Unacceptable Behavior (2 page)

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Authors: Morganna Williams

BOOK: Unacceptable Behavior
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It was a spanking story. A grin lit his face as he locked the screen on Maxine’s phone and dropped it into his shirt pocket.
Isn’t this ironic?
he thought to himself and wondered if Max would eventually appreciate the irony of her situation.

Chapter Two



Max bit her lip as she watched Rafe take charge of the situation; almost before she could blink he’d called one of his security guards to come help push her car out of the way of oncoming traffic and hustled her into the cab of his big truck. While she waited for Rafe to get in the truck, she contemplated what had just happened; her heart was still beating ninety to nothing from the scare. Thank God Rafe was okay.

She’d been reading about a feisty young lady getting her bare bottom spanked first with the hero’s hand and then his belt. When the horn honked, Max thought the light was green and gunned it only to crash into the back of the big Dually truck in front of her, and was mortified to look up and see the light was still red.

What if she’d hurt someone? She was so
Her heart had nearly dropped to her feet when a frowning Rafe climbed down from the cab; of all the people to rear-end. Could this day get any worse?

Rafe climbed into the seat next to her and put his truck in gear; without a word he pulled up and parked in front of the office building.

“Ummm… I guess I should…” Max began hesitantly.

“What you should do is go up and wait for me in my office, young lady,” he said in a no-nonsense tone.

Max blinked as she studied his usually easygoing face. Rafe looked different… he looked stern. “I’m really sorry about…”

“Go wait in my office, Maxine. When I get your car towed I’ll come up to you and we can have a little talk about how sorry you are.”


“Now!” The sharp command sent her flying from his truck and into the building. She suddenly felt the need to get as far away from him as possible. His very tone made her bottom clench and tingle in the oddest way. Which was of course silly; Rafe would never dare to do such a thing as spank her. Would he? Max flushed as her clit seemed to jolt to throbbing attention at just the thought and telltale moisture sprang forth to moisten the gusset of her panties.

She sighed as she unlocked the front door to their offices. It was so quiet it when it was empty it was almost creepy. By ten after five the whole building was completely cleared out unless something special was going on. Tom the CEO felt very strongly about keeping work and home balanced so everyone generally hit the doors right at five.

Max looked nervously into the dark interior of Rafe’s office. “This is silly!” she said to herself, but acknowledged that it felt a little like being sent to the principal’s office.

The more she thought about Rafe’s highhanded attitude, the more irritated Max became. It wasn’t like she rear-ended him on purpose! There was no reason to be so nervous and she decided she had no intention of waiting for Rafe in his office like a naughty child. Her cubicle would do just fine.

Her shoulders set in a firm line, she marched down to her little cubicle and turned on the light. Looking at the stack of work she’d been ignoring for the last week or so, Max sighed. Maybe if she did penance by working on some of it, she wouldn’t feel as guilty about hitting Rafe.

In a matter of minutes Max was absorbed in her work, determined to accomplish something while she waited.


* * *


Rafe gave a satisfied nod as he watched his little troublemaker hightail it out of sight; hopefully she was beginning to grasp the seriousness of her situation. He knew it would take a while to get a tow truck, then to take care of setting it up with a reputable mechanic. While he took care of business, little Miss Maxine could stew in her juices.

He contemplated the opportunity that Max herself had just handed him on a silver platter; Rafe had been wondering how to engineer a discipline situation and she’d done it all on her own. He found himself grinning as he talked to the garage he regularly used for his own truck. It was another forty-five minutes before the tow truck came and her car was loaded. She’d had plenty of time to think about her actions.

It was time to pay the piper! He grinned and headed into the office building.

Rafe frowned when he walked into his dark, empty office. Someone was really looking for a sore bottom.



* * *


Max jumped. “Down here, Rafe… you don’t have to roar!”

“I thought I was pretty clear with my instructions, young lady.” The soft-spoken words from directly behind her sent a shiver of foreboding across Max’s skin.

