Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body (52 page)

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postmodernism and, 27778.

See also
Advertisements; Media Context:

and femininity/masculinity, 24;

generalizations and, 23334, 238.

See also

"Axes of continuity" Continuum, eating problems as, 47, 61 Control:

advertising word, 105;

anorectics and, 59, 14254 passim, 17172, 323n.58;

"axis of continuity," 142, 14854, 321n.14;

bodybuilders and, 152;

corsets and, 162;

dieting as, 59, 146, 14950, 162, 191;

and flab, 18991;

of hunger, 68, 130, 143, 146, 171;

Madonna and, 272;

managed self, 68, 152, 166, 17174, 191212;

reproductive, 71, 7797; self identified with, 14546; of sexuality, 16162;

social, 130, 16667;

total, 59, 146, 149.

See also
Discipline; Rights; Will Cornell, Drucilla, 226

Corsets, Victorian, 143, 162, 212

Cosmetic changes, 25158, 264.

See also
Cosmetic surgery; Plasticity Cosmetic surgery, 25, 30, 24650, 259, 296;

age of patients, 246; aging and, 25, 26, 104;

on breasts, 20, 25;

costs, 25;

feminist, 3132;

liposuction, 25, 18991

100, 103, 272

Cott, Nancy, 241, 243

Courts: District of Columbia Court of Appeals, 77, 80, 311n.22, 312n.24.

See also
Supreme Court Crawford, Robert, 187, 199

Creation stories, 34 Creativity:

Madonna's, 272.

See also
Cosmetic changes; Selfcreating Criticism.
Social criticism

Cronenberg, David, 189 Crystal Light ad, 139

"Cultural dope," 30, 3034n.34

Culture, 13738, 18283, 28789, 294 95;

vs. aging, 45, 153;

and biology, 3337;

and black "heritage," 12425; body as metaphor for, 165; consciousnessraising and, 3031;

vs. death, 45, 153; "direct grip" on

bodies by, 1623, 66, 142, 260;

and eating disorders, 27, 3238 passim, 4569 passim, 137, 13964, 17174, 32021;

and fleshiness, 102, 26970;

formations, 217;

industrialized, 118, 157;

metaphysics of, 41, 72;

Middle Ages, 118, 185;

of mystification, 3031;

natureculture duality, 3336, 195;

and oppressor/oppressed model, 27, 2830, 97;

plastic, 246;

postmodern, 24575, 277300, 333n.7; psychopathology as crystallization of, 13964;

and slenderness, 1023, 14041, 15455, 185212;

transformation of, 3642, 240, 243, 28485, 295;

women's created, 97.

Page 347

See also
Consumer culture; Fashion; Feminist/cultural perspective; Greeks; Homogenization; Media; Norms; Practices; Religion; Social position; Text; Victorian culture / Nineteenth century

Culture of Narcissism (Lasch), 163 Cyborg, 22728, 338n.30


261, 265

Dangerous Liaisons,

Davis, Angela, 95

Davis, Kathy, 31

Davis, William, 4849

Dead Again,
39 Death:

control axis and, 153; culture vs., 45, 153

"Decentering," 28384, 285

Deconstruction, 38, 229, 295;

of body representations, 1517; of dualisms, 15, 4142;

feminist, 21719, 22543;

and oppressor/oppressed model, 23;

postmodernist, 21719, 22530, 262, 27374, 28289

DeCrow, Karen, 65, 175 Dee, Sandra, 297, 342n.31
Demon Lover,

Depression (1930s), 76

Derek, Bo, 253, 254, 255

deRiencourt, Amaury, 162

Derrida, Jacques, 218, 22627, 267, 281, 288, 291, 294

Cartesianism Desire:

to feed, 118;

for food, 11016, 118;

management of, 15, 68, 187, 198202, 2056;

management of female, 68, 7879, 8687, 11016, 20512.

See also
Hunger; Sexuality

Destabilization, 13134, 242, 27374, 293, 339n.51

magazine, 24647

Devor, Holly, 293

Dewey, John, 218, 28081

Dexatrim, 103


Diet Coke, 126

Dieting, 18586, 2023;

advertisements related to, 99112 passim, 126, 129, 199; among women, 53, 329n.4;

anorectic's start with, 149, 178;

as control, 59, 146, 14950, 162, 191;

fasting, 185;

feminism and, 30, 31;

and hunger as dangerous eruption, 143; Madonna and, 26970;

morality of, 19293;

starvation as psychological reality of, 103; total control with, 59, 146, 149.

