Unavoidable (20 page)

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Authors: Yara Greathouse

BOOK: Unavoidable
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Holy shit.
Next they show a beat up Joe, explaining how sorry he was to have caused so much trouble.
I am sure his powerful dad is going to have a play in hiding his intoxication. Then
Joe looks straight at the camera.
“She was an angel, I am sure. A beautiful angel who came to my rescue, kept me calm
and made me feel that everything was going to be okay. She saved my life. I have no
words to express my gratitude. I would like for her to come forward so we can properly
thank her.”
They cut back to the news anchor this time, instead of the on-site reporter.
“Those are the statements of gratitude from the Russo family. Here is a still shot
of the rescuer that we were able to obtain from one of the many viral videos shot
by observers during the accident.”
The screen fills with a picture of my face when I looked up to crowd. The sun is shining
behind me, the glare taking away some of the clarity and focus, but anyone who knows
me can tell that the chick on TV, is me.
And while the guys are giving me high fives and talking about me being the town’s
hero, Ciara and I look at each other and there’s no need to exchange words. We know
unequivocally that the tempest is coming. Now it’s just a matter of when.
Where in the hell did I hide my blow? I can’t believe that I still feel juiced up
from last night’s party. Fuck! I am glad my father is out of town. He hates mixing
business with pleasure, and I, on the other hand, love to deal with both at the same
time. I really don’t feel like putting up with all his bitching. I’m in my twenties
and the old fart still treats me like a fucking child. What’s up with that? What is
the point in trying to distribute the merchandise if you don’t know how good and effective
it really is? My motto is never to trust a crook who cooks, especially when his forte
involves cooking
nose candy.
I open the middle drawer on my giant mahogany desk, and pull out the old cigar box
where I keep my stash. Thankfully, I have enough blow to party all night tonight.
I take it out, along with a mirror and a razor. Opening the baggie, I let some of
its contents slowly pour out of the bag and on top of the mirror. This shit is really
good. With the razor, I level it first, then cut the bundle in two thick ass lines,
laughing to myself, and to the fact there is nobody to share this with and I can enjoy
it all on my own. Yes I am stingy with my blow. Throughout the years I have found
that it takes more and more of it to help me reach the high I want, but I don’t want
to think about that right now. The high that I use daily in order to forget all my
failures. To forget
. It’s been almost four years since that bitch I trusted left me without hesitation.
I had to hear it from Pops for months, how stupid I was to trust a girl I knew nothing
about. There was just
about her. Her smile used to help me forget the evil that resides within my heart.
I tried to treat her better than I ever treated anyone else, and she betrayed me.
When I finally get my hands on her, she will pay. She is going to regret making a
fool out of me in front of the entire Trevino family. I will tear her to pieces and
not even a bloodhound is going to be able to find enough of her to make an identification.
I dream about my plan often, and it pisses me off that even now – after all these
years I am thinking about her, and my dick stands immediately at attention. Lowering
my hand I rub and adjust the hardness, while thinking that I could have her just one
more time before I watch her life fade away slowly and painfully.
Reaching inside my pocket I pull out a bunch of neatly folded bills, held together
by a money clip my mother gave me the year before she died. I’m glad she is not here
to witness the level of depravation I enjoy on a daily basis. Taking a crisp hundred,
I roll it perfectly, and bend down to inhale every last bit of both lines. One first,
with the right nostril, then the second with the left. I inhale hard and hold my breath
for a few seconds, until I feel it hit my nervous system, accelerating my heart rate,
bringing me into the moment when nothing fucking matters and everything is okay.
I slowly sit on my chair trying to enjoy my high. It’s time for my favorite pastime.
Turning on my computer, I type “You Tube” in the search engine box. I’m ready to watch
whatever stupid videos are getting the most hits at the moment. I click on the “Popular
Videos” button and start to video surf.