“I just thought I would…”

“I don’t know what you just thought but I know you better get your keister down the hall to my office pronto, little girl.” Again the command was given quietly and somehow it was way scarier to Max than if he’d yelled.

“Rafe, I know I really screwed up but…”


She blinked. He was counting?


Max’s eyes widened and she rubbed her hands over her arms to dispel the shivery feeling that seemed to be growing.


She jumped up and hurried down the hallway to Rafe’s office. Max wasn’t exactly sure what was happening but childhood had ingrained the knowledge that anything higher than three was really bad.

Her heart was pounding in her chest as she skidded to a stop and plopped down into the chair in front of his big desk.

The light flickered on behind her. Max held her breath with an air of expectancy. She had no idea what she was expecting, but the way her tummy was doing flip-flops said it wasn’t good.

Strong thighs came into view as Rafe seated himself on the edge of his desk in front of her. Max gulped.

“Look at me, young lady.” Again with the soft-spoken command.

Max stared straight ahead, afraid of what she’d see in his eyes if she looked up. He would surely hate her now.

“Maxine…” he drawled slowly, as if to wring every ounce of displeasure with her he could from the two syllables.

Max looked up to meet his eyes. The stern look that met her caused her bottom to clench of its own volition.

“You want to tell me what happened out there?”

“I rear-ended you?”

One dark brow rose.

“It was an accident…”

“What were you doing when you had the accident?”

“Ummm… well, I guess I was… changing the radio station… yes, changing the radio station and only took my eyes off the road for a second and…” Max was warming to her explanation.

“You wanna try again?”

Max frowned. “No, I just told you what happened…” Her stomach plummeted from about twenty stories when he pulled her cell phone from his shirt pocket.
Please let it have gone dead… please.

“Now it seems to me you were reading a story about a girl named Amanda getting her butt busted,” Rafe said baldly.

So much heat filled her face, Max thought she would spontaneously combust at any moment. This was mortifying.

“You wanna tell me what Miss Amanda did to warrant such discipline?”

She didn’t answer but watched Rafe put a finger to the side of his face as he pretended to think about it.

“Hmmmm, what could she have done…? Could she have been reading while driving and rear-ended Jack?”

All that Max could manage with the huge lump in her throat was a horrified squeak and a shake of her head in response.

“Cat got your tongue?”

She closed her eyes as even more heat rushed up her neck and a pounding started in her ears. Max wondered if it was possible to expire with embarrassment then realized she couldn’t be that lucky. “She forgot to pay the water bill,” she said softly.

Rafe took a minute to admire her color-infused face before getting up to get the straight-backed desk chair by the window. Setting it down a few feet from Max, he rolled up his sleeves.

Max finally risked opening her eyes when the silence grew too long to bear. The sight of the chair and Rafe rolling up his sleeves made her shoot straight up in her seat.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“What does it look like?”

She decided to do the only sensible thing and run. Unfortunately she didn’t even make it to the door before Rafe was standing in front of it blocking her exit, so she pivoted sharply and ran to the other side of the desk to put it between them.

“Come here, Maxine,” Rafe said softly as he stalked slowly around the desk, while she circled in the opposite direction, making sure to keep the desk between them.

“No way, José,” she said with a shake of her head.

“You aren’t leaving this office without the discipline you and I both know you deserve,” he said firmly just before he vaulted over the desk, landing lightly on his feet right in front of her.

Max screamed and made another mad dash to the door in an effort to escape her fate but he caught her with ease.

“Uh, uh, uh,” he said as he caught her around the waist and hauled her to the chair, managing to sit down and pull her down over his thighs in almost one movement. “You and I have some business to settle, little lady.”

“You can’t!” she wailed, trying to twist away from him to no avail.

Rafe simply rested his broad palm on her upturned bottom and asked, “Can’t do what?”

She froze over his lap. Good night, Irene! He was going to make her say it out loud!

“I can’t do what, Maxine?” The velvet-encased steel was back in his voice.

“You can’t… you can’t…” She stopped, near tears, helplessly hanging over his knees.

“Can’t what?”

