UFOs in Reality (36 page)

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Authors: T.R. Dutton

BOOK: UFOs in Reality
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This was my interpretation of the diagrams.
The first sheets were generally giving examples of the symbols to be used in future diagrams. The more complicated, follow-on, diagrams were, perhaps, intended to reveal the nature of the ETs’ mission here. They seemed to suggest that humanity is going to be beset by a killer ‘bug’ from which no one will have immunity. The ETs’ task will then become one of rescuing
individuals from all points of the compass (ie. from all over the world). In other words, they will then provide the services of a space-age Noah’s Ark to preserve members of the human race for the future.

End days and the fate of human souls (?)

Having barely recovered from the amazing things delivered by Jeff’s drawings just described and interpreted, I received further elaborate drawings from him during October, 1997. These had been received by him on September 18th. They are presented here as Figs.56-59. The style of the drawings was very different from that of the previous outpourings. I found the interpretation of the symbolic sketches very difficult, but I was assisted by having had telephone conversations with Jeff, getting his views about the messages he was receiving.


Fig. 56


In the middle of this first sheet there seemed to be a diagrammatic depiction of a Black Hole. To the left and right of this were drawings reminding me of electrical circuit diagrams. At extreme left, at the same level on the sheet, was what looked like a cross-section of a volcano, showing an empty central vent. Immediately above this vent was a small circle with radiating lines, which was linked to the lower of two ‘tadpole’ shapes. These seemed to emanate from a large ten-pointed star above them. Each of the ‘tadpoles’ had the familiar ‘power’ spiral on either side of it. The overall impression I gained was that the star object was injecting something into the vent of an extinct volcano. The upper part of the page seemed to me to be possibly portraying aspects of human space-age technology, with images resembling a space shuttle craft, nuclear fusion, and a simplified depiction of an alarm system. In the midst of these was a diagram with a large arrow-head (or pyramid). This seemed to be projecting something upwards or receiving something from above. I had no idea how to interpret that item, and this was true, also, of some squiggly symbols associated with the ‘nuclear fusion’ diagram.

Fig.57, the second page of this sequence of diagrams, presented some images that seemed easier to interpret.


Fig. 57


There were three layers of drawings on this second page. The one in the middle seemed to provide a key to it all. A circle with associated symbols and short radiating lines was placed at the left-hand edge of the page. To the right of this, a series of nine smaller circles, of different sizes, was generated horizontally. The entire sequence suggested to me that it was a view of the sun and the nine planets of the solar system, with the planets shown distributed in the ecliptic plane. I labelled these ‘planets’ with appropriate symbols in accordance with their relative distances from the ‘sun’ (the largest circle). Above Earth and Mars, a circular object with a long and wide wavy tail was drawn directed towards Venus, at an angle to the ‘ecliptic’ of about 45°. Venus, Earth and Mars seemed to have been given symbolic involvement with the passage of the large meteoric object being portrayed. At the right-hand end of the planetary sequence, a further small circle was drawn and this contained an asterisk star. Surrounding this was a large ‘close-parenthesis’ bracket with central point pointing towards the right. To the right of this was something that suggested that it was a focusing device. A dashed horizontal line passing through the middle seemed to suggest the movement of the asterisk star through this device. To the right of this was a stick person with an asterisk in the centre of its circular head, standing on a kind of plinth. A dashed line linked this asterisk to another, via a dashed line drawn at right angles to the horizontal. This latter asterisk was depicted entering a ‘door catch’ symbol. Above this was drawn a large elliptical shape resembling a huge eye. A smaller ellipse was drawn near its centre, over-arched by a shallow arc. Lines radiated outwards from the outer ellipse and, below it, on either side, were two ‘power’ symbols. Between these, a diamond was drawn and this was linked to the ‘catch’ feature below it by a dashed vertical line. An asterisk had been placed between the diamond and the large eye. It looked as if the entire right-hand feature was trying to illustrate the fate of a human being during, or after, the event being depicted by the left side of the diagram. (In consultation with Jeff about that ‘eye’ feature, it was suggested to me that the ’eye’ represented either ‘great knowledge’ or ‘mother’, the source of all souls. So, perhaps the right-hand side of the diagram tried to show the fate of an individual human soul? If so, this would link up and perhaps shed light on the complexity of the third page of drawings, still to be described).

