Unbidden (The Evolution Series) (33 page)

BOOK: Unbidden (The Evolution Series)
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David retorted, “This was not my plan
. Things simply went too far.”

“You are a man
. You are supposed to control yourself.”

“I could not,” David replied.

Rochelle, nearly done with pulling on her hose, hugged her knees at his admission of his desire.

“But here?  You cannot wait a few more hours so you can bed her in a house?  Great Christ, David!  In a church? ”

“You are asking very personal questions. Too personal,” David warned.

“You are a complete bastard,” Theo countere
d, though his voice sounded less angry than before.

“I am a lucky bastard,” David answered.

Rochelle smiled to herself until the priest’s voice boomed out from the altar. “Are you coming to face your sinfulness, Lady Rochelle?”

“Yes, Father,” she answered in the meekest tone she could manage
. She completely repaired her outfit, her cloak clasped tightly under her chin and nary a stray hair escaping her veil. When she emerged, her eyes were lowered as if in shame, but when she reached David’s side, she spared him a glance of pure mischief and twined her fingers with his so he knew things were well between them.



Chapter Twenty-Eight


Marian was momentarily alarmed when Theo burst through his own front door
. She’d been waiting and wondering for hours as the crowd in Theo’s hall slowly thinned, finally leaving her alone. Theo appeared a mite angry as he strode toward her, but David and Rochelle followed him at a leisurely pace, striding in step, their joined hands swinging between them. Something had changed. There was softness, almost a glow about them.

“Where have ye youngsters been off to so late?” she asked, unable to keep a smile from her lips as she rose from her chair.

David cleared his throat, but Rochelle forestalled him with a touch on the forearm. He gazed down at her with adoration — absolute adoration! — as he nodded. Marian was pleased to see him defer to her daughter, and more than a little surprised that Rochelle had given him the chance to do so.

“Mother, we have j
ust been married,” Rochelle announced with a wobbly smile.

“By all that is holy, it is about time,” she cried
. She opened her arms to Rochelle. They rocked each other in a weepy embrace. Marian left Rochelle to grab her new son-in-law’s face between her two little hands. She kissed both of his cheeks, then tearfully declared, “I knew ye’d do right by my girlie. I just knew ye’d do right. Ye are a good lad.”

David stared down at her, slightly bewildered b
y the affectionate praise. He patted her back as his face cracked into a happy smile.

Theo was not yet deflated
. “Her father would be most aggrieved by the circumstances of this wedding,” he chided.

“Oh hush, Theophilus,” Marian interrupted as she stepped back from David to clasp her hands to her chest
. “My husband would like David. He would be happy to deliver his only daughter into such capable hands, no matter what time of day or night.”

David inclined his head in thanks for her support as he explained, “There will be a proper
public ceremony tomorrow at midday. Louis expressed an interest in witnessing the wedding.”

“Ye see, Theophilus, think how happy the emperor would be to know they have already done it!”

Theo choked.

“And another thing,” she continued
. “They will need a room for tonight. Perhaps yer office?”

“Where am I to sleep?” Theo nearly whined
. “I have already given up my bedroom for some of the older men.”

“Anywhere ye choose
. This is their wedding night and they have need of privacy.”  She could not understand why this evoked another choke of laughter from Theo, who then received a reproving glare from David.

arian was not taking “no” for an answer, quickly barking out orders. “David, go to the office and relax. You have had quite an exhausting day. Rochelle will join you in a short time.”

As she climbed the steps behind her mother, Rochelle felt sure this was the most unorthodox wedding day she’d ever heard of
. Her mother turned to her at the top landing. “Now, when we go in the room ye just show me whatever ye want to wear tomorrow and I will have it ready. Then we will get you out of these things and tidy you up a bit. And grab some nice linens for the office.”

“Thank you, Mother, but I must tell you something first,” Rochelle protested

“What is it?”  Marian asked.

“I am not sure the priest will be as silent as he should. You may hear some rumors tomorrow and I would not want you to be…shocked.”

“Ye know I have no time for wagging tongues.”

