt, took a few deep breaths, and feigned a look of normalcy as he walked out of the alley.

Steve’s head thumped b
ack onto the stony surface, and a dejected groan echoed in the alleyway.

BOOK: Unbreakable Devotion: A New Adult Romance Novel
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