The obligatory puppy video – pass. “California Earthquake” – pass – why do they think
that is news? “Beyoncé is not bossy, she is the boss” – pass – but keep it in mind
because I may have to come back to that one. “Pug Willis Die Hard” – hmmm sounds like
a winner, but I keep going. “Dancing with The Stars finalists” – pass – who the fuck
really cares anyway? “Girl saves students at Homecoming game.” - Pass... Wait a minute.
The frozen frame I am looking at resembles someone I know. I click “Play.” I have
to watch the entire thing before they show her beautiful face, but I knew. I knew
it was her. I can recognize her anywhere by the way she moves and by just looking
at that hot body. Fuck! I watch it one more time and take notes. So you want to be
brave, Brianna? I’ve got you now. I know where you are, bitch, and I’m coming for
Hitting the intercom button on the phone I call Mickey to come into my office right
this fucking minute.
“Yes, Mr. Trevino, how may I help you?”
I print a couple of screen shots with Brianna’s face and hand them to him. I download
the video on a memory stick and pass that to him as well. “You have an hour to find
out where this University is located. I want you to take Carlos and go wherever this
place is and find this girl. Take her and bring her to me. I want updates every two
hours once you get there. I need to be informed of everything! Do you understand?
I want her alive and in one piece. Now go! Tell the computer guys to help you locate
that stuff.” He is looking at the picture and then looks at me. It is possible he
remembers her, but that is not his business. “What the fuck are you looking at? Get
the fuck out there and FIND.THIS.GIRL!!!”
Mickey erases the frown off his face. He finally gets that I am serious. He turns
around and is on his way. I start laughing at how miserably lucky I am. Four long
fucking years.  I cut another two lines of coke. This calls for a celebration.
Chapter 17
I hope Brianna is not mad that I am running a few minutes late.  We have plans to
meet everyone for dinner in a couple of hours, but she insisted that I come get her
early because she has a “surprise” for me. I am not into “surprises” really, I’m way
too impatient. I wish she would have told me what she was up to. But then, that’s
just the way she is, always doing little things to put a big smile on my face. If
she only knew that just by thinking about her, I smile and daydream more than I care
to let the world know.
The realization that I was in love with Brianna Gilmore came to me a couple of weeks
ago, as we were riding her bike at night, going to her favorite star gazing spot,
and she asked me where I see myself ten years from now. All the visions in my head
were of me being with her, married, living the American dream: picket fence home,
dog and a baby on the way… But I didn’t say a thing about any of that… I was scared
of my own thoughts and I was afraid to scare her, too. Since neither Brianna nor I
have had serious relationships, I am not sure when would be a good time to let her
know how I really feel. So I am keeping my mouth shut – for now.
I pull into the familiar parking lot at Brianna’s apartment, and run upstairs to her
door, only to find it ajar, with a pink sticky note that said “Come in, close and
lock the door. Go to the dining room for your next clue.” As I am looking at the note
full of little hearts, I have a huge smile on my face. Never a dull moment with this
I walk to the dining room, where I find another pink sticky note on the back of a
chair. It says “Take two chairs and place then facing each other in the space between
the dining room and living room. Make sure they are at least four feet apart.”
I take two chairs and place them as requested, pacing the measurements by my steps.
In the middle of the floor, I find another pink sticky note. I pick it up. “Walk over
to the stereo and pick up the last clue and the remote.” I have no idea what’s going
on, but I’m excited and nervous. This can go really good or really bad – 50/50. I’m
betting on really good!
“Take the remote and sit on the chair facing the hall. Press ‘Play’ and pay attention
to what’s coming your way.” Like I said – never a dull moment. I assume my position
and do as instructed: sit down on the chair facing the hallway, I lift my arm pointing
to the stereo and press “Play.” I’m not going to lie, the suspense is killing me.
A familiar tune starts to play – an oldie, I hear Snoop Dog’s voice before the name
of the song comes to me, it’s “Buttons” by the Pussycat Dolls. I was laughing when
I realized that this is going to be really good.  I see her coming from the hall.