The top layer of drawings on the second sheet seemed to be quite explicitly linking the meteoric event (shown again) to a specific change on the Earth. There were two side-by-side diagrams. They were both depicting cross-sectional views of the same geophysical features. A peaked mountain and a foothill were shown to the left of flat land and a stretch of water. In the left-hand diagram, on the bed beneath the water level, a stepped pyramid shape with a central shaft or vent had been placed. In the right-hand diagram, the pyramid had been re-located on the flat land beside the water, and radiating lines from its top seemed to suggest that it was radiating energy upwards. (With hindsight this sequence could have been linking with Jeff Glanville’s later involvement with the stepped pyramids of Yucatan, Mexico, which has yet to be described.)

The meaning of the two diagrams at the bottom of this second page was too obscure and defied interpretation by me.

The third page of this collection, shown as Fig.58, caused me to consult again with Jeff Glanville and to pick up on some of his written inspirations about the fate of human souls after death.


Fig. 58


The left-hand side of this third page was a miniature reproduction of the lined-up planets from the previous page, complete with the bracket and focusing features at the right-hand end, but the right of the diagram was occupied by a huge ‘spider’ with long wobbly legs. One of these ‘legs’ connected the focusing device to the centre of the ‘spider’. A highlighted leg branched out into six ‘power’ swirls and each of these had two snake-tongued legs and strange symbols associated with it. The remaining ten spider legs each terminated in two power swirls, forming a kind of cup. Various things were happening within these cups. Three were releasing little tadpoles and, from Jeff’s writings and advice, I considered these to be representing human souls. Some were heading for a black star (called ‘Balore’ by Jeff). Others seemed to be annihilated, some were just heading into nowhere and others seemed to be being released from an enclosure (bondage?). If the big meteor event was intended to signal the end of the world, then this could be regarded as a warning that our souls need to be prepared for that day.

This was all a bit off my ’beaten track’, but I have an open mind and never dismiss things I have no real knowledge or experience of, even though I may feel they are highly improbable. They are being presented for the reader’s consideration.

The fourth and final page of this collection of drawings, presented as Fig.59, would have been a complete bafflement for me if I hadn’t already analysed the previous page and, also, had some background knowledge of how the ancient Egyptians envisaged the progress of the human soul from this life into the afterlife.

An angular arch, mounted on two pedestals, over-spans a series of happenings enclosed within it. Outside and mounted on the horizontal top line of the arch, a large semicircle had been placed, this reminding me of the way in which the Egyptians envisaged the sun’s location in the heavens. The processes depicted within the arch seemed to have something to do with the soul’s progression into the astral world. To the right of and below the arch diagram were shown three horizontal lines of strange hieroglyphics, one of which was the ‘tadpole’ symbol. I could only guess that these hieroglyphs were intended to provide another way of explaining the progression of the soul.


Fig. 59


It is difficult to understand how a young man, who professes to have no artistic leanings, could possibly have produced such an imaginary and highly complex set of drawings as those I have described in this chapter. Even if his consciousness had been influenced by science fiction stories and films, I feel he could not have produced such drawings of his own volition.


Were the later drawings trying to show us that the ETs are as concerned for our souls as they are to ensure that some members of our species survive when the all others have been wiped out? Could this be a link with that ringed area on the map of North Island, New Zealand, considered by the Maoris to be where their souls leave the Earth after death? I really don’t know and will have to leave that judgement for readers of this book to make for themselves.

Appointments at Rennes-le-Chateau and in South Wales

The Glanville’s received messages instructing them to travel to a location in the south of France for a supposed rendezvous with the ETs. They knew the geographic co-ordinates of the place and they requested a timings graph for it. They wanted me to determine the most favourable times for a rendezvous on the given date. I complied with this request and gave them my best assessment. They then travelled to that inland area of southern France (they were already acquainted with the coastal areas) and drove to the given location on the specified day. At one of the times given by me, a brilliant flash of light had lit the sky and surrounded all present. David Glanville and another member of the group, who had both been looking in the opposite direction, did not see the flash in the sky. When I received the report from the family after this encounter, I learned that the given location had been a short distance from the now-famous village of Rennes-le-Chateau.

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