Unbreak My Heart 03 - Unwrapped Hearts (4 page)

BOOK: Unbreak My Heart 03 - Unwrapped Hearts
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I was madder than a hatter with my head not on straight

I mistook grief for guilt, my heart filled with self-hate

I had ghosts rattlin' around this empty, old house

With nowhere to go while my hopes headed south

But if I'd known then what I surely know now

I'd have declared you as mine, no doubts, nohow

Because your love has changed me

From broken to new

From lonely and hopeless

To live each day filled with you

I swear I won't hurt you

And I vow to stay true

To cherish what you've given me

And to always love you

I'm nothing but empty when you're not at my side

I'm aching and breathless and I don't care to hide

What I'm feeling

What I'm wanting

What my heart truly does need

Just to tell you I love you

And lay my soul bare to bleed

My vow is to always--

Hold you close

Hold you tight

To keep you safe and warm each and every night

Take your hand when you smile

Dry your tears when you cry

Share all our moments, good and bad,

By and by

By and by

I'm so in love with you, kid,

My Darlin', my heart and my soul

Please be with me forever--together we'll grow old

You're my reason for breathing

For getting out of bed everyday

For staying clean and focused

For all the good things I have to say

Because your love has changed me

From broken to new

From lonely and hopeless

To live each day filled with you

I swear I won't hurt you

And I vow to stay true

To cherish what you've given me

And to always love you

There was a time my heart ached for that forever kind of love

But now the whole world can fall down around me

--a deafening crash and a thud

Because you're by my side--no ghosts in our way,

Just a surfer kid and a cowboy,

Just me and you here to stay.

About The Author



K-lee Klein has lived in one part of Western Canada or another for her entire life. She's a doting mother of three now-grown kids, and has had characters and plots running around her head for as long as she can remember.

She lives with a patient husband who totally does not get her thing for gay men, two spoiled but wonderful sons (who don't get it either), and two also spoiled but beautiful cats. Her days are filled with texts and phone calls with her daughter who has already left the nest, and an abundance of fabulous gay men, large and small, bouncing off the walls of her skull, competing for their turns to tell their stories.

Once K-lee finally threw caution to the wind, her first story was accepted and published in December of 2011, and since then she's been lucky enough to be picked up by several amazing publishers. She's thrilled to be substituting her previous jobs as a hockey manager/coach, school band volunteer and overall chauffeur with her passion for writing beautiful, emotional men.

Among her favorite sub-genres to read and write are rock stars, cowboys, shifters, and opposites-attract relationships. But to be honest, she's open to almost anything if it involves messing around in the heads of her characters. She's also big on series--because she has a hard time letting her characters go--and is usually working on a handful of stories in various stages of completion all at the same time.

You can find all of K-lee's books and updates on her website: http://www.kleeklein.com

* * * *


Don't miss Unbreak My Heart, by K-lee Klein,
available at AmberQuill.com!


Brett Taylor has been doing just fine living in his own little world for the past three years, thank you very much. Losing someone special is life changing, and Brett doesn't understand why everyone and their damn dog thinks they can get all up in his business about him needing to move on. He managed to make the transition from musician to rancher without relying on anyone else's opinion or help, and he certainly doesn't need some city kid coming into his life to disrupt his routine--one that involves grief, isolation, and a whole lot of Jack Daniels.

Moving from one meaningless job to the next, JT Campbell is on a quest to escape his old life and figure out who he is and where he belongs. He's not looking to save anyone, let alone a secretive, hotter-than-hell rancher who wears his heart on his sleeve. JT likes working for Brett, but Brett's made it perfectly clear that any relationship between them other than a professional one will never see the light of day.

But when JT's lust turns to love, and he gives in to his desire to find out what makes Brett tick, will his interest push Brett away? Or will he, through his patience and support, be the one who can finally unbreak Brett's heart?

Amber Quill Press, LLC


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BOOK: Unbreak My Heart 03 - Unwrapped Hearts
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