Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three)) (9 page)

BOOK: Ultimate Warrior (The Fight for Creation (Book Three))
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“My father saw the training tapes. I had erased them from his files but the Duke asked him if he had seen them. He ordered another copy and saw what I did during training.”


“He stripped me of my title, kicked me out of his house, and told me I was removed from the succession.” Pixie just stared at Russell. “He told me I was to complete my service with the Warriors or I would never be welcome in his home again.”

“Where are you assigned?”

“I’m not.”


“No one will take me. I’ve been here at the assignment office for a week and no unit in the Realm will take me. I can’t say I blame them.”

“Oh come on, Russell. You know you only care about yourself.”

Russell sighed, “I deserve that. Things look different from outside the Royalty. It appears I’m a pariah and it doesn’t feel good to be viewed as one with no courage.”

Pixie stared at Russell and he said, “I am sorry. I don’t expect your forgiveness but I just wanted you to know. Good luck.” Russell ended the call.

A week later he was still sitting in the Assignment Office when he heard, “I understand you’re looking for a unit.” Russell looked up and saw Mitch in a Major’s uniform. He jumped up and saluted. Mitch returned his salute and said, “Pixie tells me you’ve run on some hard times.”

Russell nodded his head, “I have. You’ve obviously done well.”

“I really didn’t push for this but it just happened.”

“I saw in training that you were a good tactician. I suspect someone else saw it as well.”

“Russell, I feel somewhat responsible for what’s happened to you. I could have told you where the second platoon’s forces were hiding and chose not to do it.”

“You knew where they were?”

“I did.”

Russell stared at Mitch and finally said, “Was I that bad?”


“I should have listened to you. Why are you here?”

“I’m having you placed in one of my companies.”

Russell stared at Mitch for a long moment. “Why would you do that?”

“Like I said, I feel somewhat responsible. I will not put you in a command position but I will give you a home. Are you able to be under my authority?”

Russell took a deep breath and said, “Unlike me, I know you won’t send me on a suicide mission. That’s enough for me. I’ll be a good warrior.”

Mitch reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out some forms, “Take these to the Colonel and he’ll process you. Do you need a few days off?’

“No, I have nowhere to go.”

Mitch stared at Russell and knew what he was feeling. “I’ll see you at our base.”

Russell stood and saluted, “Thank you for your consideration, Major.”

Mitch nodded and returned the salute. Russell watched him go and knew that Pixie had chosen and it wasn’t going to be him. She had to be the one that told him and that meant they were communicating. So many opportunities missed. He went to Col. Tyre’s office and knocked. He went in and handed the papers to the Colonel. Tyre looked at them and said, “That’s a new unit. The Commander has really impressed the Admiral. I’m surprised he accepted you.”

Russell said, “So am I.”

• • •

Russell arrived at the Fourth Battalion’s training facilities and reported to the headquarters building. He was directed to Sgt. Major Cantrell, who was busy chewing out a Staff Sargent. He saw Russell waiting outside his office and yelled, “What do you want!”

“Sir, I was directed to report to you, Sir.”

“You must be Slade.”

“I am, Sir.”

“Report to Delta Company after you go to the quartermaster and have your armor reactivated.”

“Sir, Yes Sir.”

Russell saw Cantrell continue his barrage with the Staff Sargent. He went to the quartermaster and his armor was activated and he armed it in the base armory. He set all his systems on safe and then went to the barracks with a big D on the front. He found a Staff Sargent waiting on him. Russell came in, saw the Sargent, and dropped his bag and came to attention. “Sir, Private Slade Reporting, Sir.”

Sgt. Semy came forward and put his nose an inch from Russell’s and said, “You have been assigned to my squad. I understand that you have no problem watching Warriors die. In my squad, we take care of each other and if you don’t hold up your end I’ll make life miserable for you. You got that!?”

“Sir, Yes Sir.”

“Put your bag on this bunk and get your butt out to the platoon.”

Russell dropped his bag on the bunk and looked at the coordinates on his wrist unit. “Sir, should I teleport or run to the platoon’s location?”

