Unbind My Heart (19 page)

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Authors: Maddie Taylor

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm

BOOK: Unbind My Heart
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“How about the wooden hairbrush? Is this worse than the brush?”

She shook her head as much as she could. “No, Sir. I guess I’m just a wimp.”

He chuckled. “More like your remorse over your slip of the tongue is magnifying the experience. In another situation, this baby will have you soaring.”

“I do feel bad about insulting Sean. I don’t know what came over me. My filter is usually more efficient.”

“This is how this works. You’ll take your punishment and we’ll move on. No further consequences or condemnation unless the behavior is repeated. So stop beating yourself up about it.” He kissed her once more and then gave her a wink. “Anyhow, that’s my job.”

She huffed a little laugh as he stood.

“Carrying on then... If it gets too much, Lexie, remember your safewords.”

The flogging resumed, except he gave her tender butt a reprieve by focusing on her uppermost thighs. This brought the ends close to her exposed and vulnerable pussy, landing occasionally on her full, plump lips. Lexie let out a startled yelp, half way between alarm and delight each time the lash fell near her clit.  

After heating up her thighs, Jonas again stopped and checked in. Sweeping gently over her burning skin, his fingers moved to her smooth, wet lips and dipped inside. Lexie forgot about one fire to concentrate on another. She couldn’t hold back her groan. He stroked there for a few seconds as she whimpered.

“You’re very wet, Sunshine. Once we’re done here, we’ll see to our pleasure.”

In an instant, the flogger was back in action. The pattern forgotten, the flails fell more lightly as he brought them upward, connecting with the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Each stroke also brushed against her pussy. He was right; the flogger had her soaring. She felt the tightness building low in her belly just as a swipe landed a direct lick on her tingling clit. Her high-pitched moan split the air as Jonas concentrated on that particular spot, repeatedly flailing away. The sensual torture being too much to bear, Lexie came undone and cried out her release. 

She shouted his name as he found her bottom with his hands. Tender and inflamed, he spread her open as his fingers penetrated her spasming pussy. Although she had just come, she longed for more, for what she truly needed—his hardness, possessing her, filling her, and making her complete. Jonas did not deny her. 

Before the clatter of the dropped flogger on the hard floor ceased, he entered her. His hands clasped her hips firmly, steadying as he began to thrust inside. Soon, he was pistoning into her so hard that his skin, slapping against her thighs and buttocks, started up a reminiscent whapping sound. Blessedly, no sting or discomfort accompanied this sound, only intense pleasure as he moved within her. As he rushed toward his climax, she was swept along. She could hear his heavy breathing. Grunting exhales of air accompanied each powerful thrust as he touched deep in her core. 

A throaty cry, along with Lexie’s toes curling as her body convulsed, signaled another mind-blowing orgasm was once again overtaking her. While she soared in the aftermath, she watched the mirror, fascinated by the beauty and strength of Jonas’ passion. His corded muscles rippled under glistening skin, flexing and bulging with strain as he approached his release. She watched in rapt wonder as his pleasure consumed him—a more beautiful sight she’d never seen. She felt him shudder against her as he came, his cock jerking and surging deep inside her, his head thrown back as he released a strident roar.

Looking up at his handsome face reflected in the mirror, she was mesmerized by his blue eyes ablaze with passion. As they stared at each other, an awareness came to Lexie. They were perfectly matched, as if made for each other, their interests, their personalities, and their bodies fit together just right. Even their kinks were complementary. If she searched the world over for the rest of her days, she knew she’d never find another man as perfect for her as Jonas.

Chapter Twelve


The following week, Jonas returned to full duty. For Lexie, this meant seeing less of him. Depending upon her work schedule, he stopped by her place, or when she had a day off, they spent the night before at his condo. No matter where they ended up, she awoke in his arms. 

He was spending long, eye-straining hours at the computer with two ongoing investigations. Both were high priority, one business, the other personal. Unfortunately, this meant the drug task force took precedence over the email threats against the judge and The Club owners.

Jonas did have some time to spend on the latter and had explained how he was tracking down IP addresses through proxy servers and WANs. He’d laughed when her eyes had glazed over, computers as foreign to her as medical terminology was to him. He’d summed it up by acknowledging a number of promising leads and stating that it was just a matter of time before they found their culprit.

The rest of his time was spent with Sean locking down security at The Club. They added video cameras at all exits that would be monitored by Rossi. Electronic locks were added at all locations and would alarm at any invalid door access. For added security, outside entrances would require a thumbprint scan, which meant only owners and high-level staff would have access. Dex was reviewing membership files and any suspicious findings were turned over to Rossi for further investigation. This meant the file came back to Jonas for a thorough and in depth background check. 

That was the extent of what Lexie knew. She was sure there was more that Jonas was not disclosing, like the cartel business. She felt fortunate to have coaxed as much as she had from her man. She smiled as she applied a second coat of mascara, thinking her friends might be able to fill in more detail when they meet tonight. After all, it was Wednesday, her LBD was short, tight and hot, and with margaritas flowing, lips often got loose.