See also
Eating disorders; Weight loss

rule, 87

"Difference," 24, 25, 22224;

academics and, 25960;

gender, 3642, 63, 11819, 21920, 24041, 26568;

Gilligan and, 219, 336n.5; hooks and, 285;

media and, 25862;

power and, 26068, 299300;

race, 26065;

resistance and, 38, 261, 262, 263, 26568, 270;

textual, 21718;

"world"travelling and, 287.

See also
Otherness Dijkstra, Bram, 11416, 117, 206

Dinnerstein, Dorothy, 5, 208, 219, 231 32, 327n.109 Dior, Christian, 325n.103


of body, 25, 16667, 171 72, 179, 186;

of breasts, 20;

Foucauldian, 130, 254.

See also
Control; Desire; Dieting; Fitness; Will
Discipline and Punish
(Foucault), 139, 143, 16566 Discourse:

academics and popular, 25960; anorexia as, 176;

bodily, 170;

on body (feminist), 16568; Butler and, 29091;

plastic, 25865;

on transcendence, 39

District of Columbia Court of Appeals, 77, 80, 311n.22, 312n.24 "Docile bodies," 17, 18, 38, 16566, 186

Dohm, Hedwig, 158 Domestic arena:

agoraphobia and, 170;

anorectics and, 159, 160, 171, 2078;

bodybuilding and, 211;

hourglass figure and, 159, 208, 335n.31;

hysteria and, 15759;

labor division by gender and, 71, 11721, 171;

liberation from, 20811;

transcendence from, 68;

transcendence into, 118;

Domestic arena

women in, 42, 71, 11721, 159, 171, 208.

See also
Reproduction Dominance:

Foucault on, 2628;

male, 29, 3637, 262;

and normalizing cultural forms, 2930.

See also

Donahue, Phil, 25154, 25556, 258, 29394

(Freud), 158, 175, 331n.28

Double bind:

anorectics embodying, 17374;

consumer culture and, 187, 199202, 297

Douglas, Mary, 165, 186, 19899

Drag performers, 38, 29294

"Dream of everywhere," 3940, 218, 22529 Dreyfus, Hubert L., 143

Dualism, 137, 27879;

active spiritpassive body, 1115, 90;

"axes of continuity," 142, 14448, 321n.14;

deconstructing, 15, 4142;

gender, 1115, 90, 11721, 23343, 29394;

going beyond, 15;

hooks and, 287;

in individual rights, 72; inverting, 41;

of meaning, 168;

natureculture, 3336, 195;

normativepathological, 54; in plural universe, 23343.

See also
Gender; Mindbody dualism Duke, David, 3839

DuraSoft ad, 251, 25558, 340n.9 Dworkin, Andrea, 21, 332n.40

Dying to Be Thin
(Sacker & Zimmer), 18889 Dyson, Michael, 286


Dieting; Eating disorders; Food

Eating disorders, 3233, 4560, 13738, 168, 18586, 319n.2;

conferences on, 45, 4749;

as continuum, 47, 61;

culture and, 27, 3238 passim, 4569 passim, 137, 13964, 17174, 32021;

developmental model, 4546;

family and, 4546, 47, 64, 156, 178;

female, 4552 passim, 12831, 140, 15461, 167, 17073, 320n.10, 329n.6;

and femininity, 4748, 159, 17075, 179, 180, 2079, 33132, 335n.34;

feminist/cultural perspective on, 3233, 5355, 6066, 69;

gender and, 4554, 12831, 320n.10, 329n.6;

and hysteria, 46, 4951, 6667, 15759, 16784 passim, 306n.12, 319n.3, 325n.93;

male, 46, 5253, 128, 329n.6;

and masculinity, 15557, 17174, 17879, 20911, 309n.48;

medical establishment and, 4954, 55, 57, 61, 6469, 319n.3, 320n.9; mindbody dualism and, 14454;

multidimensional, 48, 52, 140; and natureculture dualism, 35;

nineteenthcentury, 50, 51, 62, 64, 168, 183, 308n.44, 319n.3;

as pathology, 4866 passim, 140, 175, 18586;

perceptual/cognitive models, 4546, 5460;

psychoanalytic model, 46;

sexual abuse and, 46, 64, 148, 179, 323n.54;

and slenderness, 46, 5760, 67, 6869, 140, 141, 14748, 154, 15960, 17072, 204;

superwoman syndrome and, 47, 17374, 331n.21;

and will, 14748, 15354, 178, 180, 196, 323n.58.