Semy Smiled, “You will run. It’s only two miles.” Russell turned and ran out the door and found Sgt. Semy waiting for him. Russell sighed. He knew he was in for a hard time but at least he had a place to live. He ran up to Sgt. Semy and said, “Private Slade reporting as ordered, Sir.”

Semy gave Russell a hard glare and said, “Private Tarver, get over here.” A Warrior ran over and came to attention. “Private Tarver, this is your number two. You are the odd man out and you will be forced to take this poor excuse of a Life Warrior as your partner. See if you can show him the protocols in our maneuvers. You might have to show him several times due to his obvious stupidity.”

“Sir, Yes Sir.”

Semy had never taken his eyes off Russell and after a long moment he walked away.

“I don’t know whose canteen you chose to pee in but it must have been someone with a high rank.”

Russell looked at his partner and said, “I deliberately sent fifteen warriors to die in our last training exercise. They assume I’d do it for real if given the opportunity.”

The Private stared at Russell and shook his head, “I can see where that might cause an issue. Would you?”

“Would I what?”

“Have done it for real?”

Russell blew out a breath, “I think I would have.”

“Well, life is an experiment and sometimes you have to mix the brew another way. I’m Joe Tarver.”

“Hi, Joe, I’m Russell Slade.”

“Let’s you and I get something straight before we get started. I will do all I can to protect you if things get dicey. I expect you to do the same.”

Russell looked at Joe and said, “I will do the same.” Joe stared at Russell who said, “You’re the only one that’s shown me any hint of kindness. I won’t allow you to be harmed if there’s anything I can do to stop it.”

Joe stuck out his hand and said, “That’s all a Warrior could ask, Russ.”

Russell flinched at the use of his father’s name but took Joe’s hand and shook it. Joe had a firm hand shake. “Let’s go over our maneuver patterns.”

“I’m not sure what the Sarge meant by partners?”

“Major Callaway has instituted a pattern of maneuver where two man teams work together within the framework of our defense computer. It increased the chances for a Warrior to survive in combat. Let me download the patterns into your system and them we can practice them until we can do them without thinking.” Russell nodded, activated his armor and saw the information appear on his tactical display. Joe said, “Put your system on training mode and lock it down. Are you ready?” Russell nodded and was teleported with Joe. Russell learned that their armor was locked in tandem when one teleported, the other would follow the lead teleport in a supporting role.

• • •

Over the next six hours Russell was following Joe around the practice grounds at an incredible rate. He was worn out and saw most of the other Warriors had left for dinner. Joe hadn’t called a halt to the practice so he continued to follow the patterns. Fifteen minutes before the cafeteria closed Joe said, “Let’s go get something to eat and we’ll continue after we finish our meal.”

Russell said, “Joe, I’ve not done anything in the last six months and I’m out of shape.”

“Then this should help you get back in shape. Our survival depends on our ability to use these patterns. I have a wife and daughter that are depending on me to make it back.”

Russell took a deep breath and said, “Lead the way. I’ll do the best I can.”

Joe finally called an end to the practice at eleven PM and Russell showered and collapsed in his bed. The next day was even harder but Russell was beginning to get a feel for how the patterns fit. After five days he and Joe could do them without thinking. Russell knew where he or Joe would be whenever they teleported or moved forward in their armor. He also knew the field of fire he was expected to control and knew Joe would cover the other field. The second week, the two man teams came together and began practicing with their platoon.

Lt. Belemy watched his unit move across the training landscape and said, “Sgt. Dwire , that new recruit and his partner work well together.”

“Yes Sir. Private Tarver has really worked the newbie to get him up to speed.”

“Keep an eye on Slade. I’m concerned about his conviction to the Corps.”

“I will and Sgt. Semy will as well.”

Belemy nodded and wondered why the Major had accepted Slade into the ranks. He decided that Slade was not going to endanger his platoon. He would not give him any task that would endanger anyone other than himself.

Russell was finally accepted by the other members of the platoon and began getting to know those he was going to fight with. He determined early on that Joe was going to move up in rank and he dreaded it. He knew that he and Joe really worked well together and he didn’t want to lose him. It was clear the stocky private was well liked by his fellow warriors.