“Yes, but, the thing is, David and I, we did things a bit out of order tonight.”  At Marian’s confused expression, Rochelle continued. “Before we said the words with the priest, we were, uh, alone for a time.”

Marian grabbed her in a crunching hug and rocked her from side to side
. “I do not care about that. Not one whit. Oh, Rochelle, such a man for you. My only babe, well-married!”

“Yes, Mother, but other people care a great deal about such things.”

“Let them talk, girlie. Ye are happy. David is happy. I am happy. Louis will be ecstatic. Who else matters?” she asked, gesturing viciously at the door.

When they entered the office
a few minutes later, David lounged in a chair, cloak removed and his bare feet stretched in front of him. Theo’s large sleeping pallet took up much of the floor space in front of the desk. Her mother had a pile of fresh, white linens for it. Rochelle carried a parcel of her clothes, her healing bag, and a jug of water. David’s eyes locked on his wife.

When Marian began to change the sheets on the bed, Rochelle quietly asked her to leave them
. She could see David was dead tired. Marian nodded, leaving the room with no more fussing. Rochelle quickly replaced the linens, piling the dirty ones near the door.

“Do you wish to sleep?” she asked.

“I do,” he replied. He rose from the chair to disrobe. She could not help but stare as he revealed the lines of his powerful form again. When he uncovered the bandage on his shoulder, she noticed it was dappled with bright red blood. “Oh no, you have broken it open.”  She rushed forward to tend him.

“I think, in fact, that you broke it open,” he replied, mirth crinkling the corners of his tired eyes.

The stain of a blush rushed to her cheeks as she gently unwound the wrapping. “It is not too bad,” she said, carefully pulling the cloth away from the puncture just above his armpit and the slice over the top of his shoulder. He gave a great yawn. “You could lie down while I find some salve for it.”  He gratefully removed the remainder of his clothing before sliding into the makeshift bed with a satisfied sigh, tugging the top sheet up to his waist and closing his eyes.

Rochelle knelt beside him to gently dab at the wounds with a wet cloth. She blew on them until the water dried then applied a thin layer of ointment
. “Now you will just need to sit up so I can replace the bandage.”  When he didn’t move, she glanced to his face. He was already asleep, his lips parted with the hint of a smile.

She smiled tenderly. It would not hurt to leave the cuts uncovered for the night
. She knew from their week of travel together he did not thrash around in his sleep, and if he did, she would be here to stop him. She longed to push a lock of hair off his forehead but was reluctant to risk disturbing him. So she settled for studying the broad expanse of his chest as it rose and fell, remembering the flex of his muscles when he had come into her, the cords of his neck standing out with his climax.

Her eyes traced down to a smattering of golden hairs around his belly button
. One of his hands rested on the sheet, the knuckles bruised and scabbed from today’s event. Yet he had been so careful with her tonight. Not once did she feel mishandled or overpowered by those hands. Overpowered by the deluge of physical desire, yes, but never frightened by his strength. She studied his face and body until her eyelids grew heavy.

She rose to glance around the room
. David’s clothes were piled near the chair. She folded them neatly, his scent rising from them, the novelty of handling his clothing affecting her in a silly way. She felt so wifely and possessive it made her chuckle at herself.

She walked to the pile of her own things, glancing at her sleeping husband as she
undressed. She cleansed herself, the cold water as titillating as her survey of David’s body had been. Would it be wrong to awaken her exhausted husband for more loveplay?  Would he be shocked if she came to their bed without a nightgown?  She compromised by donning her soft white gown with the laces loose so it gapped around her neck and across her breasts.

She settled next to his good side, pulling the heavier blanket over them, brave enough only to put her hand over his
. He curled his fingers in hers with a vague smile. She watched his profile in sleep until her eyes fluttered closed.

It seemed only moments later when a touch as soft as a feather slid down her cheek to her neck, continuing over her chest
. She opened her eyes to see David on his elbow, watching his finger on her skin. The deep colors of earliest dawn showed through the one small window. His hand slipped into the neckline of her nightgown, pulling it aside to lazily trace her nipple. His expression reminded her of the day she’d discovered his headaches. He watched his hand on her breast with wonderment and tenderness, then swiftly slid it down to reach across her body and grip her waist.