Finally she slumped in defeat, knowing Rafe would wait until she said it. “Spank me.” She sniffed miserably.

“With pleasure,” he said with a grin and began pulling up her skirt to reveal the target area.

“No! I said you can’t spank me!” she screamed.

“I could have sworn I just heard your sweet voice ask me to spank you.”

“C-A-N-T, I said you
spank me!” she yelled in alarm.

“Watch me, little girl,” Rafe said, dispensing with her skirt and panties almost before she knew what was happening.

Max hadn’t thought her embarrassment could get worse, but that was before she realized he was looking down at her humongo bare bottom.

“No, Rafe!”

“Yes, Maxine. I think you deserve at least as much as Miss Amanda got, don’t you?” he asked almost conversationally as he skimmed a hand lightly across her bottom almost as if he liked what he saw…

She started squirming almost desperately, trying in vain to get away. “Stop!”

“Stop? I haven’t even started. Don’t be so impatient,” he scolded before lifting his hand and smacking it back down on her posterior.

Her whole body jerked in response. “Owwww!”

Rafe tucked her in tight and began to deliver a thorough and blistering hand spanking. Max was still yelling ‘no’ into about the twentieth smack; by the thirtieth she was simply yelping in tune to whatever beat was playing in his head.

Max couldn’t believe how much it hurt! He paid special attention to the tender area where her bottom met her thighs, leaving her wailing over his lap. He was lighting a fire she knew would last awhile.

By the time Rafe felt she’d had enough, her bottom was a brilliant scarlet from the top of her bottom to midway down her thighs. Max was a sniffling mess when he stood her up in front of him.

She shifted from foot to foot, trying to wriggle the awesome sting out of her behind.

“Look at me, Maxine,” he said sternly.

She shook her head.

“Max… one…” Her head flew up when he started counting and she saw him bite back a smile; the brute found her predicament amusing! “What do you think about reading while you’re driving now?”

“I’ll never do it again!” she promised fervently.

“Hmmm… I think you should do some corner time and think about what led you to this moment,” Rafe said, standing to guide her over to the corner nearest the door.

“I don’t want to…” A slap to her already tenderized rear stopped the small rebellion in its tracks.

“I didn’t ask if you wanted to, young lady,” he said in a firm, no-nonsense tone.

Max soon found herself standing bare-bottomed, nose in the corner with a flaming backside. As she stood there sniffling, she wanted to rant and rave about the injustice of it, but knew deep down the spanking was deserved. The thought of what she’d done to Rafe of all people made her want to weep anew.

Forget dating; now he wouldn’t even be her friend. While she’d known she really didn’t stand a chance with the handsome head of security, at least until now, Max had been able to keep her fantasy alive. But now, she felt its loss keenly.

Still, she knew crying over it would have to wait until she was alone in her apartment.
Besides, I have enough to cry about at the moment,
she realized as she reached back to rub her scorched bottom.

Before she even touched it, her hand was intercepted and another sharp smack landed on her tender cheeks. “No rubbing.”

She’d been so wrapped up in her thoughts that Max hadn’t even realized Rafe was still standing right behind her. Her humiliation was complete; not only had he spanked her bare bottom, he was standing behind her watching it jiggle as she tried in vain to wag some of the sting out of it. She felt her shoulders slump in defeat and a deep sigh sounded behind her.

Max gasped when she heard the sound of his belt sliding through pant loops and she spun around to face him, pressing her belabored bottom to the corner as if to protect it.

“No, Rafe! Please… I can’t take anymore,” she wailed passionately.

“You can and will take every bit of what you’ve earned, Maxine. I told you I thought it would be just deserts for you to get exactly what Amanda got in the story and she finished with a taste of the belt,” he said resolutely.

Max felt her face blanch. Amanda had finished with twenty-five licks of Jack’s belt. She knew for sure because she’d read the scene through at least eight times. It was hard to believe that earlier today she’d found it a delicious scene to read, because now Max didn’t think she’d ever read another spanking story as long as she lived. Reality had a lot more bite!

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