See also
Anorexia nervosa; Bulimia

Eating Disorders
(Bruch), 45 Eckstein, Emma, 162

Eichenbaum, Luise, 32627 Enemy:

body as, 145, 18891, 301n.2;

Woman as, 23637 Epistemology:

body, 34, 39, 22729;

Cartesian, 4, 39, 22728, 229;

deconstruction of, 21719, 22529;

Derrida's, 22627;

Flax and, 280 Eruption:

bodily, 18991;

hunger as dangerous, 143


diet and exercise features, 63; DuraSoft ad, 25758;

and hair straightening, 254, 255;

on overweight, 103;

and power of "difference," 26365; Virginia Slims ad, 100102, 103


and eating disorders, 47;

feminist, 17, 19, 37, 4041, 222, 225, 275;

and gender, 17, 19, 37, 4041, 9495, 222, 225, 275, 292;

and race, 283, 316n.72

Ethnocentrism: feminism and, 217, 221, 222, 225.

See also
Race Eugenics, 7576

Europeanness, romanticization of, 99100 Evian ad, 247, 250

Evolutionary theory, 7576

Exercise, 68;

compulsive, 150, 15152;

Madonna and, 26970, 272;

media on, 63, 199;

norms, 18687.

See also
Fitness Exotica, 25


of embodiment, 151;

"lived body," 14243;

women's reproductive, 9497

Page 348

Eye color, contacts and, 251, 25558, 340n.9


Faludi, Susan, 42 Family:

and eating disorders, 4546, 47, 64, 149, 156, 178.

See also
Fathers; Mothers Fashion, 2425, 25355, 333n.7;

for cool, 233, 331n.21;

and eating disorders, 46, 140, 15455, 159;

exotica, 25;

feminists and, 1820, 2223, 162;

Scurve, 162;

Victorian, 143, 159, 162, 208, 212, 325n.103.

See also
Clothes; Cosmetic surgery; Hourglass/ "Fuller" figure; Slenderness Fasting, 185

Fatal Attraction,
117 Fathers:

and eating disorders, 64, 156, 178;

and fetuses, 83, 8893, 313n.31;

rights, 8893, 313n.31; as true parents, 8993

Flab; Fleshiness; Overweight Faurschou, Gail, 333n.7


of overweight, 14041;

of pregnancy, 46;

of sexual relationships, 46;

of womanhood, 15556, 16061;

of women, 16061, 163

Female disorders, 16784.

See also
Agoraphobia; Eating disorders; Hysteria Femininity, 27, 16884;

and agoraphobia, 168, 170, 17475, 17980;

and ambiguity, 29394;

bodily requirements, 1819, 22; body as text of, 16874;

and class, 117;

construction of, 4748, 117, 16875, 20911;

context and, 24;

and eating disorders, 4748, 159, 17075, 179, 180, 2079, 33132, 335n.34;

hysteria and, 50, 169, 17475, 17980;

ideology of, 17071;

Madonna and, 269;

norms for, 48, 16869;

"old" feminism and, 24, 182;

practices of, 16566, 181; professionals and, 171, 309n.48; and protest, 177;

racism and, 63;

reproduction of, 16584; transcendence of domestic, 68;

Victorian, 24, 50, 15758, 16263, 169, 181, 330n.11.

See also
Domestic arena; Women

(Brownmiller), 2324

Feminism, 4549, 71, 137, 18384, 21543, 337n.18;

and abortion rights, 9495; academics, 23233, 24042, 28185;

AngloAmerican, 1523, 225, 229, 337n.11;

backlash against, 163, 16667, 177, 241;

Brumberg criticizing, 6465; "collective"/"personal," 338n.30; consciousnessraising, 3031; and devouring female, 16162;

and "difference," 3642, 21718, 21920, 22224; "dilemma of twentiethcentury," 243;

discourse on body, 16568;

and eating disorders, 3233, 47, 5355, 6066, 69, 156, 160, 176, 177;

essentialism, 17, 19, 37, 4041, 222, 225, 275;

and ethnocentrism, 217, 221, 222, 225; fathers' rights and, 92;

French, 18283;

and gender skepticism, 21518; Hillary Clinton's, 12122;

homogenizing, 259;

and hysteria, 50, 169, 177, 181, 331n.28; Ice T and, 275;

Madonna and, 26869, 273;

materialist, 231;

methodologism, 21725, 23739;

and mindbody dualism, 5, 1516;

and natureculture dualism, 33, 3435;

and neurasthenia, 169;

nineteenth century, 157, 16162, 327n.118, 331n.28; "old," 2325, 31, 32, 182, 260;

and oppressor/oppressed model, 23, 26, 28; paradigm of 1960s/ 1970s, 167;

and personal choices, 30;

politics of body, 1523, 288, 300;

post, 241, 243;

postmodern, 31, 21730, 240, 279300; and "race for theory," 221;

as systemic critique, 2933, 54, 309n.48;

and transcendence, 3742;

and universalism, 21925; Victorian values inverted by, 183.

See also
Feminist/cultural perspective; "Women's liberation" Feminist/cultural perspective, 54, 60;

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