They were sitting in the cafeteria and Russell said, “Joe, it’s just a matter of time until you’re promoted. I really dread that happening.”

“I understand why, Russ. If the reverse were true I would also dread it.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“Oh; why not?”

“My file states that I will never be placed in any command position during my service. I’ll remain a Private.”

“Russ, that’s not fair.”

“Yes it is. My behavior has shown a total disregard for others and I can’t be trusted to command.”

“Do you understand why?”

Russell sighed, “I do. I had a Royal Title and I had a sense of superiority over everyone else. I guess I saw everyone that wasn’t a Royal as just common people.”

“What do you mean had a Royal Title?”

“My father stripped me of my title and kicked me out of his home.”

Joe shook his head and said, “That must have been hard to take.”

Russell nodded and after a moment of silence said, “I discovered that when I lost my title I lost my sense of who I am. That title defined me. Now I don’t know who I am and I’ve lost the thing that gave me my sense of worth.”

“Well, I can tell you one title you still have.”

“What is that, Joe?”

“You’re my best friend. That’s a good place to start over.”

Russell smiled and said, “You are my only friend, Joe. But thanks, that means a lot.”

“Hey, you can come home with me on our next liberty. Ana will love to meet you.”

“You’ve got a deal.”

Russell looked up and saw Pixie enter the cafeteria and he lowered his head. Joe saw him and said, “Do you know Captain Mille?”

“Yes, I tried to force her to go to a ball with me before I was defrocked. She was also in my training platoon. Can we get out of here?”

Joe smiled, “You should always face down your demons. Otherwise life becomes one giant rush into fear.”

Pixie picked up her tray and sensed something. She turned around and saw Russell sitting at a table with another Warrior. She hesitated but then walked over and the two came to attention, “At ease, Gentlemen. Do you mind if I join you.”

Joe said, “It would be an honor, Sir.”

Pixie looked at Russell and saw his discomfort. “How’s training going, Private Slade?”

“I have a good teacher, Sir. Joe is one of the best.”

Pixie nodded and said, “What do you think about the maneuver patterns?”

“They’re genius, Sir. The Major has developed an outstanding method to improve our survival possibilities.”

Pixie stared at Russell and said, “I’ve accepted your apology so there’s no need to feel nervous.”

Russell smiled, “Sir, when a private isn’t nervous in front of a Captain, he is either dead or out of his mind.”

Pixie and Joe both laughed and Russell said, “Please excuse me, Sir. I have some equations on the effects of gravity on an ego to work out.”

Pixie smiled and watched Russell leave. Joe said, “Sometimes you have to lose it all to find yourself, Sir. Please excuse me.”

Pixie stared at Joe and nodded. She watched Russell move out of the dining hall and saw several Warriors at other tables motion him to join them. He said something that made them laugh as he left the building. Something had changed. Russell always ate alone in training. She almost felt sorry for him but couldn’t bring herself to do it. He was a jerk.

Chapter Seven

ir, the Carnivores have launched early and have started landing operations at the planet.”

Jason hit his panel and saw Admiral Young appear, “We are going to intervene in an invasion and they’re already landed on the planet. Get your scout vessels out and start collecting data. Plan an immediate launch of the fleet and get the Warriors notified of impending landings.”

“Yes Sir.”

• • •

Fourth Battalion was teleported to their transport and was assembling in the main landing bay. Mitch called Pixie and she reported to his office, “Pixie, I’ve not discussed this with you before now but I can’t put it off any longer.”

“What is that, Sir.”

“I know your mother has a unique set of skills that most humans don’t possess. Did you inherit any of them?”

Pixie narrowed her eyes and said, “I do have some of her skills.”

“You’ve not used them in the past, have you?”

“No, I felt it wouldn’t be fair in competition with other trainees.”

“This is no longer training, Pixie. I want you to use all of your talents and skills in this operation. Will you do that?”

“I will, Sir. I have already made that decision and my mother agrees that I have no restraints in making use of my talents.”

“I want you to use your own mechanism of camouflage and avoid using your armor’s.”

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