“Every morning since we have been betrothed I have awakened in this state.”  His voice was gruff with sleep but intense
. “Aroused, desiring you, as if you had slept next to me.”

The idea of it sent a thrill through her, a pulse of lust that coursed through her to that place brought to life the first day they’d met
. “I am here now,” she said, hoping to make the invitation clear.

Even her wish for his attentions did not prepare her for his urgency
. He abruptly pushed back the covers to tug at the hem of her gown, leaving it piled around her waist. His fingers tested her. He murmured his relieved praise at her wetness while positioning himself over her. Her unseasoned eyes had only seconds to appreciate the fullness of his sex before he settled carefully but relentlessly within her with a pleased sigh.

He nuzzled at her ear
. “Am I too eager a groom?” he asked, even as he moved slightly, beginning the intimate dance she recalled from last night.

“No more virginal protests
. No more boundaries,” she answered, awed by his desire for her.

“No more endless wanting,” he rasped as he pulled out to thrust in again, harder and harder.

She wrapped her arms around his ribs to hold him tightly as he rode her, his immediate need palpable. She reveled at his nearness, at the love shining in his eyes, at being his wife. He climaxed with a moan. She caressed his back, stunned out of words by the intimacy and power of the moment, with her husband collapsed upon her, still within her. She kissed his injured shoulder.

When he pulled away, she lamented his leaving, but he only slipped to one side, sitting beside her and bringing a hand to her belly.

“Now that I have that out of my system,” he said with anticipation,  “you will not need this.”  Urging her to a sitting position, he pulled her nightgown the rest of the way over her head. She couldn’t imagine what he had in mind since they had obviously just done the mating. His eyes adored her. She glanced at him shyly, her innocent question obvious in her expression.

“This morning we have time. And light
. Be still for me. I want to learn every part of your beautiful body.”

e proceeded to do so, his hands sliding over her and his mouth tasting until her skin became heated. She pressed against him, whispering his name, but he would not be rushed. The needful place within her deepened and spread.

If he would just touch between her legs she knew she would fly to the peak he’d carried her to last night
. But he did not touch her there for a long time. He lovingly memorized every bit of her smooth skin, every nuance of sound she might emit. He stroked and kissed each piece of her except the center of her need, until she was a moaning, quivering mess of desire.

She moved her legs restively, parting them to hook a calf behind his own
. She felt his manhood hard again against her hip, and she whispered, “Yes.”

He smiled at her, his eyes half-closed, his hips settling between her thighs, gently entering her in a smooth stroke until he filled her
. “Yes, sweetling, yes.”

She sighed and she knew
. She knew the answer to the internal question she’d asked since the first time he’d touched her. When he brought his fingers to her, she knew that this was how desire was assuaged, how pounding lust found relief, how physical love expressed the needfulness of the heart.

Then she knew
of nothing but the steadily rising waves carrying her higher until she again teetered on the precipice. Nothing existed in all of creation except them. She saw nothing but her beloved’s face. She heard nothing but his encouraging moans mingling with her own cries in the soft morning air. She tasted nothing but the salt of his skin. She felt nothing but the rapture of his body reaching fulfillment with hers.

After, when their damp skin registered the chill of the room, David slid off of her to tuck her against his side, her head pillowed on his good shoulder
. “I love you,” she whispered.

He squeezed her and kissed the top of her head
. “As I love you, my wife.”  They slipped into a satisfied sleep, awakening hours later to the sounds of breakfast intruding through the office door.

Though neither particularly wanted to leave their nest, both were ravenously hungry, not to mention that they must a
ttend their second wedding. They washed and dressed quickly. “I think that my appearance with you this morning will be the final ornament for my spectacularly bad reputation,” Rochelle observed as she finished adjusting her veil over her hair. “But do not think that I care. I do not,” she assured him as she linked her arm in his possessively. “I want every one of these twits to know I shared a bed with you last night. Maybe that will stop them from talking about sending their fathers to ask for your hand.”

BOOK: Unbidden (The Evolution Series)
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