The lounge was packed as usual. All the tables including those in the bar area beyond were full, and it was standing room only around the perimeter. Members on the crowded dance floor could barely move an inch right or left before coming up against another writhing, gyrating body. As they danced, Elena’s husky voice belted out the lyrics to an awesome cover of Katy Perry’s
Walking on Air
. The song seemed to be written exactly for a D/s type of love, pushing limits harder… deeper… higher. 

Lexie, Moon and Regan sat at their usual stage-side table absorbing it all as Elena held her audience in the palm of her hand. The applause was thunderous as she wrapped up her first set, and Lexie had to lean in to be heard over the din of the crowd. 

“How does she always find the perfect song with just the right lyrics?”

“She’s a freakin’ genius.” Regan beamed as she raised her glass. “And she’s all ours.”

The girls answered with a lift of their own glasses: margaritas for all except for Lexie with her usual lemon drop martini.

Moon frowned. “She is so awesome, she could be filling up stadiums and arenas worldwide, yet she hangs out in our Podunk town.”

“She’d never leave Dex, not again. She loves him.” This was said by Megan, who walked up hearing the tail end of the conversation. “You’ll understand when you find your one.”

Moon snorted. “If I had her talent, I sure wouldn’t let some man hold me back.”

“Spoken like a true Domme in the making.”

Megan’s eyes looked at her twin in surprise. “Moon’s a Domme? Since when? Okay, fill me in on what I’ve missed. I’m dying for adult conversation, and I only have an hour before Cap takes me back to my two hellions.”

“Are they keeping you busy, Meg?” Lexie smiled at her friend. Looking at her, no one would ever guess she delivered twins two months ago. Her form-fitting little black dress was made of an unforgiving clingy material, her stomach was flat and she looked like she hadn’t retained an ounce of baby weight. “You look fantastic, by the way.”

She smiled at the compliment as she smoothed her hands down her waist and rounded hips. “Thanks, Lex. I’ve found the best diet plan ever—breastfeeding twins. Between Connor and Caleb’s voracious appetites and double the work on everything: diapers, baths and late night feedings, Tony Rossi’s offspring gobble up every spare second of my time and every calorie. It’s the first time in my life I can eat virtually anything I want. It’s awesome.” As she said this, she pulled up a stool. Once seated, she grabbed the bowl of peanuts and began popping the nuts into her mouth—one after another—as if to prove her point. Her friends looked on, all smiles, and shook their heads when she ordered a diet coke without the rum.

“What? Alcohol can transfer through the breast milk. Can you imagine two hung-over infants?” She shuddered at the thought.

“Does Cap help you out?” Moon asked, obviously skeptical that the big, arrogant Dom lifted a finger to help his poor put upon wife.

“Oh Moon, you should see him with the boys. He is the best daddy ever and they love him so. I’ll be close to tears trying to get them down for a nap, but all Tony has to do is speak softly in that deep baritone and they are putty in his hands.” She gave a little grin adding, “Just like their Mama.”

“So how long before you get to play again, Meg?” Regan was full of questions for her sister, constantly comparing her own pregnancy, watching for similar milestones and depending on Megan to answer all her questions. 

“The doctor released me today so we finally have a green light in the boudoir. Unfortunately, my Captain’s a bit more conservative and has put the kibosh on any club play for another two months.” Her lower lip turned out in a pretty pout.

“So why are you here?” Lexie asked, amazed that her man would allow her out of bed with a green light on sex after her mandated maternity dry spell.  

“My parents are in town and staying at our house. Rather puts a damper on romance, if you know what I mean. Tony has a room reserved for us.” Looking around for her husband, she frowned. “He’ll be along soon, I hope. He said he had something to discuss with Jonas. Rossi business I’m sure.” Her gaze captured Lexie’s and she took in her glowing complexion and perpetual dreamy expression. “So, Lex, how are things going with C4? Are they dynamite?”

That set the table to laughing just as the waitress brought their second round. 

Playing along, Lexie grinned. “More like explosive. That reminds me. I’ve been meaning to ask, why ‘C4’? When I asked, Jonas brushed it off, like he’s embarrassed to talk about it.”

Regan looked around, scanning for any owner-Doms in the vicinity. When it looked all clear, she spilled. “There are several rumors flying around about that. Master Jonas was very popular around here before you hooked up with him, Lex. Sorry, the subs talk.”

“Yeah, well… with that face and body, I didn’t expect he was a monk.”

“All of our Doms suffer from the same condition,” Meg offered, “terminal hotness. Except with Jonas, he has a charm that attracts subs like metal to a magnet.”

“Rick told me the real story. Evidently, several years ago while they were still with the Special Forces, they were busy evacuating a building in Kabul where they’d found a bomb. They knew it would take longer to get everyone out than they had time left, so they had to diffuse it. The only problem was, Lil T, who was their weapons specialist, wasn’t with the team that day being off on some side mission for the general. Anyway, they had to get someone else to do it while Lil T talked him through it over the phone.”

“Holy crap!” Moon exclaimed. “That sounds like an action movie plot.”

“I know, right? So, the timer had less than fifteen minutes left, and it was planted in the air conditioning shafts. There was only one person they could call on to deactivate the bomb before it blew everything to smithereens, killing the team and all the people still left in the building.”