Holy shit! Brianna approaches, her hips bouncing to the beat of the music, strutting
as if she is a runway model. Her hair is all curled in large waves. Her lips catch
my attention, they are shiny like clean glass and oh! - soo tempting. She smiles at
me and my eyes start to move down her body taking all of her in.
My heart spikes to an unbelievable fast rate when I see what she is wearing. A light
pink shirt, short enough that I can see the black garter belt peeking from under it.
It’s also opened enough in the front giving me a peek to some black lacy lingerie
underneath it all. My eyes travel down her body taking in the black stockings covering
from the feet to the knees by stiletto boots, and you guessed it – they lace up all
the way from the toes to the knees. I am liking this game even more and those bad
boys are staying on the entire time!
Brianna is singing along with the Pussycat Dolls, and since she is smiling, her cute
dimple is on constant display. She also has sexy makeup on, with smoky eyes, and even
though she is normally sporting a more natural look, this one is getting me all excited.
I can feel myself getting hard, and the show is barely starting.
She leans forward on the back of the chair, giving me a peep show to her round and
supple breasts. Standing back up, she walks around the chair. When she is in front
of me, she does a little dance, shaking her hair, moving her hands all over her body,
then she gyrates her hips, turning around and bending over with her legs spread, so
I can see…
Fuck me!
She is wearing
panties! I reach out to touch her, placing my hands on each side of her hips, but
she grabs them and pushes them off of her, then shakes a finger from side to side,
mouthing the word “No.”
I catch myself growling and I can’t help it. I place my hands on each side of the
chair and grab on for dear life. Next, she dances to the back of the chair, and looking
at me, she lifts one leg straight up in the air, until it touches her head. Yeah…
I knew she was flexible, but I’m getting some new ideas on how to put that trick to
good use. Just when I think my eyes are about to pop out of their sockets, she lowers
her leg, putting her foot on the seat in front of her, lifting herself to stand on
the chair, where she proceeds to do some more sexy moves, ending with her jumping
off of the chair, legs split wide open to the point that I get a quick glimpse of
her pink lips, all moist and ready.
Her hands go from her crotch to her breasts, where she pinches her nipples so hard,
that I can see the cherries spring out from under the fabric. Then she grabs the seams
of her pink shirt, and in one fluid motion pulls them apart – and the buttons fly
everywhere – simultaneously as the Pussycat Dolls sing about loosening up their buttons.
This.is.HOT!!! I’m not sure how much more I can wait. She takes the shirt off, revealing
a lace corset laced with pink ribbons. The corset pushes up her breasts, and the enticing
mounds jiggle with every movement, begging for an invitation into my mouth with a
promise of satisfaction. Lifting her shirt up, with one hand she starts to make circles
up in the air like a lasso, she throws it at my face, and I take a good whiff of her
perfume before promptly removing it and tossing it out of the way – I don’t want to
miss a thing.
Still sitting on the chair with her legs spread apart, she does a sexy dance moving
from side to side. Shakes her hair, runs her hands down the sides of her body and
up to her chest, closes her legs – moving them to the side of the chair and holding
on to the back of the chair, leans way back, balancing her entire body on the seat
of the chair, as if it was an exercise ball.  Next, she stands up facing me, and does
a back kick, sending the chair sliding back into the dining room. Now in front of
me, just a couple of feet away, she starts to sway her hips in a belly dance fashion.
Next, she lifts her leg and with great balance and precision, she places her ankle
on my shoulder… Hell, I’m suffering. I don’t want to bust a nut in my pants, so I
try to be strong – but damn, this is so fucking hard. My cheeks are hurting from all
the smiling I’m doing and my imagination is running wild, flashing with all the things
we are going to do when this song is over. Who ever thought that three and a half
minutes can feel like a lifetime and no time all at once?
