Ukulele For Dummies (38 page)

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Authors: Alistair Wood

BOOK: Ukulele For Dummies
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Figure 8-12:
Simul-taneous pattern with melody.

As well as simultaneously picking with your thumb and one finger, you can simultaneously pick with two fingers. The pattern in Figure 8-13 and on Track 20, Part 1, has the index and middle fingers picking at the same time. Also notice that in this example your fingers have moved one string down. So your thumb is on the C-string, index finger on the E-string and middle finger on the A-string.

Figure 8-13:
Simul-taneous fingerpicking pattern.

Add extra chords to the pattern (in this case Gm and Dm) and you get Figure 8-14 and Track 30, Part 2.

Figure 8-14:
Simul-taneous fingerpicking pattern with chords.

Thumbing around: The alternate picking pattern

I hope that you've warmed up your thumb because it's going to be doing a lot of work in this section.

In alternate picking, the thumb alternates between picking the g- and C-strings. The g-string can be picked first – as shown in Figure 8-15 and on Track 31, Part 1 – or the C-string can be picked first – as shown in Figure 8-16 and on Track 31, Part 2.

Figure 8-15:
Alternate thumb-picking.

This figure is so dull that it may well turn up on the next James Blunt album, but practising it builds up accuracy with your thumb. When you're happy playing this pattern, you can fancy it up by adding notes in-between.

Your thumb is covering both the g- and C-strings, and so your other fingers need only to cover the E- and A-strings. Use your index finger to pluck the E-string and your middle finger to pick the A-string.

Figure 8-16 is built on the C chord shape. Pick the E- and A-strings simultaneously with the index and middle fingers, respectively.

Figure 8-16:
Alternate picking pattern.

Add in the C, F, G7 chord progression and you get Figure 8-17.

Figure 8-17:
Alternate pattern with chords.

You can make a more intricate sound by alternating the strings you play with your fingers as well as your thumb, as in Figure 8-18.

Figure 8-18:
Variation 1 on the alternate picking pattern.

In this picking pattern, you play the notes from lowest to highest in terms of pitch.

With the chords, you get Figure 8-19 and Track 32, Part 1.

Figure 8-19:
Alternate pattern variation with chords.

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