Moon and Megan spoke together in awe. “Jonas!”

Regan nodded, in her element as storyteller.

“Why Jonas?” Lexie asked in a near whisper. Although it happened years ago, the thought of Jonas deactivating a bomb scared the hell out of her. “Did he have special training? I thought he was a computer specialist.”

“He is, but he was the only man for the job.” Regan giggled.

“What aren’t you telling me?”

“The bomb was in an air duct, and evidently, Jonas was the only one small enough to fit.”

“Jonas isn’t small. He’s six-feet-two and at least 220 pounds.”

“Rick is taller and weighs more,” Regan replied.

“And Cap is even taller and weighs a bit more than Rick,” Megan added. “Dex was there, but have you seen that man’s shoulders? And Sean is taller and heavier than Jonas, too, although not by much.”

“So my peewee boyfriend climbed in an air duct, diffused a bomb by phone, and saved hundreds of lives? Wow! It sounds exactly like what he would do. He’s a hero.” Lexie wasn’t surprised. Jonas was one of the calmest, most in-control men she’d ever met. It was a bit disconcerting. The only time she saw him even close to losing control was when they were making love. That she could make such a confident and experienced Dom lose some of his famous self-control was a heady feeling, to be sure.

Regan reached across the table and with a mocking pat to Lexie’s hand, said, “Stuck with a peewee, poor dear.”

“I hear peewee makes up for his, uh, ‘shortcomings’ in other departments.” When Meg said this, both twins collapsed into fits of giggles and peals of laughter.

Regan finally managed to calm enough to continue. “The subs in The Club are convinced C4 is an acronym for something else. They’ve spent hours trying to think up what C4 stands for. You know, like 4-Cs. They think it has something to do with the size of his…”


“You know… his.”

“I figured
,” she said with a touch of irritation in her voice. “I meant what do the Cs stand for?

“I’m not sure about all of them, but rumor has it his most important ‘C’ is rather large,” Regan said, winking at a red-faced Lexie.

Lexie skipped that one, having firsthand knowledge. “No comment. What are the other three for?”

“These are all speculative, Lex. One of the girls guessed colossal.”

“I’ve racked my brain,” Megan added. “I thought of charming and captivating, both are fitting for Jonas, but they don’t relate to the big C. The only other thing I could come up with close to colossal was considerable.”

“How about climactic?” Moon offered.

“Celebrated?” Regan giggled.

They all looked at Lexie who put her finger to her lips and tapped, as though deep in though.  “Do I only get four?  There are so many worthy adjectives to choose from.”  Lexie gave them a thoroughly contented smile, just as a clearing throat sounded behind them. 

“Gossiping ladies?” 

They all turned to see Master Dex. He was usually in the lounge when Elena was performing. They should have known to watch out for him or one of the other owners. 

“Regan… you have been a member longest.  Tell the others the rules on gossip, please.”

“Yes, Master Dex. No malicious gossip will be allowed by submissives at any time.”

“Correct, and the punishment?”

“Public chastisement, which means thirty minutes on an open spanking bench with a punishment of the Dom’s choice.” The other girls gasped. Thirty minutes was a long time. Regan tried to explain, “We weren’t being malicious—”

“So you think telling Master Jonas’ new sub about his past exploits is appropriate?”

“Um—no. I guess I didn’t think about it that way, Sir.” Regan looked at her friend and said sincerely, “Sorry, Lex.”

“But Lexie wasn’t gossiping.” Megan objected in defense of her friend.

“Was she listening, asking questions, eagerly hanging on your every word?”

They looked at Lexie, who flushed as she nodded.

“Verbal responses are required here, Lexie.”

“Yes, Master Dex, I listened. I wanted to hear the rumors about Jonas.”

“So, you three subs have each earned a round. I will inform your Doms.” He impressed an intimidating glower on each sub, his look of disappointment blazing intensely into them until in turn, each one averted her eyes. 

Lastly, his eyes fell on Moon. “You’ve been coming to our open sub nights for quite some time, young lady. Surely, you have learned the rules. Since you’re unattached that poses a problem, and you are not a club member either. When are you going to remedy that?”

“She starts training classes next week,” Regan offered. “But she’s a Domme.”

“No matter. You’ll find that a dominant’s training includes experiencing every piece of equipment and every implement we have on hand. I find that it keeps them better grounded when they know exactly what their submissive will be subjected to. I believe Master Dano is running next week’s training class. I’ll speak to him about a certain volunteer for a demonstration on the spanking bench.”

Moon gasped in alarm, both Megan and Regan grabbing her hand in support. Megan whispered reassuringly, “Don’t worry, Moon; Master Dano has a reputation as a gentle and kind Dom, especially with newbies.”

Dex’s outward mien of control did not crack upon hearing that, although his words clearly revealed his amusement at the other Dom’s expense. “I’ll have to fill Dano in on his new status as a marshmallow Dom. He’s an ex-Marine, must be getting soft since leaving the Corps. I’m anxious to see what his reaction is to his ‘kinder, gentler’ reputation.”

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