Brianna straddles me, breathing hard next to my ear, holding my hands to my sides,
singing along to the panting, words “hot” and “I can’t take this” in the song. Taking
my hands, she places each one of them on the ends of the pink ribbon holding the corset
together, and she leans back, slowly. As she puts distance between our torsos, the
ribbon of the corset comes undone, and as I release the ribbons, she is doing a backwards
cartwheel from my lap, landing in a full split on the floor right in front of me.
I grab my hair and pull, because she is driving me insane and I’m trying to keep my
She gets up and spins away from me, dropping the wide open corset on the floor. Turning
around, with her hands covering her breasts, and she kicks the corset to my face and
I let it fall to the ground, carefully watching her next move. I rub my enlarged cock,
triumphantly bringing her attention to the rock between my legs, causing Brianna to
slowly lick her lips.
She drops sexily to her knees, then lowers to the floor on all fours, crawling towards
me, until her face is in front of my very swollen crotch. She pulls on my button fly
and without a lot of effort, slides my underwear down a bit, springing my dick to
freedom. Showing me her tongue, she slowly licks the tip of my dick, lapping at the
bead of cum that had quickly come up. Unexpectedly, she lowers her head, taking in
my length until I feel the back of her throat. She sucks hard a few times and I have
to stop her from continuing - I am surprised at my willpower as I did not come right
there on her face, and I’m glad I didn’t because Brianna positions herself with a
leg on each side of me, lining her opening just right and when the song comes to an
end, she lowers her body, getting the fill she needs and satisfying my every want.
The second the Pussycat Dolls finish singing, I start riding Colton, hard and fast.
He manages to put almost my entire “C” cup in his mouth, and sucks hard. I am clutching
his hair and decide he has too many clothes on. I want to rip his buttons off, but
think better of it, since we are going to dinner after we have our fun.
I loosen up his buttons and once I peel the shirt off him, I run my hands all over
his warm and sexy shoulders and chest. I put my nose to his neck and inhale his manly
cologne, I bite him and his growling is making me even wetter, if that is possible.
Between my legs, I feel like I am on fire. My clit is swollen and I need release.
I moan loudly, “Colton, please!” and like an expert guitar player he is, his finger
finds the right bundle of nerves while his mouth covers mine in a passionate and wild
kiss. It only takes a few seconds of him touching me, for me to explode from within.
“Fuck, baby, that little pussy of yours is so tight, fits me like a perfect glove! 
After all this, you know I am not going to last long, don’t you?”
I can’t answer, because I am still shaking wildly. My entire body has become extraordinarily
sensitive to every kiss, every touch. I feel Colton lifting me while my legs are wrapped
around his waist. His mouth is on my neck, kissing, licking and sucking gently – making
my orgasm last longer than expected. His hands are squeezing my ass, and he is pumping
in and out of me with each step, while moving us to a second location: the couch.
“I need to taste you, Brianna…” I am sitting on the edge of the back of the couch,
barely recovering, when he pushes against my shoulders gently telling me to lean back.
I do so and my head is now lower than the rest of my body, almost upside down. This
is going to be good. His mouth is on me. Colton spreads me with his fingers, and his
tongue begins a swirling attack all around my clit. I can’t help it when my hips buck
against his mouth, and my punishment is his lips sucking directly on me, while the
vibrations of his growling push me over the edge again. This time, however, is a lot
more intense because of the blood rush that’s already going on in my head, and I scream
his name, while my entire body trembles.
He gets up and puts his hard as steel cock inside me, expanding me while my body is
still contracting. Pure pleasure. He helps me up from the edge of the couch, slowly
but in somewhat of a hurry, turns around and walks the few steps to pin me against
the wall. I’m trying to get mentally prepared for the gloriousness I am about to receive.
I am ever so grateful that this gorgeous, strong, sweet man was put in front of me
and was ready for the taking. The pleasure I have received from him in these past
few months has been better than the few pleasures I can count from my entire life
before him.
“Tell me what you want, baby…” His hips are rocking around, and I know what he wants
me to say, but I wish I could say so much more. I wish I could ask him to love me
the way I love him.

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